Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

So anyone else thinks this is a set up? Karl asked as soon as Bella began to dance on the floor.

I trust her for some reason Karl! I honestly thinks that she's looking for someone and is trying to find her! Charlie said

Sorry Charlie, I'm with Karl on this one! What are the coincidence of her wanting to help search the very mountains that we were planning to search? James asked

Unless there's a snitch among us! Karl said an everyone looked at Kyle. It was only then that Kyle took his eyes of Bella and the man who had just passed his hands on her back.

I'm no snitch okay! Bella and I have never even talked about our families much less where we live or what we were truly doing here in the two times we met! Kyle confessed looking at all of them angrily

Wait I thought it was only one time you slept with her at the restaurant? Karl asked confused

I never said that! I said I slept with her, period! Kyle answered

So you slept with her more than once? Karl asked incredulously

Karl just shut the fuck up! Kyle mind linked him and shouted

We need to talk with each other later tonight okay! Karl mind linked him back.

Kyle just nodded his head as they intensely stared at each other.

Could she have bugged you in anyway Kyle? James asked

These are the only thing I had on me the day I met her other than my clothes, but feel free to check since it seems you guys are looking for someone to blame! Kyle replied in an irritated tone as he placed his wallet, phone and car keys on the table.

Kyle no one's blaming anyone, we're just trying to make sure that Bella doesn't have anything planned ahead for us! James responded.

Nothing! Karl said after rummaging through Kyle's things.

Because could it be that after so long of finding nothing that our ancestors saw our plight and have decided to make it a little easy for us? I'm with Charlie, we should go for it with Bella as it's the only way we can meet that werewolf she's holding and probably would lead us to finding Lizzy sooner. Kyle said

Are you sure you're thinking with your upper head and not the lower region one? Karl asked teasingly since he had already decided after Kyle's response a minute ago, that they were going to make a deal with Bella when she came back to the table.

How could he not, when he'd always followed Kyle's decisions his entire life! Even when some of them was just downright terrible decisions and he paid for it. But Kyle and he wasn't grown to compete against each other as most Alpha males would. No, instead their parents encouraged them the remain as one and that's what the two of them had done accordingly.

He would follow Kyle into any battle and now that Charlie was in his life and had basically almost all of Kyle's thinking when it came to giving people second chances. But that didn't mean he had to make all Kyle's decisions easy!

Karl common man, you know Bella is more powerful that each one of us. She'll be an asset to our team! Kyle answered even though he knew fully well that his wolf had a part in his decision.

Okay, then I agree that we should accept Bella's deal! Though, we might as well enjoy some more of these tasty drinks incase we're headed for our deaths! Karl said as he signaled for a round of drinks.

Karl you're so dramatic sometimes! Look at it this way! Bella is on our team so that means she can't hurt you the way she did last time. I still recall you calling me daddy for several days after the attack when Bella fried your brains! Kyle said laughing only now, as he remembered how worried he was back then.

For real! Charlie added and began laughing along with James and Kyle.

Yea whatever! Karl said as he finished his meal.

Bella saw when the waiter brought a round of drinks to their table so after the dance she smiled and walked away from the guy and back to the table.

Team! She addressed them as she sat and gulped her drink.

You seem to be popular here! Kyle said roughly and sounding a little jealous.

If you knew me well enough you would know I'm usually popular any where I go! Why do you think I wear a costume when I'm out?"Bella answered sternly while giving Kyle an iron gaze and cutting him off immediately.

She heard Karl softly grinning after her comment as she took another drink from her glass.

Anyway have you all come to a decision? Bella turned and looked to everyone.

As I said this matter is urgent and I believe I've given you all enough time to discuss it! She continued

Yes, we've all decided to accept your deal providing that the financial amount needed for the rogue is of reasonable amount! Kyle answered staring at her to see her reaction.

Very well team, if you follow me I will take you right now to speak with the werewolf that you seek for answers! And I'm looking at fifty thousand as half of the money that you'll be contributing as I'll provide the other! Bella answered

What? One hundred thousand dollars for being a criminal rogue werewolf.  Hell I have much better qualities than him so why not give me that kind of money and let me start over if you all want help someone! Karl said sarcastically.

Judging from the restaurant bill that Kyle would be paying in a few minutes after that lavish dinner and numerous drinks, it won't be that much I assure you!  Bella said and finished her drink.

What? Why me alone?" Kyle said as his eyes bulged in surprise.

Let's consider us even now for the first two times we met! I'll meet you all in the carpark! Bella said and got up and left before meeting the waiter and telling him that the table was ready for the bill.

Charlie, Karl and James began to giggle softly as the waiter approached the table with the bill receipt and several mints.

Karl immediately took it and whistled,

I guess you paid roughly around six thousand for a fuck Kyle! Now I'm starting to believe I'm in the wrong business! Karlsaid and handed Kyle the bill.

After paying the bill, Kyle and the team walked out to meet Bella in the carpark. And sure enough she pulled up in her blue Mercedes benz convertible vehicle.

If you guys can follow me, we'll be there in half an hour! Bella said and drove off.

Kyle was following her within seconds, and judging from the way the team was sliding from slide to side in the chase, clearly everyone knew that Bella was a road hog. But Kyle loved everything about it as he grinned and tried to keep up!

A while later Bella pulled up to a building! She immediately got out and opened a door to the side of it and waited for the rest of the team to join her. When they were several feet from her she walked inside.

Be on guard incase it's a trap! I lost any trust in Bella just now from her driving abilities. Karl said as he followed behind Kyle.

They were lead into a waiting room that had several sofas and contained a huge bookcase with lots of reading material. Several minutes later they saw Bella walk out a door with a disposable food container in her hand and began unlocking a door.

So these are my rules after opening the door. Bella said and looked at each for any objection.

The guy in there is who you wanted to speak with but he is not to be harmed in anyway. You can remain here with the door open and ask him any questions you like. I spoke to him already informing him that you were coming here! Also I should tell you the room is heavily draped with Wolfbane to keep him subdued and judging from what it does to werewolves I advise you to stay out! Bella said

So how are we sure you're not going to listen to what we ask? James asked Bella

James contrary to what you all seem to think of me, I have no intention of knowing information that is unnecessary to my line of work! I assure you I won't!. Bella replied and with that she opened the door and walked inside.

Hey Greg! Bella said and handed him the food, courtesy Kyle from the restaurant, with a soda from the mini fridge she had nearby.

Greg nodded and took the food from her.

You thought about the question I asked earlier about starting over a new life? Bella continued as she sat on a chair.

You look really nice tonight! Yes I have and I'd be a baker with my own bakery! Greg answered

A baker you say! Well who'd have guessed! Bella said and smiled instantly remembering her dream.

Yea well I lived with my grandma for a long while growing up before she died and she taught me to bake all kinds of pies and cakes! Greg said as his eyes trailed off.

Well if you help these people, we've both decided to pool together a hundred grand and we can drop you off at the Acadian border. Bella said as she eyed him.

Why would you do that for me? Greg asked with his eyes beginning to fill with water.

Because we can afford to help you start a new life. Don't you see that the life you're living now causes your life expectancy to drop significantly? Don't you want a house and a family and to lead a normal life without looking over your shoulders all the time? Bella asked and saw Greg began to cry uncontrollably as he fell on his knees.

I have two three year old pups and a mate at home already. That's why I have to work! Greg said

Then let us help you provide a safe and comfortable life for them with a new start! Bella said as she got up and turned around and walked away feeling saddened at Greg's circumstances.

She propped the door opened so that there was a clear access to Greg for Kyle and the rest,

When I leave you can start asking your questions, as I've ensured that he'll talk. Call me on my phone when you're finished. Bella said and walked out into another side door in the building without looking at any of them so that they could not see her watery eyes.

She walked up to her place and went into the shower. She then changed into sweats and a crop top and tied her hair in a bun. She dragged on her bedroom slippers and walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. She made herself a cup and walked to her large pin up board with the map of the two thousand miles of territory that had to be searched. She stared intensely at it as she mentally began to divide it so they could begin her search as soon as possible for Lizzy and the caves.