Chereads / Come Back My Beast / Chapter 4 - Thinking Of Him?

Chapter 4 - Thinking Of Him?

A couple of days, past and yet Abigail couldn't get the thought of what happened that day out of her mind. Who was that man and why did it feel as if she knew him just by his presence? She couldn't catch a glimpse of his face even after how hard she tried it was just too hidden inside the hood of his cloak.

He even jumped over the seven-foot gate with no problem? But then he looked as if ill and in pain after?

She was worried that he would end up dead right before her eyes she didn't understand what to do until the maidservant told her that he had to die because the man would kill them because he was a beast.

Even if she didn't believe the maid's words she was still worried but she couldn't let the man die she had to go help him relieve the pain by touching the gate and breaking the spell that was for her protection.

But she has other things to worry about her father and the lords were returning to the northern kingdom and she had to help prepare Lillian since she had asked her the other day if she would help her prepare for her wedding and she happily said yes even though she wasn't sure of what to do to prepare for one.

She stood outside her sister Lillian's door of her chamber and knocked.

"Come in!" She heard Lillian shout from inside. Abigail opened the door and walked in to see her sister looking at her with a small smile on her face. "Abigail he's returning today! I'm a little nervous what if everything is suddenly different between us? Or what if he doesn't want to wed me anymore? What if king Benard made father, change his mind?!"

"Hey don't say those things?" She frowned. "What could change lord Isaac's mind about not being wed to you? You're a smart, beautiful, kind young lady what would give him a reason not to?" She patted Lillian's hands on her lap looking down to hide away her frown.

Lillian along with her other sisters where everything beyond what she had told her while she was nothing? They were the Swans while she was a rat. An ugly lonely rat whom no one would ever want to wed?

There was an announcement heard from outside. "His majesty and the lords have returned!"

"Their here?!" Lillian popped up off of her bed and fixed her dress and quickly hurried to the door. "Come on Abigail hurry?"

"Oh yeah coming?" She got up and followed behind Lillian through the halls and going down the stairs Tina and Gabriella came up behind them quickly giggling with excitement.

The front entrance doors were opened by two guards as they noticed them quickly coming up. They all four ran out as quickly as possible when they saw their father getting down off his horse.


"Father!" They all shouted and ran into his arms.

"There's my girls! I hope you all behaved well and didn't give the maidservants a hard time?"

"No father how was your trip did anything interesting happen up there?" She asked.

"Well heading up there was an interesting experience? There were a lot of wolves and a single bear that we all had to fight off."

"Really?! You didn't get hurt in the process did you?" Tina asked surprised.

"No, I'm quite alright we all are? The only painful thing I went through was an embarrassment when I told king Benard about the news in front of everyone and was splashed with wine in my face."

"Are you, okay daddy?" Gabriella looked up at him with a frown.

"I'm perfectly okay my little princess." The king picked her up and smiled while tickling her belly. Gabriella laughed and snuggled up into his arms.

"Father where's lord Issac I don't see him anywhere?" Lillian looked around with an expression of worry before looking back at their father.

The king looked back at her with an expression that caused her to worry even more.

"What? Please don't look at me like that you're scaring me?"

Abigail was confused for a moment till lord Isaac came up beside her putting his index finger over his lips for her or her sisters to not make a sound. She then immediately knew what was happening lord Isaac had planned to sneak up behind Lillian to surprise her. She only guessed that he had spoken about it to her father first to get permission since he was trying to hold back a smile.

"Father, please tell me where did he go where is he?"

"I don't know Lillian he may be at the stables?" The king said, expressionless causing Tina to let out a short laugh.

They all looked at her with different expressions. "Sorry." Tina quickly said.

Lillian looked back at her father and spoke. "He's at the stables? Are you sure?"

"No, I'm not quite sure?"

"What! Then I'll go and find him myself."

Lord Issac stepped closer reaching out his hands and touching her shoulders to stop her from walking off Lillian squealed from the surprise touch. "My lady I don't think you'll find me unless you turn around?" Lord Isaac finally spoke.

Lillian quickly turned around from the sound of his voice her face flushed red and turned back to face the king.

"Father you lied to me lord Isaac was behind me the whole time?! How embarrassing?" Lillian frowned while covering her face with one of her hands before she took a deep breath and lifted her head. "Father, may I take lord Isaac away from you for an hour or two?"

The king blinked in confusion and was in thought for a moment.

"What is it you want lord Isaac for?" The king finally spoke with a raised brow.

"Father please?"

"Okay but lord Issac I'll see you in the great hall with the other lords this evening?"

"Yes, your majesty thank you I'll be sure to be there." Lord Issac bowed and turned to follow Lillian into the castle.

"You think there going to be okay by themselves father?" Tina turned to the king.

"I hope so?"

"I think they'll be just fine… I mean do you remember how Lillian reacted the day you left?" She giggled from the thought.

Abigail said her goodbyes to her father and sisters. She wanted to take a walk around alone to clear her mind from everything that has or is happening.

But how could she when she suddenly remembered that man? I wonder if he's here?

"Hello, young sir... Are you here?" She laughed at herself. "What am I saying why would he be here?"

"No my lady I am here? You just can't see me I lost my cloak." He said.

"Oh, where are you hiding?"

"I'm on the other side of the wall listening and watching."

"Why are you doing that? Can you jump over the wall so that I may see you?"

"I'm sorry my lady my identity needs to stay hidden."

This is harder than I thought? But I guess I should obey his request since if it's true about him he should stay hidden he may not trust me yet?

"Is it okay if I asked you a question?" She asked.

"Yes, my lady you may ask any sort of questions."

"Okay well um..." She swallowed the sudden saliva that built up in her mouth. "Is it true that you're an... What, the people say in the village a-a beast?"

"Yes... I'm a hideous beast at midnight? But I promise my life to you that I would never hurt you or your family!"

"How can I be sure of that? The spell is gone you can just walk in and kill us all?"

"So can the other creatures."

"What other creatures how many more are there?"

"There are two others. Vampires never invited one into your home or walk out at night they will drain your blood they are very sensitive to sunlight so you will never see one in broad daylight. Witches there is no such thing as a good witch they use magic the older the witch the more powerful if you come across one don't ever freak out they love when humans are afraid because that means it's easier for them to capture since fear makes you weak. Werewolves that is what I am you may not even realize you come across one but if you feel unsafe around someone who you think is not human quickly go into a big crowd and maybe ask for help but be careful we are very fast, great, climbers we can also hear very well and see in pure darkness."

"Why are they after me and no one else? Why is it I'm the only one who's trapped inside this castle?"

"They are all after your heart."

"My heart why?"

"Your heart holds a very special cure. Vampires want your heart so that they may walk out in the open in the sun. Witches want it so that they can be the most powerful and put a powerful curse upon werewolves and vampires. Werewolves want your heart so that they no longer have to change into an ugly beast?"

"The use of my heart can do all that?!" She was stunned that she didn't know what else to say. Her father only told her to never leave or touch the gate he never told her why but now she got the answer she has always wanted but it now meant that she is in danger now that the protection spell was broken.

"My lady I know you're there I can hear your breathing? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Young sir do you have a lover?" She asked without thinking. "I mean sorry it's just that you said you needed to protect someone that day and I only guess that it's a woman you care about?"

"Oh yes I did say that, didn't I? No, it's not a lover but she is a woman I've known since she was sixteen but I don't know her that well through all these years I only know as much as her name?"

"How long has it been now?" She asked.

"Two years."

"Oh, she is my age!"

"Yes... My lady, may I ask do you have a lover?

Abigail sat down on the soft grass leaning her back against the stone wall. "I wouldn't say, lover? He isn't mine, please don't laugh but he really doesn't exist he's only in my dreams but I wish he did he's very fascinating to see I could never forget that smile of his." She continued to speak of him with pure happiness.

"My lady what if he does exist in the real world and just not, your dreams? He could be out there somewhere?"

"No, I don't think so dreams are your imagination right? And besides, if there's a chance he is real why would he want me? I'm nothing compared to my sisters?" She frowned curling up her knees into her chest resting, her chin.

"What do you mean? Why are you comparing your beauty to your sisters?"

"My lady where are you!" A maidservant hollered from the front of the castle.

"Sorry?" She said with a sign. "I should go since there looking for me."

"Yes, you should you don't want to worry his majesty?" He chuckled lightly making her feel warm inside.

"Thank you for talking with me will I be able to soon?" She stood up and brushed herself off.

"Yes, my lady?"

She smiled at his reply making her way up to the front of the castle.

"Oh, my lady there you are? My lady dinner is served."

When she entered the dining hall everyone had their eyes on her as she made her way to her seat at the table. She had the feeling of uneasiness her body felt hot like being too close to a fire? She pinched her brows together trying to swallow but she couldn't breathe?

She hit her back against her chair in a panic. What was happening why couldn't she catch a breath?!

"Abigail? Are you alright?" Tina pointed out.

"My dear, what is the matter?" The king said.

"Your majesty should I get a physician!" A maidservant asked.

"No, we can not trust anyone outside the castle! Abigail what's happened?!" The king quickly approached her side holding her shoulders and searching her eyes.

"F-father I... I can't b-breathe?"

"Men stop him quickly before it's too late!"