***Raelle's Point Of View***
Dad waited until everyone was sitting down, as he glances between us before speaking.
"I had the three of you come here to talk because as you can see, I am swamped with paperwork for The Warriors Exam." I fought back my smile. So that it what it was. The Warriors Exam. It determined what rank new warriors would be under.
I had decided that at sixteen I would sneak in and be part of The Warriors Exam and I had made it to the final round before my parents had figured out it was me..Of course they didn't let me finish because of course I wasn't a wolf and I liked to fight.
"But The Starlight Festival is coming up. I am well aware that you ALL are of age to attend now." The Starlight Festival? Was it really already time for that? Excitement courses through my veins! I had always wanted to go to the festival when I was younger. But I had to wait until I was twenty to attend.
It was kind of like an unwritten rule...Only because girls that would go before twenty would end up finding their Mate or Pair Bond and would end up pregnant at a young age and most Noble families were okay with that. But some wanted their daughters to be able to finish their education and decide on their own what they wanted to do in life first...
BUT! Alot of Nobility and even some other royals would attend The Palace Festivities depending on whose turn it was to Host. I had stopped going to The Palace with my parents when I first entered High School because of Claude. It would be nice to be able to visit there again.
The twins groan and openly scowl at my father. My brothers had avoided The Festival for three years because they said that they didn't want to go without me. I smirk and cut my eyes toward them. They couldn't use that excuse anymore. They both openly glare at me for a moment like they knew exactly what I was thinking.
"You are ALL going to be attending. Your Mother and I will be staying here. So you will be going in our place. You are representing US and THIS PACK. There is no ley way. The invitation is personally from The King."
My eyebrows draw together. Personally? Why would he personally send an invitation? I knew that Dad and he were friends but that was still odd. I glance over at Josh who gives me a confused look and shrugs. He didn't know? That was weird. Dad usually talked to him about everything.
Josh clears his throat and looks at Dad.
"Who else from The Pack will be going?" I arch an eyebrow at Josh and turn my attention to Dad again. Dad lets out a clipped sigh.
"Higher Ranking pack members and their families. Tyson will be accompanying you three as a Guard for Raelle." My heart skips a beat and then I frown. A Guard? He can't be serious. I didn't need some bodyguard. Did he see me was some defenseless creature? I openly glare at my father.
Dad arches an eyebrow at me. Clearly amused by my show of defiance. He chuckles lightly and shakes his head.
"It's not because I think that you are weak. It is normal for Noble young ladies to have guards with her. But I am only assigning you ONE." I roll my eyes. He just wanted me to stop glaring at him.
The pain behind my eyes was getting intense. I let out a pained gasp and squeeze my eyes shut, pressing my fingertips against my temples.
What was wrong with me?! I hadn't overused any of my abilities lately. So, it doesn't make any sense.
"Raelle?" The concern was clear in Dad's voice. I let out a groan as flashes of blood consume my mind. What TH-
"I'm fine. It's just a headache." I open my eyes and force myself to smile. Dad looked way to worried about a headache. I shake my head and stand up.
"I'm going to get some fresh air." I force myself to slowly leave Dad's office. I didn't want them all hovering. Sighing heavily, I make my way through The Pack House and out the back door. I growl and kick off my wedges and dig my toes into the grass. A small breeze whirls around me and just like that the pain behind my eyes was gone.
I smile, I loved being close to nature it made me feel better. Mentally anyway. Smaller laughter catches my attention. I glance up from my feet. Tyson was chasing the smaller children around and they were laughing and squealing. My stomach does a weird flip as I watch him curiously. He smiled and laughed as the kids ran around him.
I couldn't help but smile. He was such a good guy. He had always played with the pups even when we were teenagers. Tyson stops and his eyebrow furrow together in confusion. He glances around until his eyes fall on me. He gives me a curious smile. My heart jumps to my throat as I watch Tyson start walking toward me.
Way to go Raelle. You've just been caught watching a hot guy and now he was walking over to you...I wasn't even being sneaky about it! I was just watching him like a creep! Tyson glances down at my feet and grins as he looks up at me again. He chuckles softly.
"I see that you have taken off those death traps." I glance down at my feet as my cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment. Letting out a nervous giggle I peek up at him.
"Yes. Those were a really bad Idea." He gives me a curious look.
"Do you wanna take a walk with me?" I was a bit surprised at the request. I huff a sigh and smile sweetly.
"That sounds great." Tyson chuckles as we start walking. I notice that we are walking toward the tree line to the forest. He wasn't talking. Was something bothering him, or did he change his mind and not want to be around me?
"So, I hear that you are going to the palace with us?" Tyson rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Yeah, I think that your Dad is taking pity on me." Tyson steps over a fallen log and sits down on the other side facing the forest. I glance down at my dress. There was no way I was climbing over that.
So I sit down on the fallen log facing away from the forest. I turn my head so that I can look at Tyson.
"Taking pity on you for what?" He looks out at the forest before looking at me.
"So I found my mate...We were visiting another pack. The Blood Moon Pack actually for a treaty. Turns out she was sleeping with her Alpha. She rejected me on the spot." Both my eyebrows shoot up and my heart ached for him. Then anger begins to build up inside of me.
"Why would she reject YOU?" Tyson let's out a bitter laugh.
"Because my rank and station weren't high enough for her." I roll my eyes and scoff. What a-I hated women like her! Women who only wanted Power and wealth to abuse it!
I place a hand on Tyson's arm drawing his attention. I inhale a rigid breath as a jolt of pain travels up my arm. This wasn't my pain. It was Tyson's..Pain that was being inflicted because his "Mate" was doing something with someone else...I didn't realize that I had the ability to do that...Demon..his wolf was taking most of the pain that's why it was so intense for me.
For his to be feeling that pain. He didn't accept the rejection! He was torturing himself! And Demon!
"Tyson! Why wouldn't you accept the rejection?!" Tyson's eyebrows draw together and then he looks down at my hand, his eyes Widing a little.
"You took the pain...You can feel it?" He was punishing himself because he thought that he wasn't good enough.
"Tyson. She's an IDIOT! You are such an amazing guy. Any girl would be lucky to be your Mate. You have such a kind heart and watching you with a pups. It isn't hard to see that you'll be a great Dad." The last part was more of word vomit..I hadn't meant to say that out loud. My face warms as I peek up at him. His cheeks are tinted pink. Was he blushing?! That was new...
"I FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" I flinch at the sound of the new voice. There was acid in their tone. I slowly turn my head toward the voice. He looked about my age. He was decent looking. His hair is a soft golden blonde color, and his pale blue eyes were blood shot. He didn't look well. Something was wrong with him...
Was he a shifter? I couldn't sense a spirit beast...His skin was sheet white His body was tense, and he looked a bit on edge. Almost like he was going to attack someone. He needed help. I slowly stand up. I would have to approach him with caution. I didn't want to frighten him.
I gasp as a strong-arm wraps around my torso dragging me over the log, Tyson shoves me behind him. The young man snarls. I quickly step around Tyson and look at the young man. He was snarling at Tyson. He looked livid.
"Do I know you? Are you looking for someone else? Do you need some help?" The young man snarls and takes a step toward us.
"GIVE. HIM. BACK. TO ME." My eyebrows draw together. What is he talking about? Give who back?
"Who? If you calm do-" Tyson wraps his arm around my waist again pulling me back against his chest. Tyson's chest rumbles.
"MY WOLF!!! YOU SELFISH BITCH!! GIVE! HIM! BACK!" Panic courses through me. He was seething now.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!" I yelp as two identical black wolves come barreling through the tree passed me and lunge at the young man. Pinning him down on the ground. The young man let's out an enraged scream as other pack members arrive on foot.
Tyson wraps his other arm around me and drops his head onto my shoulder causing me to shiver.
"What's wrong with you?" I let out a nervous giggle. This was the first time I had been held like this by someone who wasn't my family and it made my stomach feel weird and my knees feel weak.
"I was worried. If I had to shift it would have left, you open for an attack." Tyson lets out a heavy sigh and I pat his arm lightly. This was a little weird. And it was quite frustrating that apparently everyone thought that I was helpless.
I wiggle free of his grip and turn around to look up at him. His brown eyes are studying my face.
"He's clearly sick. It isn't his fault." Tyson sighs loudly and shakes his head. What is with him?
I let out an ear-piercing shriek as Tyson grabs me and lifts me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"TYSON! Put Me DOWN!!" Tyson chuckles and tightens his grip around the back of my knees.
"You use to be lighter!" My ears burn with embarrassment.
"YEAH! When I was TWELVE!!!" Tyson chuckles again. I let out a frustrated growl. Tyson had the upper hand. One he was stronger! Two I was in a DRESS!
"You know that I can walk right?" Tyson huffs.
"And I don't trust you. You would try and fix that Physico." I grumble. The blood had rushed straight to my head. I did have to admit that Tyson wasn't wrong. I would try to help him. He obviously needed help...
Mom's laughter fills the air, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Of course, she was here right now!
Tyson sets me down on my feet gently, I glare up at him, my annoyance getting the better of me. I give him a quick jab to the stomach, before turnin to Mom giving her a bright smile. She laughs and shakes her head.
"Are you alright? That rouge didn't scare you, did he?' I let out a clipped sigh, and suppress an eye roll. I already know how this is fixing to go.
"Yes, Mom I'm fine." She nods and turns her attention to Tyson.
"Be ready in the morning. You are going into town with Raelle and I." Tyson smiles.
"Yes, Luna. I'll see you tomorrow, Raelle." His eyes soften. I watch him turn and go back inside. What was that look about? I look back at Mom and she gives me a subspinous look.
"Come to the kitchen. Let's grab a snack and talk."
Oh Great! There is no telling what was going to come out of her mouth. I silently follow Mom back into The Pack House. I roll my eyes. Of course, the kitchen was already completely cleared out. Which meant that she mind-linked pack members and told them to stay away.
"First I want to have a conversation with you about The Festival." I blow out a dramatic sigh. This was going to be a completely unnessarly long conversation.
"This Festival is mostly about finding life partners. But make no mistake it is also about noble families trying to gain a higher title and connection. You have to be careful and choose someone that wants you and not what your family name can give them."
I sit there watching Mom pulling things out of the fridge for sandwiches. She always did this. When she said snack, she didn't mean like an actually snack she just meant food.
My mind wonders to Rayden. And Then to the possibility of what could happen with Tyson. I mentally kick myself; I notice Mom had stopped what she was doing and was watching me. Mom clears her throat and continues.
"So..Tyson." My mouth drops open and I gawk at Mom.
"MOM!" She chuckles and shrugs.
"I am only asking because of the way that he looked at you. And you blushed." I inhale a deep breath and lean back in my chair. Mom pushes a sandwich toward me and then sits down with her own. She takes a bite of her sandwich and I glance down at mine, I wasn't even hungry.
"Honestly its nice to see you take an interest in someone other than Rayden. I remember the day that you came home in tears. You wouldn't tell me what happened. But then you started ignoring his calls. Refusing to be around him. Locking yourself in your room. So I put two and two together."
I let out a frustrated sigh. I can't believe that she was literally bringing this up after FIVE YEARS! This was what she wanted to talk about?
"IF...I tell you. Do you promise not to comment about it?!" Mom smiles and nods her head quickly. She was way to interested in this.
"Claude cornered me one day. Telling me that EVERYONE knew that I had feelings for Rayden. When I stupidly didn't deny it, she went on to tell me that her father was picking her fiancée and that Rayden was at the top of the list."
I clear my throat and inhale a deep breath. I had no idea why it still affected me like this. I should be over this by now.
"It didn't sit right with me..I thought that he felt the same. So I went to Rayden. I asked him about it and he didn't say anything. So, I asked him to turn down the proposal. To choose me instead. He didn't even say anything. He just turned around and walked away from me."
Mom snarls, punching the countertop causing me to flinch. Why was she so mad?!
"What do you mean he just walked away?" I pinch the bridge of my nose. She was overreacting.
"Mom, it was a long time ago...I'm over it." Mom frowns and shakes her head. I knew that she was cussing up a storm in her head.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
I decided to head home. Hopefully it would help Mom to cool off. But I doubt it. Once she was in a mood, she'd have to run it off. I let out a relieved sigh. No one else was home. Thank The Goddess! I slowly open the door to my room and shriek!
My heart hammering against my ribcage. RAYDEN?! What The Hell? Rayden sat on the edge of my bed staring down at his hands.
"Rayden what the hell?!" Rayden looks up at me curiously. I notice a gash on his cheek. I rush forward in between his legs before I could think about it. I take his face in my hands and examine the cut closely. It was only a flesh wound. My panic subsides slowly. I let go of his face and take a step back away from him, wrapping my arms around myself. Rayden was just watching me.
"What are you doing here Rayden?" He sighs and shakes his head. A small smile appears on his lips.
"I wanted to see you." My heart skips a beat. His voice was so gentle as he spoke. I bite down on the inside of my cheek.
"You've seen me. You can go." I take another quick step back as Rayden stands up. Goddess he was so tall. His ruby eyes study my face.
"Do you really think that I just walked away from you?" His features soften and he almost looked sad. My eyes widen in shock. MOTHER!! SERIOUSLY?! She couldn't just keep it to herself? She couldn't just leave well enough alone?! What was wrong with her!!
"It was a long time ago Rayden. I'm over it." Rayden reaches out and tugs a strand of my hair. My heart accelerates as Rayden focuses on that piece of hair. But I couldn't pry my eyes away from his face. Why did he look so broken? His eyebrows draw together. He seems conflicted about something.
"What would you have done if someone threatened the person you love?" My stomach drops and my head swims. Did he just say love? I blink rapidly and inhale a rigid breath.
"What do y-you me-mean?" Rayden smiles sadly.
"I mean that I was threatened IF I would have chosen who I wanted..They would have taken her life." My vision blurs and my eyes begin to burn,
He-I- Oh Goddess! I'll KILL Claude for THIS!! Rayden takes my face in his hands causing me to gasp. He presses his forehead against mine as his thumb caressed my cheek.
"Ellie. Don't cry. I'll always be here." I let out a small sob. This Big Idiot! Why would he tell me any of this?! Did he realize that this opened up so many old wounds?!
"I just want you to be happy. Can you do that. For me?" How could he even ask that of me? I yelp as the light above us shatters leaving us in the dark. Rayden chuckles lightly.
"I have to go." He moves to let go of my face and panic courses through me. I didn't want him to leave! I didn't want him to let go. I reach up and place my hand over his. He tenses and gives me a puzzled look.
"Stay..until I fall asleep at least." Rayden smiles and his breath washes over my face.
"Okay." I felt myself relax. I quickly move and crawl under the blankets. I knew that my request was selfish, but I didn't care. The bed gives behind me and Rayden's strong-arm wraps around me pulling back against his chest. His warmth surrounded me. I inhale a steady breath and close my eyes.
"Rayden? I'm sorry." I should have let him explain five years ago. Rayden kisses the top of my head causing my heart to beat out of control.
"I can be with you..for this moment." But I wanted more than this moment.