Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 34 - Chapter 34

Chapter 34 - Chapter 34

Karl and Charlie separated hours ago, when Karl's wolf came upon a small container in the middle off the forest. After sitting and waiting for a few minutes, Karl's wolf neared the container. Immediately as he snapped the lock and opened the door and peered inside, the smell burned their nostrils,

Careful boy, it smells like a meth lab! Karl said to his wolf

As the wolf opened the door wider the strong smell hit them even stronger causing the hairs inside their nostril to feel like it had completely burned clean out. The wolf slowly and carefully walked around looking at a large amount of laboratory equipment.

We have to get rid of this wolf because we have no time to waste on waiting to see who comes here! Karl said as he surveyed the place.

Stop it! I know what I'm doing! Kyle's wolf answered

These are highly explosive chemicals wolf, we could be killed with just a spark! Karl said

The wolf mind blocked Karl so that he could not hear his gibberish and continued to investigate the container.

Wolf don't touch anything as the simplest spark would cause an explosion! Kyle said using his powers to warn his wolf after he realized that he was blocked.

Stop using you damn powers on me. I said I know what I'm doing! The grey werewolf growled.

He then began to open gas containers and turned on a bunsen burner and quickly ran out and shut the door. As soon as the door was closed, Karl's wolf made for the hills and then there was a huge, loud explosion.

That was great work! Kyle said to his wolf

Yes Karl it was. You should let me out more often seeing that I know what I'm doing! The wolf answered

Like at nights when we're with Charlie! You know you make love to her like a girl right? Karl's wolf asked

Wolf we've spoken about this already numerous times. You're too aggressive with her sometimes! Karl answered

That's because she getting too accustomed to your soft ways Karl! Who the hell cries after having sex? Seriously who? The wolf asked as he began to climb a peak

Wolf it was only the first time as husband and wife! That was an emotional day for us! Karl answered

Karl do you know that our ancestors would perform sex on several of their mates and then sit with the rest of the werewolf pack and talk about these acts giving explicit details! Kyle's wolf said and he stopped, raised his nose and snift out the air.

Need I remind you that we're not in our ancestors days wolf! Karl answered

But surely Karl a little slam against a wall or even some scratches wouldn't hurt. You know a little brute force with Charlie won't break her you know! She not porcelain! The werewolf continued.

Okay wolf, if you find that building and cave I'll ask Charlie to go into the woods to mate and you could take charge that time! Karl reasoned

Within seconds of hearing that, Karl's  wolf immediately took off with a burst of energy as he sprinted over boulders and fallen trees.

I gather that's confirmation for our deal! Karl said laughing as his wolf frantically began searching the wide terrain.

Charlie's wolf was making good progress on her own. Charlie had ensured, since she had first realized her new powers, that she incorporated her wolf into controlling her powers as well. Now years after, they usually worked in unison without any conflict. In fact it seemed to Charlie that her wolf had better control over her powers that her herself.

Her wolf stood still and touched a tree, she stood with her nose up as the gust of wind blew across her face. Her wolf used her large ears to listen for any secrets that the wind could give her.

We have campers a distance ahead! Charlie's wolf said

Go around them, we don't have time to waste Wolfie. We need to find that cave and building, that's our only priority right now! Charlie answered

Just then the wolf came upon a large field of colorful flowers and an image of Lizzy and her playing in a similar field entered her mind and she  began to cry.

For crying out loud Charlie, not now please! You're distracting me! Her wolf said as she past the field.

How could you be so harsh wolfie, knowing what I'm going through with not having my best friend around! Charlie cried and asked

Charlie your powers and I have been communicating together and I think it's better if you should hear it from me! Wolfie began to say

Have you now? When was this? While I was sleeping? Charlie asked as she began to sniffle.

Forget about when! We've decided that your weakness is becoming a problem with us! And Karl is not helping in that way either by babying you all the time! The wolf said as she continued to listen to the wind.

What does Karl have to do with this? Charlie said now upset and pouting

See what I mean with you pouting now. The wolf stated.

Wolfie there's so much going on right now with the marriage and Lizzy not being there. Then we have started to plan for the construction of our house at the community and now we've started talking about a family. It's nice to be pampered by our husband! Charlie said

That's not pampering Charlie, that downright encouraging even enabling you to be a helpless slob! So cut it out! The wolf said as she made her way up to a peak.

Wolfie that was mean! Apologize now! Charlie demanded

It's the truth and I'm not apologizing. What are you going to do Charlie? Are you  going to take over and use your weak human legs to check this massive terrain? Charlie's wolf asked

After minutes of silence, the wolf spoke,

I thought so! Either way Charlie, you need to toughen up more. Hell if you want let me out more and I'll show you, how it's done! Wolfie continued

I can't believe I encouraged you to work with my powers and now you and it are working together to overthrow me Wolfie! That's so not nice! Deceitful if i may say so myself! Charlie grumbled

Not Nice? Deceitful? You know what's not nice Charlie? Missionary position since Karl and you have been together! Not nice, is you guys not watching porn together and trying out some of the positions. Not nice, is you constantly watching you diet with vegetables and salads when I want to rip apart a massive steak and eat some greasy food. Not nice is those thongs you insist on wearing that blisters the crack of our ass almost every day. Charlie's wolf said

Wolfie! Charlie screamed

And the list could go on and on! Just let me take charge one time and I'll show you how it's done Charlie! Charlie's wolf pleaded.

Okay wolfie, I'll try to work on some of those things you mentioned but I make no promises with my thongs okay! They make me feel sexy! Charlie said

You want sexy Charlie? Go without any, now that's sexy plus easy access for Karl! The wolf snarled

That's enough wolfie, let's cover some more ground! Charlie instructed

Now see how you took command there, that's exactly what we need more off! Wolfie said as she began to pick up pace on her search

I hear you wolfie, I hear you! Charlie said as they continued to search for several more hours.

Then Charlie heard Karl's long, loud howl and knew it was time to head back to him.

Okay wolfie, let's use some of our powers to get back to him because it could save you a lot of energy for tomorrow! Charlie said as the leaves and trees began to wildly rustle.

Suddenly, a small twister touched down and took up Charlie into the air. What would have taken Charlie's wolf an hour to cover drastically reduced it to minutes.

Charlie looked down and saw Karl lying, awaiting her arrival so she decided to land several feet away from him and when the violent winds had stopped, Charlie allowed her wolf to take over.

Immediately Karl's nose perked up and he stood looking at his mate from a distance. Instantly their both eyes gleamed golden and they raced to each other. Being out in the wild for the entire day excited both wolves and a rush of primal play began between them. Grunts and growls could be heard from a distance as the animalistic tendencies of these two beast met and as the both bodies released themselves of the inhibitions of the world.

Karl and Charlie was excited beyond words as scratching, biting and hair-pulling overtook them as they joined  together and let sexual pleasure overtake them. The sex was intense as they interchanged with dominant and submissive roles.

An hour later, Charlie and  Karl laid breathless, naked against each other bodies as they tried to slow their breathing.

I think we need to let our wolves out more! That was fucking amazing Karl! Charlie said into Karl's neck.

Kyle looked at her intensely and immediately began howling erratically as his wolf took over in agreement.