I glance around the shop and let out a defeated sigh. Mom had already run off somewhere. Probably to find Auntie Nia. Tyson was looking around too..But I assumed he was looking around for any sign of a threat not because he was curious about what any of these girls were wearing. His face scrunches up and i glance down as his fist doubles up.
He was in pain again. I let out a small growl and reach up and let my hand rest on the side of his face. I grind my teeth together as I felt the pain run down the length of my arm. Tyson looks down at me and offers me a soft smile, which causes me ears to burn.
"Thank you." I nod and let my hand fall away from his face and I saw a flash of disappointment in his eyes, but it disappeared in a flash. I open my moth to say something to him when Mom comes walking up with Auntie Nia. They were completely Identical in every way except their hair. Aunt Nia had fiery red hair.
"Hello sweet girl! We have one of the V.I.P areas ready for you." I roll my eyes I didn't need a V.I.P room that was going a little far. A long sigh escapes me, and I reluctantly follow them toward the back half of the store. I shake my head at the oversized dressing rooms that lined the back wall. Each area right across from a dressing room had white sofas and marble top, coffee tables and of course mirrors. Though I was pretty sure that there were mirrors in the dressing room as well.
A few other Noble families were here today. This was awkward. There was no telling how many of these girls I had actually turned down being friends with because I was afraid that Claude was behind it. I had made myself a loner because I didn't want to have to deal with Claude anymore.
I jump slightly as I realize that someone is standing next to me. She was a petite girl and she had platinum blonde hair that was completely straight...I caught a glimpse of her ears..they were slightly pointed. Her features were delicate, and her eyes are a yellowish color. I give her a curious smile. What was an Elf doing working here?
Elves were normally very secretive people. The girl smiles sweetly at me and hold the door to the dressing room open. I bite down on the inside of my cheek and step inside. This really was not my idea of a good time...I groan at the site Infront of me. The walls to the dressing room were lined with dresses. I frown at all of the white that I was seeing. I wasn't fond of the color white. I never had been...
"Nothing completely white." The girl giggles a little but nods her head. She is pulling down a purple dress. I roll my eyes and undress quickly.
She helps me into the fabric which was surprisingly light. I frown a little as she zips it up. It was snug against my body and showed my curves. The neckline plunged down into a deep V. But there was a see-through mesh that helped to keep it a little more modest. It flares out at the hips and has a beautiful lace over lay at the bottom, that matches perfectly with the over the shoulder long laced sleeves.
It really is a beautiful dress. There was no doubt in my mind that Mom wouldn't love this dress. The girl snatches my hair and quickly pulls it in to a loose up do. Small curly strands escaped and framed my face. She smiles gently at me and nods.
I blow out a breath and step out of the room. Mom lets out a surprised gasp. I offer a forced smile. It was weird. I glance at Tyson, and he seemed Stunned. My eyebrows draw together.
"Is it that bad?" Tyson clears his throat.
"No, you loo-"
"My Mistress requires the dress that you are wearing." I turn and arch a curious eyebrow at the woman that stood there dressed in all back and her ponytail was pulled up high.
"And who would your Mistress be?" I could sense Mom's anger building. She was after all still a Luna and I was her pup. Nala demained respect and said that we should be respected as well. The girl smirks and steps aside revealing the one person that made me see red!
Claude stood there in er to tight clothing. It left NOTHING to the imagination.
Her stupid platinum curls had just been done. I could smell the chemical from here! She was only a few inches taller than me but not in those six-inch heels. Her gray eyes held her amusement. She thought that she could do anything that she wanted just because she was the princess and it made me sick!
Her heart shaped face had been done make up on it and it looked super thick. She should really find a new make-up artist. She smirks at me, and Rage fills my chest.
Something catches my eye, Rayden? When. His eyes widen as he looks me up and down. I felt my face warm slightly and avert my eyes away from him. Claude was watching the whole thing and she snickers quietly. That sent me over the edge! THAT WAS IT!!
"My Mistress wishes to purchase the dress that the young duchess is wearing." I glance back at Rayden who is still staring at me almost as if he is mentally carving the way I look into his mind. I gasp as the sudden image of myself crosses my own mind. What was that?!
I smirk as a wicked idea crosses my mind. Two birds. One stone kind of thing. If she wanted this dress SOOO badly then she could have it! I turn to Tyson and smile sweetly at him. He gives me a confused smile.
"Ty. The Princess requires this dress. Would you be a dear and unzip me? We shouldn't make her wait." Tyson smirks and suppresses a chuckle and without even a glance toward Mom, Tyson stands up walking over to me. I turn back toward Claude who is glaring at me. I smirk at her.
"DONT, YOU DARE YOUNG LADY!" Mom moves to stand up but in one swift movement Tyson had the dress unzipped. My heart jumps. Damn...that was interesting. I let out a wicked giggle and struggle out of the dress letting it drop to my feet.
Claude's mouth drops open and her eyes burn with rage. I bend over and collect the fabric. I cast my gaze to Rayden a sly smile playing on my lips. He gives me a curious smile. I walk up to him shoving the dress at his chest.
"The dress that the princess wanted." I turn on my heels fully aware that not just Rayden had seen me like this but so had Tyson. Once back in the dressing room I get dressed quickly and couldn't help but giggle at thought of Claude's reaction.
Opening the door, I was greeted with a very fuming Mother. Auntie Nia who stood just behind her grinning proudly and Tyson whose eyes were flickering between his and Demon's. I shrug but flinch as Mom takes a step toward me.... Well I was in trouble.
***Tyson's Point Of View****
Once Luna was done scolding Raelle over the fact that she was a "Noble" young lady and shouldn't act that way she allowed Raelle to go off on her own. Luna said that she would pick everything else out on her own. I watched as The Luna took her leave. Leaving me there with Nia and Raelle. Nia burst into a laughing fit.
"Good for you Rae. I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself and showing them what's what!" Raelle giggles and shakes her head before waving to her aunt and walking away. I walked quietly next to her. Demon growls in frustration.
'Goddess she's beautiful.' Both my eyebrows shoot up at Demon's comment. He wasn't supposed to think that anyone was beautiful except our mate. But for some reason Demon felt calmer around Raelle. I noticed that the first time that I was around her...It was strange. It was like she had some kind of power of him.
I glance at Raelle and notice her frown a little. What was she thinking about that would make her frown like that?
'Ask her then you dummy!' I roll my eyes. Demon was going to get annoying. He just wanted to hear her voice and to see her smile. It wasn't anything like the Mate bond...but was a weird feeling being around her. Having the urge to protect her and make sure that she was happy. It was a bit unsettling...
"What's wrong?" She looks up and scrunches her nose. That was a cute face.
"If I tell you..You have to promise not to say anything to anyone!" Demon yaps loudly. If I could punch him, I would at this very moment!
"Of Course." She smiles and shakes her head.
"I used to volunteer at this clinic when I was away at school. I'm just worried about some of the people that I met...The doctor there was a midwife. So, I worked with mostly women and children." Demon purrs. That was amazing. I knew that Alpha Isaac was proud of her for studying herbal medicine, but she was actually getting training. Why wouldn't she want anyone to know that?
"Why don't you want anyone to know that?" Her face turns pink, and she wraps her arms around herself. She was cute when she blushed.
"Because I was the one that built the clinic.... It killed me seeing so many people in need and so I bought land and built a Clinic at the boarder of two different kingdoms that way people from both kingdoms could be treated not just one."
Raelle giggles as a few children run around her and begin to pull at her fingers asking her to play. She laughed again and nodded. I followed silently behind them as they went to a grassy area. I shake my head as they all sat in a circle including Raelle.
I watch as Raelle's fingertips sparked and then there were small cloud like shapes. A unicorn, a fairy, a knight...a dragon. My stomach twists in a weird way. The more that I talked to her and watched her, her warmth consumed me.
Her smile pulled me in deeper and when her skin touched mine, warmth spread through the area. It was strange for sure. But she was beautiful and, Kind But it wasn't hard to see that Rayden had broken her heart again.
'He's hurt her one-to-many times. We could help ease the pain and make her happy. She could make us happy.' I shake my head at Demon. He could be pushy at times. And it felt like he had given up hope on our mate. Demon refused to speak after our mate rejected up. But that day on the log when Raelle took away the pain, he finally spoke to me.
I glance back up and Raelle was on the ground laughing uncontrollably as the children piled on top of her. I found myself smiling as I watched her.
'I think you're right Demon..She could make us happy.'