September 14, 2019
Diary entry 403
Dear Grandma,
I know you're already at peace with grandpa in heaven. But I really, really need to tell you something so urgent!
You've told me not to pick any more strays on the street. Guess what? I got a cat. An orange one. It looked too pitiful and dying so I picked it up and brought it home. I tended into it. When I saw its eyes, it looked so angry and grumpy. A laser eyes glares. Just like in X-men? That one man whose stares can burn things? That was how it looked at me. We'll I'm not scared of it. Its just that I understood him completely. Oh, have I told you that it was injured? Probably it hated humans because it was hurt by them. So I understood it. I even named it Yong. Since it felt like a dragon to me. Well, a cute one with angry eyes.
We've been together for two weeks. We share food since he didn't really like the cat food I bought. So I cooked for two. Feels like you're still here with me. I even felt like you've sent it for me after you died. But I don't wanna sound complaining grandma for the kind of cat you've sent. I'm scared of it after that night. He turned into a man! My cat turned into a man!
Grandma? Can you perhaps send dogs instead? I feel like I picked an alien cat.