Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25

Karl, Kyle, James and Charlie all spent the week researching and compiling information pertaining to the caves within the mountains. Finally after printing a huge map of the mountains, they added all their individual information filling in the spots.

Presently they stood in front of the huge map, all smiling and happy with their accomplishment.

So how many in total we counted again Charlie? Kyle asked as they all stared at the numerous red dots indicating a cave.

We checked nine hundred and ninety six so far but there could be more! Charlie answered

Wow look at Riverdale alone! It's almost completely red! I never knew! James said surprised.

I think it's over six hundred there James, but I could be mistaken. Karl added.

Fuck! So it could take us as far as the border! But then we could eliminate all of here because it has to be less than a day drive for the transit of the women. So we have this to work with! Kyle said as he highlighted a section of the map in front of the group.

Smart thinking Kyle! James said before Kyle continued.

So what? An estimated two thousand miles! Karl said as he pointed out with his hands.

We may have to split up and as soon as a team sees suspicious activity we'll alert the next team and wait till they get there! Kyle said.

You guys sure about this? It's a lot of time we'll be spending on not finding Lizzy if your haunch doesn't pay off. James asked concerned

James we know Lizzy, she always thinks ahead and leaves little clues around. She's a neat freak and you know this! Why would she leave several books open about caves. And caves in the mountains! Common something isn't right! Kyle stated.

Yea, and it was quite suspicious that right after she spoke to you about that said topic, in your house that was bugged, you both get attacked and she's kidnapped! Karl added

I think we should go for it because I'm her best friend and Lizzy would never enjoy visiting caves. Hell she hated just being outside because her powers always made her hotter than usual! Charlie's stated to convince James that it was the right thing to do.

Then it settled! We're doing this! So let's start planning how we're going to start doing this as soon as possible! James said

The four of the teammates then started planning out how they would attack their searches of the caves for the next several hours while eating pizza and drinking sodas.

When Bella awoke she saw that it was almost eight in the night. She flew up and got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make a quick dinner for her and her new roommate, Greg. It had been over a week since they'd been together and it was beginning to get on her nerves.

Poor thing was probably starving she thought as she hurried to finish the chicken lo mein. Bella quickly packed a disposable container and emptied the rest on a plate and sat down and slowly ate. She wanted Greg to feel what was hunger pangs since that was exactly what they did to those girls. In fact he was quite lucky it was just him alone in the cell and he had his own toilet.

When Bella was done with the dishes, she took the food down to the cell.

Oh Greg, I brought you dinner! Bella said and shove the container in into the cell.

Greg slowly got up and grabbed the food and greedily began to eat.

I see you were hungry. But I wonder if it was as much as those unfed women that you held hostage! Bella said and Greg just continued eating

Anyway goodnight Greg! She said and attempted to walk away.

I was thinking about what you said earlier about your week and I need to ask you something! Greg said.

Bella spun around and laughed hysterically.

You want to ask me something? Bella said in disbelief

Greg need I remind you that you are in a cell and don't deserve to be given anything other that some food and water! But go on, I'll play along with your game. Bella said

How come we were both in the meteor shower but your powers are greater than mines? Greg asked

Bella stood still and then pieces of everything came flying into place and completed the picture! What James had said to her at the bar! What Kyle had text her not to mention meeting the team that attacked her earlier. She wasn't in the meteor shower, she was with the people that was screaming when the asteriod hit! That meant they would have almost the same powers as her.

Fuckkkkķkkkkkkkk! Bella screamed when she only then realized who the team was that fought her for Greg.

Okay I'm sorry, don't bother answering! Greg said quickly not wanting to get into it with Bella again.

Forgive me Greg! You just helped me solved the mystery behind the team that attacked me last night so thank you! Bella said as she slowly began to walk towards Greg in his cell.

Anyway the reason why my powers are stronger than yours is that it seemed I was not in the meteor shower but was struck by the asteriod itself. That and possibly being supernatural caused my powers to increase tremendously.  But I'll leave that for you to guess which being I am ! Bella said and immediately turned her eyes black to scare Greg.

After seeing Gregory frantically jump back from being close to her, Bella stormed upstairs angrily at herself for not figuring it out on her own. Maybe if she had time to process everything and not consume a bottle of whiskey she would have.

She walked to her bed and opened the map of the two thousand miles of rocky mountains she would have to search and slammed the book. It could take several weeks of searching and now that the Fabulous Four team of lycanthropes destroyed the operation , the perpetrators would certainly move their operation from the abandoned buildings.

Suddenly an idea popped into her head. She continued to play with the idea for a bit and began to jot down  the advantages and disadvantages associated to it. After several long minutes of deliberation Bella then picked up the phone and did the unthinkable! She called Kyle's phone after drawing a line through, Possibly kill Kyle, as her only con on her note pad.

She smiled as he answered her on the first ring,

Hi Bella.  Kyle said and just hearing him say her name in that voice reminded her of the time at the restaurant carpark.

Hi Kyle, you know I just put it together that you were the team that attacked me last night! Bella said

I think it was the other way around with you attacking us but I'll leave it as you didn't know! Kyle answered

Why didn't you say something? Bella asked

Did you give us any time at all to do anything must less say anything? Kyle responded

So which one were you? Wait! Let me guess? You had to be the stone werewolf I presume! Bella asked and chuckled.

Yes and that rock pick hurt like a bitch! Kyle answered

I hope I didn't hurt you guys too much! Bella continued

Actually it was just a few cuts and bruises but nothing more! Kyle said lying through his teeth knowing it took the team several days to recover.

Well that's good to hear. Anyways I'm not calling to chit chat since currently you're not one of my favorite people to be around after what you did! But …Bella said

I have the werewolf still in my possession so let's make a deal but not over the phone. Let me send you my location and you can come with your team. No better yet, let's all meet for a nice dinner and talk about it! Bella continued.

Okay I guess. When? Kyle said sounded a little too excited as he silently scolded his wolf.

Tomorrow will work for me but let's meet early so incase we do come to agreement we can begin at once! Say seven at Legends restaurant! Bella answered

Okay, we'll see you then! Kyle said and waited for Bella to hang up. When she did, Kyle jumped up and down in his room laughing for a long while. When he was done he watched into the mirror and put on his serious face and walked outside and banged on the both bedroom doors.

Bella hung up the phone and smiled. At least she could utilized their services after what they had done to her. It's the least they could do seeing that she needed to find Lizzy as soon as possible. Since Alpha Czar had already texted her and stated he wanted an update by next week on what's going on.

Hopefully with her new plan in motion  Lizzy should be found before the scheduled meeting Bella thought. She then got up and went to her closet and pulled out her chrisom dress that she had purchased so long ago and hadn't gotten a chance to wear it anywhere.

You my beauty will definitely make heads turn tomorrow and hopefully cause a deal to be made! Bella said as she passed her hands down the dress.