Chapter 57
(Fighting Festival Scandal, Pt 4 of 5)
Narrator Pov:
Lunch had passed and it was now time for the quarter, semi, and final matches. There was a dwarf selling beer, more people than before watching the contest, and a grumpy Kamapuff. He was mad that all of his plans had failed, but he learned that Henry would be staying behind.
Sure he was ok with the Margrave, but he didn't like him either. He didn't care now if a noble died in his territory. His benefactor hated the man even more than he did. Plus, he could always ask his Benefactors Benefactor.
That was something he did not know on who it was. He only knew his benefactor sold information to someone now and then. But it was time for the first of three quarter final matches to happen.
"I need to pick the precise time to Kill Henry. It cannot be near the end, nor during when some people won't be there," Kamapuff complained to his attendant.
"Then how about we stall the start until most everyone is there. Then no-one will know who killed Henry and you would not have known. You were at the festival and your guards were spread thin," His attendant informs him.
"Yeah, lets do that," Kamapuff said leaving and going to the festival. When he arrived he stalled it until everyone was there an hour later. At that, he sent a man to his mansion as Jake's fight commenced, it was Jake against Rishi. But the second it started, it ended, in a flash at that.
Jake had gone and punched Rishi in the gut, knocking him out cold. "I hate it when people use poison on someone I know," He says grabbing a vile from the mans pocket. When Maleller sees that he rushes in after ending the fight.
He grabs to vile and inspects it confirming the poison to be real. He said, "I will have my brother find who did this, we can't exactly stop the fight, so they will go on." Jake nodded at this and they left the ring.
But instead of going to his seat, Jake walked into town. This confused Kamapuff, but he didn't think it would matter. That kid would not make it in time, in fact he could even blame Jake. Maleller reported to his brother and was excused as Kamapuff sent some guards, who knew his plan, after Jake.
He had a fiendishly clever plan to get rid of his enemies.
Henry Pov:
I had stayed back at the mansion, mainly because I could not stand to be in public. Sure the others had comforted me and said that I had done the right thing. But I couldn't believe that, I had refused a fight for the first time. In public, at a fighting festival no less, "I am totally useless."
"Your not, think about your achievements my lord," Dallas said comforting me.
"You may be right, but think about how I will do in school next year. If I can't do this, how will I manage there! I will be scorned!," I yelled at him.
"No, I know a lot about the school as your welfare is my job. The one who set it up, Jake the Survivor, made it so that bullying and other things alike are not allowed. Everyone is equal," he told me. He wasn't wrong but I didn't want to believe it.
"Come on, lets go cheer Jake on, I want to see how he will do later on. I am pretty sure you feel the same, Henry," He says comforting me and helping me to my feet.
"I guess you are right, lets g—," I say but then a man barges in. He has a sword and assassin gear on, why would he be here.
"RUN!," Dallas says as he grabs me and pushes me away. Looking back he gets a slice on the arm, but before anything can continue I see Jake! He was behind the man delivering a right hook to the side of the mans head.
"ARGH," The man yelled in pain form being punched in the head. He turned and was surprised that Jake was there, his match was supposed to be going on. Why in the world was he here of all times! "Die you bastard!," He said stabbing at Jake.
"I guess that means you are ready to die then," Jake says letting out murderous intent. I start shaking and fall to the ground with Dallas, even though it is not being sent towards us. The man on the other hand stops and drops his sword as he falls face forward unconscious. "Man, I really hate Assassins with a passion, you ok Henry?," He asks as I am to shocked to answer.
"Henry?," He calls out again and I come back to my senses.'
"Wha, oh sorry, I am alright, but aren't you supposed to be in a match right now?," I ask him.
"Oh, I finished that a few minutes ago, I came here since I felt something off. That and the man I was fighting was trying to poison me, so I felt something off," Jake says casually. Someone was trying to poison him in the middle of a match.
"Well, we better go and have Kamapuff check it out then," I tell him as I get up with Dallas.
"You don't know? He was the one most likely trying to poison me. He has been smiling sinisterly and showing murderous intent. Have you not noticed?," Jake says to which I realize what that aura I felt around Kamapuff was.
"I guess, but I didn't think it was that. Well, lets get going and report this to my father, I am guessing that you didn't tell him," I say.
"Yeah," Jake responds and we go to leave, as knights barge in.
"Thanks for coming, I needed some he—," I can't finish as they surround us.
"You are under arrest for killing Henry!," They yell, But I am still alive. So why in the world are the—, Damn Kamapuff you will rot in Kimer!