Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 18 - "I'm Just Glad You're on Our Side."; Zohr, FireStone, and Leanne Land in City R

Chapter 18 - "I'm Just Glad You're on Our Side."; Zohr, FireStone, and Leanne Land in City R

FireStone, Zohr, and Leanne wake up in a park, feeling themselves being dragged to a hole in the ground. The two males grunt and kip up, grabbing Leanne in the process.

Zohr helps FireStone protect Leanne. "Who the hell are you freaks?"

"Don't worry.", replies one of the Monsters. "We're just making sure that you're not killed by the Heroes."

"Which makes you Villians.", replies FireStone. "What do you with us?"

"Isn't it obvious?", asks Zohr. "They need our help destroying the world. Which is something neither of us are going to do."

"Well, if you're not with us, then you're against us.", replies the other Monster.

"And we'll gladly stay that way.", replies FireStone, setting down his daughter. "Leanne, hide behind the tree. Myself and our ancestor will take care of these evil-doers."

Leanne quickly runs behind a nearby tree, making sure the Monsters don't catch her.

"Ha! We didn't really need your daughter, punk.", says the first Monster. "We needed you two because you're stronger than most of the Monsters of the Monster Association."

"Monster Association?", asks Zohr, squinting. "And what makes you two think we'd even think about joining you, letting alone actually being a part of that junk."

"We're letting the world know that Monsters exist."

"We're tired of being in the shadows!", adds the other Monster.

"With bodies like those, you're not exactly 'hiding.'", replies FireStone.

Zohr snickers.

"Alright, that's it!", replies the first Monster. "Now, you're in for a fight!" He stomps the ground hard, creating an earthquake.

Zohr and FireStone quickly jump up, dodging the attack by the larger of the two Monsters. They both land beyond the hole, readying themselves for a fight.

"*The gellatinis blob is a Water/Ground-type by Pokémon standards.*", thinks Zohr. "*The rhinocerous is a Fighting/Ground-type. I can't use many of moves against either of them. They'll resist most of my attacks.*"

FireStone looks to his daughter. "Leanne! Use Psybeam on the solid Monster!"

Leanne sends a Psychic beam at the rhino, sending him into the hole. "What else, daddy?!"

FireStone slices the gell Monster with his Swords. "Stand down, for now. Your grandfather and I will take care of this one."

The gell Monster faigns his death, sliding back into the hole.

"He's not dead.", says Zohr, signalling his granddaughter to return to them. "He is only retreating to bide his time."

"Time unwell spent.", replies FireStone. "Let us take the initiative and follow these Monsters and kill them ourselves."

"That idea would be most unwise.", replies Phoenix Man, landing beside the three Pokèmon. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Phoenix Man. The gellatinis Monster is not defeated, yes, the black one is correct. He will surely exact his revenge on you, wolf."

"And I'll be ready for him."

"Not as much as he will be of you. You see, that Monster, the gellatin with eyes, is nearly unkillable. It would take a massive amount of heat in order to kill him."

"That's where Inferno Overdrive kicks into play."

"If that is your Killer Move, than so be it. It would have be as hot as lava in order to kill him. Judging by the name, I assume it would be."

"It can melt all types high-strength metals."

"Good. That is good. Use it as you please, white one. For the gellatin will not stop until you're dead."

"Again, I'll be ready."

"I hope you are. Au revoir, my friends." He flies off.

"That... Was weird.", says Zohr, after Phoenix Man flies off.

"What makes you say so?", asks FireStone.

"Think about it. Why would he go through all that trouble to tell us a weakness of a Monster if he is not one himself?"

"He could be playing double-agent."

"Not likely. His voice is like that of a serpent, leading us to our doom. I for one am not ready to die on anyones account. I may be a pacifist, but I will still defend myself... If need be."

"You better drop it, fast. This world is much more volatile compared to Lankurt. We stay here long, we will die by the Monsters hand."

"Well, if that outcome is not to pass, we will have to make sure that we make our way to the City A Headquarters of the Hero Association. By the looks of the area, which I have studied various maps of Hero Earth, we are in the park of City R. Which means, we would have to travel East-Southeast in order for us to reach the City A HQ."

"Can you tell what time it is?"

"Not at the moment, no. We will have to wait for a few moments before we actually know what time it is here. Then, we can begin the trek to City A."

"Not unless you're stopped by us.", replies a deep-voiced human, unsheathing his Sword. "You better drop back down into that hole, before Flashy Flash and I slice you both up."

"We are not a part of the Monsters, Atomic Samurai. My name is Zohr, and I am a part of Blasts Pokémon team."

"You speak of Blast as if you know him.", replies Flashy Flash, unsheathing his Sword. "Such a pity. Knowing that you are lying."

"If I were lying, you'd know, Flashy Flash. I am not here to hurt either of you. I got seperated from my Trainer and his wife and son, because somebody decided to work on the portable Time Makina."

"Even if you are telling the truth of Blast, then that would mean he has aligned himself with the Monster Association."

"We just sent two of them packing!", replies FireStone.

"Grandson, enough.", replies Zohr. "Your temper will get us nowhere."

"What did the Monsters look like?", asks Atomic Samurai.

"One was an anthropomorphic rhinocerous and the other was a gellatin Monster."

"I've heard about the rhino Monster, he's been stirring quite the havoc in City C since the Centipedes came to play."

"The Centipedes?", asks FireStone.

"The Centipedes were bug Monsters of great strength.", replies Zohr. "Hero Earth runs on a slower time clock compared to Lankurt or Mobius, so to them, the last time anyone saw Blast was three years ago against the greatest of Centipedes, Centichuro. Which, if memory serves me well, Mancer nearly killed Centichuro. In the Mobian timeline, that would be almost 15 years ago. Much of a time before the Final Version War."

"How is it that you know of Blasts expoits as a Hero, fox?", asks Flashy Flash.

"Because Mancer is Blast. He's a Mobian. Ever since the Final Version War, he's gotten much stronger. After he heard about Bald Cape breaking his records, -- I swear, the Hero Association does not like the guy. -- he wanted to come back and see what all has transpired during his time away from Hero Earth."

"Hm.", replies Atomic Samurai, resheating his Sword. He walks up to Zohr, FireStone, and Leanne. "I have to admit, fox. You know alot about Blast."

"That is because I have been with him ever since I joined his Pokémon team, so I know almost everything about him."

"Well, one thing's for sure. I'm just glad you're on our side." He sticks out his hand. "The name's William. My colleagues name is somewhat of an enigma, due to the fact that he's ninja."

"Like we couldn't tell from the get-go.", replies FireStone, shaking Atomic Samurais hand. "My name is FireStone. This is my daughter Leanne. Say 'hi', Leanne."

Leanne hides behind FireStones leg. "Hi..."

"She can be shy around new people. Especially those who have strong auras."

"Either way, it's nice to meet all three of you.", replies Atomic Samurai. "And you said your name is 'Zohr', right?"

"Yeah.", replies Zohr.

"Well, if you three will follow us, we can lead you to City A."

"Sweet. Lead the way."

Flashy Flash resheaths his Sword, running ahead of the group.

Atomic Samurai chuckles. "He's more of the lone wolf type. It's part of his ninjitsu style."

After walking for a few miles, the five Heroes make their way through City R and into City L.

"Daddy...!", complains Leanne. "How much longer...?! My tummy hurts...!"

"We'll find something soon, honey bear.", replies FireStone. "*Damn it! I always forget to pack snacks for these long treks. What the hell am I saying?! This trip was last minute, there was no time to prepare!*"

Zohr takes an Oran Berry out of his pocket. "Here. Have this, Leanne."

"She doesn't eat anything blue, grandfather."

"Why do you call Zohr 'grandfather?'", asks Atomic Samurai.

"I am his future grandson. According the testamonials, Zohr is my quadruple-great grandfather."

"Wow. You and your wife must've had a ton of kids, Zohr."

"According to what my wife told me, when we were on Lankurt, that her and I pretty much populated a large chunk of Lankurt.", replies Zohr. "It amazes me, really. I've always wondered how her and I populated most of Lankurt when we rarely..."

"I understand the suddenness of the quietness. Your future granddaughter is with you. You don't want to set a bad example for her."

"No. Absolutely not."

FireStone gasps as he senses something behind them.

"What's up, FS?"

"Someone is following us..."

"Are you sure?", asks Atomic Samurai.

"My intuition is never wrong."

The ground begins to give way under FireStone.

FireStone quickly jumps up with his daughter, landing on a light pole. "Are you alright, Leanne?"

"I'm fine, daddy.", replies Leanne.

The rhino Monster comes through the hole, along with the gellatin Monster. "Guess who's back, bitches?!"

Atomic Samurai unsheaths his Sword. "FireStone, get your daughter behind me, now!"

FireStone nods, jumping from the pole and landing behind Atomic Samurai, letting Leanne hide behind him. "He'll keep you safe from harm, honey bear."

"FireStone, take care of the gel Monster!", orders Zohr. "Use Inferno Overdrive!"

"On it. Z-move: Spiritual Inferno Overdrive!"


FireStone fires the large the fire ball at the gel Monster, destroying it instantly. "Heh. Much too easy..."

"Nice Killer Move, FireStone.", replies Atomic Samurai. "Now, watch this. Killer Move: Atomic!" He runs his Sword many times through the rhino Monster. "SLASH!!!"

The rhino Monsters blood goes everywhere, along with its body parts.

"*Damn...*", thinks Zohr. "*I've only seen that from Mancer. I have to admit, that move is much more effective under Atomic Samurais counsel.*"

Atomic Samurai resheaths his Sword. "And that's that."

"And it appears that way, William.", replies Flashy Flash. "If the Monsters know where we are, we must make haste."

"FireStone and I can keep up with you.", replies Zohr. "Lead the way, Flashy Flash."

Flashy Flash nods. "Keep going at your pace, William. I know you're able to handle things on your own." He takes off like a bolt of lightning.

Zohr takes off like a bat out of hell, following Flashy Flash.

FireStone picks up Leanne, following Zohr.

Atomic Samurai lightly chuckles. "Show offs."

"It looks like I missed one hell of a party.", replies an elderly sounding man.

Atomic Samurai looks behind himself, seeing Silverfang walk up to him. "Ah. Master Bang. I'm surprised to see you around here."

"You won't find it so surprising once I tell you why I'm here."

The two Heroes walk together.

"So, what's the reason for you being here?", asks Atomic Samurai.

"I'm looking for a black, white, and red fox.", replies Silverfang. "It appears you and Flashy Flash have found him, along with a compatriot of his."

"Two compatriots. The little one was the white wolf's daughter."

"I see. Mancer never mentioned himself gaining either of those creatures."

"From what the black fox told me, the other two creatures are from the distant future. Both of them are his descendants."

"Both? My, my. I must admit, that surprises me. Was hard for you to gain their trust?"

"Not really. The black one claims to be a pacifist, but he held his ground."

A large crash can be heard from miles away.

"That doesn't sound good."

"Definitely not.", replies Silverfang. "We should still continue to City A. Tatsumaki has probably found more of Mancers team."

"Of course.