***Raelle's Point Of View****
I slowly move back toward Rayden and watch as Jacob places Paris in cuffs. Why hadn't I completely taken his wolf away? I let out a long sigh. It wasn't his wolf's fault that his counterpart was a monster. His wolf was different. I could feel that much.
I flinch and stumble backwards as Paris started laughing like a lunatic! Rayden grabs my arm as Paris lifts his eyes to look over at me.
"Do you think that anyone will want you NOW?! YOU'RE MINE!!" Rage courses through my body.
"IF YOU COME NEAR ME AGAIN, I'LL RIP YOUR HEART FROM YOUR CHEST WITH MY BARE HANDS!!" Alpha Daniels looks up at me with wide eyes as he drags Paris through a portal. I inhale several deep breaths trying to calm myself down before I lost control and my magic lashed out. I turn around and bury my face into Rayden's shirt. Letting silent tears roll down my face. My whole body was trembling. Rayden gently rubs small circles on my back.
I choke out a giggle. He still couldn't handle it when people cried around him. That was something of a comfort to know that hadn't changed. I pull away and look over at my family.
"Are you alright?" I turn my attention to my father. He looks upset and proud at the same time. I wipe my face quickly and offer a small smile.
"I think so." Dad let's out a long sigh and shakes his head.
"I still want to kill him." I let out a clipped sigh. What I had just done to Paris would slowly and painfully drive him mad. A fate worse than death.
"Killing him wouldn't change what already happened. So can we try and move on from it?" Dad lets out a frustrated growl, but Mom captures my attention as she lays her hand on Dad's arm and he physically relaxes under her touch.
To have a love like that. I doubt that I would have anything close to that now. My brothers were lucky. They would have that one day.
"I have to get back before anyone notices that I am gone. But, hey. Call me if you need anything." I turn toward Rayden and arch an eyebrow at him. He wants me to call him? I highly doubt that that was going to happen. I mentally kick myself and groan inwardly. This was my fault. I had stupidly let him back in without even realizing it.
***Josh's Point Of View.*****
I flinch as Raelle's screams echo through the house. It had been two months since she confronted Paris..Her night terrors had only gotten worse since then. She had ordered us not to call Rayden and she refused to get help...To talk to someone. What's worse is she said if we tried to call anyone that she would leave. But we all knew that she was torturing herself with this nightmare and she was trying to deal with it on her own because she thought that we wouldn't be able to handle any of it.
When Raelle would wake up, she would claim that she didn't remember anything about her night terrors. But when she thought no one was watching I would see her zone out and flinch at the memory of them. She had completely closed herself off from us.
I glance over at Jacob who was pacing at the bottom of the staircase. He would stop every few minutes and stare up the stairs. He was fighting with his wolf. Cas wanted to go to Raelle. But Jacob was trying not to rush to her room like he normally would. He was really beating himself over this. Partly because he was the one who found Raelle and partly because there was no way for him to help her.
Mom and Dad sat on the couch staring upstairs. None of us slept much anymore. Raelle screamed again but this time there was a strange echo to it that made Shade whimper... My heart jumps to my throat as the house shook in sync with her scream. My stomach dropped as glass objects shattered around us.
My head snaps around looking at the damage and then to Mom and Dad. Mom's mouth was open in shock and Dad was frowning. Raelle had a new ability and that wasn't normal. Witches normally come into all of their chosen abilities at eighteen. Dad curses under his breath.
"It's time to call Nix." I arch an eyebrow at him. He wanted to call that crazy witch? I know that she was friends with Mom and Raelle, and I know that she helped Raelle when she first started came into her abilities, but she was weird.
But I'm pretty sure it was the fact that she didn't look a day over twenty when in reality she was over TWO CENTURIES old! Mom sighs and stands up making her way to the kitchen.
Mom was taking Raelle's Night terrors to heart. It took some prying to figure out why she was so torn up about it other than the fact that it was happening to her daughter, but she finally told us that Raelle showed her what had happened to her. Once Mom was out of site, I slowly approach the staircase.
It hadn't even been a full two minutes when a purple portal opens up in the middle of the living room. A young woman steps through.
She was slender with a small hourglass frame. It was hard not to notice because of the fact that her clothing clung to every inch of her five-ten frame. She was tall for a female and that went for shifters as well as non-shifters. My eyes travel up to her shoulder length hot pink curls and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Nix always had a different hair color and cut every time that you saw her.
Her purple orbs travel up and down my body and face as she smirks at me. I openly scowl at her. This woman had no shame at all. Nix stiffens as Raelle lets out a strangled scream, the house rumbled around us and then a loud cracking sound erupts behind me causing me to swing around. My eyes bulge at the site of the wall cracking like mirror would as it broke. Splintering off in different directions.
Jacob growls and takes off up the stairs. Nix curses in Latin and follows behind him. I groan and take off after them. I knew that Mom and Dad wouldn't be far behind. A chill runs down my spine at the site Infront of me. Raelle's door was in pieces across the hallway. Nix gasps and rushes into the room. I stood there in the doorway. I could bring myself to go into the room. I watch Jacob pin Raelle down on her mattress.
'I HATE THIS!! She isn't okay!' It was Jacob's voice that filled my head through The Mind-link. I shake my head and clear my throat. It hurt to hear my twin sound so broken.
Raelle was thrashing around frantically. That's when the smell of blood invades my air ways.
'Is she BLEEDING?!' I shoved the thought at Jacob, and he flinches slightly.
'She's hurting herself in her sleep now.' My stomach twists into knots. Raelle was hurting herself...
I arch a curious eyebrow at Nix as she touches Raelle's forehead and instantly Raelle's entire body relaxes. I gasp for air. I hadn't realized that I had been holding my breath.
Jacob slowly let's go of Raelle and staggers backwards. He chokes out a sob and kneels down by her bedside taking her hand into his. Nix was mumbling to herself as walks back out into the hallway. Her eyes travel behind me and her face twists with anger.
"Do you have ANY idea the DAMAGE that has been done to her mental state?!!" Nix's body was trembling. I don't think that I have ever seen her this mad before. Dad growls.
"WE KNOW!! That's why we called you! It's just getting worse. She won't talk to us. She refuses to let anyone help her." Nix glances back into the room before letting out a clipped sigh and pinching the bridge of her nose.
"I'll have to completely remove the memories and whatever memories could trigger the bad ones. It's too much for her to handle. It's eating her alive. With her manifesting this much power at once her body could give out because it isn't equipped to handle that much magic at once...If it doesn't stop...it could kill her."
A pit forms in my stomach and Shade let's out a whimper. Shade nudges forward, he wanted out. He was afraid of losing Raelle. I clench my teeth together and squeeze my eyes shut to try and stay in control.
"Do whatever it takes to help her." My eyes snap open and Nix nods returning to Raelle's room.
'Jake, you need to tell Rayden what is going on.' Jocob turns his head to look at me. He seemed surprised for a moment.
'Raelle will literally kill us if she finds out that we told him anything.' I found myself shrugging. Raelle needed him and He needed her. They both seemed to Dence to do anything about it though.
'Doesn't matter. He deserves to know.'
***Raelle's Point Of View.****
I inhale a deep breath and stretch. I found myself smiling. I couldn't remember the last time that I had, had such a good night's sleep! Maybe it was because I was at home and not in my dorm. The door to my room opens, I lift myself up on my elbows as Jacob swings the door wide open and smirks. I frown slightly. What in the world could he possibly want?
"Are you planning on getting up sometime soon little moon?" I openly glare at the stupid nickname that he and Josh had decided to give me when I was five all because I was obsessed with moon stones.
Just for that I was going to stay in bed all day. Jacob chuckles and shakes his head.
"It's noon Rae." My eyes widen and my mouth falls open. I had already been in bed ALL DAY! What the hell was wrong with them?! Why would they let me sleep this long?! Grumbling, I throw the blankets off and stumble out of bed. I groan for some reason my legs are sore like I had ran all night. I shake my head and make my way over to my door and swat at Jacob on my way out. I needed caffeine or something sweet to help me wake up.
I make my way down the stairs and once my feet hit the floor the room tilted around me, I snag the railing quickly to stay on my feet. What was that?! The front door swings open and Josh steps inside with a cup holder with three large to go cups and a container or glazed donut holes.
Josh glances up at me and then chuckles. I openly scowl at him and stomp up to him snatching the container from his hands. Both my eyebrows shoot up as he grabs a to go cup and holds it out toward me. I carefully take and the scent of hot chocolate fills my nose I couldn't help but beam up at him. I huff a small laugh and turn around and dash for the couch.
Settling in the middle of it and opening the container. I pop a ball of sweetness into my mouth and take a sip of my hot chocolate. I glance up and notice that Jacob was standing next to Josh. They were both staring at me with amused looks on their faces.
"What?" they both shrug and snort at the same time. I roll my eyes. I hated when they did things at the same time. I was convinced that they would mind-link and count to three.
"Nothing. Just glad that you woke up in a good mood." Josh seemed almost relieved, by his tone. I shake my head and shove another donut hole in my mouth.
They weren't making fun of me..and frankly that was creeping me out. I glare at them as they sit down on the couch and turn the T.V on. I suppress a dramatic groan. I should have taken the remote!!
They NEVER stayed on one channel! They would always switch between two different channels so that they could watch two different things at the same time! That's why I never watched T.V or movie with them! They were going to drive me crazy!
I stop mid chew as Jacob flips to a channel and then sets the remote down. What in Goddess Name? I slowly sit further back on the couch. Now I know that they are acting weird.
I'm starting to think that maybe someone died...The last time that they were like this my cat died. I roll my eyes and stare off down the hallway.
If someone had died, they wouldn't tell me anyway. They had always been to afraid to hurt my feelings.
A knock on the door makes them both growl. I felt my face crinkle up a little. Since when were they jumpy about who was at the front door? Josh stands up and slowly approaches the door.
He swings it open quickly and physically relaxes. A young man steps inside and my mouth falls open in surprise. Holy Hades! Was THAT Tyson? Three years really changes someone.
Tyson was the same age as my brothers. He use to be a twig though. But he had filled out. He's muscularly built but more of an athletic way. He was still tall. He was probably six foot with a beige skin tone and he had a lot more confidence than he use to too.
I swallow hard and allow my eyes to keep wondering. He smiles softly at me causing my knees to suddenly feel weak. Oh Goddess! This boy knew how to hook someone. He had always been sweet when we were younger. I personally thought that he would have been a great Gamma, but he was The son my father's Beta. His black hair was cut down now. His dark brown eyes eyed me curiously. An amused look crosses his features. He glances down at my clothes and back up to my hair.
I mentally scream! Now I was regretting not brushing my hair! I probably looked like a crazy person! Tyson waves at me.
"Hey Raelle. Looking lovely as always." He chuckles lightly. But it only me glare at him. I let out a frustrated growl. He was obviously teasing me about my bed head. Tyson chuckles again and I smile. At least with Tyson teasing me it felt normal again.
"Anyway! I've come to collect you three. And take you to The Pack House! Alpha's orders!" I roll my eyes and set my stuff on the coffee table in front of me.
"I'm going to go get changed then." Tyson snickers and shakes his head. I take the stairs two at a time. Rushing into my room I slam the door and head straight to my closet.
Groaning I snag the knee length white sun dress, that has royal blue lilies painted on it. The dress was pretty. Mom had bought it for me, but I never could bring myself to wear it for some reason.
My shoulders slump in defeat. It was the only "nice" thing that I had right now. I struggle into the fabric. It fit but it was a little on the snug side. It wasn't uncomfortable though. The bodice clung to me, and the bottom flowed out and down just above my knees. the length was perfect. The straps were thin but not the annoyingly thin ones that would cut into your shoulders.
I grab my white wedges and slide them on. Frowning I realize that maybe these shoes probably would turn into a bad idea very quickly. I sigh and grab my royal blue choker and fasten it around my neck. I quickly put in my silver hoop earrings. I glance in the mirror at my unruly hair. The curls were EVERYWHERE! And I knew that I didn't have time to do anything with it.
Quickly I braid one braid on either side of my head and pin them back allowing the rest of my hair to flow down around me. Sighing as I leave my room, I realize that my stomach was knotting up and I felt anxious about leaving the house...Strange, why would I feel this way about leaving the house?
I take the stairs a bit slower this time because of the shoes I had decided to wear out of impulse. I hear someone let out a low whistle. I look up and scrunch my face at them. Josh and Jacob seemed shocked to see what I was wearing. I glance over at Tyson and his mouth is hanging open. His eyes were widen in surprise.
"Whoa!" I bite down on the inside of my cheek as my ears begin to burn from the sudden attention. Josh slugs Tyson and Jacob growls at him. I glance between all of them. It was weird to have them all staring at me like I had suddenly grown another head. I grumble and press my portal pearl on my bracelet, a small smile pulls at my lips as a shimmering silver portal opens up.
"Come on let's go. BEFORE Dad's loses his patience and knocks Tyson down to an Omega and you two are stuck doing the Packs laundry." The Twins shudder at the thought of doing all that Laundry. But Tyson scoffs at me.
"I'll have you know Princess, I am your father's Beta now." I smirk. I had to play it cool. But that was impressive. He was the youngest in The Pack EVER to make it to Beta this early.
"So you pick up The Alpha's dry cleaning?" Jacob sputters of a laugh as I step through the portal, And into The Living Room of The Pack House. Both my eyebrows shoot up at the site of so many girls and their mothers. What the hell was going on?
Mom squeals causing me to jump and turn my head to where her squeal came from. Well that had caught me off guard. I give her a nervous smile as she glances down at my outfit and then beams at me.
"You're wearing the dress I bought you! You look stunning!" Mom turns her attention toward the boys and gives them a stern look. They both groan and throw their heads back dramatically. I found myself giggling.
"Come on your father is waiting." Mom laces her arm through mine as we head up to Dad's office. A dull pain pricks at the back of my eyes. That was weird...Mom gives my arm a gentle squeeze and begins humming softly to herself. What has her in such a good mood?
I sigh as we climb the stairs. There was already pain in my feet from these wedges. I was really regretting wearing these shoes. Mom throws the door open to Dad's office and pulls me inside. Dad seemed frustrated as he stared down at something on his desk. What was bothering him? Mom clears her throat to get his attention.
Dad glances up and then back down at his desk, his head snaps up again as he looks at me. Worry creased across his face. I arch a curious eyebrow at him. Then there was relief there...Had someone actually died?!
Dad gives me his best smile, I couldn't help but smile back at him. Something told me that he had a lot on his mind right now. And he was trying not to let it get to him.
I sit down on the sofa and let out a clipped sigh. It was pressure off of my feet. I really should have worn flats.