Xof sniffs hard as he wakes from a weird dream. He groans as he looks at the clock. "7:30... Shit." He sits up and sits on the edge of his bed, yawning. He looks back to Katrina, kissing her cheek. "Good morrow, beautiful."
Xof stands up and stretches, walking to the bathroom. He grabs his toothbrush and toothpaste, dabbing the toothpaste on his toothbrush and brushing his teeth. After 2 minutes of doing so, Xof spits the excess into the sink and washes his mouth of anything else. He looks in the mirror to see if he has any eye boogers. He rubs his fists in his eyes, anyways, being that it has become a habit of his.
Xof passes Katrina as she enters the bathroom, lovingly passing his hand over her hips. "I love you."
"I love you, too.", replies Katrina.
Xof walks back to his bed, putting his clothes on. "What time are we supposed to drop them off, again?"
"8:15. Rowdy and Warrior have enough time for a decent breakfast."
"I'll get started on the sausage and eggs."
"I'll be out to start on the lunches, soon. I have to put on my make-up and fix my hair."
"Like Averys?"
"Shut up..."
Xof chuckles a bit, walking out the room. He makes his way to the kitchen and grabs the breakfast items he said he would grab. He starts to cook the sausage and eggs in the same pan.
Katrina and Xofs sons, Rowdy and Warrior, walk into the room, sitting on the stools. Warrior helps Rowdy on the stoll adjacent to him.
"You two sleep well?", asks Xof.
"Decent.", replies Warrior. "Rowdy, here, slept like a baby."
"I'm not a baby.", complains Rowdy.
"You're a baby."
"I'm not a baby! Daddy!"
"Warrior, knock it off.", replies Xof. "You too, Rowdy. You're both egging each other on."
"Okay, daddy...", replies the two.
Katrina walks in, kissing both her sons heads. "Good morrow..."
"Good morrow, mommy."
She opens the fridge to see what's in it. "Hey, hon."
"Hm?", asks Xof.
"We're almost out of milk and A.J.. Can you get some on the way back from work?"
"Sure. I'll get some durin' my lunch break."
"Thanks, hon. Rowdy, what do you want for your school lunch?"
"Chicken sandwich with cheese.", replies Rowdy.
"With cheese?"
"Yeah. Dad handed me one last night."
"Oh, really?"
"Hey, don't blame me, I made three.", replies Xof. "It was for myself and the kiddos. You weren't here, last night."
Katrina sighs. "Warrior's lactose intolerant, hon."
"I didn't put cheese on his. Only mine and Rowdys. That's it."
"Was there cheese on your sandwich, Warrior?"
"No, mommy.", replies Warrior. "Just ketchup."
She sighs. "Be careful, Xof..."
"I am being careful.", chuckles Xof. "I'm not being stupid with our kids, babe. Jesus Christ..."
"Still, you have to be careful."
"I am... My God."
Katrina grabs a frozen chicken patty from the freezer, placing it in the microwave. "What do you want for lunch, Warrior?"
"He'll have brocolli.", replies Rowdy.
"Ew!", replies Warrior. "I want chicken nuggets!"
"I'm on it.", replies Katrina.
Xof finally puts the sausage and eggs on a couple of plates, handing each plate to his sons. "Sausage and eggs, y'all. Make sure and eat up. You'll need the energy, later today."
"What for?", asks Rowdy.
"Your Uncle Zohr and Aunt Helena have invited us to Fredricks birthday party."
"Yay!", replies Warrior.
"So, after school, your mother and I will pick you two up-"
The microwave goes off, allowing Katrina to flip the chicken patty and restarting the time.
"-to head over to Zohr and Helenas."
"How old is Freddy turning?", asks Katrina.
"Gotcha." She puts a slice of cheese on the patty, letting it melt as she lets the cooking continue. After she hears the microwave go off, she puts a bun on the patty and covers it with foil. "You want a snack to go with your sandwich, Rowdy?"
"Chocolate pudding, please.", replies Rowdy, finishing his breakfast.
Katrina grabs a cup of pudding and puts in the bag. She, then, grabs 10 chicken nuggets and places them in the microwave.
"Can I have an apple in mine, mommy?", asks Warrior.
"You got it.", replies Katrina. She grabs a fresh apple and puts it in a seperate bag. After she hears the microwave go off.
Zohr and Helena drop off Fredrick at school.
"Alright, bud. We're here.", says Zohr, parking the car. "Today's your first day school. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"
"I'll be okay, daddy.", replies Fredrick. "I'm a big boy."
"Oui, you are.", replies Helena, pinching Fredricks cheek. "You mommy's big boy."
"Mommy... Stop."
Helena chuckles.
Fredrick opens the door. "Love you, mommy. Love you, daddy."
"Love you, too, Freddy.", replies Zohr.
"Amore you, too, Fred.", adds Helena.
Fredrick exits the car and walks up to Mancers son, Bartholemew. The two high five and walk into the school.
A bus pulls up a bit later, having Rowdy and Warrior jump off and meet the two. All four hug and walk into the school.
Helena exits the car after seeing Fredrick walk inside. She takes off her Shiny Charm.
"Woah, woah.", says Zohr. "What're you doing?"
"Hon, I have take off my Shiny Charm.", replies Helena. "None of the kids would understand me in a French accent. Especially with me speaking broken English."
"Babe, only Freddy knows what you look like without your Shiny Charm."
"Everyone will still know me as Helena. There's no reason for anyone to be confused about who I am."
Zohr heavily exhales. "Ooh, boy..."
Helena flicks Zohrs ear.
"Shut up, and let me teach." She closes the door and walks into the school.
Zohr backs up and drives to his job. He quickly walks inside. "Now, remember, everyone. Each of the Chaos Gems will create a weapon based upon your personality and fighting style. I'm more of the traditionalist martial artist, who uses the shadows to my advantage. Hence,-." He brings out hid Shadow Scythe. "my Shadow Scythe." He replaces his Scythe behind him, bringing his hands together. "Now, grab whatever Chaos Gem you want and force your hand forward while holding the Gem."
Each of Zohrs students grabs a Chaos Gem, moving their hands forward and creating many different weapons.
"Okay. Now, I see that many of your weapons are Swords. Meaning, like me, you're a traditionalist. But, unlike me, you'd rather have a face-to-face confrontation. It appears that Romeo, Paul, Izzy, Nathan, Tristen, Matthew, and Gregory have Swords.
"Now, I do see two Shadow Scythes. Isaac and Wayne. The rest have Nunchuks. Meaning that you are either crazy or spazzes, Sierra, Brian, and Adrian."
The teens give a soft chuckle.
"Alright! Scythes first. Let's go."
The tv pauses.
Mancer turns around to his Pokémon. "Are-. Are y'all for real?"
"What did you expect?", asks Xof.
"I expected some badassery, but... This is the weirdest thing, yet. Especially from you, Zohr. Teachin'? For real?"
"I've become a pacifist.", replies Zohr. "I'd rather teach people what I've learned than to do harm to others."
"The events at Lankurt have made you soft.", replies Mangle.
"An' I agree.", adds Mancer.
"What makes you think you can just up and make yourself less warrior-like? You were one of Mancers first Pokémon. You were raised to fight, pretty much your entire life."
"And that's why I chose to be a pacifist.", replies Zohr. "Too many people think that Pokémon are bred to fight or breed. That is nowhere the case. Pokémon are meant to be companions. Much like Quaytlow is to Alpha."
"But, Quaytlow is a Digimon, not a Pokémon.", replies Maxine.
"Precisely, my point! Everyone thinks Pokémon are fighters! We are nowhere close to that! It is what people like Sonic, Silver, and Knuckles claim us to be! We are meant to be companions; pets! Most people who have caught Pokémon abuse them!
"You, Mancer, let us fight in a natural state of mind! You never saught to make us evolve! We fought and evolved on our own time! That was the good thing about you! But, then, you decided to create-!" He clears his throat, mocking Mancers accent. "'Let's create a state o' de art stadium to help the Mobians unfocus on Eggheads war on Sonic and crew!'" He clears his throat again, regaining his voice. "Your exact words!"
"I know those were my exact words!", replies Mancer. "Don't be throwin' dat shit back in my face, nigga!"
"I have to do so, because you have obviously forgotten what it was like to truly have a Pokémon! Everyone has!"
"Not Shadow...", replies Mangle.
"Shadow is different...! He's not a fan of either side. He's not a Pokémon fan, but he's not a Digimon fan."
Xof impatiently sighs, leaving with Katrina. "This is getting fucking ridiculous."
"Where the hell do you think you're going?", asks Mangle.
"Uh, to pick up our sons. That's where the hell we're goin'." He and Katrina take their leave and get into the car, driving off soon after.
"That conversation was getting much too personal.", says Katrina, leaning her arm out the window.
"No shit. Both sides are in the right, but Zohr more than Mancer."
"What makes you say that?"
"Zohr was right to call Mancer on his shit. He's making Mancer remember his promise to not force his Pokémon to do something they don't want to do. Every single battle our candy asses get into hurts us way too motherfucking easily."
"I agree. The battles we have are far too aggressive. It's been all of 6 years, Xof, and Mancer hasn't stopped making us battle."
"And it's only getting worse..."
"Thank God FireStone and his family don't have to go through this, everyday."
"Sooner or later, we'll change that. We have to. Or else that timeline will continue for eternity."
"Well, we know nothing of time travel. Other than the 'Butterfly Effect', but that's about it. We don't know what would pertain to us as to the 'Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How' scenarios of time travel."
"Rift can succeed in this."
"Only because he has been doing so since he was created by Castro to help in the duties of creating other Pokémon."
"Same thing with Shado Wing and Hark."
"Shado Wing is in between our world and his world. Hark is the Legendary Space Pokémon."
"I know that, babe. I'm just saying. Rift can help us understand time travel better."
"That would be a nasty ordeal, babe."
The two pull up to the school, waiting for their sons.
"We would have to pull a few strings for Rift to help us."
"What happened with Rift?", asks Xof.
"Him and I had a large spat the other day."
"What all was said?"
"Things that we both regret. Let me put it to you this way. Rift went as far as saying you're being an idiot. And I went as far as saying that he's not immortal."
"1: Ow. And 2: You're both right."
"Who are you, and what have you done with Xof?"
"It's still me, babe. After finding out about Rowdy and Warrior, I've had to mature, a bit."
"A bit?"
"We don't need our sons hearing me cuss out the ass. Trust me, that is not something I want either of them remembering me by if, God forbid, I croak."
"You're the toughest bastard I know. You're almost unkillable."
"And even more so, with these Prohibitor Rings."
"Do you think Rowdy or Warrior will gain a Corrupted form?"
"I dunno. The Prohibitor Rings stop the release of the aura, looks, and strength the forms bring, but I don't think either will gain a Corrupted form at any point in their lives."
Mancer heads into the Communicado room, seeing he has missed calls and voice mail. "Computer: Who all called?"
"Alpha, Naruto, Kakarot, and Tatsumaki.", replies the computer.
"Play the messages." He starts looking at certain pieces of mail he's gotten over the past few days.
"Playing messages. Voice mail from: Alpha."
"Hey, little brother.", starts the voice mail of Alpha. "Just checking in to make sure you're alright. I know with Bart starting to grow more, it's been one hell of a mess. Call me, when you get the chance. Haven't talked in a while."
"What would you like to do with the message?"
"Delete.", replies Mancer.
"Deleting... Message deleted. Next message from: Naruto."
"Yo, Saturn. What's up?", asks the voice mail of Naruto. "Hey, I gotta ask you a question. It'll only take a sec. Which exemplary piece should I go for with the Hidden Leaf discovery anniversary? The traditionalist styling of music or the new and improved styling of music?"
"What would you like to do with the message?"
"Delete.", replies Mancer, facing the computer.
"Deleting... Message deleted. Next message from: Kakarot."
"Saturn, I got a huge problem.", starts the voice mail of Goku. "Beerus has been getting drunk off his ass and telling everyone that he can kick your ass. Do you want Vegeta and me to handle him, or are you going straighten him out?"
"What would you like to do with the message?"
Mancer sighs. "Delete."
"Deleting... Message deleted. Last message from: Tatsumaki."
"Saturn, get your ass back to Hero Earth, now!", barks the voice mail of Tatsumaki. "The Monsters are running rampent and we can barely hold them down for long! We need your help! We need Blast!" She screams as the transmission ends.
"What would you like to do with the message?"
"Delete.", replies Mancer.
"Deleting... Message deleted. There are no more messages."
Mancer ends the call, calling Alpha afterwards.
"Yello.", says Alpha.
"Yo, big bro, what's up? Heard you wanted to talk."
"Yes. I, uh... I need some advice, first."
"Advice? Nigga, you are over 10,000 years old! Why in the fuck do you need my advice?!"
"It's about my marriage."
"Oh... Then, what's up?" He texts Naruto to got with the traditional style of music.
"Sunset has been getting very pushy, lately."
"How bad?" He texts Goku to take of it for him.
"To the point where she can't stand my chewing."
"It's the hormonal imbalance of bein' pregnant."
"S-. Seriously...?"
"You never knew?"
"You can't even see whether she's pregnant."
"Then, she's probably only a few weeks in. It'll be a while, bru'. Just stay calm an' be with her."
"Okay... I'll try."
"Nah, nah. Don't be sayin' 'I'll twy.' This is a serious fuckin' matter, bru'. Havin' a kid is a huge responsibility. So, man up and do yo' thang."
"Alright. Thank you, Saturn."
"The name's Mancer."
"My name is now Mancer."
"Oh... Okay...? Why?"
"'Saturn' means 'Satan' in a different language."
"Oh... Religious reasons, than."
"Mm-hm. Anyways, I gotta call Tots. She's sayin' Monsters're runnin' rampent on Hero Earth..."
"If she's calling you, then it's bad."
"I hope ya wrong... Anyways, catch ya later, big bro."
"You too, Mancer."
"Computer. End call. Call Tatsumaki."
"Calling Tatsumaki.", replies the computer.
"SATURN!!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!?", barks Tatsumaki.
"Damn, it's dat bad?", asks Mancer.
"No, it's going swimmingly. Of course, it's that fucking bad! Silverfang, Atomic Samurai, and I can barely keep these fuckers down!"
"Alright. I'm on my way, and I'll bring back-up."
"Hurry up, damn it! We're getting killed out here!"
"Computer. End call."
"Ending call.", replies the computer.
"End session."
"Ending session."
Mancer brings out a small device, calling for his Pokémon.
Just as Rowdy, Warrior, and Fredrick enter the back of Xof and Katrinas car, they all hear the alarm.
"Ooh, boy. Here we go.", says Xof.
"What's going on, daddy?", asks Warrior.
"Mancer needs us back at the catsle, hon.", replies Katrina. "It looks like your birthday is a bit postponed, Fredrick."
"It's okay.", replies Fredrick. "I'm just glad I get to play with my family."
Xof lightly chuckles.
Zohr and Helena hurry into the Teleportation room.
"What going on, Mancer?", asks Helena.
"Tots needs our help.", replies Mancer. "Hero Earth's in deep shit and they need Blast, again."
"Oh, no!", replies Mangle, speed walking into the room. "You are not leaving me and Bartholemew so you can play Hero with your sisters!"
"I ain't leavin' you two here! You two're comin' wit' me!"
"Y'all haven't met the rest of my family. It's overdue. Get Bart, and get back here."
Xof, Katrina, and the kids walk in as Mangle runs out.
"Papa, what's happening?", asks Fredrick, grabbing Zohrs hand.
"You're going to meet your great aunt Tatsumaki on Hero Earth.", replies Zohr. "But, we're also going to be aiding the other Heroes defeat the mean Monsters, while we're there."
"Won't Heroes attack us?", asks Helena."
"More than likely, I'd say. The Heroes are a kick ass first, ask questions later, kind of group."
"So, guard up?"
"Well, if it means getting to crush some skulls, I'm in.", adds Xof. "I've been itching to take these bad boys off."
"And you'll get dat chance.", replies Mancer, getting the Teleporter set up. "I've been keepin' tabs on the Heroes that're added to the H.A. ever since I went into hidin'. There's one Hero I'm worried about... They gave him the name 'Caped Baldy.' Which is a stupid-ass name. They called him dat just off his appearance."
"You're worried about some shmuck with the Hero name 'Caped Baldy?'"
"He broke my H.A. records for qualifications. He's a strong-ass nigga. Babe, let's go! It's all set up!"
Mangle and Bartholemew hurriedly run into the Teleporter room.
Everyone stands in their own spots, awaiting for themselves to be sent to Hero Earth.
The Teleporter kicks in, gathering the information needed to safely and securely send these characters to Hero Earth.
During the trip through the space-time continuum, some of the group are split by other characters who are also travelling to Hero Earth.
"Aw, shit!", exclaims Mancer. "Guys!"
"We can't go back for them, hon.", replies Mangle. "We'll just have to make sure that we find them before the Heroes do."
"I hope we can...