He woke up and flopped out of bed. He groaned as he used his hand to brush out his hair as he grabbed his stuff.
The journey hasn't even begun and he hates it.
He left the room and speed out of there so he wouldn't have to interact with people.
He went over to Carl and got him out of the stable before hopping on.
"Come on Carl, let's get this over and done with. Don't want people getting my armor's now do we?"
Fun Fact!
His armors where stolen by the kingdom guard the day after he left the capitol.
They were planning on him dying on the way there or being killed on sight when he got to the Antarctic Empire.
Quackity was the one that told him.
It's a breath of fresh air when he got out of the capital.
He can't stand the city. It's so overwhelming with all its sounds and smells that make his head want to explode.
That's another reason why he lived in a forest. It isn't as noisy but never silent, and it doesn't have a overwhelming smell.
Prime he hopes the Antarctic Empire just says no on the spot. The snow is going to kill him.
He checked the map again to make sure he is going in the correct direction.
He is, he may not be use to being so alone on the trails but he still is trained for travel.
Thinking of it, why didn't they send a knight? They are more formally trained.
Oh, wait, this was the king's idea. Probably heard his and decided to just send him.
Prime that prick is annoying.
He should get off his fat ass and actually try to do something for the kingdom.
It's no wonder Esspmie isn't a empire when the king needs assistance just to get off his throne!
He wouldn't blame the emperor of the Antarctic Empire for killing him just for the audacity of even bringing a scroll suggesting that he partner up with that fat pig of a king.
Carl stopped and he realizes it's dark out now.
"Ok buddy we can rest, we just need to find a good place first." He told Carl as he got out the map.
"There should be a cave a little further that we should be able to sleep in for the night." He tells Carl, leading him over to the cave.
He ties Carl up on a fence post inside the cave that a traveler before him set up.
He laid down in the left corner of the cave and tried to sleep but he couldn't seem to pull his body into rest as his legs twitched and his body shook from the cold stone.
He scowled as he got up and walked out of the cave.
If he couldn't go to sleep he might as well freshen up his skills on a few mobs.
It's been a while since he's had a good fight after all.
He took a deep breath and ran to the first mob he saw, taking its head clean off.
Rotten flesh isn't that helpful.
The hiss of a creeper to his right.
A jump left, a pause, a lounge, and a swing.
Gun powder could help but it's unlikely.
A arrow shot in front of him.
Run, lounge, swing.
Bones could be made into daggers.
A vrooping like sound behind him.
Deep breath, eyes down, slow turn, soft steps, sword ready, and attack.
It took a lot longer to kill the enderman.
The teleport bastards.
Their fun to fight but some times teleport away and don't come back.
He killed the enderman before it could teleport away.
Ender pearls, useful in most situations.
He takes a few deep breaths before kneeling down on the enderman carcass.
Gore, eye gouging, & blood drinking
He took his sword and cut back some of the skin around the endermans eyes.
They're quite pretty.
He set his sword to the side and put his hand to the creatures right eye.
He slowly moved two of his fingers above the eye and curled them under it, around the optic nerve, and pulled it up.
The eye popped out of socket and he grabs his sword and cuts off the nerve and green blood leaks from it.
He set the eye down and put his mouth around the nerve and starts to drink the blood.
He hit the nerve to top of his mouth with his touch to try and stimulate blood flow.
He finally let it go and it fell back into the socket.
He moved on to the next one and put his two fingers above the eye, curled them under, grabbed the nerve, and pulled up.
He grabbed his sword again, cut the nerve, set the eye down, and put his mouth around the nerve.
He drank the blood out of that one to.
He couldn't really describe the flavor of enderman blood but he did know that it tasted good and was like a little treat for killing the lengthy suckers.
Though technically he's the sucker.
He let go of the nerve and stood up.
End of Warning
He grabbed his sword and ender pearls, putting them in his bag before going back to the cave.
It took him a good bit before he was able to find his way back to the cave.
The mob attacks not help him out on the way.
He laid down next to Carl and almost sank into the floor.
Falling asleep was a lot easier.
Fire flickered all around him as smoke filled the open air.
Screams could be heard all around and swords clashed and spells were incanted.
He ran around frantically trying to find the general of the opposition.
He ran full force at the general when he spotted him.
His dream was fuzzy around the actual fight but he swung the final hit to the man's head.
The general's armor was added to his collection that day.
The man's screams and the cry's of his allies haunt him.
The general wasn't a bad man.
He cared for his troops and they cared for him.
He feels a bit regretful for killing the man, but he knows he had to so Esspmie would win.