He's rides at steady pace as he enters the capital. It's dark out, bet even then people are looking out windows to see the retired warrior.
Why is he even this popular? He's isn't a knight, he's just cannon fodder.
His muscles ache from the days travel, but he knows he may not rest, for the king is a very impatient man.
The king isn't one of the warrior kings like the ones from the Antarctic Empire's king or the ruler of the greater SMP. This king is a snob that has other people wrk his country while he hangs just under obese and has so many illegitimate children that most kingdoms don't even consider most of his legitimate children as his children.
Hell, most kingdoms respect the people of lower rank than the king more than they respect the king himself.
The worst part is that the king sees his people as objects and nothing more. For fuck sacks, the first time he found out he could switch genders his team kept joking that he couldn't show the king!
He swear as soon as this is over he is going away and never interacting with the king again.
He got to the gate of the castle and saw the head knight waiting for him.
"Hello Thomas, the king has been waiting for your arrival." The head knight said as two other knights opened the gate.
He jumped off his horse as a servant came to retrieve it to put in a stable.
"We shouldn't keep him waiting any longer than." He tells the knight as he walked over.
The head knight lead him into the castle and there in the throne is the king.
He feels lucky that his gag reflex is dead after eating army food for so long.
The king wore clothes that are similar to ones a normal king would wear. Thing is, it's four or five sizes too big for a normal king.
He's lucky that the clothes were made bigger so they would last longer or he doubted anyone could survive looking at the thing.
*cough* his wife must be so unhappy in bed *cough*
"Hero of my kingdom of Esspmie! I ask of you to take a scroll which asks for the alliance of the kingdom of Esspmie and the Antarctic Empire!" The king blabbered.
He honestly didn't care till he heard Antarctic Empire.
The Antarctic Empire was known to be the strongest empires in the world and was ruled by the 'Angel of Death' as people had called the emperor as he brought death to anywhere that got in his path.
The princes were just as scary with the names 'Blood God' and 'Sirens Prince'.
Blood God was known to be a strong warrior and a full blooded piglin brute straight from the nether.
Siren Prince had a commanding voice as they were a siren hybrid.
The empire was also known to be strict, like, really strict.
Everything had to be absolutely perfect in the kingdom.
You can't enter or leave the empire without ample reason.
He decided then that he regretted not running out of the kingdom the first chance he got.
"I will take it with great honor." He accepted as he kneeled.
He hates the fact that he had been taught to accept any task bestowed upon him. Though he wouldn't have been able to decline either way and accepting fast makes it seem like he didn't hate this kingdom.
A servant with a scroll comes in front of him.
He had to keep himself from laughing as he saw the blush on the servants face.
He stood up and grabbed the scroll and did a small bow.
Not for the king but to see the servant get more flustered.
He towered over the servant and it was quite funny.
"You are released." The king grumbled, seeming to be tired of his presence.
"Thank you, my king." He said, bowing to the king this time before high tailing it out of their.
What was he thinking! He can't meet the emperor of the arctic! He doesn't know how other elytron's act! He doesn't know how he'll act around another elytron.
Should he change his appearance to a different one? Most people know of his magic to change appearance. That's why he's recognized mostly by his armor.
He went to where he remembered seeing the servant take Carl.
He swear this trip would be the end of him.
He found Carl and got a inn near by.
It was a fancy inn so people weren't as shocked to see him though people were still fascinated by him.
When he got to his room he went through a few forms before settling on something.
He had blonde hair still but had bright red eyes with small deep red eye markings under his eyes.
He was a bit shorter and by that he means he went from 6'7 to 6'1.
His hair is shorter as it went from a wolfcut to a normal fluffy haircut(I tired desperately to find the name of one, but it seems to be a trade secret!).
He also changed his armor to look like light armor.
He doesn't quite remember who taught him this magic, and to be honest, it's probably for the best the he never finds out who exactly it was.
Well now that he had settled on how he was going to look for this mighty adventure it was time to get ready for bed.
Why is it that he felt he had forgotten something important?