Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 13 - The Final War of Lankurt; A Surprise Return of an Old Friend

Chapter 13 - The Final War of Lankurt; A Surprise Return of an Old Friend

*BiFrost POV*

Ow... What the hell happened...? Did I just get hit by Katrina...? Wait. Where's Bella? "Bella?!"

"Right here!", replies Bella, jumping on top of the alpha Houndzard, who are both now in the original coloration. "Katrina and Xof helped us come back!"

"They what...?" He stands up, seeing Katrina and Xof staring wonderingly at the two Lankursians.

*3rd Person POV*

BiFrost groans as he stands up, grabbing at his head.

Bella hops down from the alpha Houndzard, seeing if her brother is okay.

Xof whistles. "Yo! How the fuck are you two back to normal?!"

"Katrina...!", groans BiFrost. "Your wife helped us by defeating us! It's the only way for a Corrupted to return to normal!"

"I'd rather keep mine!"

"You do that, and you'll be more animal than person!", replies Bella.

Fang forcfully rises out the ground, roaring loudly.

"Holy shit!", exclaims Xof. "What the fuck is that?!"

"It's Fang...", replies BiFrost. "In his ultimate form..."

"Oblivion Wing!", exclaims Fang, destroying the Middle Kingdom.

"ZOHR!!! HELENA!!!", exclaim Xof and Katrina. The two feel themselves being lifted into the air, seeing Fang open his large mouth. They scream in pain as Fang absorbs their Corrupted forms, dropping like ragdolls, afterward.

Fang keeps his mouth ajar, absorbing the Corrupteds he created. He turns around, walking off.

BiFrost and Bella run up to Xof and Katrina, checking their pulses.

"How's Katrina?", asks BiFrost.

"She's fine.", replies Bella. "How's Xof?"

"Faint, but fighting. We need to get them somewhere to heal."

"I know of a place...", replies Shadow, appearing behind them.

BiFrost and Bella turn quickly at Shadow. "A savage?!"

"I am here in the name of peace. Xof and Katrina were old friends of mine, back on Mobius."

"The Colony of old..."

Shadow tells the alpha Houndzard to grab his compatriot.

The alpha Houndzard looks to BiFrost, who nods. He grabs Collagens neck and drags him back to the others.

Shadow brings out a green Chaos Emerald, raising it in the air. "Chaos-!" He teleports the 7 of them somewhere safe.

*Xof POV*

Mmmm... Ugh... Where...? Where am I...? I slowly look around, seeing Zohr and Helena in a deep hallway, then seeing Kat to a bed in my left, basically covered in wires. I look at the wires on myself, ripping them off and sitting at the edge of my bed.

I go to stand, but my legs give way, making me fall to my hands and knees. I hear Zohr run into the room...

*3rd Person POV*

Zohr helps Xof back up on the bed. "Are you crazy? You could've furthered your injuries, doing this."

"Better to test the waters early, rather than later.", replies Xof.

"Next time, save the pride for Kat."

"Shut up..."

Helena leaves the room and heads for the war room.

"Lord Fang is in his ultimate form!", exclaims Frost. "He is almost invincible!"

"But, he has weaknesses!", replies Brock. "Everyone has weaknesses!"

"We have not learned about weaknesses and resistances since the old times...", replies Malice. "Since before RanGuard..."

"Well, we must find the scrolls that contain such information!"

"The scrolls were destroyed in the Battle of Tree Mountain.", replies Rage. "There are no other copies left."

Shadow heavily groans, grabbing his forehead.

"What is it, savage?", asks Lanister.

Shadow points a .9 at Lanister. "Call me 'savage' one more time, and your brains are on that wall."

"You dare threaten the Queen of the Clouds!"

"This shit is imbued in your DNA!"

"What?!", asks Brock.

"Every single weakness and resistance is in your very DNA!" He replaces the pistol. "From what I could tell, Fang -- Whether normal or ultimate. -- is a Ghost/Dark-type."

"We know not of which you speak, Shadow.", replies FireStone. "Clarify your beliefs."

"Okay. FireStone. What moves do you know besides the Fire-type moves?", asks Helena.

"Slash, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Double Team, Dig, Earthquake... Countless."

"From what I can gather about you, you're a Fire/Fairy-type. Meaning you're weak to Water-, Rock-, Ground-, and Normal-type moves."

"I've never been severly hurt by Surf or Waterfall."

"Well, you have unique resistance to it, than. Something I certaintly have never seen or heard of."

"What is your point?"

"Shadow claims that Fang is a Ghost/Dark-type. Ghost-types are weak to Poison- and Ghost-type moves. Dark-types have a resistance to both.

"Dark-types are weak to Fighting-type moves. Ghost-types are completely immune to Fighting- and Normal-type moves."

Everyone, except Shadow, goes into an argumenative stance.

Helena roars at everyone. "I wasn't finished, damn it! If someone were to use Foresight, Ghost-types can be hit by Fighting- and Normal-type moves."

"What moves are classified in either?", asks Rage. "Some moves are obvious in name."

"Yes, they are. Others, not so much. Moves like Aura Sphere or Power-Up Punch are Fighting-type moves. Moves like Double Slap and Slash are Normal-type moves."

"What 'typings' know Foresight?", asks Frost.

"Mainly Fighting-types like Xof or the Machamp species. Psychic-types, like Kazza or the Medicham species, know a similar move: Miracle Eye. But, Dark-types are immune to all Psychic-type moves, no matter what you do."

"So, we will mainly use Fighting-type moves, than?", asks Brock.

"Most of the people in this room can't learn a simple Fighting-type move like Low Kick or Karate Chop. We have to create a strategy that can heavily damage Fang."

Zepherbass and Zeta come in with two bags.

"Or, we go into plan B.", replies Zeta. "We allow Shadow to use the power of the Chaos Emeralds and use Nuclear Chaos to destroy Fang."

"Are you mad?!", asks Storm. "That's the Killer Move that destroyed Mobius and Mancer! That'll kill us all!"

"I am much weaker than my brother.", replies Shadow. "My Nuclear Chaos won't effect Lankurt as much as Mancers Nuclear Chaos did to Mobius."

"That shouldn't-!"

"Zip it."

"We still need a plan to take out Fang.", says Sunshine.

"What about giving the Corrupted form back to those who had them?", asks Helena.

"No!", replies everyone else.

"Hear me out on this..."

"There's no need!", replies Malice. "Why would we ever give those horrid forms back to those who had them in the first place?! For all we know, they could all go mad again!"

"Not if we create a Makina that can give them the Corrupted form back, but also disallow Fangs influence.", replies Zeta.

"Tooru kah ji. Tooru kah ji...", replies Zepherbass.

"How would you go about doing this?", asks FireStone.

"We would need test subjects to make sure that our calculations are correct.", replies Helena. "Without testing, Xof, BiFrost, Bella, and Kat, would, more than likely, lose control."

"Than, why use other Lankursians to do your dirty work?", asks Rage. "Why not yourselves?"

"If we were to use ourselves over and over, our bodies would give out eventually... Meaning, we would die..."

He heavily groans.

"How many do you need?", asks Lanister.

"We'll have to keep going until we've completed the tests.", replies Zohr, walking in with Xof. "We'll also need the pieces of armor that turned BiFrost into Collusion."

"No!", replies FireStone, heat waves coming up from him. "Not only no, but hell no! Those pieces fucked up my life, and BiFrosts life! You are not using that shit!"

"Do you wanna kill Fang?!", asks Xof, groaning and grabbing his side.

"Yes, I wanna kill Fang!"

"I didn't hear you, grandson! Do you want to kill Fang?!"

"YES, I WANT TO KILL FANG!!!" His body is turned ablaze.

"Then, we need those pieces of armor! Zohr's already ran the calculations while in the hallway, and the pieces are needed for this to work!"

"Fine...!" The fire and heat subsided as he crosses his arms. "What else do you need?"

"I need more Lankrusians, that look like me, to find the aura of the armor. This way, we can determine if it's a rock or not if we get confused."

"Just make sure to-."

"I know. We can't physically touch it. That's why we'll need hasvaps to pick up the pieces."

"Alright, you have your team. What else?"

"Materials, tools, and workers to create the Makina.", replies Zohr. "We'll need all the help we can get. Zeta, Zehp, Helena, and I can't make this alone."

"Done. Anything else?"

"That's about it...", replies Helena.

"Alright. Let's move out, people! Go, go, go!"

Xof and his team of Lucario set out with hasvap suits to safely track down the pieces, while Zohr, Zehperbass, Zeta, Helena, and others build the machine that will help the subjects gain a Corrupted form.

Xof and his team report back a few days later, seeing the mighty machine Zohrs team has created. "Nice. Now, we'll need to test this shit out."

Zohr uses a pair of metal grips to grab one of the pieces of armor. "Damn... Just looking at it, I can feel the aura."

"That's why the cat died of curiousity.", replies BiFrost.

Zohr places the armor in the machine, asking for the first test subject.

The machine has held over 50 tests and 10 pieces of armor, and none have worked. Each subject has lost control of themselves and has had to have been knocked out. Zohr and his team can't figure out what the problem is.

Xof becomes impatient, pushing one of the subjects away and stepping into the machine.

Zohr doesn't pay attention and starts the sequence.

Zeta socks Zohr in the arm. "Pay attention! Xof just went in there!"

"What...?" He drops the clipboard and runs to the door. "Are you crazy?! You could lose control!"

"I've been Corrupted by Fang, himself!", replies Xof. "This will work!"

Zohr groans. "Damn it! Turn it on!"

Helena turns on the machine, letting Xof regain the Corrupted form.

After the process has completed, Xof steps out, going into his "badass" pose as the smoke clears. "I'm back, baby."

Everyone cheers at the success.

"Alright, people. No time to lose.", says Zohr. "BiFrost, Bella, Kat. You three're up. Zeta, get the Rings."

"Rings?", asks Xof.

Zeta comes back with what looks like 4 pairs of Shadows Prohibitor Rings. "These Rings were especially made to hide your Corrupted form from Fang. They hide the look, aura, and power. Once taken off your wrists, your Corrupted forms will show, releasing the aura and power held beneath the surface."

"Sweet.", replies BiFrost, as he steps out and grabs a pair.

Xof, Katrina, and Bella each do the same, placing the Rings on their respective wrists.

"On this day...", starts Castro. "We shall see the revelation of the Corrupted and the genesis of new life on Lankurt. Today, we shall fight until our last breath, giving this war all we have until the day has won. We are all dependant upon each other to do what others are needed to do.

"The almighty one, God, is watching over us, protecting His children as they do battle against a man filled with the Devil. Lord Jesus, watch over us as an eagle or shepard would. Give unto us the almighty Armor of God, the Shield of the Holy Spirit, and the Sword of the Son. May we end the day in peace as we defeat our foe in mortal combat.

"May He grant us with the strength we need to bring forth a new Lankurt. A Lankurt where there is no strife, no war, no famine.

"On this day, my friends and family if the Lord, we shall take our victory in stride! And for those who may lose their lives in battle, we shall mourn you, for you have become a martyr for a holy and just cause! May the Lord, the Son, and the Holy Spirit watch over us! In Your name, I do say, amen!"

"Amen!", replies the Mobians, Zohr, Xof, Helena, Katrina, and their Pokémon friends from Mobius.

*Fang POV*

Where have these cowards gone? I am tired of waiting for these "heroes" to come along. Hm? Ah, speak of the Devil... They have arrived in full stride.

It appears the full army of Lankurt has been brought to face me... Not surprising. They'll need everyone to try and destroy me...

*3rd Person POV*

"Where the hell are they at?", asks FireStone. "They should've been over the mountain side, by now."

"Be patient, FireStone.", replies Avery. "It's a good business being sneaky. *It's what that stupid Greninja is known for, anyways...*"

Fang glares at the heroes as Xof and BiFrost silently fly behind Fang. The two nod at each other. "Inferno Overdrive!"

"What?!", asks Fang, screaming as gets hit by the conjoined Inferno Overdrive.

"Now, now, now!", exclaims FireStone.

Brock and the other Steelix dig their way to Fang, having Golem follow them.

Fang groans as he stands. "You dare strike me?! I will have your heads! Shadow Claw!"

Xof and BiFrost split up, dodging the Shadow Claw. The two know to keep using ranged moves in order to completely distract Fang.

Brock and the Steelix finally rise from the ground, using Iron Tail to strike Fang on the head. The Golem also rise from the ground, using Foresight and grabbing Fang. The Golem each use Self Destruct, harshly damaging Fang. Brock and the Steelix retreat, digging new holes to make their way back to FireStone.

"Come, my brothers and sisters of the clouds...", announces Malice, raising her wings. "Let us Fly!" Malice, and the winged Flying-types, take to the sky, aiming their assualt on Fang.

Xof and BiFrost make their Houndzards use Flamthrower on each of Fangs sides, distracting him even further.

Malice and her team fly back down, using Brave Bird to damage Fang even further.

Fang growls at the winged Lankursians, using Shadow Ball on them. But, he is stunned to see that they're not fazed by the attack.

"Hang ten!", yells Xof.

Rage and the rest of the Water-types rise up and use Surf at the same time.

Fang sees the massive maverick heading his way. "Ah, shit..." He tries his best to block it, but the sheer force of the maverick shoves him onto the mountain.

Malice and the other Fire-types charge up their flames.

"Fire!", orders FireStone.

The Fire-types send a barrage of Fire Blasts at Fang, combining into one giant Fire Blast and hitting Fang in the head.

Fangs eyes sharpen as he growls. He forces himself up, roaring at the top his lungs. He sends a continuous Oblivion Wing at his enemies.

"Aw, shit.", says Xof.

"Move out the way!", orders BiFrost. "You'll be nothing but dust if it hits!" He quickly dives the attack.

"Woah!" Xof banks to the left, having the beam just miss Collagens tail. "This bitch is fucking crazy! He'll kill everyone!"

"That's what he wants!" BiFrost exclaims as he dodges the beam, again.

"Whaddowe do?!"

"The ultimate moves!"

"The Z-moves?!"

"Yes, that! Ourselves and the Houndzards will have to use each of our ultimate moves!"

"I'm on it! Foresight!" Xof identifies Fang. "Get ready! Collagen, use Inferno Overdrive! Aura Overload!"

BiFrost flies next to Xof. "Houndzard, use Inferno Overdrive! Never-Ending Nightmare!"

The four heroes fire their Z-moves at Fang, meeting the Oblivion Wing move at the middle. The heroes now that their attack isn't doing anything.

"We have to help!", exclaims Zohr.

"Never-Ending Nightmare!", exclaims Zohr and Helena.

"Inferno Overdrive!", exclaims FireStone, Katrina, and Avery.

"Sub-Zero Slammer!", exclaims Frost and Crystal.

The seven Z-moves combine as one, hitting Fang in his chest. That momentary lapse allowed the Houndzards, Xof, and BiFrost to deal extra damage.

Fang begins to pant as he rises. "*Damn it... It appears they've made a fool-proof plan... It appears I cannot win... But, I won't go down without a fight.*" He roars wildly firing another continuous Oblivion Wing, flaring his head wildly and hitting numerous Lankursians.

Xof and BiFrost dodge the attack.

But, BiFrosts Houndzard had just taken the move on his tail, making him crash. BiFrost had jumped off at the last second, racing back to his Houndzard.

Xof lands next to him, seeing the shape the alpha Houndzard is in. "Damn... His tail..."

BiFrost begins to cry as he watches his Houndzard fade from existence.

"Bi... Frost...", says the alpha Houndzard.

Xof and BiFrost gasp.

"I... Love... You..." The alpha Houndzard lets the process take over, as he fades into dust.

BiFrost continues to look where he last saw his beloved Houndzard, tears rolling down like a river.

"BiFrost...", says Xof. "That fucking..." He growls.

BiFrost quickly forces his Prohibitor Rings off, roaring loudly.

Fang looks to where the sound came from, only to get cut just under the eye by BiFrosts Scythe. He screams in pain, seeing BiFrost in his Corrupted form again. "You dare betray me?!"

"I already had when Katrina brought myself and Bella back! And now, you'll pay for what you did to my Houndzard!"

"Fuck me sideways...", says Xof, taking off his Prohibitor Rings and joining BiFrost.

"This wasn't part of the plan!", exclaims FireStone.

"Well, we have no choice!", replies Zohr. "BiFrosts Houndzard is dead, so we'll resort to the old-fashioned ass-whooping!" He takes off to meet with Xof and BiFrost.

"God... Damn it!" FireStone catches up to Zohr.

Both non-Corrupteds take out their weapons.

"Oblivion Wing!", exclaims Fang.

"Ah, shit.", says Xof.

"This is what happens when you don't follow the plan!", says FireStone.

Fang sends the beam at the four.

A being from space comes flying in, standing in the front of the beam and taking the full brunt of it.

Xof and Zohr uncover their faces, gasping as they see who took the hit. "M-?! Mancer?!"

"The King of Old!", adds BiFrost and FireStone.

Mancer looks back to his Pokémon, then to the Lankursians. "RanGuard an' Amber would be proud to see their kids workin' in unison... As for you two, cucks... Let the master show ya how it's done..." He brings about countless pistols, machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and gatlers from thin air. "Killer Move... Oramorium Blitz...!" All the guns fire at Fang, penetrating the hard, thick skin.

Fang falls back on the mountain, coughing up blood.

Mancer looks back at Shadow. "Yo... Baby bro..."

Shadow gasps.

Mancer slowly lets the process take hold. "Make sure to end dis fool, dawg... It's Nuclear Chaos time..." He finally turns to dust.

Shadow begins to cry as the Chaos Emeralds grow larger, turning into Super Emeralds. He screams aloud, going into a form he's never reached... Hyper. He flies at Fang, going into a spin dash and ripping larger holes than the ones from Mancer barrage of bullets made. He takes off his Prohibitor Rings, flying into the heart of Fang, heavily growling. "Death to all those who oppose me! Nuclear...!" He sheds a tear. "CHAOS!!!" That word echoes through the field.

A black hole surfaces where Fang was at, sucking both combatants into the empty void.

The four heroes who still stood near the battle try their best to resist the pull.

Collagen and Malice come in to grab the four heroes, bringing them back to the rest of army.

After hours of having the black hole in Lankurt, Xof, Zohr, BiFrost, Bella, FireStone, Avery, Katrina, Helena, Frost, and Crystal say their final goodbyes.

"Looks like this is it, eh?", asks Frost.

"It appears so.", replies Helena, replacing her Shiny Charm. "We will miss you."

"We'll miss you, as well.", replies Crystal.

"It was fun while it lasted, eh, BiFrost?", asks Xof.

"I would like to think so.", replies BiFrost. "As a show of good faith, I will let Collagen return to Mobius with you."

Xof pets Collagen on his head, chuckling. "You keep him."

"Are you sure? Because, I still have plenty of Hounzards."

"Collagen was the beta. He'll be the closest Houndzard you have to your old one."

"Xof, please, I insist. Collagen is yours by right. Houndzards won't be tame to anyone else except those who originally tamed them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, grandfather. I am sure."

Xof pets Collagens head, again. "Thanks, bro. I really appreciate it."

Katrina walks up to Xof and Collagen.

Zohr, FireStone, and Avery look at everyone, seeing peace finally come across Lankurt.

"It's nice... Finally seeing everyone so happy.", says FireStone.

"I bet.", replies Zohr, looking at FireStone and Avery. "So, after me and my family leave, what're you gonna do? There's no further threat to Lankurt."

"Something will come around.", replies Avery. "With FireStone being King of the Middle Kingdom, something's bound to happen."

"A war in bed, perhaps?", asks Helena, walking next to Zohr.

"Ooh. I like the sound of that."

FireStone heavily blushes.

Zohr and Helena smile and chuckle.

Zepherbass opens a portal to Zohr and Xofs timeline of Mobius. "Ah. Drook. Zohr, Xof, Katrina, Helena... Mah ki tah."

"Well, looks like this is goodbye.", says Zohr, putting his hand out.

"It's never goodbye...", replies FireStone, hugging Zohr.

The two let go.

Mancers Pokémon, with the inclusion of Collagen, walk to the portal. Each of them walk through.

Zohr pats Xof on his shoulder, watching him go through. He looks back at the Lankursians and his old friends that he's bound to meet up with, soon. He bows to them all, finally walking through the portal.

"Until we meet again...", starts FireStone. "Zohr Zoroark..." He and his family walk off, going back to the Middle Kingdom.

"What now?", asks Bella.

"Now? Now... We rebuild."

Zohr and the others step through the portal, seeing their past selves walk into the portal that lead Bella to Lankurt. That portal closes, after the modern Zohr steps through his portal.

"Dejà vù, eh?", asks Xof.

Zohr chuckles. "Very funny, little brother."

The five heroes make their way back to Mancers castle, seeing Mancer, Mangle, and Maxine Angel at the gate.