Chereads / HIS PET / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Colton Starr

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Colton Starr

Brinley's Prov

I followed Nadia back up the stairs in silence thinking about Colton. He had been killing families for 195 years before he got caught. In a way that scared me but in another it pulled me in. My last task of the day was to shower and then meet Drew in his bedroom. I walked down the hallway to my room this time looking for any pictures of Colton. Sadly, like he said he was the sibling they kept in the closet. Every family portrait there was only three people in. it was truly as if Drew was an only child and if I wouldn't have met Colton today, I would have continued thinking that. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it though. Yes, he had probably killed thousands of people, but he was still family. How could they just lock him up and pretend he never existed?

After showering and thinking of possibilities to why they locked Colton away I headed to Drew's room to be stopped by Bridget. "How are you, I hope everything healed properly and didn't leave a scar." she said with a warm smile holding her hands behind her back. "Good as new and no scar." I said playfully slapping my butt making us both erupt in laughter. Bridget and I hadn't really met completely but it felt like I had known her since childhood. "My father and I are having dinner later on in his room if you'd like to you could join us and get to know us better." I was happy someone wanted to actually get to know me as a person and not as just a pet. It made me feel human again and not as property. " Id love to ill see y'all after I meet with Mr. Starr." Bridget rolled her eyes when I called drew but his formal title and said. " His name is Drew hunny you don't have to address his to me with that title." she placed her hand on my shoulder then walked down the hall.

Once she walked out of sight I fixed my red mini skirt and shirt and knocked on the door. I stood there and waited for drew to open the door and let me in. He opened the door and motioned for me to come in. once I was in the room, I stood with my back against the door holding the handle. " Come have a seat." Drew said emotionless. I did as I was told and sat at the foot of his bed along with him. " How was learning your duties today?" I couldn't tell him it went smoothly until I met your brother and learned that your a dick playing as if your an only child. So I simply responded to him with. " It went well Mr. Starr, Nadia taught me very well and very quickly she's a great teacher." Drew looked pleased with my answer and smiled at me. Goodness he and Colton had the almost exact same smile. " Glad your first day went smoothly, the last thing is the feeding part." I stiffened at that and he softly shook his head as if he had read my mind or my obvious facial expression. " I wont feed on you regularly, a vampires bite can become highly addictive." He said as he walked over to the side table and brought over a glass and a knife. " I'm just going to cut the palm of your and pour it into my glass, classy right?" I scrunched up my face at his response and chuckled.

Drew took my hand and had me close it around the knife tightly . I thought he would have given me a one, two, three count but no as soon as my hand held tight he pulled it out hard and fast. My blood poured from my palm into the cup. I turned away from it due to my weak stomach. Once the cup was full drew went and got a first aid kit and started cleaning up the cut. " How did you learn how to do that?" I said looking at him clean the blood with an alcohol wipe. " I was in WW1 as a doctor, this is nothing compared to having to amputate a mans leg with trash pain medicine." I knew he was old but WW1? That was 106 years ago. I wondered if he was there to help people or if he was there to stay out of the destruction his brother was causing. So best way for me to get answers without getting caught was to act like a normal 17 year old girl. " Do you have any siblings?" I said as he wrapped the bandage around my palm. He stopped for a moment and pain flashed across his face. " No I'm an only child." Colton was right he was the child they hid in the dark. His own younger brother just lied about his very existence. Shameful , but I couldn't let on that I had met Colton. " Me too, its a very lonely feeling " I said with a frown. Drew got up and put the first aid kit back and said over his shoulder. " You did great today, your free to go to bed, or to go eat with Bridget and Luis." I got up from the bed and bowed like rule 10 said that Nadia made me read. " Goodnight Drew." I said as I walked out of the room and into the hallway.

I forgot what hallway Bridget said or if she even said a hallway so when in doubt go to the right. I walked the hallways slightly cracking open doors to empty rooms with dusty covered furniture. Finally, after four rooms of no luck door number five was a winner. Mr. Luis and Bridget sat at a table by the window talking until I knocked on the door. "Come on in sweetheart." Mr. Luis said waving me in the room. I smiled as I entered the room and made my way to the table. "Sorry I'm late I had to fix dinner for Mr. Starr." I said opening my hand. Bridget and Mr. Luis just nodded as I took a seat and got ready to eat.

Dinner was lovely. Bridget was a hoot in a half, Mr. Luis or Luis as he told me to call him was as sweet as pie. I learned that Drew turned Luis into a vampire for Bridget due to him dying of cancer and had less than three months left to live. In exchange Bridget became the informer of the royal families and over all the witches on the west coast. Luis wasn't even that old he just looked old because of the chemotherapy he was taking. but no matter how old he looked he was a great man. they asked about my life and truly was interested. It felt nice to be cared for during this time. Bridget seemed to know everything about the witches and vampires I needed to know if she knew anything about Colton and if she could give me information about him. "Bridget I was wondering if you knew anything about Drew's brother Colton." once his name left my mouth the table got silent. Bridget got up and looked in the hallway before closing the door. "How did you learn about Colton Brinley?" she asked wide eyed. I was hesitant about telling her, but I already brought him up so if she was going to tell drew, I might as well try to learn as much as I could. "I met him today in the basement with the forsaken's ." I said as if it wasn't a big deal. But by the way Bridget was looking at me it had to be a big deal.

"Colton is Drew's older brother that went rouge." She said running her hand through her hair and turning to look at her father. Luis took a long drink before he started. "Colton was different from all the royal families' children, he looked at all humans as nothing more than cattle and he wanted that to be how all vampires treated them. Yet Sara and Christian, drew and Colton's parents didn't agree which in turn made Colton cold and monstrous killing by the thousands, leaving bodies across America until the five royal families and the crimson coven put a stop to his terror in 1971 which he vowed if he ever got out he would make them all pay" Colton didn't seem to be the way Luis described him he seemed sweet but how could I know he is a vampire and could have been great at lying. But I needed to find that out for myself. The one lesson my dad taught me was to not take others judgment and opinions of someone and make them your own. The reset of dinner we shared stories about our lives. Such as when Bridget first got her magic, when I mastered my Russian switch leap, and so many other stories. I learned Bridget and I had so many things in common from our childhoods we even came to the realization we competed at the same dance competitions against each other in the teen division. Even though I wasn't with my family knowing Bridget was there at something I did with my family brought me comfort. "Well, its time I call it a night." I said as I got up and left. There were things about Colton that was still a secret that I needed to find out and the only one that could give me the answers I needed was in the basement.

I waited until the early hours in the morning and snuck down to the basement. I needed to know everything about him. I needed the truth from his mouth. I needed to know if he was truly the monster Mr. Luis told me about. I got to the bottom of the staircase and grabbed a torch and went to his cell. "Hello Darling missed me so soon?" he said leading on the cell wall. " I want to know the truth, all of it." I said looking him dead in the eye. " Sit down, your going to be here for a while."