"So you mean to tell me that you are trying to gain access to my great city without any form of identification which means you are from the wilds or one of the small settlements and you also are known to have a high combat prowess for your level. You want me to let in a threat. That is what you are saying to me?" His tone was still cold and harsh, Rukku hearing his words decided to give up on gaining entry to the city. It would be impossible clearly going by the captain's tone.
"Well, I would say you are not allowed entry I will not let any kind of risk enter the city I am sorry. Now please may you and your companions leave." As if he could hear the thoughts of Rukku, he carried on forcing the cold reality of the world at them all.
Rukku looked at the trader who only had an apologetic expression on his face. Seeing that he would not be able to get any help from him as well, he just sighed and turned around. "Come on, it is better for us if we do not stay here. We will only cause trouble after all in this city."
Turning around all of them slowly began to head off with their heads held low, no one said a thing as they walked off slowly. It was like they were all barbarians to these people and did not have any form of rights at all. Well maybe this was just a mechanic Rukku thought so that the lord players did not gain any extreme benefits from the city too easily.
As they were once again going through the gate, the captain suddenly yelled. "Stop! You are allowed entry…" Snapping back around Rukku now saw that there was another man with the captain and trader who had seemingly just passed over a note or some kind of letter to the captain. Whatever it had said had granted him entry! Rukku suddenly felt gratitude pilling up inside of himself as he looked at the new man who had helped him out.
Walking over quickly, the man just ignored Rukku and walked off. Standing there confused Rukku just looked at the man's back. What was with this man?
Following after him to express his thanks, Rukku was quickly led into the city. The captain and trader both did not say anything as he walked past them both and into the city. Not that Rukku noticed but their faces were morphed slightly into expressions of fear, the reason for this being the letter. It did not contain any words. Only one symbol. The symbol of the imperial family. The family who ruled the city.
The rest of the message must have been vocal but whatever it was, it had scared them both into silence.
Rukku though did not know any of this as he chased after the man. Through the cobbled roads, they quickly travelled along and until Rukku knew it, the road had turned to mud and all of the buildings looked as if they were all run down. Then the man turned down an alleyway into the shade of the buildings, this mud path was even worse than the road, it was also now that Rukku realised he had been led into the slum.
"Be careful, keep your weapons close." He then heard the sound of the blades being drawn. At least he had some people that he could count on here, walking forwards slowly he cursed himself in his mind for just mindlessly following the man. It was stupid, he should have been more careful.
Then he turned another corner again into a lighter alleyway, the path though now was made out of cobble again! It was also weirdly clean…but this was the slums was it not?
Looking up at the well-lit alleyway… If it could still be called that he saw the man he had been chasing on one knee just in front of him.
Opening his mouth to speak Rukku found himself suddenly interrupted by the man.
"Let me explain, please. I am Xhizalines. I am glad that I was the one to find you, my scion. I am a priest within the abyssal temple. To explain to you, we are the faith that supports the clan leaders in the worship of our Gods. Our benefactors. The great Aybssal Dragons! I had to make sure you entered the city lord, I know of your town but there is a small family in the city of our people. In fact, this is their entryway. I hope to serve your lord. So please let me help you!"
Rukku was just stunned. He did not know what to say and once more he had more surprises being thrown at him. There was a religion? Also, more of his people, well from that he guessed more with the same bloodline. But how had the priest even found him in the first place and how did he know that he was going to be here in the first place.
The whole thing did seem to be a little sketchy but all the help was welcome and a priest may be able to explain more of the bloodline as well.
"Well, Uhm. Xhizalines was it not? I am well more than willing to accept you in. I have been in need of a priest for some time as it is. You will fill that role for now, and also shall we meet this family. I am always willing to take more into my village." Though he was not sure even if this was a good idea, he still did it anyway. At least as he saw it, the priest could always be overpowered if he was not telling the truth.
As he was thinking and watching, the priest slowly stood back up, walked to a random point on the wall, and knocked once. Feeling a little confused at the weird action Rukku went to talk again before quickly shutting his mouth.
Where the priest had knocked a red-cloured rune appeared. Rukku did not know what it meant but as it faded again, a doorway appeared in the wall. Behind it, Rukku could see people walking around and almost every single one of them were carrying some kind of weapon.
At the end of the new alleyway was a building with a dragon-shaped statue standing guard outside.