Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37

Bella searched several caves that looked unexplored and a tall peak and yet saw nothing out of the ordinary. It had been almost eleven hours since she started searching and her day searching seemed to be a failure. Disappointed with not finding what they were looking for, Bella called it quits after searching a small cave. She was exhausted and decided to fly through the mountain since it was already dark and head back to her car.

Her body was hot and sweaty and her costume had gotten a huge rip and had to me mended. Luckily she had brought an extra one in her bag for tomorrow after her meeting with Alpha Czar. Immediately, Bella's entire mood changed as it played on her mind that she wasn't able to present his daughter to him tomorrow. She decided that she would however have to tell them that she was already getting closer to finding the location and hopefully Lizzy. She also decided that she would refrain from telling the Alpha that a pack of supernatural werewolves was helping her search. Only because Bella didn't want to defy his order about being discreet and let him know she involved a team of his own kind of species with the search.

As she thought about what she would say, she made a mental note to mention the word supernatural friends' since he knew she was a witch in the meeting. It occurred to her then that she knew little about Kyle or his team because she didn't even know if they belonged to a pack. She decided then and there that she would have to tell Kyle that they needed to slow things down until she was finished with this case since it seemed that the only thing they had going for them at present was sex. After her case was done, she had already decided to take some time off and only then would she have the time to dive into a relationship and get to know him better.

As she arrived at her car and got in, Bella took out her phone from the car pocket and checked the location that Kyle had sent. She instantly noticed then that the location that Kyle sent was far closer to her than where he would have to come from. In fact, for her it was about a twenty minute drive from where she was.

She dialed his number as she pulled out of the shoulder, at the side of the roadway and began driving towards the cabins. Within seconds of Kyle seeing Bella's number appear on his phone, he answered with a low, voice

Hello beautiful Bella, you're done for the day? Kyle asked as soon as he answered the phone.

Yes and I now checked my phone and saw what you did with the location! Why did you arrange it so close to me yet so far from you Kyle? Bella asked already knowing the answer but wanted to confirm her thought.

Because I know you would be exhausted when you came out after your search and didn't want you driving too far. Kyle answered

Awwh, you're such a darling Kyle! How far are you away from the cabins? Bella asked

I'm about forty minutes away diving at a normal person's speed! Kyle said causing Bella to grin.

Okay well seeing I'm closer than you, I'll grab dinner and check in okay! Bella said enthusiastically

That'll be great but no spicy chicken please unless you want me to spend the night in the bathroom! Kyle answered and chuckled.

Kyle black pepper isn't considered to be spicy, take your time! Can't believe Greg's kids ate it without complaining and you couldn't! Makes me wonder if you could handle me with all my spiciness! Bella joked

Interesting that you say that because I recall a spicy person pleading with me to come in her now! Kyle teased and luckily he was not there to see the utter embarrassment on Bella's face.

I wonder who that other spicy person could be! You'll have to tell me her name when we meet okay!" Bella teased.

Anyway I've got to call my mom so I'll  see you in a bit! Bella said and hung up and called her mother.

Hey mom! Bella said after several rings which was strange for her mother Bella thought.

Hey hunni! What are you up too? Clair answered in an irregular high pitched tone

Mom are you and dad okay? Bella asked immediately concerned

Oh yes love, we've just arrived home but found nothing in our search with the location you sent this morning. Claire answered sounding distracted.

Mom are you sure you guys are good? You sound stranger than usual? Bella asked growing overly concerned then.

Roarrrrrrrrr! Bella heard her father's shout out in the background while Clair giggled loudly.

Mom! You guys are utterly disgusting! I can't believe you both! Bye, thanks for helping, love you and tell dad I love him! Bella said and quickly hung up the phone even before her mother could respond.

Ten minutes later she pulled out with a pizza, some cookies, two sodas and some water. She drove to the main cabin and checked in. Bella was then given the key and directed to their cabin a short distance off. As soon as she went into the room, she saw a balcony with a view of the lake and she instantly made a note to herself to get up and watch the sunrise.

She quickly went into the shower and threw on a sexy red lingerie and a black silk robe over it. She dropped into bed and put on the television to keep herself occupied until Kyle arrived but fell asleep within minutes.

When Kyle hung up the phone he was beaming. He was unsure Bella would turn up seeing that she didn't confirm with him earlier.

I told you that she should be marked Kyle! Don't give her a chance to run away from you because soon you'll do some kind of assholeness and she'd leave us! Mark her tonight! Do you hear me? Kyle wolf shouted

I don't care what you say, I'm not marking her! I will however be asking her to be my girlfriend tonight Wolf! Kyle said

You will do no such thing you piece of shit! Ask her for you to mark her instead! Let her be ours finally so we can start our life together and she won't run away once she realizes the coward you are! You've already taken so many chances! Kyle's wolf replied.

You're not in charge, I am! Wolf, we need to go slow! We can't rush Bella on this, it has to be her choice! Kyle barked

" The hell you are! You're not in charge of me and any slower than how you're going means we'll be at a stop! Stop acting like if you're in college! For heavens sake the lack of women wanting to be with you then is a good enough reason why you should mark Bella! Kyle's wolf shouted

Hey I resent that Wolf, I was a stud muffin in my college days. I could have gotten many girls if I wanted but I was concentrating on my classes! Kyle said

Kyle you were a muffin alright! I was there with you, dont forget. Thank goodness the cars you drove fooled some of them until they got to know you! The wolf said and gave of a scandalous laugh.

I'm done okay because I see this is getting us nowhere! Kyle said giving his wolf the silent treatment

Wow the silent treatment Kyle, such a severe punishment from someone who is in charge! I'm so afraid right now I'm quaking in my shoes! Kyle's wolf teased but Kyle refused to answer.

As soon as he pulled into the carpark, Kyle jumped out and briskly walked to the receptionist desk and collected the extra keycard and went to the room. Expecting to see a happy, smiling face he met a barely dressed woman on the bed snoring like a bear.

Kyle saw the pizza box and realized Bella hadn't eaten and quickly went into the shower. He came out changed and came on the bed next to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Taken by surprise and still half asleep, Bella pushed Kyle, sending him flying like a ragdoll off the bed and on the ground.

Oh my gosh Kyle I'm so sorry, you surprised me! Bella screamed as she scrambled to get to him

It's okay, it's my fault for forgetting how strong you are Bella! Kyle said as he got up and sat back on the bed.

Are you okay? Do you have any broken bones? Bella asked concerned but laughing remembering how she say him flip over the bed.

Normal concern for someone's welfare doesn't include laughing like a hyena okay Bella. But yes , I'm okay! Kyle said feeling humiliation creep in.

Okay but you know I'm not normal right! You ready to eat because I'm starving? Bella asked as she left his side and grabbed the food and sat on the small dining table.

She began to immediately stuff her face with pizza as Kyle looked baffled.

"What? I'm hungry and you said that you're okay! Don't look at me that way! Bella said and continued to stuff her mouth.

Sometimes I wonder if you're truly a bear as I once saw you changed into at the restaurant! You sure can cut down a lot of food for a woman! Kyle said smiling as he grabbed a slice of pizza and began to eat.

It was then that his phone rang and he saw it was James.

Hey James, what's up bro? Kyle asked as he continued to eat faster seeing that Bella had consumed three pieces already.

You okay though? Really? That's quite interesting! Kyle answered

We'll let me talk to Bella and I'll let you know what she thinks about it okay! Ill call you back in a bit! Kyle said and hung up.

That was James. He didn't find the building or cave but he was attacked by a pack today while searching. Kyle said biting in to another slice of pizza and gulping his soda.

Is he okay? Bella asked and drank down the remainder of her soda.

Yes he's fine but he mentioned something that was strange! He said the entire unknown pack was completely black and they attacked with precision. Kyle said and continued to grab another slice of pizza

Okay, isn't every werewolf pack trained to attack that way? What's so strange about it? Bella asked and belched loudly.

Werewolves are trained to attack but not all in the same way and besides I've never seen a pack with only one standard color of werewolves! He thinks that we should all search that area tomorrow instead of splitting up! Kyle said yetbstill quite amazed at the way Bella just gave out a long, loud belch.

Well if he thinks it's something we should check out, then we should! But I have an important meeting in the morning so I'll join you guys when I'm done so send me the location and I'll join you guys when I'm done okay! Bella said and got up and walked into the bathroom.

I just sent the location to your phone Bella! Kyle said as he sent the team a message confirming the new plan for tomorrow, but got no answer from her.

What are you doing in there? Kyle shouted again and became concerned when he still got no response.