Slate just didn't understand what was wrong with the humans. Why couldn't they just accept the changes and live happily? Ever since the television broadcast, groups of rebels would pop up and cause problems. Everyone had enough food, but people would steal food and rob the farms during the night. There was no need for money, but people would barder with each other and "sell" their children so they could have more than the person living near them. Stores were now distribution centers and all a person had to do was go there and get what they wanted. But instead people would fight over the products and try to steal things. Slate just couldn't understand.
"I think we're going to have to get rid of all the adults. They are the ones that are giving us problems. If we get rid of them, we can then train all of the children to accept the world that we have created." Talac stated.
"I am not having the same problems you are having. My citizens have accepted things. Their lives are so much better, they are content. The schools really made the difference." Teal said.
"Stop bragging. Your people were under oppression, so it was easier for you." Macon pointed out. "Europe and Asia are harder territories."
"I am not going to tell you what to do in your territory but I don't think killing all the adults is the solution." Teal said.
"It might not be but I am at my wits end. I thought this was going to be much easier than this." Talac complained.
"I don't care how you do it anymore, just get the humans to comply!" Slate yelled in frustration. "I don't want my father to think we can't succeed and that we need his help. Get this done!"
"Calm down your majesty. You don't need to yell. You will have your utopia." Dazon said. "Let's put up the boundaries so we cut down on multi-territory contact. We can implement martial law in areas where the rebellions start. Instead of killing the adults, we can round up the children and put them in training facilities and get them to become the humans we want. We can also separate out the teenagers and get them to buy into the utopia as well. We will raise them and educate them to become the leaders we want them to be. As for the adults, if they cause problems, they die."
"Sounds good and I do apologize for yelling."Slate agreed. "I am just frustrated. I know we can get this straight."
Meanwhile, in North America, Sébastien and his team was moving along smoothly. The children were in the schools and training in magic. All adults and teens that wanted to get educated and to have jobs were given the opportunity. They didn't change much when it came to shopping and economical things with exception of price regulations. Stores continued to operate and sell goods. All of the things that kept humans busy and entertained stayed around. There was just no crime, bullying, and polluting.
"You really know what you are doing." Flavius stated. "Getting the humans to cooperate with us was easy. You were right when you said we should make a few drastic changes at a time when it comes to taking some things away. I don't think they even realize that we took all the weapons, illegal drugs, and negative people away."
"Well, I have lived a long time and seen a lot of things. I would be remiss if I didn't use that knowledge." Sébastien replied. "Let's keep things going. Have we found out why Tye fell from the sky?"
"We believe that the pollution is to blame but we won't know for sure until a few months pass." Jonatan said.
"Okay. Keep up the good work." Sébastien said with a smile.