Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

As soon as Bella left the bar, James and Karl scrambled to get to Kyle who was slouched against the wall. Karl slapped him in the face several times before he flew up and spun around looking for Bella.

She just left! Karl said as he walked back to meet Charlie. Slowly they all walked through the exit door together and got into the car.

Charlie being the most sober,  from all the drinking done earlier, drove and Karl sat next to her while Kyle and James sat in the back. The car drive home was silent until James spoke,

I'm sorry you guys , I didn't know you hadn't told her anything. I just assumed that since she was hanging out with you all at the bar that she might have known about the accident! James said apologetically.

It's okay James, you didn't know. It was our fault to not have informed Lizzy or you that we met her after the restaurant incident, in that same bar a couple days later. Karl replied.

So why didn't any of you tell her when you first met her at the bar? James asked.

Maybe guilt caused me not to say anything! Charlie mumbled softly.

What I want to know is what you did to Bella, Kyle? What did she mean what you did to her now? Karl asked and the car fell silent.

Kyle I'm asking you a question? Karl barked after several minutes had passed and Kyle did not answer.

I slept with her Karl. I had sex with Bella! Kyle said softly but hard enough for everyone to here.

You fucking piece of shit. Stop the car Charlie! Karl said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

Instantly, Karl changed into a werewolf and scrambled Kyle from his seat. Several seconds later, he punched Kyle directly in his face causing him to scream out.

Charlie slammed on the brakes while Kyle shapeshifted and both werewolves began to fight each other in the car.

Guys stop it! James shouted as he tried to part them and instantly receive an elbow to his face.

But Karl was furious at Kyle for what he had done to Bella and so he continued to launch blows after blows at his brother. Kyle trying to get the upper hand,  used his power and turned into stone causing Karl's hand to make a loud snap. The pain was excruciating but Karl didn't stop, he then used his powers and entered Kyle mind and began to torture him causing him to trash wildly.

Kyle managed to open the door and fell on his knees and began to slowly  crawl on the ground. Karl got out of the car and went around and stood watching as Kyle screamed out in agony.

Karl stop it now! You're hurting him! Charlie screamed out as she grabbed Karl and began to shake him to stop.

Only then did Karl cease and removed himself out of Kyle's mind and shape-shifted back to human. As he looked at Kyle on the ground, tears streamed down his face.

Bella says that the next time anyone of us approach her that she won't be so forgiving. Her powers exceed ours and you have put each one of us in grave danger because of your stupidity and lust. I hope the sex was worth it! Karl said disgustingly as he walked back into the passenger seat and sat down.

James ran to Kyle and helped him up while Charlie ran to the car and opened the door so that James could get Kyle in. As soon as they were all in the car, Charlie began to drive. The remainder of the drive was utterly quiet since no one spoke at all.

When they got to the house, Karl stormed out and went into the house while Charlie followed him. James got out slowly and realized that Kyle had not moved.

You need help buddy? James asked concerned.

No, I'm just going to sit in the car for a bit but you go on! Kyle answered without looking at James.

Okay I'll see you inside. James replied and slowly walked away.

It was only when James had shut the front door that Kyle let the tears fall from his eyes. What had he done! What the fuck just happened? He felt like he was spiraling down a huge hole. Poor Bella! His heart ached just knowing how she was feeling at present. Is was when he saw the tears fall from her eyes did he realized that he was in love with her.

Was Karl able to see that in his mind?  Kyle wondered. Why hadn't they told her then and there, when they first met at the bar? Charlie said guilt but his reason was that he didn't want to lose her after just meeting her so he didn't.

Kyle took out his phone and tried calling Bella several times but she never answered. He began the message her.


I know that I might be the last person you want to see or hear from but I need to explain to you why I didn't say anything to you. The truth is, I hit you with my car by accident and we were taking you to our settlement, but when we almost arrived at our house the asteroid hit all of us while we were in the car. When we awoke days later, no one seemed to know anything about you after they found us outside the car, but we knew you existed.  I searched for several years for you but because we didn't know who you were it was doomed from the start.

I should have told you when we first met, but it was not guilt that held me back but losing you again if you found out that it was me who caused everything. My family had nothing to do with what happened between us, in fact they didn't even know, so please don't hate them.


Kyle pressed sent and put his phone away. He got out the car and realized that he needed to run. He needed to feel the wind on his body as he ran free and wild. He quickly shape-shifted and was off, his grey long fur blowing in the wind as he headed for the forested area a distance away.

Bella was lying in the tub, half drunk, when she heard her phone ringing. She instantly stretched over the tub and grabbed her jeans on the floor and pulled out her phone from the pockets. She saw it was Kyle and put it down. When it stopped ringing she picked it up again and looked at it and began to cry.

What could he possibly say to her right now. And why the hell out of all the good men out there, did she have to fall for an asshole like Kyle? Her very core felt like total shit. She couldn't even recall feeling this pain when she awoke after the asteroid impact and that said a lot.

She was about to put down her phone when she saw the message popped up. She opened it and read it and dropped her phone on her jeans, picked up the bottle of whiskey and began to cry as she gulped the bitter-sweet cinnamon taste.

When Bella staggered out of the bathroom, her head was spinning. She drifted across to her bed and flopped down and slept. She awoke several hours later with her phone ringing. She saw it was her mom and answered.

Hey mom! Bella answered sleepily

Hey hunni, I'm just calling to check up on you. How are you feeling today? Clair asked in her usual happy tone.

Well I've just gotten up from bed and is now about to have breakfast. Bella answered

I think you mean dinner honey. It's almost eight at night! What did you drink last night? Clair said laughing.

I drank too much! Bella said not seeing her mother's humor with the splitting headache she now had.

Okay hunni, I'll leave you to start your day. Love you or and daddy says he loves you too. Clair said.

Tell him I said I love him too. Bye mom, love you. ÀBella said and hung up.

She quickly made her way to the medicine cabinet and popped two pills into her mouth and swallowed it. She then walked backed into the kitchen to make something quick to eat since she had to go out and check the buildings tonight.

Several hours later, Bella showered and changed and headed for her destination. To her amazement she saw rogue werewolves and vampires walking in and out of it. She flew on the rooftop and became invisible.  She opened the rooftop door and slowly walked inside.

And just as before she saw girls drugged and on mattresses in different rooms, only this time she was there earlier so there were werewolves and vampires mating with some of the girls. It angered Bella so much that she saw parts of her body becoming visible and immediately she tried to regain control as to not blow her cover as she searched each room for any of the three girls. As soon as she began to search the top floor however she saw a elderly vampire enter the second to last room. As Bella entered behind him and peered inside to get a better look of the girl she saw that it was Sierra and relief came over her.

Immediately she snapped the Vampire's neck and he fell. She knew she hadn't killed him but it gave her enough time to remove her wooden hair pin from her hair and shoved it into his heart, turning him to dust instantly.

Bella then continued to search the rest of the building and found none of the other missing girls. She went back to Sierra and snapped the cuff of her hand and took her up and walked up to the rooftop and flew off with her. Half an hour later, she left Sierra sleeping on her bed and went back to the abandoned buildings to complete searching the other one that was also in use. As soon as she entered the second floor of the building she had found Tracy in, she found Samantha. Lying on a soiled mattress and scantily clad was the lifeless body of the girl she was hired to find. After feeling for a pulse and finding none, Bella placed her hands gently over Samantha eyes to close them and cried silently. Unbeknownst to her, she became visible and suddenly she felt a strong rogue werewolf grabbing her from behind.

Bella was enraged even though he was squeezing her tightly.

Et oui selamante pevid! Bella said coldly and cast a spell, causing the rogue's entire mouth begin to stitch up. Immediately, he let Bella go and began scrambling for his mouth while giving off muffled screams.

Bella turned around and her eyes were flaming red. She raised her finger and began lifting the werewolf into the air and he began frantically moving about as he struggled to unloose his mouth. Bella eyes burned brightly and suddenly the werewolf began to burn from inside out as smoke emitted his body.

Bella stood still and watched as the werewolf's body became ablaze in mid air. She was not bothered by the gut wrenching muffled sounds made by the rogue or when he realized he was going to die and stared open eyed at his murderer. Within three minutes his entire body was a pile of ashes and it was only then that Bella calmed herself.

Bella then turned around and turned invisible and picked up the dead woman and attempted to walk to the roof with her. On her way up, she encountered a vampire who was surprised to see a body floating and instantly began ran into a toilet and shut the door. Bella didn't bother going after him since she needed to get Samantha's body out of there. As soon as she arrived on the rooftop, Bella took flight and went directly to the closest hospital and placed her body in front of the entrance and walked away with tears rolling down her face. As she flew back to her place, she blamed herself a little for being too late and dreaded the upcoming telephone conversation.

As soon as she arrived in front of her building she called Samantha's brother, John, and gave him the terrible news and informed him she had left her at the Riverdale hospital. When he cried out in Bella ears, her entire body hurt for him. Seconds later,  Bella said her goodbyes to him and hung up the phone as she slowly began climbing the stairs to her studio.