Chereads / HIS PET / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Bloody Freaking Ball

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Bloody Freaking Ball

Brinley's Prov

Drew left me in the burgundy room for a week and a half. He didn't come check on me not once. It was like I meant nothing to him, which for me I didn't mind. I needed the space from him more than anything. That whole week the maids would try their hardest to get me to eat but I refused. I wasn't going to eat just to satisfy him. Yes, I was starving, and it felt like my insides were eating each other but it was worth it to make him know I was in control of my fate. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub. The best thing about this room was the larger old fashion sacker tub. I filled the tub up with some Dr. Teal's stress relief bath salts and bubble bath. The water was hot and calming it felt like peace. As I sat in the tub I thought about my family. Were they thinking about me? Did they look for me? Was my mother and father as heartbroken as I am? While thinking I didn't realize I had started crying. My face was soaked with tears, and they didn't stop. No matter how much I wiped them away, more kept rolling. All I wanted was to go home. I was so close to my freedom and failed. "I'm so sorry." I cried out loud pulling my knees to my chest. "I should have never snuck out that night."

I finally pulled myself together after crying in the tub for an hour and finished up only to walk back in the room to see the bubbly blonde girl Jade. "I heard you crying, is everything alright?" she said, looking at me with a sympathetic look. I scoffed at her question. How could anyone be "okay" in this situation? "Drew asked me to come up here and help you get ready." I turned to face her with confusion. "Get ready for what?" I replied, squeezing the water from my hair. "The annual vampire ball of course." she said looking at me as if I forgot the most important thing in the world. "So, I've chosen some of the most beautiful dresses that I thought would look ravishing on you." I went to say something, but she was already bringing a rack of dresses in the room. They were beautiful and elegant. The first dress Jade pulled off the rack was a simple forest green ball gown with gold accents on the clear mesh sleeves, The second one was a yellow one that resembled belle's dress from beauty and the beast. Funny that would be one of the dresses she would choose for me. But the one dress that caught my eye was a beautiful red mermaid gown with mesh sleeves with red accents and beading that made it look like flames. It was truly to die for. "This one, its perfect." I said laying it on the bed. Jade smiled and clapped her hands. "This is going to be perfect Brinley I promise." was what she said as she whooshed out of the room. If she wasn't a vampire and I wasn't a blood slave, I could actually see us being friends.

After hours of Jade yanking and tugging on my hair and doing my makeup she finally was satisfied with how i looked. She turned me around to look in the mirror and I gasped. I looked drop dead gorgeous. My hair was curled to perfection and looked light as a feather, my eye makeup was flawless she did an ombre affect with orange and red the added sparkles and small specks of gold. "My goodness you're my best work yet." she said with a smile. I went to say something when someone opened the door.

Skyler's Prov

"Sister we must hurry you've been doing the slaves makeup for." was all i got out as my attention was turned to Brinley. My good lord almighty she looked like she had just walked out of a fairy tale. Jade had really done a great job. The red dress complimented her complexion perfectly. They made her blue grey eyes pop like I've never seen before. She made a guy want to break the law and risk death to call her my own. "Close your mouth brother, you're starting to drool." I wanted to say something to defend myself, but the words didn't come out. "five more minutes jade." I quietly said walking out of the room.

I was surely going to need a drink or two tonight to keep myself under control around Brinley. I hurried downstairs to the kitchen and pulled out a blood bag of B positive and poured it into a glass and gulped it down. "What's got you so stressed champ? Drew said walking in fixing his tie in the reflection of the microwave glass. "It's nothing." drew shrugged his shoulders and left it like that. "So, Jade dressed your pet up, she did a great job." I said as I ran my hand through my hair. "Brinley is beautiful but like you told me Skyler she's a pet, she can't be anything more." If only Drew knew what emotions i was feeling about his pet it would contradict everything, I ever told him.

Once we arrived at the ball dozens of girls flocked around me as usual. We were one of the highest families of vampire royalty and me being the oldest without a bride was a green flag for all the lower-class vampire families to try shoving their daughters down my throat. Normally these things wouldn't faze me or bother me but tonight it made me feel repulsive. I had Brinley to thank for that.

Brinley's Prov

The ball was as beautiful as it could be like it was truly out of the movie Van Helsing. Whimsical men and women Walts around the ballroom never once crashing into one another. Vampires in this light were truly graceful. They made you want to be one of them. Even though I was captured I still couldn't help the hope of one day becoming one of them. "As my pet your required to dance with me." I looked up to see drew with his hand extended out towards me. I rolled my eyes and took his hand having him lead me to the floor. We danced in silence I still had nothing to say to him. Not after the condition he left me in week ago. My eyes wondered the room until I felt a pair of eyes on me. To my surprise it was Skyler. He looked at me with honest fascination which made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I had truly never looked at Skyler until now. He was stunning like every vampire so there's no need to go over that but what made him stand out was his ice blue eyes they held an emotion I knew all too well. Loneliness. Even with the tons of women throwing themselves at him he was still lonely. Stunning and lonely now that was a bad combo. I sent him a small smile hoping it would tell him I knew what he was feeling.

"Why must you ignore me Brinley?" drew said as we walked off the dance floor. It blew my mind that he really asked that question. "You tried to escape you knew there would be punishment." I sighed he really thought he did nothing wrong. "You beat me with a belt splitting the skin on my ass to the point where a witch who is a regular human nurse had to use her magic to heal me, I felt all of that." I said through tears. I had been abused and raped in my freshman year of high school for months and the guy who was my classmate would beat me with a belt every time, so it threw me back to that horrible place. It brought back the pain, the fear, the suffering. Drew went to touch me, and I flinched causing him to take his hand back. There was nothing he could do at this moment I was having one of my episodes. Of course, it would be just like me to be having a mental breakdown at a bloody freaking ball.

In seconds Skyler and Jade stood in front of us. "Let's give you two some space, come with me Brinley." Skyler said guiding me away from Drew and the party. We walked out onto a large balcony. I breathe in the air as if I had been holding my breath during my breakdown in front of drew. "Tell me what's got you in tears Floarea Mea" his voice calmed me in an instant. It made me feel like I could open up to him, but I didn't want to let my guard down. It was too soon. For all I knew he could be just like drew.

"It's nothing I apologize for making such a scene." I said holding my head down. He chuckled at my words having me raise a mental eyebrow. "Were vampire's darling we live for the drama, if anything you made the night." I shook my head and laughed a little. "Glad my tears cause y'all so much joy." Skyler smiled and looked back out into the night. I stood there taking it in as well after what I did, I would probably not get the opportunity to enjoy benign outside for a long time.

While enjoying the night air the thought of why I wasn't in the regular pet dress came across my mind. "Skyler, may I ask you something?" I said running my hand down the back of my arm. "of course." I took a deep breath biting my bottom lip and asked him. "Why am I the only pet not wearing the regular white dress, why am I in a special custom gown like I'm one of y'all?" Skyler lifted up my chin, so I was looking him right in the eyes. "You've answered your own question my flower, you're not wearing the regular mundane dress like them because you're not like them a one-of-a-kind dress for a one-of-a-kind girl."