Chereads / Forever Soldier / Chapter 6 - The Arctic

Chapter 6 - The Arctic

After what felt like a eternity, but was like half a hour at best, he was boarding a ship that seemed to make trade with the people of the arctic.

Turns out that the Antarctic Empire doesn't control all of the arctic, or well, not full. The whole arctic belongs to the Antarctic Empire, but some of them are under less high regulations so that the empire can get crops, you can guess how little can grow in the climate.

Carl and him are chilling closer to the front of the ship.

He is deciding on what to do about the cold weather. He could just use fire magic the whole way but that is complicated. His elemental magic usually ends up mixed with his shapeshifting magic.

He could always turn his wings into a cloak. Yah, he's probably going to do that.

He has honestly forgotten how it feels like to be on a ship. The ship going up and down and the smell of salt. He didn't go on them to often as a soldier; the kingdom always proffered to wage war on nations that were on common land.

Carl is eating some hay that Chris gave him.

The journey is supposed to take 2 hours at least, 4 if there's a storm. He honestly thought the trip was supposed to take longer, but he'll take the less waste of time.

The ship finally hit port and he was quickly getting Carl and him off ship.

As nice as the crew was the need to hold a loud and social persona for so long was draining and he hasn't gotten nearly enough food or sleep to deal with it.

Talking about food he needs to restock on some. He internally thanked Lady Prime that he was given a book on the basics of the arctic language and the trauma to memorize it during the ride here. His trauma is actually doing something good that isn't morally wrong for once!

He turned his wings into a cloak and cursed the cold weather. He desperately tried to keep his head low as he went about buying food.

If he used his magic to make his money look like antarctic currency then that is for only him to know. (And maybe Ranboo and Tubbo after a few to many beers.)

Food was much more pricey in the arctic. It's understandable considering the need to get food from outside sources and that only a few places are allowed to interact with the outside world. Then it has to be shipped to other parts of the arctic before it spoils, and it's dangerous to travel.

He took one final sweep through his supply's before he started riding off into the forest.

The forest gets thicker and denser the further he gets into it.

Carl was truly in his element here. His hooves cut right through the snow and his long coat kept him warm.

He couldn't have any better of a horse for this journey.

He has to admit though, it's hella cold here, even with the cloak. The cold metals of his armor feel like they're burning his skin.

Without that much of a thought he stopped Carl to grab some foliage from the forest floor. He got a mix of twigs, grass, and shrubs after digging around in the snow for a bit.

He mashed the stuff onto his chest and used magic to make a under armer sweater thing. The wood doesn't get very cold so it's better than the netherite and gold armor that was separated from his skin by only a thin as paper shirt.

Ues, he should of bought a actual coat from the village, but it was enough of a hassle just getting the food he needed for the journey. Though he did get a magic book so maybe it would of been better to get a coat.

Oh wait he should start reading that book.

He gets back on Carl and looks at the map to make sure he was going in the correct direction. Even if he was on the trail for the most part it was still hard to see and it's better to make sure.

Once he made sure he was going the correct way he pulled out the book. The person that gave him the book said something something language and he decided that it would probably help.

He opened the book and skimmed through the things he could read, though that was mostly the spells themselves.

So turns out the book has translation spells. Most likely for people selling things that are not from this country. Oh how he is going to abuse the arctic language spell.

He might as well see if his magic will put this on steroids.

He casts the spell and when he opens his eyes there's, nothing.

He tests out saying a word in arctic and suddenly the word and english term as well as definition pops up in front of him.

So it's like appraise but more specific to language. That would mean only he can see the screen unless he deliberately shows it to someone. That may just be the most helpful spell in his arsenal.

He presses his fingers to the eye marking's he has and says the spell. By doing this he makes it so that all he has to do is blink for the spell to activate.

He then tests out saying multiple words in the arctic language and the full sentence in English pops up in front of him and the word that he thinks of pops up with full definition and everything.

He'll admit that it would be better if it just made him hear the words in English, but it probably wasn't intended for people that were going to stay for over a hour. He just hopes that he would have to interact with as little people as possible for as long as possible.

The trail is a little more see able now which is a good thing. Though the bad thing is there are foot prints in the snow.

He just jinked himself, didn't he.

He pulls out the map and takes a glance and sees that there aren't any villages nearby so either

A. Someone lives away from the towns


B. Someone else is traveling by foot in a similar direction as him.

He hears noise and stops Carl for a bit to check something in the book.

The translator can give you the words for English words and the pronunciation of extra magic is added.

With that helpful bit of information he signaled for Carl to keep moving.

It doesn't take to long for him to catch up with the person, and with just the sight of the backpack he could tell that they are traveling.

The person seems to notice him to.

"You, go where you?" The man asked.

The translator fixed the words after to spell 'hey, where you going'.

"Antarctic Empire." He answered in the arctic language.

"I'm going there to!" The man said.

It seemed the translator seems to of learned his distaste of the real translation.

"Do you think you could take me with you? I can fight and get use through the boarder fairly quickly." The man said with such charisma.

He had to think over the offer, only for a bit.

The man had a lot going for him. He was from here considering the way he speaks so fluently and was charismatic so he could probably make him do most of the speaking for him, though he seems like a really talky person. He needs to get better with the translator anyway. The man also said they could get him through the boarder easily as well as fight.

"So, what's the name of my new travel companion?" He asked and the man hoped around excitedly.

"My name's Dream, what's yours?" The Dream answered while speeding over to him.

"Names Thomas." He answered as he pulled Dream up and onto Carl.

He finally found out why Dream seemed to good to be true when he started giving him baby punches to his back as he spoke.

"So, what business do you have in the capital? I'm going to go see my sweet heart." Dream told him.

"As you can guess, I'm not from here. You see I'm from Esspmie and the king wanted to make a treaty with the Antarctic Empire and decided-"