Dream and him had been alternating who would lead Carl so the other could get some extra sleep.
Today was supposed to be his sleep day, but of course, he couldn't have that.
They were approaching a village.
"You know, your looks are going to gain attention. You look like a Sun Spur, or a bright humanoid spirit that helps keep towns warm and some of the weaker ones help grow crops." Dream explained with a hint on the head.
He jokingly grew some carrots in his hand.
Dream laughed but then yelled at him for not telling him about his ability to grow food.
"Man, I don't want to waste energy on making plants." He laughed, hitting Dream lightly.
"Can you make potato's." Dream asked with a hint of seriousness in his voice.
Instead of giving a verbal response he made a potato.
"You can make potato's! Oh Prime, this is the best thing to happen all trip!" Dream frantically blabbered.
"Yah, so what? You going to beat me to death with it?" He joked, holding the potato away from him.
"If you don't stop being a fucking menace to all which is holy then I might just do so." Dream laughed with a cold grin.
"If you do that then Carl will most likely kick you off." He joked back.
"There's the village." Dream said, pointing slightly to the left where the village is.
"It's time for my untimely demise." He sighed, leaning his head on Dream.
They approached the village and it was much bigger than the other they encountered. Most likely from being so close to the capital.
People were everywhere and they had to get off Carl. He stayed close to Dream. He really did stick out like a sore thumb. He contemplated on changing to better match his surroundings, but decided against it as Dream wouldn't recognize him.
As they where nearing the town center his cape was pulled and he landed in someone's arms.
"Hey Pretty Boy, mind having a few drinks with us?" The person said with a wink.
The person appeared to be a woman in her late teens to early twenties. Her friends appeared late teens to mid teens. He guessed this woman was the oldest and the leader of the group. Two things they all seemed to have in common was: they are all woman and didn't seem to have any good intentions with him.
He looked around to find a good was out of this.
"Sorry ladies, but I have to catch up with my brother." He sputtered, trying to get out of this situation without causing a scene.
"Oh come on, just a few drinks, boys as pretty as you are hard to come by." The woman says, running her fingers through his hair.
Her friends seem to of come closer at some point in the whole ordeal.
"Really, I need to get back to my brother, he's probably worried sick right now." He tried to persuade her.
"If your brother is as hot as you are, then he can join us." One of the girls said.
This is really his own personal Hell isn't it?
There's one good way out of here.
He turned his body to smoke and dragged his armor up with him before looking for Dream and flying over to him and reforming his body in his armor.
He turned around to see the girls reaction and saw their concerned faces as the oldest one tried to reach up and grab him back by the armor.
"Sorry ladies gotta go, y'know? Maybe some other time!" Tommy said trying to ease their anger.
There is no other time, we all no that.
Sadly, he couldn't keep the vines sweater. He made sure to form his wings back to a cape.
"Where were you and how did you turn into smoke?" Dream questioned with a confused face.
"Being pressured into drinking with a group of girls, and my shapeshifting magic." He answered with a complete deadpan.
"Never knew you where so good with the ladies." Dream joked.
"I'm popular with the people that can't take no as an answer." He sighed, tracing a hand down his face.
"I can notify a knight before we leave." Dream states as he takes his sleeve so that situation doesn't happen again.
"Today was supposed to be my sleep day!" He complain with a pout.
"Don't be a baby, you can sleep as soon as we're out of town." Dream laughed.
He groaned and leaned his head on Dreams shoulder.