Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

Forty minutes later, the questioning was done and Kyle shut the door between them. The scent of wolfbane had a significant impact on the entire team as everyone sat looking pale and exhausted. After several minutes of trying to regain their strength, Kyle then called Bella's phone,

We're done! He said and hung up. His mind was so preoccupied with all the information he had just been given that he didn't realize how harsh his words came out.

Calm yourself Kyle! It's a lot to handle with getting confirmation of an uprising but we'll deal with that later. Did Liz find out about it and was kidnapped, we don't know? But let's just deal with Bella first! Karl said hearing his brother's uneasiness in his call.

Bella opened the door and her sweet fragrance permeated the room. They were surprised to see her changed and looked at home.

Follow me! She said and took them through several corridors and then a doorway that lead to a tall stairs.

When they walked up, she opened a door that lead to inside a large studio apartment.

Sweet! Karl commented

Thanks! Make yourself at home. I turned on the coffee already and there's drinks in the fridge! Bella said as she walked to the white board and began to concentrate.

Kyle walked around and stared at all the pictures she had up, capturing the images. Charlie and Karl headed for the kitchen to get their fix of coffee while James walked close to her and began looking at the board with the mountains territory and the information next to it.

After several minutes everyone was standing behind Bella looking at the map.

What's your plan with the search? Kyle asked

I'm splitting the distance in three so it'll be easier for each team to cover. That means six hundred and sixty seven miles give or take for each team, one, two and three! Bella said as she drew out areas and labeled the map.

These here will be your teams and I can take from here and come back up since I'll be dropping of Greg and his family there! Your team have to be very thorough so every nook and cranny has to be checked. Kyle share my number so that as soon as anyone of you see anything, just call my number and don't go in. Bella said and spun around and walked back to kitchen to get a refill of coffee.

So that's all we have to do? Just search our areas and the deal is finished? Karl asked as he looked at Bella

Yes a simple search and rescue! I asked for your help because I'm in urgent need of finding the woman and since I know that you all are super powered werewolves with almost all my power abilities, I'd say that we'll be able to complete this job fairly easily! Bella said.

So what happens if you come across this place on your search? Will you call us? Kyle asked

Off course not! Why will I? I'd have found what I was looking for and see no reason to call you to inform you! Bella said

Tonight we learned of an uprising of some neighboring Alphas from your friend downstairs. We need to get in that cave to check it out and prevent an attempted coup from happening among our kind! Kyle said sternly

So wait you need my information as well? Interesting! Bella said as she thought for a bit

Okay I'll give you guys a call but the contribution amount for Greg's new life will go up by another twenty five thousand. And I need it wired to my account before eight in the morning!" Bella said

Deal! Kyle said and pulled out his phone and handed her it to put in her bank account information. When she was done, he took it back and finished the transaction.

Done! So we have our selves a deal! We will start from Friday since we'll have tomorrow to get our gears and organize ourselves! Kyle said and walked back to the map and took a picture with his phone.

We need to leave now Bella but we'll be in touch. Be careful with the rogue tomorrow and that large sum of money because I know you look for the good characteristics in people but I also know how double crossing some of our kind can be. Now could you let us out? Kyle stated

Thank you and I will! Bella said as she led the team to her front door which took them directly outside on the other side of the building that they went through earlier.

Bella's place is nice! A holding cell and a house together! But did anyone noticed that Bella was able to walk into the cell with wolfbane and nothing happened to her? Charlie commented to break the silence on their quiet drive home.

Yea I did! So that rules her out as a lycanthrope, maybe a human or vampire! James added

Ammm, you sound smitten like Kyle, Charlie! You in love with her too? Karl turned to Charlie and asked with growing concern after her earlier answer of wanting to be with her sexually and now her infatuation.

I'll still chose you over her any day baby. But you have to admit that she seems cool! Charlie answered

Yea she is! Or she could be a witch! Karl said and all four began to laugh for a long while.

Hell if Bella is a witch and looks like the way she does, then my knowledge of the witchcraft knowledge is worth shit! Karl continued.

So she's a vampire or possibly a normal human mixed with vampire! James said

But would she be able to move in the daylight?" Because I met her at the Chinese restaurant during the day! Kyle asked

Maybe the asteriod impact altered her in a way that she can now face sunlight! Charlie added

"Makes sense! So she's a vampire or human, got it!! James said

I think its better for us to stay with the pack while we search our areas. Karl and Charlie is team one while James and I will be team two. Team one can start at the beginning of the mountains and team two can work where Bella will stop, coming upwards so we'll all meet in the middle. Kyle said

We'll have to do a lot of miles in a day and at night return to the pack incase it's attacked which is bound to happen from what the rogue lycanthrope had told us. Kyle said.

Kyle I'm quite impressed with your leadership skills in this matter if I may say so myself! Karl said as he patted his brother on the back.

Kyle not liking his snide comment, accelerated his vehicle causing Kyle to fly back in the back seat.

You're such an ass sometimes Karl! What were you just saying?⁰ Kyle asked as he continued speeding the car.

Karl knew better than to say anything with Kyle driving like the cunt he was, so he said nothing and looked out the window.

Nothing! Karl said softly as they continued on their way home.

As soon as they got home,  the guys walked to the whiteboard they had up with information while Charlie went to put up coffee and headed back toward the group.

Do you guys think Lizzy had indeed found out about the uprising and was kidnap? Charlie asked

I think she did! What is worst is that, I think it's someone from our pack that lead her to finding out since she asked that all our cars be recorded at the station booth! Kyle answered

So it has to be someone that has access to our car and house, since the electronic bugs were planted. Karl also added

That refers to about sixty people counting the staff and ourselves. I remember because I heard mom ordering gifts for them all at the end of the year! Karl continued

Okay we'll ask her for her list tomorrow when we get there and go through it when we meet up late in the night. Right now our best bet is searching with Bella to find the location of where they are! Kyle said

Guys based on what the brown werewolf said earlier with the operation that he worked for, we could be looking at thousands of supernatural soldiers attacking us. James said as he eyed them all.

That's providing their operation hasn't been in effect for years! Karl replied

And worst is that Vampires can carry wolfbane! Charlie added and caused everyone to look at her with wide eyes.

Pack your bags, we're leaving for home now! We have to warn father but we won't tell him about Lizzy until we know for sure! Karl said as each of them ran into their rooms to gather their things.

Within minutes they were all running for the car! Kyle sped out of the driveway and drove towards the mountains with worrisome expressions all plastered over each face.