Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 22 - Chapter 22

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22

It was exactly eleven at night, the next day after the bar incident that Karl got the text message.

Woodford Square building #2

Appt Time: 2 – 2:30am

Dress code: Werewolf

Subjects: Human. Karl read aloud.

He hadn't spoken to Kyle since their fight but this was important.

Kyle I just got the text. Woodford Square for two. Karl said as he knocked Kyle's door before speaking.

Okay! Karl heard Kyle answer and he went back to his room.

Is he going with you Karl? Charlie asked as she came to Karl and hugged him.

Yes I gather he is! He just answered okay. Karl said and then kissed Charlie's lips.

After a long kiss, Charlie stepped back and stared at her mate.

He's hurting Karl. Give him a break! Charlie said softly.

He's hurting! He's hurting! For God sake Charlie, look at my crooked fingers! He did that! Who do you think is hurting more? Karl said in amazement at what Charlie had just said as he raised his hand to show her.

And as I recalled, you started it first. You had no right to hit Kyle for what he did! Maybe curse at him?  Yes! But not hit him! You guys are brothers Karl, you should try to understand why he did what he did! Charlie said lovingly as she kissed Karl's crooked fingers.

He did what he did because he's an inconsiderate, selfish asshole Charlie! Karl said

Common Karl you know deep down that's not why he did what he did! I think he likes Bella! Maybe since the day we met on the mountains! Charlie said

Well if that's the way of showing someone you like them then I hope he hates me! And another thing is that I saw several images of Bella in his mind when I entered it that day and I believe he slept with her more than once. Karl said as he pulled away from Charlie and began to get ready.

There you go! If it's more than one time then definitely it not like he just wanted to fick her and leave her. You're just being this way and saying that because you're mad at him. You have to patch this mess up because you know if Lizzy was here she'd have rung your ears for throwing the first blow at Kyle. Charlie said and walked to the bed and went back to researching her books on caves.

You're not going to bed when I leave? Karl asked as he walked into the bathroom and began to get ready.

No, I'll actually do some more research while you're gone and wait for you to get back. Maybe we can even take a hot bath together when you get here! Charlie said in a raised tone and winled at Karl with to signal what she meant.

Do I really have to go with him? I mean I can send James and we could take that bath together! Karl said and grinned as he walked out the bathroom and came to her.

Get out and don't do anything that I won't do okay. Charlie said jokingly as she kissed him passionately.

Karl pouted when she was done and got up and got his wallet and the neon cards. He unwillingly left the room and walked to the car. To his surprise, Kyle was already there sitting in the driver's seat. Karl took out his phone and handed it to him to read without saying anything. When Kyle read the message, he nodded and began to drive towards the abandoned buildings.

They arrived at Woodford Square at exactly one in the morning and began doing surveillance on the location. They saw the building was being visited by groups of werewolves and vampires at specific half hour intervals. When it was minutes to their appointment, they left the car and shapeshifted into werewolves. They saw that the abandoned buildings had been spray painted with numbers on them and they walked to the building two. Karl then presented the cards to the rogue werewolf at the front, and he escorted them inside the building. Karl and Kyle observed the somewhat dilapidated walls and doors on their way in and could clearly tell it was a temporary location. Finally, the rogue werewolf presented the pair to another lycanthrope, along with a vampire who were busily talking about a game.

There are fifteen rooms in this building,  five rooms on each floor with one human woman in each room. You can have as many as you like but you are not allowed to mark any on them or else you would have to pay dearly! The rogue werewolf, who was talking to the vampire, said and directed Kyle and Karl to the door to enter.

As soon as Karl and Kyle walked through the door they saw what the invite represented and was totally disgusted.

You check the girls while I check the guards! Kyle commanded

We're not leaving these women here Kyle! Karl replied.

That's why I'm checking the guards Karl! I know we're not but we can't blow our cover so we'll have to leave here like normal customers and call James and Charlie. Then we attack! Kyle whispered.

We'll have to kill everyone of the guards then, none can escape! Karl replied.

I've got no qualms about that, do you? Kyle asked.

Nope, none! Karl answered.

I thought so! Now check how many girls! Kyle continued as he slowly walked to each room and felt more and more repulsed as he went into each.

By the time Kyle and Karl had reached the third floor, ten minutes of their time had already passed

Your time will be over shortly and you're not given any additional minutes after so I suggest you start choosing some of these women soon. The vampire said after walking up from the second floor to meet them.

We saw some on the first floor that's too our liking but we wanted to make sure that there wasn't anyone else that was better.  You know you can never tell! Karl chuckled and began to head back down with Karl.

Fourteen girls Kyle! Karl said.

And five rogues not counting the one outside that we gave the ticket too! Kyle said

Okay now chose a room and spent the rest of minutes in it until our time is up! Kyle continued.

Immediately Kyle and Karl chose two of the rooms and waited out their time. The girls inside was too drugged up to know anything, and exactly at two thirty they both existed the rooms and walked towards the entrance.

You guys must be the really bad at fucking! I didn't even hear a scream from the girls! The vampire said as Kyle and Karl was leaving.

We don't like screamers and they were warned before we started! Kyle answered and they all laughed together

Okay guys, we'll be going now! Kyle said and they both began to slowly walk away.

See you soon guys! Karl teased as they went through the front entrance fully knowing what was coming to them shortly.

As soon as they reached the car Karl immediately called Charlie and told her what was happening while Kyle drove a short distance away and waited.

And Charlie we need James and you here now so please hurry. I'm sending you my location now! Karl said and hung up.

Karl we need the first one alive for a bit to question him before we kill him okay! Kyle said and Karl nodded knowing what he had to do.

Within ten minutes, Karl and Kyle began to feel a strong gust of breeze approaching them and they knew Charlie was close. They both got out of the car just in time to see the small tornado coming down from the sky.

Isn't she spectacular? Karl said aloud.

That she is! Still amazes me that she's with you. Kyle answered when she began spiraling in the streets close to them.

When James landed safely, Charlie stopped the raging wind and slowly came down.

You did say you wanted us here fast! Charlie said as she smiled and walked to Karl.

After they new comers were filled in, James then asked

So what about building number #1? Any activity in there because that will mean there will be double the men!

It was only then that Karl and Kyle had thought about it.

Fuck that's right! We didn't think about that! Kyle confessed.

So now we have ten or more rogues  but the one collecting the card and directing people, need to remain alive to be questioned! Kyle continued.

We'll knock him out and we can return to him when we're done! Karl said

Dibs on him! Charlie called out loudly.

Okay let's go! Kyle said and powered up and began to change into a stone werewolf.

James then shaped shifted into a water shaped werewolf while Karl and Charlie shape-shifted into regular werewolves and they all walked towards the buildings.

When they were several feet from the buildings, Charlie created a lightening storm sending one of her huge lightening volts directly to the big, brown rogue werewolf standing outside. Immediately the shock rendered him unconscious as Charlie just smiled at the impressive looks from the rest of the team.

Show off! Karl teased and looked at Charlie lovingly.

When they were in front of the two buildings, James and Charlie took number one while  Kyle and Karl returned to the one they had just visited.