Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 20 - Chapter 20

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20

At around six, the group of four entered the Hillview Bar and got a table to the far back, away from the loud music. Karl immediately ordered the first bottle of vodka and after the glasses were filled, made a toast.

I just want to say that today is the happiest day of my life and even though it's a little bittersweet that Lizzy's not here right now, I'm sure she'll be happy for us. For Lizzy who had a great input in Charlie and me being together! Karl said as he raised his hands and the glasses clinked

For Lizzy! They all said and toasted.

For several hours, they all continued to laugh and drink as they celebrated the special day. When the bottle of vodka was finished and the glasses were almost empty, Karl got up and went through a small crowd to get to the bar.

A bottle of vodka please! Karl called out to the bartender

I hope you're not driving Karl! He heard a voice say to him on his left.

When Karl turned around and saw who it was, a huge smile came over his face.

Bellaaaa! It's so nice to see you! Karl said and hugged her but stumbled a bit.

Whoa there big feller, be careful! Bella said and smiled as she steadied him.

Bella I got married today to Charlie. You have to come take a drink with us and congratulate Charlie. Kyle said

I'd rather not Karl besides I'm looking out for someone but congratulations to you both. Bella said and smiled.

Bella please? I know Kyle and you accidentally met in a restaurant, when he mentioned it, but whatever he said to upset you, don't take him on. Kyle acts like an ass to new people but he's really okay. Plus I need to introduce you to James, my brother in law and best friend. Kyle begged as he retrieved the bottle of Vodka from the bartender.

I'll pay for this one as a wedding gift to you Karl! Bella said and gave the guy her card.

Well thank you. Now you must come and have the first drink from it with us! Karl said swaying a little.

Bella decided to go along with him just to help him keep steady as they walked through the crowd and approached the table.

Guys look who I just met at the bar! And she even bought us this as a wedding gift.  This is James by the way! Karl shouted as he showed them the bottle of vodka along with Bella and pointed out to James to her.

Immediately all eyes stared at her without saying anything.

Nice to meet you James! Kyle! Bella said acknowledging the both men.

Congratulations on your wedding Charlie! Bella continued as she shook Charlie's hand.

Omg it's you, after so many years you haven't changed one bit! James said as he continued to stare at Bella.

Do we know each other? Bella asked

James highly intoxicated and unaware of Karl, Charlie and Kyle signaling him not to say anything more, continued

Don't you remember me? I was with the group when Kyle hit you with his car before the asteroid hit!! James said

And to think that Karl and Kyle was going to leave you if Liz didn't convince them to take you along with us! Say by chance you got any powers like us? James asked

Bella felt dizzy. Memories of everything came flooding in her mind. The car stalling, when she was hit, when the girl was holding onto her tightly as the car sped with her in it and lastly the screams before everything went black

When she turned to Karl, Charlie and Kyle, Bella's eyes were filled with tears that had just escaped and was falling down her face.

All of you knew what fucking happened to me all those years aback and you met me and said nothing! Bella screamed crying.

For years I've been wondering what happened that day and you all knew! Suddenly glasses and bottles began exploding and paper and napkins began twirling in the air . Some of the customer began screaming while some were scrambling to get out. Seconds later, several of the lights blew out and shattered into pieces, causing the bar to get darker. It was only then that Kyle, Karl, Charlie and James saw  that Bella's eyes had changed colour and was now a flaming red.

Bella we're sorry but we weren't sure it was you. Karl said as he looked around and saw chairs and tables moving on it own

Don't fucking lie to me Karl. It took James one minute to notice me and you're saying you didn't know! Bella screamed causing several of the tables to flip over and sent more customers running through the exits.

Bella please stop this. I know you're mad right now but there are innocent people here that could get hurt." Charlie said as she stood up and waved her hand around to show Bella the scampering patrons.

Bella we're sorry for not telling you sooner. Please stop this or someone in here will get hurt. Kyle shouted

And you? You fucking tricked me all this time knowing the truth of what you did to me so many years ago! And then doing what you did to me! You fucking liar! Bella cried and lifted Kyle's body and slammed him into the wall with simply moving her finger.

Bella I'm sorry you didn't know. Please don't hurt him! Hurt me! This is my fault! That day you were hurt we were racing to get home before the asteroid hit. It was a terrible accident and we're all sorry. James shouted.

It was then that Bella regained control and began to calm down. Immediately her powers began to fade and slowly all the wind died down.

Not all of you were sorry! Bella said and looked in the direction of Kyle.

I want all of you to listen to me and listen good. The next time any of you see me and try to approach me, I won't be so forgiving. Let this be the last time we ever meet! Bella said and spun around with tears rolling down her face as she walked out.

As she drove from the bar towards her home, her mind spun with all the added information and Bella cried uncontrollably. For so many years she had terrible nightmares about not knowing what happened that day that completely changed her life.

In truth she didn't even want her new powers that was forced on her. She was quite happy being the half witch she was. And now to find out, that it was all their fault made her furious. As soon as she arrived home she called her mother and explained what had happened.

'm so sorry you had to find out that way baby but it just seemed to be an awful accident Bella! At least you know what happened now. Clair said empathetically.

Mom they lied to me in my face! Why didn't they confessed what they had done to me when they first met me? Bella cried.

They were probably afraid Bella! And would it have made a difference knowing then what you learnt today? Claire asked

Bella was silent for quite a while. She didn't want to tell her mom that she would not have had sex with Kyle on two occasions if she knew what they did to her.

Bella I know you're hurting but you have to remember that you need to be in control of the powers you wield. Now go to bed and tomorrow it may not seem so bad. Claire said

Okay mom, thanks for being here for me. I love you! Bella said and hung up the phone.

She walked into the bathroom and filled the tub, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and went down into the water. She opened the bottle and took a long gulp before the tears began falling down her face yet again.

She laid in the tub for quite a while as she reviewed everything that transpired from the beginning to the end. A long while later, Bella came to the realization of what hurt her the most was what Kyle had done to her. And as she delved deeper into why it hurt so much, she only soon realized that she had grown feelings for Kyle.