The streets seemed practically empty with few cars that refused to stop at Dana's waves. It was already 9pm and her phone was already switched off, she decided to take short cuts that would lead to the bus stop. Vaguely remembering the streets as she walked through, she got to a gate with a sign "Sun international Highschool province 4" her eyes fluttered like that first time she had stood in front of this school about 12 years ago. It was where she had met Haneul, where her life had been a similar hell to the one she had at home it was where she somehow found an escape in. There were security men outside the school and knowing fully well that the school had strike policies against trespassing she didn't think about even entering into the school, even during school hours if you weren't a child's guidian and had your own ID card which was issued by the school you won't be allowed to go in. Dana smiled on seeing that the building hadn't changed much, just it's colours and the addition of new buildings. One of the guards noticed her and before he could begin walking to get to her she quickly started walking away.
As she walked through she passed the ice cream shop they used to have ice cream at, the cafe they spent time at she couldn't help it anymore and the thought of how angry and hate filled Haneul had looked earlier came rushing back and she cried, she let the tears flow freely down her face, instead of the low weeping the usually subjected herself to she let herself cry out loud her legs gave way as she sat on the pedestrian side work beside the road.
After having a fill of tears, she dragged her tired self to the bus stop where she took the bus and headed home. When she got to city it was raining there and although she got a cab she was still drenched by the rain. By the time she got home, Linx was standing outside the house with an umbrella and rushed to her side to cover her. Quietly they walked into the house Desiree looking suspiciously at Dana.
"Where did you go? You made us extremely worried." Linx asked when they got into the house.
"I went for a walk." Dana replied too weak for any Q and A session.
"In that? You look like you went to some old fashioned nerds hang out or something." Desiree said referring to the glasses Dana wore. It instead reminded Dana of Haneul, she hadn't registered the fact that they had both turned up wearing glasses although she had taken her's off when she jumped into the Park. The thought of it sadden her the more.
"I'll be off to bed now. Goodnight seniors." Dana said before quickly walking off without waiting for a response.
When she got to her room she quickly showered and went straight to bed but her sleep was short lived as she was awaken by nightmares. It wasn't one this time it was all the memories she hated, all of it she thought she would die but someone hugged her, letting her hold him till she fell asleep due to the high fever she had.
When Dana opened her eyes the next day, she felt a cold towel on her forehead and figure of a dozing man sitting beside her, when his image came fully to her dull eyes she couldn't help but admire an aspect of Linx she had never seen. His lashes were so long it made her wish her's were like his. Like he could tell he was been watched he jolted awake.
"Why are you staring like that? Never seen a beauty asleep?" Linx asked smirking at an already pink faced Dana.
"Isshh I was just wondering what your fans would think when they find out their idol drools." Dana replied, her voice cranky due to the cold, her throat hurt with every word but she couldn't hold back replying to Linx's words, he was so sharp tongued and most times she totally forgot he was her employer and not a child or her friend.
"Huh! Where?!" Linx asked looking terrified at Dana's words as he touched the side of his lips trying to hide the drool. Dana burst into laughter as she watched his reaction. He didn't have any drool on but thankfully the trick Haneul used to play on her worked, thinking of Haneul Dana turned sober again.
"You!!! I would...." Linx words seized when he saw the look on Dana's face sadden, earlier he felt like pinching her nose off when she pulled that silly joke on him but immediately he saw her sad expression his feelings resolved into that of concern.
"What's the matter? Does it hurt?" Linx asked concerned as he touched Dana's head to feel her temperature.
"What? Nothing hurts except my....." Dana dragged the words realizing that she felt crampy and it would most likely be her period.
"Except your?" Linx asked curiously.
"It's nothing, nevermind. I just need to bath." Dana replied as she tried to stand up weakly but seeing that Linx was still around she shot him a curious look.
"I said I want to bath." Dana said with raised eye brows.
"So?" Linx replied.
"Ish so you should like leave the room, it's my room duh I need to take my bath and change up." Said said eying Linx who was comfortably seated without making an effort to leave.
"Oh hello, if you didn't notice this is my room so why should I leave when it's mine?" Linx replied leaning further back on the chair whilst enjoying the confused look on Dana's face.
Dana's nearly exploded when she realized she wasn't in her room.
"How did I get here? When? How didn't I know?" Dana asked herself as she stared at Linx confused. As if reading her mind he provided her with the answers.
"This morning around 3am you were screaming like crazy in your dream and I came by to check up on you mainly because you were disturbing my idol sleep." Linx said trying to convince Dana that he only checked up on he because she was disturbing his sleep. Seeing that she still wore the same confused expression he continued.
"So when I came in I discovered you had a high fever and when I wanted to lay you back down I discovered you were like....." Linx paused looking for the right words to say what he intended as it felt too weird even for an enlighten person such as himself.
"Was like how?" Dana asked raising her right eye rows curiosity filling her mind.
"Um... You were stai...ned...with bloo...d... You had your period." Linx replied smiling awkwardly.
Dana let out a low grasp, quickly covering her mouth with her hand as her brain finally registered the reason why Linx had if it hurt. She had found it strange that he was referring to her head cause she clearly didn't hit her head or something.
She looked at the gown she was in and realized it wasn't what she had slept in last night, she had worn PJs and now she was in this oddly big green silky night dress what she was curious to know more was who had changed her! There were only two men at home and she couldn't imagine any of did changing her clothes.
"How did I get into these? She asked gesturing at the night dress. "Did you change me?!!!" Dana asked Linx her eyes bulging out as she waited to hear his reply.
"It was me..eea...." Linx said, he couldn't finish speaking as Dana put a pillow over her ears and started screaming at the top of her lungs, burying her face on her legs.
Author's note.
I'm so sorry everyone for the infrequent updates, been busy with allot of stuff lately kindly bare with me as I'll try to update at least 3-4 chapters whenever I update the novel. Thanks.