Chapter 52
(Story from the past, Pt 16)
Jake the Survivor Pov:
The lady responds outright and forthwith, "No, I like my job and have no reason to go with you!" At that one man takes his axe and cuts the desk in half. Looking around no-one bothers to do anything and Law is looking to me.
"Stay here, watch, I'll be back soon," I tell him as I get up. I walk up to the group before they speak again. "I think the young lady would like to be left alone," I tell them. I don't look threatening as my swords are on the wall, except for the dual on my back, but those are hidden.
"Looks like Grandpa here needs a lesson, you want to teach him boys?," The man says as he goes to grab the lady.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I tell him as I look him dead in the eyes.
"You may be old, but you aren't that great now old man. You probably can't lift that sword over there, do it boys," He says as he grabs the lady where he should not.
"Just so you know, I warned you!," I said as the boys weapons closed on me. The next second they were confused and the mans arm is sliced off. Then the hall is filled with yelling, the boys are astonished and go to punch me, and the blood is spraying on the man and lady.
I knock all the boys out in a second and stand over the cowering man and his severed arm. "I thought I warned you not to do that," I tell him releasing murderous intent. That moment the hall goes silent at the amount of it, Law is shaking.
"What is going on in here!," Someone yells from behind me and I stop. I look to see a Beast-kin Wolf come out of the back. He sees me over the pile of men and his receptionist stained with blood. "Arrest that man!," He yells, but no-one moves except the lady.
"It's alright, he protected me from those men darling," She says. At that he is a bit confused so I walk over to him after stopping the mans bleeding. From the looks of things they are in a relationship.
"My name is Jake, I am a Adventurer from Aqua town. I came here with my companion to see what the Federation of Trade is about. Those men there were harassing her and weren't going to stop. No-one stood up so I went in and stopped them after warning them twice," I tell him.
"I get that, but what rank are you? Those men were B-class and C-class adventurers, some getting ready for their rank advancements. It would take at least a AAA-class adventurer to take them all down," He tells me.
"I am rank A, I took the adventurer test last week. I was late in finding it out since I was inconvenienced and off the grid for twenty years. I only heard about it when I went to see how Aqua town had changed," I told him in a fine manner.
"I see, thankyou for saving my wife, can you please follow us to the backroom? You over there, take these men and put them in the jail!," He calls out as I start to follow.
"I will be with you in a second, I have to grab my gear and apprentice," I say going to the table. "Follow me, and I know we haven't really done that much, but we are doing a dungeon later. Come on," I tell him as I put on my gear.
We head into the back room where I see three other entrances. "The entrances are for the buildings beside us and the office. This town may be large, but there are not that many important things. So the back of the buildings don't house much. That one leads to the guilds blacksmith area and the other the magic area," He tells me.
"I see," I tell him looking closer. He is around thirty with silver-grey hair, a fluffy tail, wolf ears, and sun colored eyes.
"My name is Richard, and this is my wife Charlie, Thankyou for earlier," He says gesturing to his wife next to him. She has yet to change out of the blood soaked clothes.
"It might be best for you to change and wash those before the blood stains it. I don't think have a blood stain on a white button up would be nice in public," I point out. At that they remember that she hasn't changed yet and she rushes off as me and Law sit down. "This is my nephew and Apprentice Law," I present.
"I see, can I see your guild cards?," He asks so we present them. He checks them over and hands them back. "I can't give you a rank-up just because you defeated those adventurers. So I am thinking about assigning you a quest to complete," He tells us.
"I understand, what is the quest?," I ask him.
"There is a place the government wants to put a town out west. Though we need to clear it of monsters and inhabitants first though. I was wondering if you could do that?," He asks with a fake smile.
"I am sorry, but as it happened in the past, I will not remove people from their home. Ask someone else, or best of all forget it all together. I don't care the price, it is not worth the lives of others. Law come on, we are leaving," I tell him and we leave.
We get back to the ship and set off, we plan on making sure that place stays safe. But as we leave going around the continent Law asks, "Why do you have concealed swords on your back?"
When in the world did he find out?!