Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 36 - Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - Chapter 36

What the fuck are you doing? Kyle asked his wolf as he took over telling Bella goodbye some seconds ago.

I had to let her hear my voice to know what to expect tonight! Kyle's wolf answered.

And why is that! Kyle asked curiously

Because she would remember the times I overtook your body and fucked her! That squeaky voice does nothing for you! Kyle's wolf answered

You're fucking insufferable you know that! Kyle said as he shape shifted into a werewolf, shaking his head as his four paws stood firmly on the ground.

After shape-shifting, the grey, powerful wolf lowered his huge head and tilted his snout into the air. Within seconds, he began to run with great speed and agility into the woods.

Freedom at last! The wolf growled before sending out a long, high pitched howl that echoed throughout the mountains.

So wolf I was thinking about asking Bella to be our girlfriend! What d you think about that? Kyle asked to get his opinion on the matter and understand how he feels about the idea.

Kyle for fuck sake, I'm now out of that cocoon you call a body and you're already talking shit in my head! I told you yesterday that Bella should be our mate and now you're bullshitting me with this girlfriend  crap! Spare me please! I can't deal with your nonsensical ideas at this moment! Kyle's wolf answered as he climbed a tall hill.

Wolf it's the twenty first century, we can't go around taking and claiming people like barbarians. What is wrong with you? Kyle answered

Kyle, Bella fucked with us not one but four times already, she deserved to be taken as our mate since the first time! I don't want to hear anything about girlfriend shit in this matter okay! The massive wolf replied as he raced up a mountain peak.

Wolf look out! Kyle shouted and the wolf sprang forward into a tree to avoid a huge rolling boulder.

Kyle shut the fuck up, I know what I'm doing! Are you scared that something will happen to me so you won't be able to make your date with you girlfriend tonight! Kyle's wolf teased and sped forward.

Wolf just pay attention to what and where you're going please! Kyle replied

Well that's why I keep telling you to shut up but yet you insist on distracting me with your melodramatic thoughts! His wolf growled angrily as he continued his journey uphill.

Several minutes later, he came upon a old, dilapidated cabin.

Wolf do you see that? Be careful as I thought I heard voices some seconds ago! Kyle cautioned his wolf.

Kyle please, I'm not deaf you know! I have huge ears incase you haven't noticed! The wolf answered

As soon as those words were said, several gunshots whizzed past the werewolf who leapt behind a huge boulder.

Get out of here beast! I don't want any trouble with you. You are trespassing on my property! An old woman said who stood on the cabin's porch with a shot gun in her hand.

I'm going to rip that old hag into pieces for shooting after us! The wolf growled angrily as he saliva dripped out of his mouth.

Wolf she's just protecting her place! Let me talk to her! Kyle replied

Okay shrink, work your fucking magic but if she fires after us again, I will rip her throat out! Kyle's wolf answered.

Ma'am, I dont want to hurt you and I'm sorry for trespassing. However, I'm looking for my sister who was kidnapped recently! Have you seen anyone or anything peculiar around these parts of the mountain? Kyle said from behind the boulder.

Other that the monsters like yourself that roam these mountains and steal my livestock, I have seen no one. The woman replied.

Thank you Maam. We will be leaving now! Kyle said.

I think that would be the wise thing to do! The elderly woman said as she cocked her shotgun.

Let me at her Kyle. But the time she pulls the trigger, I'll be in front of her. Let me eat her please! The wolf pleaded.

Wolf please! Let's just go! She doesn't know any thing! And for fuck sake, her body looks old and hard! You want to spend the entire day chewing on hard meat! Kyle reasoned with his wolf and slowly the wolf turned around and began descending down the mountain.

Several hundred miles away, James shape-shifted and began his search. James had had a terrible last night as he kept dreaming about Lizzy so he was not his usual self. He had tried to mindlink her numerous times over the period she was kidnapped but kept getting no answer.

James's wolf handled stress in their lives quite differently to how James would. This morning he sensed James's saddened state so his wolf just wanted to work his body as hard as it could go, to search for his mate.

Since Lizzy entered their lives, she encouraged his wolf to open up more to her since she understood that he played a major role in their lives. Similarly, Lizzy's wolf was always courteous but straight forward and James wolf loved that about her.

Suddenly a memory, of when Lizzy came into the room full of joy with the pregnancy test and jumped on the bed as she rubbed her stomach, popped into their mind and it caused his wolf to move even more frantic with his search.

James could tell that his wolf missed her dearly. Every night since Lizzy had been taken and he walked out of the hospital, his wolf would look at the moon and give out the most gut wrenching howl he ever heard but James knew that his wolf did not like expressing his feelings into words. Except for the night at the hospital when James came out of his coma, his wolf had blamed him for not taking care of their family.

Suddenly they heard a snapping and growling sounds and turned around just in time to see several massive werewolves behind him. What was odd to James, was that all the unknown werewolves that chased him was the exact same color, black. Never had he seen such uniformity and precision in a pack.

James's wolf was no match for them though because of his experience and cunningness not forgetting his super power. His wolf ran directly to a huge river and James used his powers to path the water and continued running.

The mistake the pack made however, was that they stood looking in awe at the parted water before continuing their chase. By that time however, James had already arrived across to the other side. As soon as they pack was halfway in, James stood on the river bank and he let the water fall, washing them all away in a gush.

Wolf which direction they come from? James asked

James how should I know! I'm already doing the search, the most you could do is pay attention and stop sulking in there! His wolf answered.

We should call and tell the team! James said

No, that was a pack, a little strange but a pack so when we get out of the mountains you can call them. For now we continue searching for Lizzy! James wolf barked as they continued there frantic search.

Karl and Charlie had departed ways several hours ago and began searching their separate routes.

Karl what did you think about my performance last night? Karl's wolf asked gloating

It was okay I guess! Karl teased knowing fully well that last night was sensational.

You don't say! Just okay? Karl's wolf enquired further

Okay wolf, it was great! Is that what you wanted to hear? It was fucking amazing okay! Kyle said feeling irritated that he had to admit that to his wolf.

You see Karl, you need to let me take charge and show you how to be a real man and a lot less girly! The wolf grunted as he climbed a tall peak.

You may know more in satisfying Charlie but dealing with all other matters, I don't think so Wolf! So don't flatter yourself because we both know self praise is no praise! Karl answered

Yea? What about a few months ago when I told you to sell yours stocks and yet you waited for more money and it crashed and you lost a fortune? What about that Karl? His wolf answered as he began to descent the sides of the peak.

Pssh, that was beginners luck wolf! Karl replied

Orr how about when I told you that Kyle was into Bella whey before Kyle confessed that he was fucking her and you should ask him about it? Didn't I say that to you Karl? Kyle's wolf gloated yet again

Karl did not answer,

You don't have to answer Karl but you know I did and that's part of the reason you attacked him the way you did! Because I was right and you were wrong, as usual! Karl's wolf continued.

And another thing as we're at it, you see these girly toenails you have me running around with, stop it! Werewolves don't do pedicures okay! I don't care if they call it a neutral color! Stop it! Karl's wolf growled out.

There was a long silence,

What? You get dumb all of a sudden? The wolf asked

I refused to speak to anyone who's ego is up their ass okay. So let's just search and not speak to each other! Karl commanded and straight away the wolf stopped talking and accelerated his speed.

Charlie that was great with Karl last night, wasn't it? Charlie's wolf spoke after leaving Karl's side.

I mean, Karl was an animal! Well not Karl but his wolf! The things he made me feel last night Charlie! I swore at one time I shouted at him to breed me! Charlie's wolf stated.

Wolfie that's because you did! What got over you? I felt so ashamed when Karl teased me about it before we went to bed last night! Charlie scolded

Hmmm, I can still feel the slight discomfort in my womb from his thrusts! Her wolf continued as.she passed her tongue over her lips in a seductive manner.

Wolfie! What's gotten into you? Suddenly it seems you're someone I don't know anymore! Charlie shouted

Charlie I'm sorry but after last night I can't let you go back to missionary position! And these granny panties are even more comfortable than I thought! Thank you for giving me the freedom to express some of my desires. Charlie's wolf said

You're welcome Wolfie and I promise not to go back to missionary but once in a while I expect it to be that way okay. You cant always want things your way! Charlie said as her wolf began to climb a tall mountain peak.

Okay fine Charlie deal! Her wolf answered and continued running up the mountain.