Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 18 - Chapter 16: Qin King's Palace

Chapter 18 - Chapter 16: Qin King's Palace

However, looking at the elder ancestor's expression, Jiang Chen could tell that it was impossible to pry anything out of his mouth.

Therefore, Jiang Chen stopped asking.

After all, he could afford to wait for thirty years.

As for whether Jiang Chen could become a Yang God within these thirty years? Regardless of whether it was him or the Jiang Family ancestors, none of them were worried about this.

The Yang God, which is the third realm of cultivation, is also called the Earth Immortal Realm, and it is the next realm that Jiang Chen aims to attain.

Jiang Chen is currently at the perfected realm of Innate, which means he's perfected the second realm of Human Immortal. Had he not been worried that advancing too quickly would result in an unstable foundation, he would have broken through long ago.

In other words, he was only a step away from the Yang God realm, and he could break through at any time.

The condition to become a Yang God within thirty years was not at all challenging for Jiang Chen.

Having realized this, Jiang Chen bowed to the elder ancestor of the Jiang Family and said, "Elder Ancestor, in that case, I will take my leave now. I will come to see you here again in thirty years."

The Jiang Family ancestor waved his hand and said, "You can go."

As told, Jiang Chen took his leave.


After leaving the Jiang Family's treasure vault, Jiang Chen did not choose to leave the wilderness. Instead, he chose to retreat to a secluded cave.

In the past few months, Chen's cultivation progressed too rapidly, jumping straight from entering the Houtian realm to perfecting the Xiantian realm.

As a result, his foundation might inevitably be a bit unstable.

For the sake of the future, Jiang Chen naturally wanted to take the time to establish a solid foundation for his next breakthrough into the realm of Yang God.

Among cultivators, there is no concept of time. In a blink of an eye, three years passed by.

These three years were more than enough for Jiang Chen to consolidate his cultivation. However, he couldn't spare any more time because he had a premonition that the Great Qin was about to fall.

If he continues to cultivate in seclusion, then the treasure of the Great Qin would have nothing to do with him.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Chen no longer had the mood to continue his seclusion. He rushed out of his retreat and left the Jiang Family's wilderness.


Still at the Yuelai Inn, at the same spot, Jiang Chen was quietly checking the jade slip in his hand to understand the current situation of the Great Qin.

As he had guessed, the Great Qin was on the brink of destruction.

Under the brutal rule of Hu Hai, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled in Daze Village, shouting that famous line that influenced countless generations: "Are kings and nobles born that way?"

Upon hearing this, the fate of the Human Race fluctuated, and the national destiny of the Great Qin fell to the bottom.

The rebellion of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang was like a signal triggering all the nobles of the six countries to follow suit. They each raised large armies to resist the tyrannical Qin.

Suddenly, the land of the gods was filled with war, and the six countries were restored accordingly.

Within just three years, the huge Great Qin had disintegrated and the second emperor, Hu Hai, was forced to commit suicide in Wang Yi Palace.

Following him, Qin Wang Ziyi ascended to the throne.

Not the Qin Emperor, but the Qin King.

At this point, the Great Qin

no longer had the qualifications to declare itself emperor.

Qin Wang Ziyi gave up the title of emperor and became king, in an attempt to return to the times where all nations coexisted.

Unfortunately, from the moment the First Emperor, Ying Zheng, fell, the fate of the collapse of the Great Qin had been already sealed. All the struggles Ziyi made at this time were in vain.

"Ziyi has already ascended to the throne?"

"Then it won't be long before Liu Bang enters Xianyang."

"In that case, I mustn't delay. I need to start acting immediately."

"Otherwise, once Liu Bang and Xiang Yu enter Xianyang successively, whatever treasure the First Emperor left behind will be swept away by them, leaving nothing for me."

Having sorted out the information at hand, Jiang Chen thought quietly. Then, he cast the Crossing Earth Golden Light and headed towards Xianyang without turning back.

Crossing Earth Golden Light is known as the ninth variation among the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang laws, a divine ability of speed.

How fast one could go with this technique depended on the practitioner himself. If this method was applied by an ancient Immortal Person like Guang Chengzi, his speed would be so great that it could span hundreds of thousands of miles in a single breath, which was much faster than Sun Wukong's somersault cloud.

However, when Jiang Chen applied this divine ability, it was not the same story. Even with his full effort, he could barely achieve nine miles in a single breath.

Nine miles in a single breath might seem rapid to ordinary people but compared to a technique like the Somersault Cloud, it can't even keep up with the dust.

However, even with this speed, Jiang Chen was quite content.

He was not Sun Wukong with his innate remarkable physical strength. He was just a mortal. If he went any faster, his body would not be able to endure it.


This world was different from the one he lived in his previous life. Naturally, this world's Great Qin was way larger than the Qin State of his previous life.

Exactly how much larger, Jiang Chen didn't measure, so he wasn't quite sure. All he knew was it was huge, even bigger than Earth in his previous life.

Thus, even though Jiang Chen was traveling at full speed, it took him several days to get near Xianyang.

Xianyang City had sunk underground and disappeared when the First Emperor had fallen. Therefore, the present Xianyang City was obviously newly built.

In a world of myths, full of capable people, how much effort would it take to build a city? In just a few days, the old Qin people managed to construct Xianyang City identical to the original on the site of the ruins.

Of course, when we say identical, we mean in terms of appearance. The interior was completely different.

After all, the original Xianyang City must have housed countless treasures, among them many unique items.

These could not be copied, nor was there a need to. After all, Xianyang was just a city. Being habitable was enough.


After sneaking into Xianyang City, Jiang Chen headed towards the Qin King's Palace.

While the treasures left by the First Emperor might not be in the Qin King's Palace, there were definitely clues about the treasure in there. This was beyond doubt.

Therefore, at all costs, Jiang Chen had to pay a visit to the Qin King's Palace.

As for whether there were any dangers in the Qin King's Palace, Jiang Chen guessed that there were probably none. If there were any powerful beings left in the Great Qin, they would have prevented Hu Hai from causing such a mess. They would have intervened long ago!

This goes to show that after the First Emperor's fall, the Great Qin didn't have any powerful individuals left.

However, even though this was the case, a certain level of alertness was still warranted. After all, a dying camel is still bigger than a horse.

Before entering the Qin King's Palace, Jiang Chen did not rush in. Instead, he first used the Standing Without Shadow technique to hide his presence.

Standing Without Shadow is one of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Laws. It can render one intangible, hence the name, and nullify all attacks.

However, these descriptions refer to the perfectly mastered Standing Without Shadow, not applicable to Jiang Chen at this time. In fact, when Jiang Chen uses this divine ability, it could only barely allow him to hide.

After all preparations were made, Jiang Chen carefully approached the Qin King's Palace. However, just as he was about to close in on the palace, an abrupt change occurred!