Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Bella heart was so heavy after talking to Samantha's brother that, as soon as she arrived into her place and saw Sierra still sleeping, she immediately went into the closet and retrieved her hidden joints.  Bella then walked into her bathroom and went into her hot bath and began smoking. As she laid there, her mind processed her next move. She still had to find Lizzy, and seeing she was not in the building tonight, she would have to wait around for the vehicle to collect the girls to follow it.

Bella got out of the tub and change and walked out the bathroom. She checked on Sierra on her bed and saw that she was still asleep, so she changed into her costume yet again and flew back to Woodford Square.

As she neared the buildings, Bella saw Gregory Hinds laying on the ground and then she saw a rogue werewolf fly through the second floor window and fall to the ground.

What the fuck was going on? she muttered to herself as she slowly approached the buildings.

Several seconds later , she saw a stone lycanthrope jump off the second floor and land on the ground next to the rogue that was thrown through the window.

Tonight is going to be quite an interesting night after all! She chuckled and immediately turned invisible and went back into the buildings to see what was going on, neglecting the fact that she was there to get Greg.

As Bella entered, she came across two werewolves fighting inside the building where she had found Sierra in and in the next building, Bella saw another pair of werewolves fighting with several rogue vampires and werewolves. The man and woman team however was brutal with their fighting skills she observed and even notice one of them controlled the wind as there was a small whirlwind brewing .

Bella continued observing the team fighting skills for a while and then she saw the male werewolf from the tag team, who was in fact a water shaped werewolf, began to use high powered pressure water sprays to fight with a rogue vampire.

Bella was fascinated and quickly went back to the other building to see the rest of the team fight. There she saw a stone werewolf brutally beating on a rogue vampire out side while a regular werewolf fought inside. Instantly however, she saw that the grey werewolf was not that regular as he used telekinetic powers on the vampire causing him to scream and thrashed wildly, as he slammed himself close to where she stood.

Bella moved away to avoid the fight scene and slipped by and stood fascinated, watching from a further distance away. Unconcerned and overly excited by the battle and the team with powers similar to hers, Bella turned visible and as soon as she did she was attacked by a massive black werewolf. As Bella took a beating from him, she looked around and saw that there were several girls on the second floor that they were fighting on. Bella's mind raced to think of a way that she could kill the massive werewolf without hurting the victims and because of this reason, she received several long scratches on her torso.

After getting frustrated with the pounding she was getting she turned invisible and began to assault the rogue. Bella wrapped her legs around the rogue's body and began to punch him as powerfully as she could possibly punch and slowly he began to reduce in  size. It took Bella almost fifteen minutes of fighting the beast until she was able to slit his throat.

After Bella had caught her breath from the exhaustive battle, she decided that it was time to leave and went outside to secure Gregory Hinds. She knew she had a holding cell in her office and by using wolfbane she had planned to hold him there for several days to question him and eventually kill him because really and truly she thought that rogues like them were a nuisance to society.

As soon as she exited the building she saw Greg still on the ground lying motionless and went to him and checked his vitals. On realizing that he was just unconscious she picked him up but was stopped by the stone lycanthrope who walked in front of her path and held her arm.

I can't allow you to take him Bella, we need him! The rough deep voice stated.

Bella was surprised on hearing that  she was known to the werewolf and instantly dropped down Greg. She then backed a few steps away and stared at the stone lycanthrope.

Have we met before sugar? I swear I would have remembered you! Bella said as she turned invisible and quickly flipped the stone lycanthrope over.

After waiting for several seconds for a response and the stone werewolf did not answer, Bella continued with the fight but this time flinging him several feet away, slamming him into building number two.

As soon as she turned around picked up Greg the stone lycanthrope was grabbing on to Greg. But this time Greg seemed to gaining consciousness so Bella punched him hard, knocking him unconscious again before he had time to grow.

You don't give up easily do you big guy? Bella said as she let go of Greg and turned visible.

Listen I don't know who you are but I need this guy okay! Just let me have him and I'll be off! We can save ourselves a whole lot of energy since I really don't want to hurt you. I've also noticed you haven't thrown a blow at me since we met so it seems like you don't want to fight me! So just let me leave with the rogue honey! Bella continued.

But you do know who I am and I'm sorry but we need him too! We have to extract some information from him also. Kyle answered but the stone covering over his entire body distorted his natural voice.

Well seeing that you're not giving in big guy, then I guess I'll have to hurt you. But I promise I'll try to be gentle okay! Bella said and magically a pick rock appeared in her hands and she slammed it into the stone lycanthrope as hard as she could.

Straight away, she heard a loud, long powerful howl emanate from the stone lycanthrope as he quickly dropped Greg and fell to his knees.

So you do have a weakness! Thank God for rock climbing when I went to college! Bella said and raised her rock pick yet again and smashed it into the stone lycanthrope shoulders.

Yet another loud howl escaped from the werewolf. Bella raised the rock pick another time but before she could send the third blow down, she was zapped with a long bolt of  lightening. Bella fell on her knees while she was being electrocuted and looked for the source that was controlling it and when she saw the white female werewolf she had seen earlier, she raised her fingers and began redirecting the power surge to the said female causing a huge explosion to occur between them.

Bella was thrown several feet away and so was the white female lycanthrope. Bella however, quickly got up from the impact while the female werewolf remained down.

Nooooooooo! What have you done! The werewolf she had seen use telekinetic power earlier screamed at her as he raced towards the white werewolf laying on the ground. After checking her, he spun around and suddenly he was in Bella mind.

Why? How could you Bella? She won't have harmed you! An inner voice screamed in Bella's head.

Another one of your kind who knows my name but I don't know theirs! Bella shouted loudly getting utterly frustrated with getting hurt tonight.

Bella's eyes began to turn black and she began to send back several powerful telekinetic links towards the grey lycanthrope, causing the connection and control he had over her mind to break. As soon as she was free, Bella then used her finger and sent massive lines of electricity towards the grey werewolf and began lifting him off the ground.

She glimpsed to her right and saw the water shaped werewolf running towards her so she used her other hand and sent out a long line of powerful fire flames towards him, resulting in a huge burst of steam when it came into contact with him.

After a few minutes, Bella saw that the both werewolves she held within her grasps were becoming quite weak so she released them and they both fell down to the ground.

I don't know who all of you are but I'm taking my guy and leaving. I need him to help me find someone who is in danger. I don't want to hurt you any more okay. Just let me leave! Bella said loudly and walked to Greg feeling drained.

She grabbed him up and flew up into the air with him, leaving the team of lycanthropes all on the ground as she headed towards her place.

Kyle was the first one of the team that was able to get up several minutes after Bella flew off. They all had underestimated Bella's powers and abilities. He was closest to James so he stumbled across to check on him first. When he saw that he was okay but just weak, Kyle slowly walked over to Karl and Charlie who were both breathing but unconscious. Kyle began to slap and shake Karl to wake him up and after a few seconds he was able to do so. And as soon as Karl got up he raced over to Charlie.

Kyle watched as his brother cried and gently shook Charlie to get up. He continued to hug and shake her for several minutes before Charlie began to move.

Karl get everyone to the car! Kyle said.

Thankful that they were all okay, Kyle then walked into the building and began to slowly release the women from their cuffs even though many of them were asleep. When he was done, he walked outside the building and met the team in the car, who were all seated and looking exhausted. In the distance they could all hear the police sirens wailing and slowly a smile crept over his face.

Well at least we can say we saved all the women and rid the streets of some scums even though we all got our butts kicked by Bella! Kyle said as he began to slowly and carefully sit down in the back seat of the car.

Your optimism in this situation I'm not getting right about now Kyle! Karl answered.

What I do know for sure is that I don't think Bella knew it was us tonight. I tried to tell her but she didn't give me a chance! She said something about needing that brown werewolf to help save someone who was in danger. Karl continued.

God my body hurts! James said as he rubbed his shoulders.

Instantly after James said that, Karl became hysterical and began smiling and laughing loudly.

Karl are you okay? Charlie turned to him and asked concerned.

I was just thinking that if Bella could do this to all of us, not knowing who we are, imagine when she finds out that it was us. Can you picture the pain she will inflict on Kyle with that pick axe? Hahhahahhahahahahaa Karl continued laughing while Charlie and James grinned softly.

You guys think that's funny? Well I don't! Kyle said before his throat became extremely dry from thinking of what Karl had just said.

When they arrived home, each one of them climbed slowly out of the car and walked into the house and they all went to their separate rooms to nurse their wounds.