"Sir. Are you sure you're alright?", asks one of the Knights, walking along side FireStone. "For all we know, you could still be injured."
"I am fine, Captain.", replies FireStone. "I just need some fresh air. I have been holed up too long in this establishment."
"Of course, sir." He walks away.
FireStone continues on his own, walking toward the memorial of his parents. He sees the two gigantic pictures of his parents, surrounded by flowers and candles. He turns his head to the pictures, sniffing hard. He heavily sighs, looking away from the memorial. He continues on, walking out of the hospital and to the front gates.
Captain Forth sees FireStone as she salutes one of her soldiers before he leaves. She carefully watches FireStone climb up the ladder, walking just before her and leaning on the balcony. "Your majesty."
"I assume you want the report?"
"Fire away."
"As far as the local morale goes, everything is smooth sails. The Priest Village is still getting its bearrings after that battle between you and Collusion. The Ice Kingdom is still staying out of the war against Fang. The Sea Kingdom sends their regards about the loss of RanGuard and Amber."
"On the anniversary, no less."
"Indeed. The Sky Kingdom is beginning to see things our way. Queen Lanister is considering joining forces with us against Fang."
"Good. All we need is the Ice Kingdom. Once we gain their support, we can fully plan out our attack against Fang and the Terror Kingdom. But, once we start the final battle, leave BiFrost to me. I have a score to settle with him."
"I still don't understand why you call your brother by his original name. Why do you not accept the name our troops have given him?"
"That name is from Fang, not our men. If anything, one of the RegiLurks had gotten drunk and spoke BiFrosts Corrupted name. Now, because of that, the name has stuck amongst the soldiers. It is not something I approve, but I let the Knights speak their minds. I find no ill-will toward anyone who speaks back to me."
"That will soon be your end, child.", says someone from behind Forth.
The two look back, seeing Admiral Hugo walk up to them.
"Ah. Admiral Hugo. It has been a while, old friend.", says FireStone.
Forth salutes Hugo.
Hugo salutes back. "At ease, Forth."
"Sir.", replies Forth, going back to her duties.
Hugo leans on the balcony, watching the horizon with FireStone. "How long has it been since BiFrost has been Corrupted? 7... 8 years, now?"
"Almost 10...", gruffly replies FireStone. "I fear for him, Hugo. I really do. He is getting stronger, everyday, while we lie and wait for them to strike. It is sickening as it is maddening."
"I can feel your pain, old friend. One of my oldest friends, Yuug, had died recently."
"My condolences."
"Thank you. He was the only person I could truly call my brother. Losing Yuug...? He helped me through alot. Much more than RanGuard or Amber. No offense."
"None taken."
"Yuug always had the funniest lines when he spoke up. Even though he had to be drunk for him to open up. Even so, losing Yuug broke my heart, a bit. Just like you losing BiFrost to the Corrupted armor of Fang."
"Yeah..." FireStone bows his head in sadness.
Hugo playfully nudges FireStone. "But, look at you, now, FireStone. You've grown stronger since last we've spoken. I can sense your strength, just by being near you."
"Well, if you must know..." He turns around, leaning on his elbows. "I was... 'Visited', per say, by the old Guardians. Even though it was in a dream state, it felt real. I mean, really real. They had told me that they would lend me use of their collective powers to defeat Fang and his army."
"And I suppose that is why I can feel your strength growing?"
"You can assume that, yes."
Lieutenant Kilick continues to ride ahead of Zohr, Katrina, and Bella, leaving scorch marks as his Rapidash continues running. "We are almost there! A few more kliks and we'll be home free!"
"Got it!", replies Katrina, giving him a thumbs up before replacing her arm on the door. "You hear him, Zohr?"
"Yeah.", replies Zohr.
Katrina turns to Bella. "So, Bella. What's FireStone like?"
"He's kind of a silly sweetheart.", replies Bella. "He does have a temper, but he only lets loose if something really pisses him off. Even then, he's still the lovable FireStone. Well... King FireStone."
"It must be pretty rough hearing about your parents... Are you gonna be okay?"
"I'll manage. I've been through worse, believe it or not."
"That's good."
Zohr quickly whistles. "Eyes front... I think we're here."
Bella sits on between Katrina and Zohr, seeing the walls and castle ahead. She happily inhales, gleefully squeeling. "Yea-hah! I'm finally home! I'm able to see FireStone, again!"
"How long has it been since you last saw FireStone?", asks Katrina. "I imagine it's been quite some time."
"A few years, give or take."
"A 'few' years?", asks Zohr.
"Okay, okay... It's been 7 years."
"Well, you're almost home, Bella. Get ready to be all huggsy-wuggsy with FireStone.", says Katrina.
Bella and Zohr awkwardly stare at Katrina. "What...?"
"What? Isn't that what little sisters do?"
"I'm not that young, Katrina.", replies Bella. "I'm 13."
"Oh. Sorry." She bashfully chuckles.
Lieutenant gets off his Rapidash after they all stop. "Captain Kazza! Open the gates!"
"KAZZA?!?!?!", exclaims Zohr and Katrina.
An Alakazam sees Kilick and the Viper. "Open the gates. Let them in."
Zohr sees the gates open all the way, ramming the gas and slides to a stop in the middle of the grounds. He and Katrina quickly get out the Viper. "Kazza! How the hell are you still alive?!"
"Ah. Zohr. Katrina." He walks down the stairs. "It's been quite some time. What timeline did you two come from?"
"2021.", replies Katrina.
"Ah. So, it's still some time left on Mobius..."
"Nevermind. How have you two been? I haven't seen either of you since the 7th Tournament."
"We're doing pretty good.", replies Zohr.
"Yeah.", adds Katrina. "Is Helena here? She didn't come through the portal with us."
"Sorry. Can't say I have.", replies Kazza. "I'm also assuming Xof is here, as well."
"Not with us currently, no. He stayed behind in that retched place to buy us some time from Fang and Collusion."
"Helena did the same...", gruffly adds Zohr.
"Captain Kazza!", exclaims FireStone. "Do you know these two?"
"Since I was an Abra, sir!", replies Kazza. "These two have been my friends since I was traded! The darker one is Zohr, and the red-head is Katrina!"
Katrina playfully shoves Kazza in the back. "Hey..."
Kazza lightly chuckles.
FireStone starts walking downstairs. "Can they be trusted?"
"We've been through thick and thin, sir. I wouldn't trust anyone else to have my back in a battle."
"Hm... Well, we shall see."
"Big bro!", exclaims Bella, jumping out the Viper. She jumps up and hugs FireStone.
"Bella...!" He slowly wraps his arms around Bella, crying. "Thank the ancestors you're safe."
"Ancestors? Child, quit with that shit!", exclaims Zohr. "You shouldn't be praying to anyone that's dead, fool! The only one that you should be praying to is Christ Jesus, no one else!"
Bella jumps off FireStone. "Fang and BiFrost talked alot about Jesus and Jehovah and whole bunch of other stuff. I didn't believe them at first, but they gave me a Bible and... Well, the rest is history."
"Wait. So, Fang and BiFrost believe in Jesus and God?", asks Katrina.
"They believe the two exist. They're not forgiven."
"Well, enough with religous talk.", says FireStone. "If you two are here to help, you must pass a test."
"Oh, no...", says Kazza, grabbing the bridge if his nose.
"What would you do...? If I did this?", asks FireStone, swinging his Sword at Zohr.
Zohr uses Fire Fang to catch the blade, growling at FireStone.
FireStone carefully slides the Sword from Zohrs teeth. "Impressive. You're faster than you look."
Katrina backs up, grabbing Bella to drag her back as well. "Trust me on this... Zohr normally goes into battle mode if someone does something like that to him."
Zohr glares through FireStone. "You wanna try that again...? Punk?"
FireStone scoffs at Zohr, replacing his Sword. "Child, you are insignificant compared to me. Your strength is nye. You possess no external weapon. You can only dream of touching me."
"How about we put that to the test...?" His claws gain a shadow around them, making him tense his arms. He slowly makes his way to FireStone, eyes glaring, mouthing agape, his nose crinkled. He begins to speed up, cocking and letting loose a nasty barrage of strikes at FireStone.
"Protect!" FireStone produces a Knights Shield to block Zohrs attack. "Nothing can get through my Protect. Not even your Shadow Claw."
Zohr begins to speed up his verosity, picking the intensity and starts beating down on FireStones Protect.
FireStone is now being pushed back little by little as Zohr advances at him. He recognizes this side of viciousness. "*BiFrost...*" He releases the Protect and dodges Zohr, jumping over him and landing near Katrina. He sees a Shadow Ball in his face, closing in as time slows down. He dodges the Shadow Ball at the last second, seeing it disappear before it hits the castle. "*So, it's ranged. Good. Now, I can-*"
Zohr clocks FireStone with a Shadow Claw, sending him to the castle wall.
But, FireStone is barely hurt by this. He kips up and readies his own move. "Flamethrower!"
Katrina steps in front of Zohr, absorbing the Flamethrower to power up her own Fire-type Moves.
Zohr races around Katrina, producing his Scythe. He raises the Scythe over himself, swinging it back down at FireStone.
FireStone reacts quickly, grabbing both of his Swords to use as a parry in an "X." He grunts as he leans back and swings the Swords to make Zohr go back. "It was a test, fool! Why are you attacking me?!"
Zohr shapeshifts into Collusion, still holding the Scythe.
FireStone grunts as he sees this. "Bi... BiFrost...!" He screams aloud, turning into his Mega Evolved state.
Zohr goes back to his normal self. "Heh. Now, I gotcha."
FireStone, now fully Mega Evolved, disappears for a few seconds, only to reappear behind Zohr and decking him with Fire Punch.
Zohr lands face first into the ground, hurt by that sudden attack.
FireStone picks Zohr up and uses Close Combat, sending him into the castle.
Zohr chuckles a bit, knowing that move dropped FireStones Defense and Sp. Def. He feels the ground as FireStone draws closer to him. He hurridly moves out the way as FireStone uses Crunch. He reappears behind FireStone, only to use Crunch, himself, and creates his own version of a German Suplex. He watches FireStone lawn chair onto his back. "*So, we can use more than four Moves here...?* Heh." Zohr howls aloud, raising his Attack. "Sucker Punch!" He races at FireStone.
FireStone kips up and dodges, using Double Team, afterwards, to raise his Evasiveness.
"Foresight!" Zohr locks on to FireStone, using Earthquake to deal a critical and super effective blow.
FireStone falls into the ground, severly hurt from Zohrs attack.
Zohr grabs his Shadow Scythe, again, walking up to FireStone. "Say goodnight..." He raises the Scythe over his head. "Your majesty." He swings it at full boar, aiming for FireStones neck.
"ZOHR, STOP!!!", yells Bella.
Zohr stops just before FireStones neck, producing a large gust wind that disturbs many within the Kingdom. He pants as he glares through FireStone. Zohr lowers himself to FireStones nose. "Just be glad your my future grandson..." He makes the Shadow Scythe disappear. "Child." He quickly turns around and walks into the castle.
Bella runs up to FireStone, trying to help him out.
Katrina helps Bella by using Psychic to bring FireStone out of the aftermath of the Earthquake. "Apoligies for Zohr. When he's not in battle mode and someone attacks him, he becomes a bit more animalistic than normal. He may come off a bit rude, but he has a good heart."
FireStone reverts back to his normal self, still hurt from the battle. "What did he mean by what he said?"
"What did he say?"
"He said, 'Just be glad your my future grandson.'"
"Zohr is Roark.", replies Bella.
"Yeah. Did you not recognize the Scythe?"
"Hm. I did not, no. If Zohr is Roark..." He looks at Katrina. "Are you Ycan?"
"Am I who?", asks Katrina.
"Ycan. My pentuple-great grandmother."
"No. I am not attracted to Zohr that way. If you wanna know who this 'Ycan' is, ask Helena. I'm pretty sure she's your pentuple-great grandmother." She also walks intonthe castle.
FireStone watches Katrina walk into the castle. "*Who are these people? And where did they come from?*"