Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

After Karl had left his room, Kyle tried going back to sleep but he couldn't. He kept thinking about biting Bella and the fearful look on her face. He tried to message her but got no reply and felt even worst than before he sent the text.

James I can't believe it! You looked so good man from the last time I saw you in the hospital. Karl said as he opened the front door to see James standing with a bag in his hand.

Come in! I was just making breakfast so you're right on time. Karl said and walked to the kitchen.

Smells good in here Karl! Where's Charlie and Kyle? James asked as he dropped his bag in the living room and  headed for the coffee.

I'm making breakfast and then I'll wake them. How are you James? Karl asked concerned about his best friend.

Karl I need to be here with you guys helping to find Lizzy! I can't be there. James said as he poured himself some coffee.

I understand James! We can do with your help here and you've come at a great time too. Karl said smiling

No you didn't! James replied grinning with Karl.

Yes I did and we're not keeping the ceremony until Lizzy is back but we're getting married on Friday at the Courthouse. Karl said laughing as James ran to him to hug him.

I'm happy for you both, Karl. I know how long you've been fighting it! James said as he sipped his coffee and stared aimlessly off for a long while

Karl sensing he was deep in thought about Lizzy spoke out,

So there's pancakes, eggs and sausages so help yourself while I wake the rest of the team okay. Karl said and walked into his bedroom and closed the door.

Several minutes later, he walked out and went into Kyle's room and came back out into the kitchen, grabbed two plates and began piling food on it for James and himself.

Come on let's eat! Karl said as he shoved a plate next to him.

James walked over and began to eat.

So what do we know Karl? James asked immediately.

Karl began to fill James in on all the progress they had made so far. And when Karl was almost done, Charlie walked in and went to James to hug him.

It's so nice to see you back to yourself so soon James! She said and walked over to Karl's plate and stole one of his sausages and sat down while piling food into her own plate.

Yes the healers worked their magic on bringing me back. But I've heard that congratulations are in order for you! James said and smiled at Charlie.

Yes, thank you James. Finally, right? I thought he'd have never come around! Charlie said and laughed

The longer the wait, the sweeter it is! Karl said and grinned

Don't make me sick this early morning Karl. I already have a splitting headache! Kyle said as he walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

Hey James! You look good man! Kyle continued as he poured himself a cup of coffee and headed for the table to join them.

Hey Kyle, thanks man. I'm here to help with the operation! James answered and stared at him for a reply.

Well the more help we get, the better our chances are of finding Lizzy and finding out about this  uprising right! Kyle said and began to grab pancakes and place it on his plate.

Did Karl fill you in on our progress? Kyle asked.

Yes he did but do you really think that we were attacked for something about a cave? James asked concerned.

Well we're not sure but judging from what you said when we met at the hospital, there wasn't any other thing that Lizzy was doing, right? Kyle asked and looked at James.

No, there was nothing else because Lizzy and I had planned to tell you guys the good news and she promised she was going to take it easy until the litter came. James said

So today we're all going to different libraries to check for historical information about caves surrounding the mountains. We need to know about every cave in the mountains. Karl will come with me and James, you can go with Charlie. Kyle said while shoving food into his mouth

Nooooo, why must I go with you when I can go with my mate or James. You're always grumpy and quite frankly it's talking a toll on my aura! Karl protested

Well get use to it because if we get that call it'll be easier for us to just leave and head their rather than having to meet up! Kyle said and got up and began to head for his room.

What have I done in my life to receive such punishment? Karl said as Charlie bent over and place a small kiss on his cheeks.

Behave yourself Karl, he's just going through a hard time okay. Charlie said as she rubbed her mate's hand.

Well since you're so understanding about his behavior my love, you should tag along with him instead! Because that lame excuse about being together incase the call comes through, isn't cutting it! Who the hell will have a party of that calibre during the day? Like common! Being with Kyle is like being in a plane far above into the sky and losing all power in its engine! Karl complained.

He made his decision and that's final! Charlie answered.

I mean if we all say something about that maybe he'll reconsider! Karl continued

Charlie and James looked at each other and laughed hysterically.

Anyway James you could stay in Karl's room and he could stay with me. Let me show you the room so you could get ready since we'll be leaving TOGETHER in the next twenty minutes. Charlie said as she walked to Karl'sroom door and opened it for James.

Fine! My mate and my best friend abandoning me in my time of need. I see how it is. Karl continued complaining as he got up and went to get ready.

For the next several days, the pairs visited different libraries and did research and copied pictures on caves while waiting for the call to come through.

On Friday, Charlie and Karl along with Kyle and James accompanied the couple to the court house. Charlie in a short white dress while Karl wore a white shirt and blacks pants with a tie and entered the courthouse.

After an hour, they existed the building beaming as officially husband and wife. As best man, Kyle planned to take them all to a fancy dinner and then to the bar for some drinks on him. When they arrived at the restaurant they all sat down and laughed as they reminisced about the many crazy things they did as pups. For a long time they hadn't laughed as much as they did. And even though Lizzy was missing,  they still spoke about all the stunts she pulled but got away with it because she was their father's favorite child.