Dana trembled as she looked at the pictures, her mind travelled with the speed of light trying to figure out who it was that was messing with her, all she knew was that who ever it was wanted to play a long silly game as no massage was attached to the pictures, so all she could do now was wait till they started their aim. She took sleeping pills and went to bed.
By 9am they had already driven to a dance studio were she watched Linx train while Desiree went out to handle some matters. She couldn't stand the girls flirting with Linx like he was some god or something, Linx didn't even pay attention to any of them and in the end requested to practice the routines with Dana so the rest could watch. Dana's heart nearly stopped beating when he had called her to come dance, she had only been paying attention to the steps because she had to report back everything to Desiree but to think of actually dancing them out was another thing.
"I..I can't dance!" Dana exclaimed as he stretched out his hand for her to take it.
"Don't worry, just follow my steps." Linx said calmly looking down at her as she shifted uncomfortably due to all the attention his action had gotten her. She was hardly noticed since she came into the studio except for the first time she had walked in, towering above all the girls in the studio making them wonder who she was but after Desiree introduced her they saw her as an unfit competition but now Linx was asking her to dance with him?
"Okay.." Dana replied, slipping her fragile hands laced with rings into Linx's hand.
"All you have to do is follow my movement and that of the dance instructor" Linx whispered softly to her before the music was increased to a deafening pitch again.
"Who does she think she is?!!" Ye-Jun said to no one in particular as she stumped her feet on the ground and walked over to sit down with the girls that were all over her.
"She isn't even pretty!" Ye-Jun angrily said her words making some of the girls with her share weird looks between each other. In as much as they didn't like Dana it would be a very big lie to say she wasn't pretty, she was by far the prettiest girl in the studio and she wasn't even wearing makeup, she wore a simple grey legging, transparent black crop top with a grey coloured bra that matched her legging and white canvas with her hair packed in a pony tail, she was the least dressed person as compared to the other girls.
" But she doesn't seize the opportunity to flirt with Linx, she is just an ordinary PA but look at her acting like his girlfriend or something" one of the girls with Ye-Jun added throwing Dana a death glare.
"Ye-Jun please come over here." The dance instructor Kwang-Sun said.
Stylishly Ye-Jun walked over to were Linx was standing, compared to Dana she was like a child when she stood beside Linx. She was quite pretty and had a great shape with was more surgically enhanced than natural but she was quite short as compared to Linx or Dana.
"Come over to where Dana is, as she moves you copy her movements. " Kwang-Sun further instructed, his hands crossed around his chest as he silently prayed for a miracle to happen so Ye-Jun could grasp the dance moves, thanks to Dana would had made some suggestions the steps had been simplified and now it was all up to Ye-Jun to master the moves quickly but since she had failed to and kept making mistakes for over five hours he was scared she would mess this up too, he couldn't even understand how she had won the national queen of dance title, she could dance but she wasn't that good at least not nearly as good as Dana or most dancers he had seen.
"Put on the music." Linx said as Ye-Jun walked over to were Dana was.
"Stand beside me please." Dana said to Ye-Jun who stood in front of her with a seemingly nonchalant attitude.
With a sigh Ye-Jun walked to where Dana was, the music was already on so they began dancing. After about two minutes she purposely put her leg in front of Dana, causing her to trip and fall and then pretending to care as everyone surrounded Dana.
"Get your hand off me!" Linx thundered, his eyes still on Dana. His cheek bones squeezed tightly as he rose his almost life less eyes to meet a frightened Ye-Jun.
Quickly Ye-Jun redrew her hand from were she had kept it on top of Linx's hand in the guise of trying to help Dana stand up.
"Now apologise to her." Linx said to Ye-Jun as he rose to his feet making everyone do same.
"Why!??" Ye-Jun cried out, annoyed and embarrassed.
"Why? Do you really want to act like you don't know what you did? Or are you just as dumb as your actions suggest?" Linx replied calmly, his face expressionless but the tune of his voice frightening.
"Bu..t... she's just a PA what does it matter?" Ye-Jun stammered giving Dana a disdain look.
"It's either you apologise or you say goodbye to dancing on this show and any other show for that matter." Linx said with blood shot eyes, the fact that she had called Dana a mare PA and thought as such she could be treated anyhow made him want to tear her apart instead he did what he never liked doing, he intimidated her with power and hell he was seriously going to carry out his threat, just one phone call and her career would go down the drain.
Ye-Jun's eye lids clapped in fear and disbelief, she didn't understand why he was standing up for Dana mare PA, she would be dumb to take his threats for granted especially when he looked as calm as he was now.
"It's alright, I am fine. There's no need for an insincere apology." Dana finally spoke for the first time. Her words were simple but they further embarrassed Ye-Jun and left the whole studio in tension, no one else dared say a word.
"I... am sorry..." Ye-Jun stuttered
in a low voice.
"We can't hear you." Linx said looking above Ye-Jun's head.
"I am sorry Miss Dana." Ye-Jun said in a raised pitch, her voice carrying hints of anger she tried to subdue.
"Um." Dana replied looking at Linx as he grabbed her hand and led her out of the studio only talking to Kwang-Sun informing him that they would be back tomorrow.
By the time they got home Desiree wasn't back so only Dana and Linx were at home, Linx ordered takeouts which they ate quietly untill the lights went out and Linx held on to Dana's hand tightly.
"What's the problem?" Dana asked with a mouth full of pizza as Linx moved to where she was sitting still holding on to her tightly.
"Wait are you scared of the dark?" Dana asked admist a chuckle.
"Who said I was! I...am...n.oot scared of the dark..." Linx stuttered trying to sound convincing.
"Alright then, let me go so I would find a candle" Dana replied as she stood up to leave.
"Don't go... please don't go" Linx half screamed as he held on to Dana's arm.
"Why shouldn't I, you ain't a child are you or you suddenly want to hold a pretty witch huh?" Dana said smirking down at him in the dark.
"Don't go...! I'm scared... I'm scared of the dark please" Linx said in a trembling voice as he wrapped his hands around Dana's waist, squeezing his eyes shut.