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There Weren't Always Dragons in the Valley

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For some odd reason, dragons began falling from the sky. This caused worldwide concern that was calmed by a visit by the King of dragons to the United Nations. There was a problem that only the dragons could solve...How to stop dragons from falling from the sky. The younger dragons think they can solve the problem and challenge the King. He grants them permission to do as they wish to solve the problem. The younger dragons want to do more than solve the problem. they want to rule the world. They don't want to go back into hiding. What do you do when you are a dragon that lusts for power? You get it by any means necessary. The battle for control is on.

Chapter 1 - Dragons fell from the sky.

Chapter 1

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. The splendor and delight of the gardens, skyscrapers, the busy people going to and fro, and the joy of those living in the Valley sparked a strong sense of peace. The peace was broken when a mysterious winged beast fell from the sky in the middle of the city. Disturbance and destruction ensued just because it fell from the sky. It landed on a glass building flattening it. Luckily, it wasn't open yet so no one was in the building. The people ran and screamed in panic. Yes, the peace was gone. Cell phone pictures and social media made it impossible to cover up. And when three other beasts came to rescue the first, the government couldn't deny the truth. Dragons fell from the sky.

The commotion spread in the news across the world and sent leaders into a tizzy trying to figure out what to do. Mythical creatures known for destruction are real and fall to the earth sick. Thomas Williams, the present-day president of the United States, waited in the meeting room of the United Nations for everyone else to show up so that this phenomenon could be discussed. What in the world was to be done to safeguard the world from dragon attacks?

"You know, dragons have been around and walking among humans for a very long time. If death was what they wished, this world would already have been burned long ago " A voice said. Thomas looked around and saw a very tall man not far away from him.

"Really? Who are you and how do you know?" Thomas replied. "How did you get past my security?"

"Oh. I am sorry. My name is Sébastien Cline. I am a three thousand years old dragon. Nice to make your acquaintance. I used magic to get by your guard. Don't worry. I mean you no harm." He held his hand out for a handshake. Thomas didn't move. "You are the president of the most influential country in the world right now and you are afraid to shake my hand? Or is it that you don't believe me?"

Thomas blinked. He clears his throat and smooths his hands down his three-piece charcoal suit. He had to calm his nerves. He was the president for goodness sake. His delay in moving was because he was caught off guard. "Oh. Sorry. " He reaches out and shakes Sébastien's hand. "I am just in a bit of a shock. I saw the dragons in the reports and no one knows anything about dragons. I mean, dragons are mythical killing machines as far as we know. Why are we seeing dragons now?"

"There has been a change in the ozone and magnetic field that is affecting some of us. That is what we believe anyway. We are testing the dragons that fell to try to find out for sure. Believe me. If we could have stayed secret, we would have. We mean no harm to this world's inhabitants. We are a part of this world and have always been. "

Other delegates began to filter into the room so Thomas and Sébastien moved to a more private corner. "So, why are you here?" Thomas asked.

"I am the dragon ambassador. When we did associate with humans, I was the go-between. It has been years and since I was the last ambassador, I have been sent to answer questions and elevate fears."

Thomas looked the man over. Sébastien was extremely tall, at least 7 feet. He was strikingly handsome with smooth caramel-colored skin, hazel eyes, and wooly dark brown hair. His dress was very refined and gallant, an expensive tuxedo-style black suit, wingtip shoes, and a cane. Thomas saw no reason not to believe him. "What do you need from me? You sought me out, which means you want something. "

Sébastien laughed. "I would like to discuss the changes in the environment that are keeping us from staying in hiding. We like our anonymity. Our reclusive lifestyle has allowed for peace all these years. If it is just simply finding out what it is that makes us fall from the sky and fix it, that is what I want help doing so we can disappear again. "

"I don't know if that will be possible. When people know things exist, they search for them. They are still searching for Sasquatch, jackalopes, werewolves, and vampires. Dragons are the biggest and most fascinating creatures in mythology. There is no way they are going to let your kind just disappear again. Especially if you let them know that there could be human beings that are Dragons. I mean, you were able to bypass the best security team I know. If all of the dragons can do what you did, they could become weaponized or used to sway the tides of wars." Thomas replied in a low voice.

"I understand your point but we are not that easy to find or persuade. We would rather rule instead of serve. That was one of the problems that kept arising when we mingled openly with humans before." Sébastien said.

"If people see you and you tell them you are a dragon, every tall person or large person will become suspect and be prosecuted by the ignorant of the world. I don't think you want that."

"No, but I speak for the dragons. Can I do that and not be a dragon? I can change my look so that they will not know we can also look human."

"OK. We will set up things in the stadium so you can talk to the delegates in dragon form. That will save your people from being found out. I will help you as much as I can. " They shook hands and Thomas went to meet with the other delegates.

It didn't take long to get everyone settled in a stadium, all looking up for a dragon to fly in. They were not disappointed because Sébastien flew in and landed with a thud. He was as tall as the stadium and filled the arena with his mass. His gold scales shone with sparkling diamonds that caught the light when he moved. He looked directly at Thomas and lowered his head so that he could touch his snout. He continued down the line and those that were brave touched his snout in greeting.

"Good evening. " Sébastien's voice rumbled and vibrated the air. "I am Sébastien. I am here to answer questions and curb your fears. Dragons have been around since before the first humans. We mean you no harm and have actually helped in your development over the years. We are not your enemies and we police our own kind when they do wrong. We only want to go back into our anonymity. Once we figure out why our brothers fell from the sky, we will go back to being a myth."

"That is impossible. We know you are real. People will go on dragon hunts and try to gain your power, and how do we know dragons won't attack?" The delegate from France said.

"We do not want anything from you except peace. We have not taken over the world in all this time, we will not take it now. It is too much work. We like our relaxed lifestyle. No. We just need to find out why our brother dragon fell and correct it. Then we will disappear again."

The delegates murmured and grumbled, discussing the "What ifs" of Dragons. They asked Sébastien questions and he patiently answered. By the end of the meeting, the delegates were calm and satisfied that dragons were not going to rampage and destroy the world.

The entire meeting was televised and two younger dragons were watching, "So, the old king still doesn't want to rule the world." Teal stated.

"No. We tried to convince him but he said that we basically do run the world. We just don't have to do all the work. He said he's old enough to remember how hard it was to control people and deal with all the deception and malicious things being done. Now, he lets them do as they please and earn his hoard. He is happy and doesn't want to rule. He said if any of us want to rule, we should do it in our human forms and not destroy this world." Slate grumbled out.

"We wouldn't be in this predicament if we were in charge. If I was king, everyone would bow their knees in fear." Teal said. "Maybe it's time for a change. "

"It is time to live our lives as dragons in the open. If I don't want to take this human form, then I don't. That's true freedom. Time for a new king." Slate said with a sadistic smile. Teal grinned in agreement.

"Look. He said that if we want to try to rule we could, as long as we don't mess with his income or involve him. He wants to stay anonymous. I say we shut Sabastian and the rest of the old ones up and we take over the governments across the world." Slate said.

"Okay. Let's get a team together and start our reign. We can do it without angering the old ones. We can't fight the old ones and control the humans. We will get the old ones to stay out of things and let us have our time." Teal replied.

Sébastien returned to the dragon home high in the Annapurna Mountains near Nepal. They had been there for years and since the mountains were so high and treacherous, no one ever bothered them. The few adventurous people that came their way only saw them as human and continued their trek. He could feel that there was a change in the air as soon as he landed. "Teal, I see you are not satisfied and you want your time to rule."

"Yes. It is our right." Teal replied. "We know you are immortal but we should have our chance to rule nonetheless."

"Father," Slate called out as he stepped out from the shadows, "Agree to give us the ruling seats without interference. Let us rule as we see fit. You will still earn your hoard but instead of the humans ruling themselves, we will. It is a perfect time since we have been exposed anyway. We will show you that we are right and that we should have been ruling all along."

Sébastien paced for a while. He silently walked to the balcony and then back to where the young dragons anxiously waited for his answer. "I will let you rule all of the world except the United States and Canada for the next century. I will rule those areas. The rest of the world is yours. After a season of time, I will weigh the success of this venture and decide if things need to change. We will have to do this gently, ease the change and there will be no need for war. They will see it as a benefit. I leave it up to you but the United States and Canada are mine." With those last words, Sabastian cast a protective barrier over the lands he claimed and flew to his mountain where his new home was Mount Saint Helens.