Techno's POV
He has been notified by his lead knight that a soldier from Esspmie has been sent to make a treaty between them. He had to dubble check if it had the hidden 'Technoblade never dies' on the back. His head knight also mentioned that the soldier did not want to make the journey and has little hope in the treaty being made.
He sent the crow back with the confirmation to let the soldier into the kingdom and that he'll great them at the capital.
"Ranboo, you have the men, correct?" He asked his apprentice.
"Yes sir, they are waiting in the courtyard waiting to hear your orders." His apprentice sputtered as he took the letter and put it with the others from the head knight.
He marched down and swung open the doors to the balcony overlooking the courtyard.
The knights stand in even lines. He usually doesn't speak to them, to busy leading the soldiers and leaves the job to the head knight, but since he isn't here he has to give the orders.
"We are expecting a guest from another kingdom. He is a soldier from Esspmie that wears a cape of feathers. If you see him notify me and lead him to the castle. That is all." He orders.
Ranboo stands beside him with wide eyes.
"There's someone from outside of the empire coming here?" Ranboo whispered in shock.
"The head knight himself asked me to allow him in." He said with a calculated look.
This soldier must be something special if the head knight is allowing him in.
End of 'Techno's' POV
He is hit in the head again by Dream.
"Why haven't you meet any other elytrians?" Dream asked with a curious look.
"Parents either died or abandoned me and elytrians are rare to find considering how many are killed." He sighed, he knew the Antarctic Empire was secluded but he expected them to at least have basic knowledge of the outside world.
He is hit in the spine, again by Dream.
"What do you think you'll do when you meet the king? He's a elytrian." Dream asked with a even more curious look.
"I'll do all the business I need to do then probably go cry somewhere. I'll also have to deal with less hitting." He answers, snatching Dreams hand before he hits him again.
"Your a mage, right?" Dream asks.
"Depends, why you asking?" He asked back with suspicion.
Dream hit him with his other arm.
"Can't you use a fire spell to keep us warm?" Dream inquired.
"No, but if you grab me a stick I can make a torch." He answered, stop for Dream to go grab a stick.
Dream ended up throwing a rock at him after grabbing the stick.
"Why do you need to make a torch? Isn't it to wet to make a torch?" Dream rambled obviously confused.
He jumped off Carl and walked over to Dream and grabbed the stick.
He gave Dream no warning before setting on fire.
Dream screamed, scrambling back.
Dream looked at him with a weird look in his eyes. It was like he decided on something, but the look also had a bit of possessiveness and pride.
"Why did you do that? How did you do that!" Dream said excitedly.
"My main magic is shapeshift, but more advanced. I don't remember the exact name but it affects my other magics as well as never turning off, only on." He explained, gesturing for Dream to take the other end of the stick.
"You just keep getting more and more interesting kid." Dream laughs, grabbing the end of the torch and taking it.
He set himself out and got back onto Carl.
"Of course I'm interesting! I'm Theseus after all." He proudly stated.
Dream seemed to recognize the name but said nothing about it.
The night was swiftly approaching and from his first night here he found out that it is best to go to a cave or something before strays start showing up.
He uses observation magic and finds out that there isn't any caves or places to sleep.
"Seems we're not going to be able to sleep tonight by the looks of things, or well, me and Carl aren't sleeping tonight." He sighed, patting Carl's head.
"What do you mean by that? Look at yourself, you look like you haven't slept in years and you burly slept yesterday because you were finding things to feed Carl!" Dream sputtered.
The most concerning thing thing about that was that he didn't get hit.
"I'll be fine. It wouldn't be the first time I didn't sleep." He tried to reassure Dream.
Lets just say Dream looked concerned for his well being.
"We're switching." Dream stated.
Carl, the prick, stopped.
He tried to fight Dream and get him to just sit back down and stop being a prick, but fatigue pulled at his muscles and waters down his will to fight.
Dream managed to push him back and hopped into the front.
He tried to be mad but all he could do was make his head hurt.
He collapsed on Dream.
"You can fall asleep. I got it from here." Dream whispered to him.
"I'm to good for sleep, Xavier." He sleepily pouted into his brother's cloak.
He's five again and his older brother is taking him to the SMP capital.
"You can't sever Prime if you're falling asleep in the middle of magic training Tom." His brother coes, running his fingers through his hair.
"Your a god. You don't need sleep." He pouts, grabbing on his older brother's cloak.
"And your the little angel I was blessed with." His brother coes.
"Nooo, I'm a big demon that uses you for your money!" He giggles with a smile.
"Of course, how rude of me to forget your white hair and loving personality is demonic." His brother laughed.
"When will pool boy be back?" He asked.
"Grays family should be back in a few weeks. Maybe next time you can go with them to Esspmie." His brother offered.
"Do you think his parents will teach me some spells!" He excitedly asked.
"I don't see why not." His brother laughed.
"Tell me about the royal family of Esspmie. I heard you saying they weren't to great." He requested.
"The king has had some tension with us as they see me as a threat, of course you know I wouldn't get involved unless Prime asked me to or something happened to my little angel. The prince isn't the best. Their lazy and not well mannered. Most don't think he'll be a good king." His brother explained, rubbing his head.
"Your the best big brother ever." He giggled rubbing up into the hand in his hair.
"You'll be the best angel in Prime's chorus." His brother whispered, stopping the horse to kiss him on the head.
"Wait, is XD your brother?" I laugh.
Theseus gets a little flush with embarrassment.
"Prime had her eyes on me for my skills, but I had some extra help." Theseus grumbles.
"Did he really call you angel? I ask with a shit eating grin.
"Your mistaken, he still calls me angel." Theseus huffs.
"Because you were a angel then and are still one." XD coes, haven teleported in at some point.
"Shut up Xavier Damion!" Theseus yells.