Chapter 60 - Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Jake Pov:

We were in the square on a bench looking around when Theo and Aaron came up. What do they want, we were going to see them in a few days. "Hey, long time no see guys," Theo says.

Looking closer they have low class nobles clothes on like us. They also have guards disguised as well, I guess even royalty likes to see stuff from a lower point of view. "What do you need, Theo?," Henry asks getting up and shaking his hand.

"Well, I was going to take my Adventurer test, I was wanting to know if you and Hunter did to," Theo said.

"Yeah," They say simultaneously.

"Well then, lets go!," Aaron says as we get up. We head to the adventurer guild and go around it. The reason is because there is a hidden back entrance for higher ranked nobles. We enter and head to the waiting area and sit down as I look around.

There are a few other people around here as well. Now you can take a test, or just sign up as the lowest rank. Knowing how Hunter is he might take a test instead, you also have to fill out a form. I don't know what Henry will do, but the guards most likely won't let him do the test. The test is you fight against a A-class adventurer. Theo currently only has two guards, Aaron the same, as it would be weird to have more.

But as I watch the people signing up, I see the amount of corruption. I see nobles passing bags, no-one else would see, full of coins for higher ranks. Man I guess some places just never change, but I have only seen two do it so far today. Yet the receptionist accepts them without any reaction as if he is used to it.

Honestly is there even one city, that doesn't have a single corrupt person in a tribe at least. I mean I expected the royal capital to have something, but still, this is to much. Then it is Theo's turn, He heads up with his bodyguards and passes his slip. He looks at it and gives him a small bow before giving it another read.

He writes on a slip and hands it back to Theo as he comes back. "What's the Verdict?," I ask curious.

"I am taking the test! I know Henry is, but is Hunter going to?," Theo asks as Hunter was at the desk. Samuel had given him a badge of his house in case he got into any trouble. That meant that he was allowed to sign up here, actually anyone could, but there was discrimination.

I saw the man look scornfully, but he could not refuse a nobles will. Hunter came back and Henry went up. "I am also taking the test, do you know when it will be?," He asks Theo.

"Yeah, it will be at two, in around a hour. Till then we can probably get some food, but we should still be here. We can eat while we watch other people take the tests," Theo informs us.

"I am up for that, so then lets go!," Henry says coming back.

"Then lets go and not waste any more time!," Aaron complains. At that we all chuckle and get up to go as a noble comes over.

"Who are you guys, I don't think I have seen you before," He says to us. He was talking to the receptionist after Henry, what is he up to. The man has blue hair, blue eyes, lithe, and seems to be inspecting us.

"Doesn't matter, I don't think you would be all that interested in us," I say trying to cool down the situation. The man gets a mad face from this.

"You are Commoners, yet you are with nobles! This is a Noble only area, so why are you here!," He shouts drawing attention of everyone.

"If you are going to yell at our friends, you should know who you are messing with," Theo says.

The man looks at him and says, "Who the hell are you?" This is an insult due to his rank. So the second he had said it, the guards pinned him to the floor. "What the hell are you doing?," He yelled at the guards.

"You should know when you insult High-ranking nobles, Viscount Ashville de Tsogt," Theo said showing a badge. The badge showed he was a high ranking noble, but not which one. The viscount saw that it was his bad for not recognizing a higher ranking noble.

"Then why the hell are you friends with Commoners! They are swine who live beneath us!," He yelled madly. At this point everyone was watching and listening to the conversation.

"They are the ones who are being rewarded for saving the Prince and Princess. I am pretty sure you remember why the nobles are even gathering here in the first place," a new person said. We all looked and most seemed to recognize the man, except me, Hunter, and Emma.

"I'm sorry, who are you?," I asked to which everyone yelled at me.

"My apologies, Jake, I am Meshu Harkdas," He says introducing himself.

"Oh, its you, it has been a while old friend," I say casually conversing with him.

"Yes it has, how many years has it been since we last saw each other," He asks me back.

"I think around three since you visited us last time. Anyway, what are you even doing here?," I ask him curious. At the same time everyone is stunned as to how a boy is conversing casually with the Holy Knight Grand Master.

"Well, I was hearing yelling, and I was going to see if anything corrupt was going on here. Knowing you, I am pretty sure you would know," He responded.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I saw a few things," I respond remembering earlier.