When Kyle, James, Karl and Charlie arrived at the restaurant and walked in, they understood the impeccable taste Bella truly had. The restaurant was downright lavish even down to the silverware looked like royalty. Instantly, they all knew that ordinary citizens could not afford the privilege of eating there. As soon as they presented their names , they were ushered to their table. The team had arrived a little before seven and sat at the table and ordered a round of drinks.
See Karl! At least Bella has good taste! Charlie said teasing her mate.
She may have great taste but the drink prices here are outrageous! James added
Well at least they're generous with the alcohol in them! Kyle answered.
That's for sure! Karl said after tasting his drink and coughing.
It was then that Kyle looked up and saw her enter the restaurant. His mouth opened and his eyes bulged.
What the fuck Kyle! You having a stroke or.swallowed a fly or something? Karl asked when he looked across at his brother's reaction
It was only when Charlie hit him and moved her face to signal what he was looking at did Karl understand
Damnnnnn! Karl said when he looked at the stunning woman walking towards them.
Charlie immediately elbowed him in his stomach,
You know I'm sitting right here right! Charlie said and looked at Karl in disapproval.
Look at her Charlie and tell me in all honesty that you wouldn't sleep with her if your were on the other side! Karl said as he pointed to the approaching Bella.
Charlie looked and bent her head and smiled,
Yea for real, I'll do her even if I wasn't on the other side! Charlie said and grinned as Karl eyes opened wildly.
Ohhhhhh, so now I have to watch you too with Bella? I already have to watch Kyle, now you! Karl said and looked over to Kyle
Fuck sake Kyle close your mouth and stop drooling. Bella isn't food! Karl said just before Bella arrived at the table.
Charlie you look lovely tonight! Bella said as the usher pulled out Bella's chair for her to sit down.
Thank you very much. Oh and could you tell the waiter that I'll like a scotch on the rocks please! Bella said and flashed the usher a bright smile, causing him to nervously walk away.
Thank you Bella, so do you! In fact I'll say gorgeous! Charlie said and gave her a small smile.
Thanks Charlie! Karl, James and Karl you all look handsome as well! Should we order, I'm starving? Bella said as she looked at the menu and smiled.
As soon as the waiter brought Bella her drink and took their orders, Bella began
So first let me say that I had no idea that was you all the last time we met. In all honesty, I only figured it out a few days ago and for that I am truly sorry! Bella said
Are you sure you didn't know Bella? Im asking because you did promise to be unforgiving the next time you met us? Karl said as he sipped his think
I don't know what distasteful qualities you were brought up with Karl, like leaving someone at the side of the road who was injured by you, but one thing I can tell you is that I am true to my word! Bella said and sipped her drink
Touchè! Karl replied
Anyway the reason I asked you here, is that, I have something that you want and you may have something that I want! Bella said and looked at each of their faces.
I have the werewolf in a cell. And seeing that you guys fought so hard to keep him I assume he's of value to you. So I was thinking that I would grant you permission to ask him whatever you like without me being there. That is, under two conditions. Bella continued and finished her drink.
Another rounds? Bella asked the team and signaled the waiter when they all nodded.
What are the two conditions? Kyle asked as he stared at her intensely, trying to look concerned but truly gazing at Bella's alluring beauty.
Bella waited for the both waiters to serve them their food and drinks and continued.
One is that you help me financially secure the werewolf that you want to meet with a new life, possibly in another country. Bella said and ate a forkful of her steak and potatoes.
Kyle noticed that even eating, Bella looked sexy.
And why would you want to help him knowing what he did to those women? Why not just kill him and rid the place off another rogue? James asked annoyed
James everyone makes mistakes so why not provide him with the second chance to do the right thing! Besides his job didn't involve the girls nor the treatment of them! Bella said.
Would I be here with you all if I didn't believe as such? she continued
What's number two? Charlie asked knowing fully well she had no objections to the first condition as she herself believed in giving people second chances.
Number two is that you help me search two thousand miles of the rocky mountains for a cave with a large building. Bella said and saw everyone's eyes open widely
You guys don't have to look at me like that because it's not so bad if we split up in teams! I know it's a lot of terrain but you all have super powers and are werewolves, so it should be easy! Bella said to ease their concerns
What does this building and cave have that you need to find it? Karl asked quickly not believing their luck.
So that we could be prepared that is if we decide to accept your offer! Kyle added as to not make Bella suspicious of Karl's eagerness.
The building is a housing area for kidnapped women and I am looking for a woman in the building. Bella said
That's all? James asked feeling a little uneasy about this coincidence.
Help me find it and the deal is complete. It is of utmost importance that I find this woman as I assured someone I will. You don't even have to go into the building! Bella said
So you'll handle it from there? Not knowing how many guards are protecting this place? Charlie asked concerned
Actually I was planning on going in and finding the woman and then calling the police to handle the rest! Bella answered
We have to talk this over a bit! Kyle looked at Bella and said
As I mentioned before, that this is of utmost importance to me so I'll give you guys twenty minutes to talk it over and then I need an answer. Bella said and finished her food.
That'll be good enough! Kyle said
Then I'll hit the dance floor seeing that I promised some men a few dance. Bella said as she gulped down her drink and walked to the dance floor where a young, broad and tall gentleman rushed to take her hands.
Bella danced for quite a while with several gentlemen at the restaurant. One even whispered erotic things that came to his mind while with her. She laughed but gently dismissed him because she wasn't interested since finding Lizzy was her only priority at the moment. And worst was, still still wasn't over Kyle! However, she felt his hands gently slide down her bare back and it sent shivers through her body making her aroused.