***Jacob's Point Of View***
I sit up with a start. I could hear Raelle's soft sobs from the next room. I glance over at my clock. It was three in the morning! Cas growls defensively. I scramble out of my bed and out of the room hitting the door frame on my way out. I inhale a deep breath and slowly open Raelle's door. The sobs grew a little louder.
"Jake?" Raelle's voice was hoarse. That was all that it took to pull at my heart strings. I walk up to her bedside and kneel down so I can see her face. Her poor eyes are blood shot and puffy. How long had she been crying? I inhale a deep breath and suppress a groan. Rayden's scent was all over the room. I should have known. I can't believe that he actually came here.
I told him not to come. I knew him showing up again would only make things harder for Raelle.
I sigh and crawl into bed next to my baby sister and wrap my arms around her gently. Cas whimpers. Raelle sobs softly.
"He wants me to move on without him. But how do I do that when he said that he loved me?" My eyes bulge in shock. HE SAID WHAT?!
'Our Commander is an Idiot.' I roll my eyes at Cas. He wasn't wrong but he shouldn't say things like that. I give Raelle a gentle squeeze.
"When you love someone sometimes letting them go is the only thing that you can do...to protect them." Raelle sniffles and shakes her head.
"This is STUPID! I HATE Claude!" My jaw sets. So it had something to do with her..Again. She was always trying to make Raelle miserible whenever she could..Raelle may never admit it but Josh and I knew that Claude was the main reason that she had left home.
"Rae. I think that you should at least try and do what Rayden has asked, Live your life for yourself." Raelle growls and bangs her head on my chest.
"I'm so stupid. How could I possibly think that anyone would want me anyway? That someone would fight to keep me..." I growl and shake her hard one good time, so I knew that I had her attention. She lets out a surprised gasp.
"You are so much more that you think you are. Rae you are the best person that I have EVER met. You will find someone who loves you. Who will risk EVERYTHING just to be with you. Get some sleep I'm right here."
Raelle relaxes after about an hour, but she is still sniffling in her sleep. I growl out a sigh. What the hell was Rayden thinking? He had disobeyed and order.
'We can't fault him for that. He loves her.' Cas sounded as tired as I felt. How the hell was going to explain this to Mom and Dad? They were going to blow a fuse when they found out Rayden had been here...What's worse was his scent was on her bed...
***Raelle's Point Of View.****
I groan and roll over hitting something solid. I open my eyes and scowl. Jacob lay there mouth hanging open, body halfway off of my bed sleeping. He didn't go back to his room last night...I roll my eyes and shove him the rest of the way off the bed. He made a loud 'THUD" noise as he hit the floor. Jacob groans and sits up to glare at me. I stick my tongue out at him.
"Go back to your room. I have to take a shower and I'm not getting dressed in the bathroom!" Jacob grumbles as he staggers to his feet and stumbles out of my room. I let out a long breath and shake my head. I throw the blankets off and make a mad dash for the bathroom.
I hadn't thought that through. Jake was the type to get his revenge by doing the thing that I said I was about to do, and I didn't trust him not to go just in the shower just to be a jerk!
I lock the bathroom door behind me and take a quick shower scrubbing every inch of my body. I scrubbed my head nearly raw. The last thing I wanted was to smell like my brother all day!
I hum softly as I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body tightly. I swing the bathroom door open and snort as steam rolls out of the bathroom. I take a step and freeze realizing that someone was standing there out of the corner of my eye.
"UHH.." I stiffen and slowly turn my head toward the voice. Instantly my body flames as I look up at a very shocked Tyson. His eyes were as big as dinner plates and his cheeks were tinted pink. He spins around fast so that his is back is to me. He clears his throat.
"The Luna asked me to come and see if you were up yet." I let out a nervous laugh and mentally kick myself. I sounded like a lunatic!
"YEP! I'm going to go die of embarrassment now!" I squeal as I trip on my own feet trying to race to my room. My face flushed again and I curse under my breath as I slam the door to my room and lock it. Afraid I would have someone else just barge in here! I shake my head and turn around and stumble back into my door! SHIT!!!!
Rayden stood in the middle of the room. His hair was pulled back at the base of his neck. I didn't miss the silver worn out ponytail that held his hair back. It made my heart ache slightly.
I had given that to him when I was ten and it was his birthday..he still had it? His eyes widen at the site of me. Heat consumed my entire body as his eyes lingered on me. HE was THE SECOND guy to see me in just a towel this morning!
Why was he here again? Rayden clears his throat and turns his head so that he isn't looking at me anymore.
"I wanted to check on you after last night." I huff a sigh and head toward my closet throwing the doors open and begin scanning through my clothes.
"Look I get it. You loved me..You want me to be happy...But I can't do that if you keep showing up!" I hadn't meant to snap at him. But he couldn't keep randomly showing up like this because I didn't know what I was supposed to do with my feelings!
I chew on my bottom lip.
"It isn't past tense." My hand freezes and I slowly turn and look at him. My heart clenched. Annoyance was the first emotion that I felt toward his confession. What in Goddess name would possess him to say something like that to me?! Maybe I had imagined it...
"What did you just say?" My heart was on the verge of breaking all over again...
"It isn't Past tense. I do love you, Ellie." My breath hitched chest and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I needed to go to him. There was something wrong with me!!
Before I knew what I was doing I was walking toward him. This time he was staring at me. His eyes never leaving my face. His ruby orbs scanning my face. Rayden inhales a deep breath. I stood so close to him that my towel grazed his clothes.
Inhaling a steady breath and summoning all of my courage I look up at him. He gives me a puzzled expression.
"I want you to kiss me." My heart jumped into my throat as Rayden's hand cupped my cheek as he gives me a curious smile.
"Ray-" I gasp as his mouth covered mine. Sparks collided across my lips as Rayden's mouth moved against mine slowly. Then a sudden pressure in my mind my legs weakened as Rayden's memories can flooding into me..his emotions his fears... I let out a small moan and grip the front of his shirt. Rayden pulls away and stumbles back away from me wearing a shocked expression.
"Ellie..I can't..." I wrap my arms tightly around myself.
"Then You need to STOP! Stop coming here! Stop telling me you're feeling and then just except me to just MOVE ON! Don't give me hope that one day you will come to your damn senses and realize that you are being stupid!" I rush into my closet and slam the doors behind me. I slide down the back wall in my closet as quiet sobs rack my body.
It was pointless. His feelings and mine. I knew that once Rayden had his mind set there was no changing if. He wouldn't be with me if it meant keeping me safe. I silently cried afraid that if I was too loud that either my brothers or my mother would break the door down.
Once I was done crying, I grabbed the first thing out of my closet and steps out. Rayden was gone and I was okay with that...At least he was my first kiss. I felt a small smile tug at my lips. I quickly struggle into a black lace strapless bra and matching underwear and then into my faded ripped skinny jeans and a deep purple over the shoulder form fitting shirt. I sigh and shake my head, and instantly my hair falls down around me in soft curls.
Basic hair magic was easy once you got the hang of it and it really saved a lot of time. I shove my feet into my tennis shoes and open the door to my room. I stare down at my feet as I climb down the stairs slowly. I grunt as I reach the bottom and my head hits something solid. I glance up and Tyson was standing there. I huff a laugh.
"Sorry about that." Tyson gives me a sympathic look. What was that look for?
"What?" Tyson smiles gently and surprises me a little as he reaches up slowly and wipes my cheeks. My eyes widen and I stiffen a little. I quickly wipe my face. What the hell? My cheeks were still damp.
"I didn't mean to ease drop. But for what it's worth. We seem to be in the same boat." I give him a curious smile and shake my head a little.
"I guess that we are. Could you please keep this between us.." Tyson chuckles and nods.
"No problem." I offer a small smile and head for the kitchen. Everyone looks up from eating. Mom beams and stands up in swift movement.
"Are you ready for out day out?" I arch an eyebrow at Mom. Day Out?! I suppress a groan that could only mean one thing...that we were going shopping. I hated shopping! Why was she so excited?
"Sure." Tyson chuckles and pats me on the back playfully. I couldn't help but giggle.
"Jokes on you. Its shopping." Tyson groans and throws his head back. I snort and Mom clears her throat to get our attention.
"Alright Let's get going!" Dad stands up drawing my attention.
"Do you have enough money Love?" I scrunch my nose at my dad's pet name for Mom.
"I have your Gold card. You gave it to me last night." Mom turns fast and plants kiss on Dad causing a rumble to come from Ace. I found myself smiling as I watched them. My heart jumped as fingertips brushed against mine.
Dad let's go of Mom and looks directly at Tyson who stands a little straighter.
"Keep them safe."
"Yes. Alpha." I roll my eyes and Tyson's sleeve, dragging him out of the house. Goddess, I hope my family stops being weird soon. Or I was going to lose my mind. Mom's laughter makes me turn to look at her.
"You two are so cute!" My face grows uncomfortably hot as I drop Tyson's sleeve quickly. Tyson lets out a nervous laugh. Way to make my crush less obvious Mom! I wrap my arms around myself. I didn't want to chance touching him by accident. As we made our way into the shopping district, I let out a groan. There were way to many people here! I really just wanted to go home.
I glare at Mom for a moment because of how chipper she was and how she had to say 'Hello' as we passed people. I mean she was The Duchess, so I guess that it wasn't odd that people were polite and said hello whenever they saw her. But it didn't make it any less annoying.
I glance up in the direction that we are heading and stop dead in my tracks. Tyson bumps into me but before I could fall forward his arm wraps around my waist catching me. When had he gotten behind me anyway?
Mom turns around with a confused look on her face. I narrow my eyes at her Subispiously.
"Why are we going to Auntie Nia's Dress Shop?" Aunt Nia was my Mother's twin sister and she owned several shops. But her dress shop was one of the more popular ones. Her dresses were always in high demand. She specialized in formal wear, and I hated formal wear the most! And Mom would torture me and make me stay in there forever!
"We have to get you a formal gown for The Ball. And of course a wardrobe for The Palace." I shake my head and slowly begin to back up, getting ready to make a run for it.
Tyson was standing there with amused look on his face. Mom whistles and I let out a shriek as Tyson throws me over his shoulder AGAIN! THIS WAS THE SECOND TIME HE'S DONE THIS TO ME!!!
"SERIOUSLY?! Come On! I don't want to do this!" I beat on Tyson's back, and struggle in his hold. I knew that people were probably staring at us. Tyson chuckles and continues walking as if I'm not beating the crap out him. STUPID WERE-WOLF STRENGTH!!!
He was getting punched as soon as he let me down! He had it coming! I debated on whether or not to just bite him. But I thought better of it because it may backfire on me.
"It's an Order from The Luna. I have to Obey." I groan and grip the back of his shirt to keep myself up a little, so all the blood didn't rush to my head this time. I was glad that I didn't grab a dress to wear today.
I just needed to wait until Tyson dropped his guard and then I could throw myself backwards and I would be free. Then I could just portal myself the hell out of here! Mom could do this by herself! She did not need me here for HER to pick something for me!
I notice Tyson relax slightly as I quit struggling and was being still. Now's my chance! I push off hard throwing myself backwards and Tyson frantically grabs for me as I half roll, half fall forward.
I gasp as a shutter runs through me when Tyson grabs me under the thighs slamming my body against his. I inhale a sharp breath realizing that our faces are inches apart. My eyes widen and my stomach drops and Tyson's eyes glow for a moment before returning back to normal.
"Are you done wiggling around now?" My eyes glanced down at his lips and back up into his eyes. A slow smirk forms on his lips.
"Yes." My voice came out breathless.