Chereads / The Last Descendent: Book One: Awakening. / Chapter 3 - Chapter Two: Raelle's Point Of View.

Chapter 3 - Chapter Two: Raelle's Point Of View.

****Raelle's Point Of View******

I inhale a deep breath. My body felt so drained and there was a dull pain in my collarbone area. The pain in my body had dulled compared to what it was before. I could feel my eyebrows draw together slightly as confusion set in. Warmth surrounded me. It was strangely familiar and almost comforting. I try to open my eyes, but it took some effort because they felt heavy.

I could hear soft footsteps approaching me from the side. Someone was here? Where was here exactly?

"Ellie?" My heart skipped a beat. That voice..Rayden. His voice held so much concern. What was he doing here?

"Ellie, can you hear me? You're safe." A lump forms in my throat. Safe? Was anywhere even safe anymore? After severing The Mate Mark Paris would be furious! I shiver at the thought of him.

And being around Rayden. I didn't feel emotionally safe with him. He had hurt me before. But for some unknown reason The Goddess kept throwing him in my path. Why was The Goddess so cruel? Rayden would have seen the state of me and have some idea of what happened to me...why would she bring him back into my life?!!!

Hadn't I been through enough already? I slowly pry my eyes open, and a pair of ruby red orbs stared down at me. Had his lashes gotten longer? His skin was still the same flawless beige it had been the last time that I saw him. He seemed taller too, about six-two maybe compared to my five-four it wasn't hard for someone to be tall.

My eyes travel up and notice that his raven-colored hair was long enough for a short ponytail at the base of his neck. I let my eyes move down, He's lean and muscular now. He wasn't just skinny and athletically built like he used to be.

He slowly kneels down beside the bed. I arch a curious eyebrow at him. What was he doing?

"Are you in pain?" I glance down at his full lips and then back up into his eyes. One thought had crossed my mind, but I knew that it would never happen because he had made it very clear that he didn't want me five years ago.

"No. Why am I here?" Rayden let's out a clipped sigh. He clearly didn't believe that I wasn't in any pain.

"Jacob brought you here after he found you. In a pool of your own blood." Rayden's eyes narrow slightly. I suppress the urge to smirk. It almost sounded like he cared.

I turn my head so that I am no longer looking at him and so that he can't see my face. I was going to kill my brother for bringing me here! I'd make sure that he suffered for this! He knew that this would be the last place anyone would look for me, but he knew that I couldn't be around Rayden!

"Care to explain to me why you would do something so reckless?!" I could feel his anger. I scoff. He didn't get to act like he suddenly cared what happened to me!

"Raelle TALK to me!" He was pleading with me now? I roll my eyes. Like hell I was going to talk to him about even of it.

"I want to go home." Rayden growls causing me to flinch and snap my head in his direction. He looked hurt that I had gotten scared. Then his expression was hard to read.

"You are in NO condition to be moving around. Where did all the bruises and wounds come from?" My chest tightens and my eyes begin to burn trying to hold the tears at bay. The bed gave way next to me. Warm fingers graze my cheek causing me to shiver.

"Look at me Ellie. Please." I huff a sigh and cut my eyes at him. He has his head propped up on his arm as he lay on his side.

"I can guess what happened from the images that you accidently showed me last night...Why didn't you use your powers?" I inhale a rigid breath.

"I was bound. Anti-magic c-cuffs for two days. On-Once he thought that I was too weak to resist he uncuffed me...Wh-when I told h-him to shift he went in a frenzy. I I had to ma-make him attack himself" I had no idea why I was telling him all of this.

As much as I hated to admit it, I had always felt safe with Rayden... Rayden's features darken. I could feel the bloodlust from off of him. My eyes widen in surprise as he moves closer to me wrapping himself around me..almost protectively. I turn on myself to add a little distance, but he only pinned me against him. His warmth seeping into me.

The tears poured down my face now. There was no stopping them. Rayden had been the only one to ever see my cry. I didn't let anyone else see it. I didn't want them to think that I was weak. For a moment It was like I had Rayden back ...The Rayden that I knew. The man that I had fell in love with.

**Rayden's Point Of View**

My mind was screaming at me. My blood boiled and everything inside me was ready to hunt down the monster that had done this to her and tare him limb from limb! Raelle buries her face into my chest and continues to sob. I held her gently afraid that I would open her wounds back up or hurt her. My heart felt like that it was being ripped to shreds as she sobbed.

The scent of nature fills my lungs and I felt myself calming down. I loved the way that Raelle smelled. So Pure. Raelle never cried. Or I should say that she never cried Infront of anyone except me. I was grateful that she still trusted me enough to see this side of her.

I run my fingers through her damp her to try and calm her down. I felt her shiver under my touch. I suppress a groan. This woman! She was doing to be the death of us both. I needed to protect her. I couldn't be with her and do that.

Anger flared in my chest again as I think about her being tortured for days. Being forcibly marked. What that coward had done was unforgivable!

I inhale a deep breath allowing her scent to consume me. If I would have just explained to her five years ago. If she would have let me..we wouldn't be here now! She would have never left! I could have protected her. I should have tried harder.

I glance down and my heart ached. Raelle had cried herself to sleep. I knew that I needed to get her home. I needed to speak to Isaac and Charlotte too. But part of me wanted to just keep her here with me where I knew that she was safe!

I couldn't live with myself if My reason for living was hurt again...I inhale a deep breath and slowly let it out. Relucently I get up from the bed and carefully lift Raelle into my arms. I didn't want to wake her. She seemed lighter than then the night before.

I stare down at her sleeping frame. She had a beautiful hourglass figure. Not that you could tell in my baggy clothes that she was wearing. Her doe shaped silver eyes were closed, but the dark circles under them still remained.

Her skin was smooth and a painfully beautiful pale. It made her scarlet and white waist length curls stand out. I smirk down at her. She'd always been on the short side, but she seemed like she may be an inch or two taller now. Sighing I press the portal pearl on my necklace and tighten my hold on Raelle.

I mentally kick myself as I come out the other side standing in her living room. Isaac was holding Jacob by the front of the shirt, and he was a couple inches off the floor. My jaw tightens as Isaac turns his rage filled eyes in my direction. Then his eyes travel down to Raelle, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I knew he wasn't a threat. But I wasn't about to take any chances when it came to her.

I let out the breath that I didn't know I had been holding as his eyes soften at the sight of her. Relief washes over his features as he lets go of Jacob. Charlotte rushes forward toward us and leans her face toward Raelle to breathe in her scent. I stiffen. She wasn't going to like that Raelle's scent was mixed with someone else's.

Charlotte's eyes darken and then pain crosses her features as her eyes fill with tears.

"Oh! Goddess PLEASE NO!" Isaac's snarl draws my attention, I watch as he takes a step toward me and instinctively I take a step back. Charlotte inhales a shaky breath and holds her arms out toward Raelle.

"Let me take her. I'll lay her down. Then we can speak." My heart dropped into my stomach. I didn't want to let her go. I didn't want her out of my site. I glance back and forth between Isaac and Charlotte. I wanted so badly to keep her with me..but did I really still have that right? I shake my head and tighten my hold on her.

"No. I've got her." Charlotte gives me a sympatric look and takes a slow step toward me again.

"She's safe with me Rayden. I'll lay her down in my room. You'll be able to hear her if she wakes up." I hesitate for a moment before giving Raelle to her mother. I watch her shake slightly as she carried Raelle away from me.

Every step that Charlotte took it felt like someone was slowly ripping my heart out of my chest. What was going on with me? Why was it so much worse this time around?

"Rayden. Did Raelle tell you what happened to her?" I turn my gaze to Isaac and glance over a Jacob who was staring down the hallway after Charlotte. I look back at Isaac giving him my full attention. He looked so defeated.

"What has Jacob told you?" Isaac let's out a frustrated growl. Which meant that Jacob hadn't told them anything. This was going to be a difficult conversation to have with them. Charlotte walks back into the room and over to Isaac. Obviously needing the support of her mate. I couldn't help but smile a little at them.

"He refused to say anything. He believes in protecting his sister's privacy! But NOW its the time for that!" That wasn't surprising. I had seen the twin take on the full wrath of Isaac just to protect Raelle.

"She accidently let memories slip into my mind while she was sleeping. He held her for nearly three days. He tortured her. He used anti-magic cuffs on her. He forcibly marked her and when he thought that she was weak enough he took the cuffs off. She managed to make him shift and attack himself so that she could get away."

I couldn't lie to them. I told them what she had told me. But I wouldn't give them details of what I saw and what almost happened to her. Rage swells in my chest at the thought of it. The only thing that I couldn't see was his face.

"Did she tell you who did it?" I knew by his tone that Isaac was close to losing control over his wolf. Charlotte let's out a strangled sob. This was too much for her. But they deserved to know.

"No. The images were even blurry. I couldn't tell who it was...There is something else that I think that you should know about." Charlotte's sobs were faster, and it was affecting her breathing that was coming out in short pants. I hated that I had to be the one to tell them. I wasn't sure if they were going to be able to handle any more.

"When I brought in a healer to deal with her wounds. He informed me that Raelle took a poison that destroys a woman's ability to children." Charlotte stiffens and Isaac stood there frozen in shock.

"I'm sorry. I'll be posting a Shadow Guard to tail Raelle and protect her. I have to go. If she needs anything call me." Charlotte looks at me for a long moment as if she is trying to figure out what to say to me.

"Thank you, Rayden." I blink and crack a small smile.

"I'd do anything for Her."

**Raelle's Point Of View**

I let out a small groan and roll over to only groan again as I bump into something solid. What the hell? I open my eyes and squint against the sunlight streaming into the room. I glance beside me, and I am greeted with sandy blonde curls. I frown and force my aching body to sit up. Mom's overly athletically toned body was sprawled out on the bed.

Her skin tone was normally a soft ivory color, but her face looked blotchy and red like she had been crying? My heart drops! WAIT!!! I look around quickly realizing that I am in my parent's room. I let out a small growl. Rayden had brought me home while I was sleeping! That was low! What a Turnup Head!

My stomach twists into knots as it hits me that Mom HAD been crying because Rayden would have told them what happened. She would have smelled Paris's scent because of the dissolving Mate Mark. I shiver involuntary at the thought of him again. I drop my face into my hands and inhale several deep breaths trying to calm my steadily rising panic.

I flinch as Mom jerks up into the sitting position with wide eyes. She scans me over with her eyes. The concern was written all over her face. She wasn't good a masking her emotions.

"Raelle are you okay? Are you in pain?" Both my eyebrows shoot up. Goddess help me! She literally just woken up and she was already shooting off questions. I huff out a small laugh and offer her gentle smile.

"I'm fine Mom. But you look rough." Mom arches an eyebrow at me as her chocolate brown eyes scan my face again cautiously. I let out a clipped sigh and shake my head. I wince a little and reach up and lightly touch the burn that the blade had left on my collarbone. I had an ointment for that. I'd have to put some on it.

"How about you go and take a shower and I'll start on breakfast." She forces a bright smile, but I caught she staring at the burn. I wanted to snap on her. I didn't want to deal with her being overbearing. I just wanted space to deal with this alone and I knew that none of them were going to leave me alone EVER again!

Things around here were about to become unbearable. I just knew it!

"Yeah. Okay." Mom climbs out of the bed and then takes my hands and gently pulls helping me out if the bed. I roll my eyes and clench my teeth together to keep from snapping on her. My body was still a little sore though. I noticed when my legs stretched out as I stood there.

I let go of her hands. She moves toward the door, and I arch an eyebrow at her curiously. I take a few steps and gasp as a shock wave of pain runs through my lower half. I double over and hold my torso. I inhale a few deep breathes trying to will away the pain.

I glance up at Mom, she stood there with wide eyes. Like she didn't know what she was supposed to do. I slowly straighten up and force a tight-lipped smile.

"It's just a cramp." Mom blinks rapidly to keep from crying. Why was she being so overly emotional? Mom tries to reach out for my hand again. But I swat it away. I sigh and leave her room and practically run up the stairs.

The Twins or Dad weren't anywhere in site Thank The Goddess! Once inside the bathroom I lock the door and slowly turn around. It smelled heavily of cleaner. So, they scrubbed the bathroom. I also see that there are fresh towels hanging up and clothes were already laid out on the back of the toilet.

I quickly turn on the shower and glance down at my clothes. Which I'm assuming are Rayden's. My fingers freeze at the hem of the shirt and my whole-body blushes. RAYDEN'S CLOTHES?!!

FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODDESS!!!! Rayden would have seen EVERYTHING if he was the one that put clothes on me! I shake my head and quickly throw the clothes on to the floor.

I step into the shower and let the steaming water run over my aching body. Whoever the healer was did a great job with the healing. The bruises were a yellowish green color now and most of the wounds had turned into scars. I smile faintly. It wasn't that I enjoyed having them and that I wanted to remember the attack. But I did survive it and Paris didn't get what he wanted.

I quickly scrub my body raw and wash my hair. Once rinsed off I wrap a warm towel around my body and glance into the mirror. But quickly turn away. I didn't want to see myself. I smile a little brighter as I rack my fingers through my hair.

"Sicco" (Dry) A faint sizzling sound fills my ears and my fingertips sparked alittle. I loved using my magic to dry my hair. It was faster than any hair dryer.

I dry off quickly and struggle into the clothes. I shake my head Josh must have gotten the clothes. Because it was a long sleeved off the shoulder black shirt and a pair of white baggy sweat pants.

I slowly open the bathroom door and glance up through my eyelashes and notice a dark fingure standing there. My heart drops and the blood drains from my face. I suddenly swing my arm out sending the figure flying across the hallway and crashing into the wall. The figure groans but my fight or flight mode had kicked in. My body trembled and tears burned my vision. There was a pressure on my chest like someone had sit on it. I couldnt get enough air into my lungs.

"Rae?" Mom? My head snaps in the direct that her voice came from. She stood there at the top of the stairs with a shocked expression. I blink several times the area coming back in to focus.

"What the Hell Ell?" Jacob's voice draws my attention to where I threw the figure. Jacob's amber orbs glared at me. My eyes widen and I let out a small sob. I inhale several deep breaths to keep from having another break down. That wouldn't help anyone.

Jacob stands up with a sad expression. When had he gotten so tall? He was as tall as Dad. That was crazy. He looked exactly like Dad. Same build same small braid. Same skin tone. Josh's hair on the other hand he kept it short so that you could tell him and Jacob apart better.

But it wasn't hard to tell since Jacob had Dad's eyes and Josh had Mom's. Jacob takes a step toward me causing me to flinch. Guilt fills my chest as I wrap my arms around myself. I hadn't wanted meant to flinch. I didn't want my family to think that I was afraid of them. But the male population set my hairs on end.

"Jake..slowly." Mom's voice was gentle as she spoke. I chew on the inside of cheek. I shouldn't be afraid of my brother.

"Raelle why don't we go downstairs and eat?" I nod my head slowly and let mom lead me down the stairs.

We made it down to the Living Room before strong arms wrap around me from behind. I stiffen as my heart accelerates against my rib cage.

"Hey spit fire. You feeling, okay?" My body instantly relaxes at the sound of my father's voice. Dad turns me toward him gently. I watch him curiously as his eyes scan me over carefully. He lets out a low growl as his eyes find the place where the mark had been.

I stumble back out of his grip. A new set of warm hands wrap around my upper arms. Catching me before I could fall. Josh! Dad's face falls and he looks guilty and upset that he had scared me.

"Sorry Babygirl." I nod and blink back tears. It wasn't his fault that I was so on edge and scared. I was angry that I was scared to. I hated that it was my go-to emotion.

"Let's eat." Mom forces a light tone and heads to the kitchen.