Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 12 - All Sides Merge at one Point or Another...

Chapter 12 - All Sides Merge at one Point or Another...

Xof and Bella show Katrina around the Terror Kingdom, telling her about the creatures Fang and Collusion have created over the years. The three go to watch the Houndzards fight for dominance.

"Let's go, Collagen!", exclaims Xof. "Become the alpha male!"

Collagen and the alpha Houndzard fight to near death as they scratch, claw, bite, and do many other animalistic things to each other. But, in the end, the alpha Houndzard stays the alpha Houndzard. Collagen walks over to Xof with his tail between his legs.

Xof pets Collagens head. "You'll be alright. You'll get him next time, eh?"

"I highly doubt it...", replies Fang.

Xof, Bella, and Katrina look to Fang in curiousity.

"Collusions Houndzard has never lost in a battle. No matter how many have tried, all have failed. Just like your supposed Trainer, Xof."

"I never said he hasn't fallen in battle before.", replies Xof. "He has nearly been beaten, but only because his brothers knew his weakness. Hell, I'm one of his main Pokémon and I still don't know."

"Probably because you'll blurt it out.", replies Bella.

Katrina heavily flirts with Xof. "I know something you can 'blurt' out."

"Not in front of my sister!", replies Collusion.

"BiFrost!", replies Bella. "I'm 13, damn it!"

"Watch your tongue, sister!" He forcfully walks up to Xof and Katrina. "You ever do that in front of Bella, again, I'll have both your heads."

"You try that, and I'll kill your candy ass where you stand, puta.", replies Xof. "I'm not gonna stand by and hear you threaten my fucking wife, like that. Her emotions for me are heightened because of her Corruption."

"No thanks to you."

"I had no choice! What? You expect me to let her die?! She's my fucking wife! You wouldn't understand, because you're still a fucking child! You know nothing of love!"

"I know more than you, bitch!"

"ENOUGH!!!", commands Fang, letting his voice echo. "Ever since you have become Corrupted by my hand, you and Collusion have been at each others throats! I am sick of hearing the childish bickering between the two of you! Enough is enough!"

Xof scoffs. "Whatever."

Collusion bows. "Yes, m'lord."

"Ass kisser."


"SILENCE!!!", orders Fang. His voice echoes around the Kingdom. "ONE MORE TIME BETWEEN EITHER OF YOU AND I WILL HAVE YOUR HEADS!!!"

Xof scoffs and walks away with Katrina. "I don't need this shit."

"Xof! XOF!!!"

"Fuck off!" He turns around and roars at Fang. "I ain't listening to another word you say, bitch!" He takes out a World Ring. "Collagen! Let's go!" He throws the World Ring in mid air, having it show a peaceful mountain range.

"If you walk through that portal, child..."

"What the fuck are you gonna do? Huh? Nothing. You can't do shit to me because I'm now stronger than you."

Fang races at Xof.

Xof uses Foresight to lock onto Fang, using Aura Overload to blast him back. He scoffs as he sees a large wound in Fangs stomach. "Weak..." He whistles for Collagen.

Collagen races to Xof and Katrina, grabbing them and running through the portal.

Collusion runs to his master. "Lord Fang!" He kneels next to him. "M'lord..."

Fang coughs up blood. "My, my... Hrk! Xof has truly become that much stronger... Collusion... You are now in charge..." He pukes blood. "Destroy... Everyone..." He dies, leaning his head to the side.

Collusion roars loudly, making himself go into his Mega Evolved state. "XOOOOOOOOF!!!"

Xof and Katrina relax on a peaceful and serene mountain side, watching the stars.

Collagen lays down, wrapping himself around the two.

"This is nice...", says a happily content Xof. "Why didn't we do this before on Mobius?"

Katrina walks her fingers down Xofs midsection. "You tell me... Lover boy..."

Xof makes himself the aggressor, forcing himself over Katrina. "Because you felt safer with me. And as long as I was around..." He starts kissing Katrinas body. "You felt safe..." He continues moving down Katrinas body, until he gets to Katrinas pussy. He begins to lovingly lick her in her "special spot."

"Oh, my God...", gasps Katrina, grabbing Xofs hair in response to this new side. She begins to moan vigorously, loving the way he entices her. Her moans grow louder and louder, as Xof licks the right places for Katrina to "work", per say. "Babe... Babe, I'm...! I'm cumming!" She finally cums, letting her fluids fill Xofs mouth.

Xof gasps as he has finished Katrina with that. He licks Katrinas fluids off his lips. "That was easy..."

Katrina scoffs, wrapping her legs around Xofs neck and twisting him. She notices how instantly hard he got, so she playfully chuckles. She uses Psychic to bring him to where she was. "You're easier..." She basically inhales all of Xofs dick, sucking it with fervor.

Xof groans as he blushes in his entire face. "Ffffffffuuuuuuuuck..." He lays himself down, letting Katrina do all the work. But, he feels himself getting close to his climax. So, he grabs Katrina by the back of her head, which forces his dick further into her mouth, cumming inside.

Katrina takes Xofs dick out her mouth, swallowing the cum before gasping for breath. "See... I told you... You. Are. Easier."

"Only because I'm not as experienced in pussy-licking as you are in dick-sucking."

Katrina crawls over Xof, letting her pussy rub against his dick. "But, your dick is so hard... It's so thick... I want all..." She slowly lets Xofs dick in her pussy, moaning and blushing with him. "You can give me..."

"Let's see if I can..." He gently grabs Katrinas ass, letting her do the work.

She slowly moves her hips on Xofs dick, feeling his dick throb with every move down on his hips. She's never felt such passion by him. She knows to take it slow, letting Xof build by himself up. "*Having no condom, this time, will help.*"


"Yes, my love?"

"... I love you..."

Katrina gasps, knowing this is the first time Xof has said that.

Xof knew this caught her off guard, so he uses this to his advantage. He rolls both of them over, still having his dick in her pussy. He begins to slowly thrust forward, hearing Katrinas moans under her breath.

"Xof, I..." She moans in between words. "I love you, too..."

The two kiss while Xof continues his playful assault on Katrinas, now tighter, pussy.

Xof knows he's close to his climax, but he wants Katrina to cum first, so he holds back.

Katrina now blushes all over her face, cumming hard.

Xof waits for a bit, letting Katrina calm herself down. "Get ready, babe...!" He lets loose his cum, letting his cum flow inside her.

The two moan as Xof has to continue thrusting a few times more in order to let Katrina get the full load.

Xof finally takes out his dick, laying next to Katrina... "That... Was fun."

Katrina turns her back to Xof, moving herself closer. She forces her hips onto Xofs hips. "It was..." She looks back and gives Xof a very wet kiss on his lips.

Xof wraps his arm around her, cuddling as the two rest after that "fun" time together.

"*Xof's never gone down on me like that, before. Maybe our Corrupted forms have made a difference.*" She moves her hands to her waist. "*Having him cum in me, for the first time, was truly an experience... I'm glad to have such a wonderful husband...*"

Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, Collusion, in his Mega Evolved state, comes out a portal with all of the Corrupted army. He roars loudly. "AVENGE FANG!!!"

Zohr and Helena stay up a bit longer than everyone else, enjoying each others time. They haven't felt like this since they've arrived on Lankurt.

"You know, mon ami...", starts Helena. "I have been meaning to... Tell you something..."

"What is it, hon?", happily asks Zohr.

"I was meaning to... Tell you when I arrived."

He happily chuckles. "Babe, it's okay. I can handle whatever you have to throw at me."

She blushes and looks at Zohrs eyes. "You promise...?"

"I promise." He kisses her forehead. "Whatever you have to throw at me."

Helena smiles bashfully, blushing. She looks away, bringing her fingers together. "I am, uh... Heh. I am..." She clears her throat. "I am..." She looks at Zohr. "Pregnant."

"Are you serious...?"

"You are not mad?"

"Mad?!" He jumps up. "Why would I be mad?! This is fantastic!"

"It is?"

"Yes! We're finally gonna be parents!" He brings Helena up with him and hugs her. "God, I love you..."

"I love you, too..." She wraps her arms around Zohr, welcoming his warm embrace.

Meanwhile, in FireStones room, FireStone sits up in his bed, awaiting his wife, but with something else on his mind. "*Damn it, BiFrost. Why did you do it?*"

Avery walks into the room, towel around her upper body. She continues wiping the moisture off her hair. "Is there something wrong, my love?"

"How in the hell did the savages find you?"

"They had scouts along the mountain side." She shakes the rest of the water off her head, but her hair becomes frizzy. She fixes it, but after FireStone gets a quick chuckle. "We never saw them, so the attack was mostly a success on their end."

"Except for you, of course."

"Yep. They were able to injure me, but they killed the rest."

Sunshine roars loudly, crash landing in near the gates of the Kingdom.

Xof and Katrina quickly sit up, trying to find where the echo came from.

"That's not good.", says Xof.

Zohr and Helena run out to where Sunshine had landed, seeing all the Mobians strewn across the Kingdom.

"Shadow!", exclaims Zohr, running up to him. "What the hell hit her?!"

Shadow groans as he sits up. "Corrupteds..."

"INCOMING!!!", exclaims Admiral Hugo.

Many of the Corrupteds run up to the gate, trying to ransack the Kingdom.

Helena removes her Shiny Charm, while Zohr brings out his Shadow Scythe.

FireStone and Avery run outside, seeing Sunshine on the ground.

"We have to go.", says Xof, jumping on Collagen.

Katrina hesitates seeing unwanted destruction in the Middle Kingdom.

"Babe, let's go! Come on!" He holds out his hand.

Katrina sees Xofs hand, then looks in his eyes. She sees the heroic and loving qualities that she fell for so long ago. She takes a hold of Xofs hand with a smile on her face, sitting behind Xof.

"Alright, Collagen. Let's go."

Collagen spreads his mighty wings, taking off with fervor toward the Middle Kingdom. But, he gets blindsided by a large, flaming boulder, knocking him down.

Xof and Katrina jump off at the last second, rolling away from the crash.

Xof gasps as he looks back to Collagen. He gets up and runs to him. "Collagen!" He kneels next to his head. "Collagen..."

Katrina looks at the massive wound on Collagens chest. "*My God...* I don't think he'll make it, babe..."

"Don't tell me that!" He begins to gain tears. "Don't say that..."

Collusion and Bella land a ways from Xof and Katrina, laughing at them.

"You see what I see, dear sister?", asks Collusion.

"Oh, yeah.", replies Bella. "A couple of losers."

"Shit. You see it, too?"

Xof hugs Collagens head. "I hate getting emotionally attached to my pets... They always end up dying too soon..."

Collusion evilly chuckles at the two. "Alright. Houndzard, take them out."

The alpha Houndzard prepares his Inferno Overdrive. He fires the giant fireball at Xof and Collagen.

Katrina steps in front of the Z-move, absorbing the flame and powering up her Fire-type moves. "Thanks for meal... Now, I'm really fired up... Z-move! Inferno Overdrive!" She fires a stronger version of Inferno Overdrive at the three, knocking them out instantly.

Zohr and Shadow fight off many of the Corrupteds.

Helena, using her animalistic fighting style, runs through many of the Corrupted Wereserkers and Mega Krookadiles. Quite literally.

Lord Fangs injury begins to be healed, having a dark sludge crawl overtop him. He slyly chuckles and smiles. "My revenge... Will be fulfilled..."