Chapter 4 - Chapter Three:

****Raelle's Point Of View******

Mom had made a wide verity of things and everything looked great, but the thought of eating turned my stomach. I just stare down at my plate. Mom had put small portions onto my plate but I didn't have the energy to even try to eat it. I peek up at everyone and they seemed to be really focused on eating. So, they were avoiding talking because they didn't want to talk to about it.

There was so much tension in this room that you could cut it with a knife.

"So..How is the training coming along Jacob? Still trying to get into The Shadow Guard?" Jacob looks up at me and smiles brightly.

"I'll have you know little sister I am in The Shadow Guard." I couldn't help but giggle at him, I was happy for him. I knew that it was something that he really wanted.

"I'm so proud of you!" Jacob's smile grew and, but I watch as it falters. I arch an eyebrow at him curiously. What just happened?

"Ell. We should talk about what happened to you." My heart skips a beat. So, Jacob was the one who decided to bring it up. I roll my eyes and let out a low frustrated growl. This wasn't something that I wanted to talk about.

"Look. I love you all. But this isn't something that I want to talk about." Dad lets out a clipped growl and shakes his head.

"Someone HURT you. Forcibly MARKED you. Do you think that for one second that I am going to sit here and let that go? What he did is a CRIME!" The Rage was coming off him in waves. But I was getting angry too. He wasn't considering the fact that he COULDNT protect me from everything!

I just wanted to forget about the whole thing! Not have to sit here and relive the whole thing because they wanted to know what happened! I wrap my arms around myself tightly and see Josh shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"It's not like you can do anything to him anyway." I see Mom place her hand over Dad's and he relaxes a little under her touch.

"What is that supposed to mean? No one is above the law" I smirk. He was trying to hold his patience together. The irony in his statement made me want to laugh.

"Even an Alpha's Child?" Mom gasps. Dad however was trying hard not to glare at me. Now he understands.

"An Alpha's son did this?!" I rub my hands over my face roughly. My temper was getting the better of me.

"YES! From The Blood Moon Pack! Paris Daniels." Dad snarls and bolts up from the table. Both Josh and Jacob flinch. Which means that Dad was ranting through the mind-link as well.

"The same Blood Moon Pack that we JUST signed a treaty with?!" Josh growls and I let out a heavy sigh. Well, this all just hit the fan. Alphas weren't known for their good tempers.

"Tell me What Happened." I shew on the inside of my cheek. Dad forces himself to sit down in his chair but stays away from the table. His leg bouncing up and down rapidly.

"The whole reason that I went to a college in a different kingdom was so that no one knew who I was." Mom reaches over and rubs my arm.

"We figured as much. We don't blame you for wanting to be normal sweetie." It was annoying with how understanding she was being. I clear my throat before talking again.

"Pa-Paris and I had Intro to Herbology. We were friends. Or I thought that we were. He was flirty. But I shut it down. He kept trying so I had to sit him down and explain how I felt and that I was waiting for- my pair bond or mate."

Dad nods and glances at my brothers. Of course, they were having their own private conversation. But they all knew that this wasn't something new. From a young age I wanted what my parents had. And I didn't want to have to have a conversation about my past. I just wanted my pair bond or mate to be my first everything.

"And?" I cut my eyes back to my dad. I had gone into my own little thought bubble. Dad was just trying to be very patient with me.

"He seemed alright with it at first But the he- my roommate had stayed over with a friend and I had just gotten back from a run and he jumped me. Putting my in anti-magic cuffs. " I exhale along breath as my eyes begin to burn from the tears that threatened to spill over.

"He sai-said that he was in love with me and I would be his mate whether he liked it or not." I look down at my thighs and tighten my hold around myself. Dad forces down a growl. I gasp as Mom's arms come around me. I clear my throat trying to get the lump in my throat to go away.

"Rayden said that you took a poison." My head snaps back up at Dad. Rayden told them about the poison? How did he even know about the poison? It was an indictable one. Had the healer noticed it? I inhale a shaky breath.

"I took it because I was afraid that he would catch me..He- He marked me and thought that I was too weak at that point, so so he to-took the cuffs off. I didn't wa-want to take any ch-chances if he caught me again."

I watch as relief washes over Dad's features and even Josh and Jacob let out a relieved sigh.

"I have a phone call to make. I'll be at The Pack House." I could feel my eyebrows draw together as I watch Dad leave the kitchen. He wasn't going to call Alpha Daniels, was he?! Mom huffs out a breath before letting go of me and standing up.

"I'm going with your father. To try and make sure that things don't explode." She rushes out of the room. Leaving me alone with my brothers.

My lower half starts to cramp again causing me to wince. I inhale a rigid breath.

"What's wrong are you okay?!" I look up at Josh and the sheer panic on his face surprises me.

"I'll be alright. It's a side effect of the poison. It will pass." Josh frowns and shares a glance with Jacob.

"I'll be in my room." I stand up and slowly leave the kitchen. It was like I had a whole other set of parents when it came to my brothers.

I shake my head and sigh.

**Josh's Point Of View**

The sun had just gone down, and our parents still weren't home. They had both put up a block on the mind-link too. Honestly it had me on edge. I didn't like any of this. With Dad's temper I doubt that things would stay civil. I pray to The Goddess that Dad would be able to keep a level head about all of this. We did just sign a peace treaty with them. But when it comes to Raelle...rationally flew out the window. I shake my head.

The front door swings open causing Jacob to growl from his seat at the bottom of the staircase. Mom was practically dragging Dad through the door.

"So, what happened?" My head snaps back to Jacob. He was leaning against the stair railing now.

"I spoke to Alpha Daniels. Of Course, the MUTT is saying that Raelle consented to The Marking and that she wanted to be with him." Jacob snarls and stands straight up.

"That's a LIE! She's NEVER even had boyfriend! She was waiting for Ray-" Jacob screws his mouth shut quickly, looking down at his feet. I shake my head. He had let his emotions get the better of him. I cut my eyes toward our parents. Neither one of them seemed surprised. I clear my throat to get their attention.

"Raelle can project her memories into someone else's mind. She could show them what really happened." Mom's eyes widen in realization as she turns and looks at Dad. He frowns and rubs his chin thinking it over.

I knew what I was suggesting. I wanted Justice for my sister, that sicko was calling her liar and my wolf Shade didn't like that. He was angry. Dad nods after a long moment and growls in frustration.

"I'll call him again and request that they come to The Pack House. At least if she's there I'll know that she is safe. "

My heart drops into my stomach as an ear-piercing scream rip through the house. The blood drained completely from my face.

'RAELLE!' Shade's panicked voice rang through my head. She sounded like she was in pain. Jacob curses and takes the stairs two at a time. I wasn't far behind and I knew that Mom and Dad were right behind me.

My eyes widen in shock as I watch Jacob throw his whole body against the door sending it flying open. I could hear the wood protest at the brute force. He stumbles into Raelle's room. I slowly approach the door. My heart hammering against my rib cage. Raelle's whimper fills my ears causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. Raelle lets out a strangled scream as Jacob grabbed her. I watch as she thrashes around in his hold. My skin crawled and it felt as if my heart was being ripped from my chest. Shade let's out a pained whine.

I flinch as Raelle began to fight against Jacob. My stomach twisted as I stood there staring at my twin while he took the beating that Raelle was giving him. It was clear that Raelle wasn't awake and she was terrified. She wasn't aware of what she was doing to Jacob.

My body moved before my mind could catch up. I crawled into the bed next to Jacob and wrapped my arms around him and Raelle. Shade let's out another whimper as the smell of fear rolled off Raelle's body. My eyes dart down at the scent of blood. Raelle's nails were digging in her arms. I grab her hands allowing her to dig her nails into my palms.

The last thing that we needed was for Raelle to hurt herself. Soft sobbing draws my attention. I glance up to see Mom and Dad standing in the doorway. Mom was leaning on Dad for support and to keep her up right. I had never seen my father look so defeated in my life. I flinch back as Raelle began thrashing harder.

Shade howls as Raelle screams again. Pain radiated off of her now. Raelle's eyes snap open as she begins to fight harder to try and free herself. Her eyes were open but she couldn't see us. It physically hurt to see her like this. To see her so broken and fragile. Dad growls and rushes into the room leaving Mom in the doorway.

"MOVE!" I flinch again as he used his Alpha tone. Shade whimpers under the power of his voice. Jacob and I scramble off the bed as Dad drags Raelle into his arms and sitting down on the bed rocking her gently like he did when she was younger.

Raelle freezes and rapidly blinks several times like she was just waking up.

"Da-Daddy?" Raelle's voice was hoarse. I could feel my throat start to close. Her fear and terror hit us all like a ton of bricks, it was enough for us all to inhale a sharp breath like the air had been sucked right out of our lungs.

"I'm right here Babygirl. Go back to sleep." Dad's voice was barely above a whisper, and he was so gentle with her. But Rae seemed to have heard him and her eyes fluttered closed again.

I had never in my life considered that Raelle would be so beaten down and seem so fragile. It was almost as if she was at the edge of a cliff ready to jump...

****Raelle's Point Of View****

I groan softly. My eyes felt swollen and heavy. I try to raise my arm so that I could rub my eyes only to realize that it was pinned down against my side. Instantly my panic set in and my heart jumped into my throat. What the hell is going on?! Forcing myself to open my eyes I turn my head and felt myself frown.

Dad? Why was he holding me down? Why was he even in my room in the first place? I let out a long drawn-out frustrated growl and wiggle free from his hold. I squeeze my eyes shut in annoyance. Standing up I take a step and let out a small yelp as I trip over something solid. I groan as I hit the floor. I was going to kill whoever left something in my floor!!

I hiss and lift myself up with my arms and look behind me. I could feel my face grow hot with anger.

Oh! For The Love Of The Goddess!!! Josh and Jacob were literally sleeping in my floor!! I stand up grinding my teeth together, resisting the urge to kick them both in the ribs. I slowly make my way toward the door and my mouth drops open. WHAT?! My door was hanging on by the bottom henge. I inhale a deep breath to calm my rising rage, I knew that one of the twins had to have done it! And I'll KILL them for this!!

I wanted to scream! First, I wake up with Mom and NOW them?! What is their problem?! I growl as I make my way to the stairs. I needed coffee or some kind of caffeine. I shake my head and stretch my arms above my head and let out a small, pained moan.

There was a dull pain on the insides of my arms. I pull my arms down and glance at them. My eyebrows draw together in confusion. There were long scratch marks down my arms. I let out a long sigh. No wonder they were in my room. They probably smelled the blood.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek as I make my way toward the kitchen. I glance down at my clothes and curse under my breath. Someone had CHANGED me AGAIN!!! I groan and run my fingers through my hair. I smile softly as my fingertips sparked. Causing my hair to straighten instantly. Easiest way to straighten your hair. I loved magic!

"Rae honey what are you doing up?" I jump at the sound of Mom's voice. I swing around and arch a curious eyebrow at her. Mom seemed to be pale. Was she sick?

"I don't remember what happened last night...But I am sorry." I did feel bad that I had worried them. And the fact that they may have possibly had to restrain me... Mom's worried eyes soften as she wraps her arms around me gently.

"This is NOT your fault." She rubs my back before letting me go and heading straight toward the coffee pot. I watch her silently as she pours herself a cup taking a long drink before turning around and facing me again. I could feel my eyebrows draw together again. What is wrong? She looked like she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it. She frowns slightly and sighs.

"I have to warn you. Your father wants you to show Alpha Daniels and The Luna what happened to you..." Fear courses through me sending my body into the fight or flight mode. I gasp for air clutching my chest. WHAT?! WHY?!

"I'm N-NOT doing th-that!" I shake my head violently. There was no way that I was going anywhere near Paris or his parents! Mom scoffs and tries not to direct her glare at me.

"What happens if this happens to someone else? And they don't have someone to protect them like you do?" I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat and look down at my feet. It was just like her to lay into me...But Paris wouldn't be that stupid to try something like that again, would he?? Would he try to claim me again?! Bile rises in my throat.

"It will be done at The Pack House. You'll be completely safe! No one is going to hurt again." Mom's eyes had shifted. It wasn't her talking it was Nala.

"All I have to do is show them. That's it?" Mom inhales a shakey breath.

"If you think that you can handle if. You can show me first." My eyes widen in shock as I stare at Mom. WHY would she want to see something like that?! Why would she want to do that to herself?

"Mom..I don't think that you should see something like that." Mom gives me a stern look.

"I need to see it, Rae." I let out a long breath and nod my head. I wasn't really sure how she was going to react to this...I approach her slowly and raise my palms up to the sides of her head. Hovering at her temples. I inhale a deep breath and feel the warmth of my power surge in my chest. I give it a gentle push guiding it down my arms and into my hands.

I gasp as my mind is filled of the attack and pain erupts behind my eyes.