who knew you could be so feisty" Linx said to Dana as they walked outside, Dana holding his hand like he was a child.
"And who knew you could let your temper blind you? Couldn't you see they were trying to make you look bad in front of the cameras?" Dana thundered.
"Who cares, I'm used to those sly snakes always putting up acts I just had to give them a word for the day" Linx replied looking unperturbed as he leaned against the limo.
"Ishh you're acting like a kid. The agency would get mad at me if I hadn't stepped up and stopped you from saying anything further, hopefully this doesn't escalate." Dana rumbled as she caught of the time on her watch, it was already 2:45pm and getting to Central C Park would take about an hour and thirty minutes.
"Why are you acting like Desiree all of a sudden, you're Scarry right now you know." Linx said with a smirk.
"Let's go home please." Dana said looking impatient.
"Ok ma'm" Linx replied with a smile.
The whole time as they rode home Dana was on a call with Xixi who pestered her with questions, she wanted to know everything even the smallest tiniest details in the end she ended up getting to say Hi to Linx who was still scared of her after the incident at she and Dana's apartment when he had gone to drop Dana off.
Immediately they got home Dana headed to her room and got a change of clothes. A black hoodie, a black base ball cap she wore under the hoodie black faded jean trousers, big round reading glasses she had abandoned for years and a nose mask. She then told Linx she was going out for some air but he insisted to follow her or at least drop her thinking that she didn't know her way around.
Thankfully someone had video called him, who ever it was made him look really scared and just like that Dana was able to escape.
She weaved down a taxi that took her to a bus station from the bus station she went to a train station and then she hired a cab to take her into the city.
Everywhere had changed, it was like she was in a new world, new faces filled the streets she once walked. The only thing that seemed to have not changed was the noise in some of the streets, some streets were now estates, a mall was now on DuDu road which was once filled with houses of people that weren't in the high social rankings, it made her wonder were they had all gone to and why everything changes so fast with no trace of one's past.
"Hurry up before it rains" she heard a familiar voice call out behind her, when she turned she was stunned by who she saw, it was Da Xia her senior in middle school. Da Xia looked so different, the old troublesome bully seemed to have lost itself and was replaced with a calmer version of Da xia Dana hadn't imagined was ever possible.
Da Xia had been one of the people that bullied her when she was a kid, the day she met Haneul, Da Xia had been the one who had started calling her names before others joined in.
As ironic as life can be Dana watched as Da Xia tried to carry a little cute chubby boy who she had called out to to move faster before it started to rain. She could tell the child was Da xia's.
"I hope fate doesn't pay back this child's mother's deeds on him" Dana prayed silently as she watched Da xia get into a car with her son. Dana couldn't help but wonder how Da Xia would feel if her son faced what she had put Dana and other kids through back in school. In as much as they were all kids Da Xia had helped to scar many, the taunts and names one often thought was funny and victims should learn to "get over it" wasn't so easy to get over, it was as though she found pleasure in hurting others throughout middle school to highschool hopefully someone doesn't do same to her child.
As the car rode off, Dana turned and started moving again trying to figure out her way untill she got to the road that led to Central C Park. Surprisingly it was quiet and empty with leafs scattered everywhere, quickly Dana walked further as it was already getting dark and it was already 5:34pm. She got to a gate with a sign "WELCOME TO CENTRAL C PARK" the white and blue colours that once adorned the letters had faded. The gate was locked with a "NO TRESPASSING" sign hung in the gate, seeing as there was on way to get in through the gate, Dana sort for a way to get in finally she settled for a side of the gate which wasn't too high and quite easy to jump.
Hurriedly she climbed the bars and then jumped in, injuring herself in the process.
Now she stood in front of a place that carried so many of her only good memories but everywhere was quiet and deserted just like her life and she couldn't help but feel sad and scared, scared that she might have made a wrong decision by coming here. What if it was the police? No... They would have probably arrested her by now, the Sisterhood? Those witched would have kidnapped her by now so who ever it was that was messing with her had to have more off his sleeves and so she had to meet with whoever it was so this nonsense mind game could stop.