Brinley's Flashback October 2020
The sound of my alarm clock went off blaring Taylor swift at 6 a.m. It was the last day this week of cheer practice and it was the Halloween pep rally before the game Monday. My boyfriend Weston and I decided to go as Velma and shaggy. It was our favorite childhood movie and cartoon. I pinned my hair up to where it looked like a bob and threw on my orange turtleneck with a pair of fake glasses. I looked like a modern-day Velma. With one last glance I walked out of my bedroom. My mom had left early that day, so I was left with a banana and yogurt for breakfast with a note from my mom.
Have a great day at school. Were having sushi for dinner.
Love mom.
I sat down on the couch turning on the news seeing that I had 45 minutes to get to school that was literally right around the corner. " 19 year old Jade Miller of Scarborough Maine has been kidnaped making her the forty sixth one here in Maine this month." the news reporter said before changing to the weather. These kidnappings had increased severely these last few months, scaring our entire country and our surrounding towns. No one knew what was going on or even why but all we could do was pray for the families.
Cheer practice ran thirty minutes late to make sure some of the new girls didn't mess up the routine like they did for the back-to-school pep rally. I took off my shoes and replaced them with my small black heels and knee-high socks. "Brinley are you excited since Ava is moving this week, I'll be taking the lead in the school play for the help." April said with a small cheerful jump. April was a tall 5'11 bubbly girl with bright green eyes and caramel complected skin that played every sport school offered along with being my best friend since daycare. She always pushed me to be the best I could be and never let me give up. Id truly be lost without her. "You're going to kill it like you always do April." I said putting on the glasses and the mini skirt. " You really went all out this year with your costume." I smiled and looked back at April and said. " Its Halloween, the one time of the year we all get to have fun without being judged in school."
Flashback ends
Skyler's POV
Brinley layed in the infirmary almost lifeless. The nurses were able to save her life just barley. It made my heartache that she really tried to take her life. Drew being so cruel to her lead her to this point. But what really made me sick was up until the ball I was just like him. Cruel and unkind. Shaking my head, I placed it on the side of her bed. " Why do you look so sad for me?" Brinley's faint voice said making me look up at her. "You really tried to take your life, you were that selfish to want to die" I yelled at her making her jump at the harsh sound. " How was I selfish Skyler I have nothing and no one to live for, I've been taken away from my family, friends, and everyone that loves me." While saying those words tears streamed down her face. She was truly broken. Us as vampires have broken her to the point of not wanting to live. " You have Jade, Bridget, Luis, hell you even have me, am I not worth you wanting to live for." when i said the end of my sentence I didn't even wait for her to reply. I had said to much already.
Walking out of the room I bumped into Bridget who looked as if she had heard the whole conversation. "Skyler you have to keep your voice down I heard you from down the hall, if the queen was to hear you and to find out you have catched feelings for Brinley it'll end in death for both of you." I nodded to Bridget and asked her to have the maids to pack Brinley's things she would be coming to live with us. Jade hadn't been back since Thursday when the accident happened to keep herself from beating drew again. I hadn't seen drew either, but I also hadn't been looking for him. The one place I know he hadn't been was in the infirmary. I hadn't left her side until right now and it was only to go grab somethings from her room that she would enjoy at our house. I entered her room to come face to face with no one other than drew. He stood at the head of the bed staring out the window. "She really almost died didn't she." I didn't answer his question it was a obvious answer that he had already knew. I started by grabbing the vampire diaries books from the book shelf, some MGk CD's, a few pairs of shoes , and a few of her outfits she felt comfortable in. " Take care of her Skyler." I knew drew just wanted a response from me and I hated that I needed to give him one. " I'll take care of her someone has to after all she's been through.."
Brinley's POV
When Skyler stormed out of the room my tears picked up. I had truly hurt him without even thinking. Skyler's words ran through my mind at the speed of light. Skyler deserved better and I let him down in every way. Bridget came in the room and gave me a small smile. No one seemed to know how to approach me after what happened a couple days ago. Which was completely understandable. "How are you doing?" I just shrugged my shoulders there wasn't really anything i could say. I was still breathing so that was all that mattered. "So, I'm leaving with Jade and Skyler?" I said whipping the remaining tears from my eyes. " Yes you are but I'm also here as a friend, you really scared me my mom almost die the same way." Bridget sighed hanging her head down making feel like the worlds most crapiest person. I reached out and grabbed Bridget's hands pulling her in for a hug. " I cant take back the Trama of what I did to you away but I promise ill never do it again."
I left Drew's house without speaking to him and it gave me peace of mind. The only hard part was that Skyler didn't saw a single word to me even with my efforts to engage him in conversation. I gave up after trying to talk to him about if vampire females had to drink extra blood during the time of the month. Thank goodness the car ride wasn't a long one since they all lived in the same town. The car turned a corner exposing a beautiful rustic mansion with large windows and three chimneys. Skyler and Jade's house gave off a different feel than Drew's. Drew's felt like a vacation home you stay in for a few weeks and go home where theirs felt welcoming and like home. As Skyler made the clouds cover the mansion Jade ran out giving me the biggest hug. "I missed you don't ever do that again okay, now lets go look at your room I designed it myself." With a swift motion and without me saying a word we appeared in front of a white oak door that was cracked opened. Jade pushed opened the door leaving me speechless. The room looked almost like a copy of Damon's room from the vampire diaries with a bookshelf that was from the floor to the ceiling. I could only stand in awe of the hard work she had put into my room and how she got it done in such a small time. " Skyler told me how much you were in love with Damon from the vampire diaries so I wanted to give you the room he had. Do you like it? " I didn't give her a verbal response it wouldn't have shown how grateful and or thankful I truly was. I gave Jade the tightest hug imaginable she did this all for me just to feel comfortable. Looked liked I had found a best friend in this new life after all.
Jade left me alone in my room to settle in and rest since that's what the nurse had told them to have me do. I took a long relaxing shower to clear my head but I still couldn't stop thinking about Skyler. It was crazy how much I had been thinking about him since the incident with him a drew. It didn't make it better with the small tiff we had earlier today. Normally these things wouldn't get to me. It never did when I had a fight with my old boyfriend Weston but this was different. Skyler was different. Different in a way that made a girl feel like she could spend every second with him and he was starting to make me feel this way. A note slid under my door as I sat down with the second book of the blue bloods series. I picked it up and looked at it.
Meet me at midnight on the backyard patio ~ S
Reading that small little note made my heart flutter. Skyler wanted to actually talk to me. Looking at the clock I had only an hour to get ready and I wanted Skyler to look at me the way i looked at him. Like he was the only guy that could have my heart.
Skyler's POV
I sat in my study rubbing my tired eyes. Being the oldest and not married as a royal vampire or having a prospect that was acceptable by the six families was a stressful situation. With Colton turning into a forsaken and drew being the younger brother it fell to me as the next eldest royal child to get married. Hearing my father rant and rave about it for the past two hours wore on my last nerve. Having my father tell me the options of the five girls from the other families made me sick. None of them were my type of girls, especially not for spending the rest of my life with. "Get dressed big brother I have something special planned for you." jade said, sitting on the edge of the table swinging her feet. "Sorry sis but I'm not in the mood." Jade rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. "Trust me you'll love this one just go get ready and be at the patio at midnight." with that jade disappeared leaving me in the study alone once again. Looking at the clock I only had thirty minutes. Hope jade didn't have something fancy in mind.
I got to the patio with five minutes to spare but how the patio was set up it looked like it was set for a date. In a matter of moments it hit me Jade had set me up. This was a date, and I knew who the mystery girl was. It was Brinley. As if she knew I was thinking of her the back door opened and she walked out looking breathtaking. She had on a black cocktail dress that showed her long legs with her hair in a sleek low ponytail accented with a medium red lipstick. " I got your note." she said showing me with her hand slightly shaking. That was totally a jade move. She used to do it when I drew and I would fight when we were younger to get us in the same place to talk it out. "Brinley, I can't do this right now with you." I said as I turned to walk back inside of the house. " What's wrong with you Skyler you yell at me asking me aren't you worth me living for and now you act like this!" Looking over my shoulder I saw the tears falling from her eyes making her mascara run. "You are worth me living for Skyler, what I tried wasn't because of you or to hurt you. I hope you can one day forgive me." she said as she went to run passed me into the house. But before she could get out of arm's reach I caught her arm spinning her to face me and in that moment I made a choice that could cost us our lives. I completely gave myself to her. Slamming our lips together I gave Brinley the shadow kiss. A kiss that links one's soul to another and shows the partner the other's memories. It's a old vampire tradition done when finding your mate. Just like werewolves but for eternity. As our lips moved in sync fireworks exploded throughout my body. I pulled away for her to catch her breathe seeing the brightest smile on her face. She wanted this just as much as I did. Yes what we had just started has put our lives in jeopardy but I didn't care. I found my reason for my existence. Brinley was my reason for living and i plan on giving her everything she could ever want in this life and the next.