So he'll admit, he hasn't been having the best sleep.
Maybe he hasn't been sleeping some nights but that really isn't important.
He can just fall asleep on Carl.
Actually, He thinks he might do that now."I'm going to sleep now Carl." He tells Carl before fading into sleep.
Unknown POV
She was going with her party to kill a thing of Goblins when they saw a strange man.
He appeared to be sleeping on a horse. The weird part is that the horse had a long white coat, a lot like that of the horses that come from the Arctic.
The man is also creepy. They have dark black wings and red markings littering their body.
"Should we take them to the guild?" One of her guild mates ask.
"Absolutely not! They could be from some cult, or demon clan, maybe some cult from the Antarctic Empire. I mean, do you see this guy?! He looks terrifying and is just laying on a horse!" She yells at her party member.
"That is why we should bring him to the guild. The guild leader should know what to do with him." The parental figure of the group said. As much as she didn't want to admit it, they had to take the man to the guild.
The barbarian of the group grabbed the man and the druid tried to get information on the man from the horse.
The druid was able to get information on the man. They, in-fact, we're not from some demon cult or the Antarctic Empire, but we're in-fact a soldier sent to make a treaty between Esspmie and the Antarctic Empire. The druid also found out that Carl was a gift for a winning a battle.
Even though they got confirmation that the man wasn't bad, he still creeped her out. He had such a strong magical ora and it felt like he was hiding something. He also looked sting physical with his scars and over-all physic. He looked a lot more like a dark knight than a soldier, a warrior at least.
The man is scary an mysterious. The rouge was having the time of their life looking at all the cool things the guy has though.
End of 'Unknown' POV
He shot up in panic. His vision swam and he saw and he saw he was in a bedroom like place. His armor and sword were off and on a table. There was a paper on the table by his armor.
He slowly made his way to the table and saw the paper was a note.
"Sorry we took your armor." You we're unconscious and we didn't think you would like sleeping in you would like sleeping in armor."
The note read.
He realized that his armor is still under the spell to make it appear like light armor.
They probably were so confused. He put his armor on his armor and sword and braced himself to open the door. He slowly opened it and leads to a normal-looking hall-way.
He slowly walks out and looks around. There's nothing really weird about it. He can guess it's an Inn or sorts. He used some perception magic to find out how to get out, just to end up finding out that it wasn't an Inn, but was in-fact an adventurers guild.
Should he have expected different?
He walks through the halls and tries to sneak his way through the palace. It would of been better if he just turned into smoke.
"Hey, Chris, that weird guy you brought is up!" Someone yells.
At least now he knew the name of the person that poked their nose in his business.
He looks over to see a Druid class adventurer walking over to him. He looked like a C class at best.
"Sorry for the trouble." He tells the Druid not really wanting a long conversation.
"No worries, from what your horse said, you must have come a long distance." The druid told him.
"Where is Carl? He is quite the rare breed! I wouldn't want him to be stolen." He told the druid.
"You don't look like the kind of person to name animals, but Carl is with the rest of my party, and the guild leader. I can take you to them." The druid told him.
He walked a few steps signaling for the druid to lead the way.
The druids name is Chris in'nit? He doesn't really care.
He had noticed some weird looks from the mages and some others. He doesn't look weird, does he? Maybe it's his magic? They shouldn't be looking for it. His magic isn't to noticeable when you don't know it's there. He hears sounds of fighting?
He turns to Chris and they look at him before they both run over to the fight.
He can see four adventurer-looking people fighting a thing of 7-10 thieves.
He whistled to get Carl to run over to him before he hoped on.
He took off the spell hiding his armor and pulls out his sword.
"I would recommend you thieves leave." He barked out, catching the attention of everyone. The thieves looked horrified while the adventurers looked amazed.
"What is Eris doing so far from the capital, especially in a place like this?! You're supposed to be retired!" One of the thieves yell, shaking in fear.
"Have to run some arons for the King and this is the closest port-city to the Arctic Empire." He says with a shrug. The thieves finally realized that they run. They run away frantically, the smart option.
"So you're Theseus!" A member of the little group yelled. "Why do you think I have an emerald sword? I hid my armor, not my sword?" He laughed, picking up his charismatic persona.
One of them walk over to him.
"Hello, I'm the leader of the adventurers guild here. You said you needed to get to the Arctic? I know someone that can take you there." The woman says to him with a smile.