Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 9 - Collusion and Xof Make Plans; Xof Meets Collusions Greatest Creation

Chapter 9 - Collusion and Xof Make Plans; Xof Meets Collusions Greatest Creation

Xof walks along the hill side, seeing all the Corrupted beings Collusion and Fang have created. "God... What have they done? These poor Pokémon..."

Collusion walks up behind Xof with malicious intent.

Xof closes his hands. "Try it, and you're dead."

"I'm not trying to attack you, dipshit."

"Then, why the malicious aura?"

"That's my nature." He stops next to Xof, crossing his arms. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Only in your world. This is disgusting."

He looks at Xof. "Don't tell me you're second guessing yourself. You're already commited to the cause."

Xof turns his full body. "No. I never second guess myself on anything. Just be sure, when we do get to your brothers Village, do not go after Katrina. If you do, I will kill you. Leave Zohr to me, and I'll let you take care of FireStone."

"Good." He turns all the way to Xof. "But, why leave this 'Katrina' out of it?"

Xof sticks his hand out and uses his Aura to recreate Katrina. "Katrina's my wife, dingus." He makes the recreation disappear. "You touch her in any fashion -- Any fashion. -- you're dead. Understand. I love Katrina with all my being and I am not willing hurt her or to see her get hurt.

"I already told the soldiers not attack her, so they're all cleared. I'm just making sure your candy ass doesn't try anything to her."

"True love, I take it?", asks Collusion, crossing his arms.

"Yeah. She's the love of my life."

"I have to admit. Finding the right woman in todays day and age is tough. Especially from your timeline. How long?"

He faces the army. "Since before I was permanently Mega Evolved."

"What about her?"

"While she was still a Braixen."

"I see... Have you two had any children?"

"What's it to you, playboy?"

"I'm just seeing if I'm derived from you and Katrina."

"Do either of us look like you?"

"Myself, FireStone, and Bella look nothing like our parents, RanGuard and Amber."

"What did your parents look like?"

"I'm not sure how to describe them..." He also turns to the army, rubbing his chin. "My father, RanGuard, what black, with a blue face, and four-sided star on his tail."


"Her hair was... Twisty, of sorts. Her feet were shaped like toothpicks."

"Wait, wait, wait. Timeout. You mean to tell me that your dad is a Luxray and your mom is female Gardevoir?" He turns his head to Collusion. "Which one had Zohr and Helenas blood?"

"I believe... My mother did. It's why Bella looks so much like Helena."

"What was Ambers coloration?"


"A shi-? A shiny female Gardevoir?!" He turns fully to Collusion. "Are you fucking kidding me?! What of RanGuard?!"

"Black, like I said earlier."

"So, a normal male Luxray, and a shiny female Gardevoir?"

"I have no clue who Luxray and Gardevoir are. Who are you talking about?"

"Your parents, dingleberry! Who else would I be fuckin' talkin' about, eh?! I ain't talkin' about you, I ain't talkin' about me, I'm sure as hell ain't talkin' about Fang. Luxray is RanGuard, Gardevoir is Amber. They're fucking Pokémon, dipshit. Just like you, just like me, just like Fang."

"I don't understand what a Pokémon is."

Xof makes his body undulate from what he's hearing, grabbing his nose. "This is fucking ridiculous. I-. I don't even know how to respond."

Collusion barely chuckles. "Follow me. I want to show you something." He walks away from Xof.

Xof hesitantly follows. "Yeah. One guy saying to another guy that phrase doesn't bode well with me."

"Just shut up and follow me. I want to show you my greatest creation, something that I made by myself."

"Oh, okay. So, kinda like those soldiers, you created something on your own."

"Precisely." He stops in front of a large cavern.

Xof whistles. "Damn. The hell is in here?"

"Just watch..." Collusion claps his hands three times, making them echo in the cavern.

"Now what?"

"Now... We wait."

A few seconds slowly tick by, until a ravenous creature flies out the cavern, roaring and landing a few yards behind the two.

Collusion walks up to the creature, giving it a Wiki Berry. "This is my greatest creation: The Houndzard."

"'Houndzard?'", asks Xof. "Sounds like the combination of a Charizard and a Houndoom."

"Whatever you say."

Xof takes out a energy reader from his back pocket.

"Hm? What's that?"

"This is something my brother made me. It enables me to tune into my aura better in order to see what Pokémon are combined with one another, if need be." He places the energy reader on his face, seeing what Pokémon are made to create this Houndzard. " Okay... I see a Houndoom... A Mega Charizard Y... And a Mega Charizard X. It is a Fire/Dark-type. Hm. It's Special Ability is probably Levitate, being that this sucker has wings. So Rock, Fighting, and Water-type moves are good against this guy." He replaces the energy reader in his pocket. "I'm guessing this one is yours."

"That's right. This Houndzard is mine, the alpha Houndzard. You can have the beta Houndzard, it's a few inches smaller overall compared to mine. Clap twice in the cavern and you'll see it."

Xof turns around, clapping twice. A few more seconds tick by, allowing the beta Houndzard to fly past him. "So, how do I tame him?"

"Defeat it. They're all tame to me, but someone else has to tame one in order to control one."

"Alright, than. Come to papa." He grunts as he rushes forward. "Power-Up Punch!" He punches the Houndzard in the jaw, defeating it with one blow. "Damn. That was a critical hit. Oops. My bad."

"No need to apologize. This Houndzard is now tame to you."

"Sweet. So, what's the plan to take down FireStone? You know your own home the best, so you have to make up the plan."

"I already have." He mounts his Houndzard. "Follow me. It's quite a ways." He flies off.

Xof gently gets on his Houndzard. "Follow them, bub. Let's go." He flies behind Collusion, keeping up with him. "I think this Houndzard's faster than yours, Collusion!"

"The beta may be faster, but's he overall weaker than the alpha!"


After a few minutes of flying, the two finally land near Collusions place.

Xof lightly pets his Houndzard on the head, being careful of its injury. He follows Collusion inside, seeing how his place looks. "Damn, brah. How the hell did your hands on this shit?"

"Had to steal it from the Middle Kingdom in order for me to figure out my plan of attack." He leans on the table that contains his plan. "The only weakness the Middle Kingdom has is underground. There's an underground system that stretches pretty far, so we might be able to catch FireStones army off guard."

"What about sentry towers? How many of those are there?"

"A total of 7. 2 in the front, 2 in the back, 1 on either side, and 1 one on the top of the castle. The castle sentry is our main distinction point to steer clear of. Even if we to come from space, the other sentry towers would still see us coming. Each of the towers have high-powered telescopes that can see for miles, so underground is the only course of action for us to take."

"What about having the Zuters go 'ghost?' They could infiltrate and possess the unsuspecting Middle Kingdom Knights, killing each other until no one's left but FireStone."

"FireStone has technology that can sense the Zuters, so it would be impossible for them to do such. Good idea, but useless."

"What about the Banechomps and Wereserkers? What if we use them as them as a frontal attack, making them storm the front of the Middle Kingdom."

"The Knights would ready themselves in a matter of seconds, being most of the Knights consist of Kingsblades. They're all fast and evasive."

"Lemme guess. Guzzrocks start digging their way underground until we make to the Middle Kingdom? Then, we sprout out of the ground and take it to them?"

"That's the best course of action, yes. The Dark Hounds can help establish the frontal assault while we face off against our respective brothers."

"Good. And remember, do not attack my wife, got it? She's my world, my everything. I do not want her hurt."

"You have my word, Xof. Nothing will happen to your wife."

"Good. Just so we're clear about our standings."

"We're clear. Now, get ready. We a war to win."

"Oh-ho-ho, yeah. Time to deal some damage. Hey, I need to heal Collagen. You got anything can help him?"

"Who is 'Collagen?'"

"The beta Houndzard that I tamed. That's his new name."

"Oh, boy..."


"What is wrong with you? Why the hell would you name the beta Houndzard?"

"Why not? Last I checked, he's my Houndzard, now. Which means I can name him whatever I want. That's the whole point. Hell, Mancer named me 'Xof' when I hatched from my Poké-Egg. He named my older brother 'Zohr' when he got him. Why can't I name my tamed Houndzard 'Collagen?'"

"You become too emotionally attached to it. What if it were to die unexpectedly?"

"I'd rather have a good relationship with my pets amd have them die due to unexpected reasons, rather than have almost no relationship with my pet and have it die due to naturalities." (The sooner is how Max died in rl.)

"You are a sad, sad man."

"You're worse off than me, asswipe. You won't even take the time out your day to actually play with your Houndzard. Those things, once they're tamed, like Digimon, can become life-long friends as long as you treat them like one. That's how-." He growls, balling his hand.

Collusion notices this. "I'm guessing you're remember an old friend of yours?"

"One of my oldest. He was Mancer best friend when he was gained as a Specialty Starter. From Poochyena to Mightyena... Max was a friend to the end. He..." He begins to cry. "He helped Mancer, Zohr, and I through alot. And then, to have die like that...?" He covers his mouth, trying to hold the tears while his voice cracks. "You have no idea how much that Mightyena meant to us.

"And then, to see his skull in the possession of Fang...? Mm-mm. That's where I draw the line. That's the reason why I don't fully listen to Fang. Max' skull is not supposed to be in the possession of anyone... No one's except Castro's... God rest Max' soul..." (This part's bringing up too many memories. I'll have to nix it with this next bit.)

A knock at the door is heard.

"Who the hell...?", asks Collusion, walking up to the door and looking through the peep hole. "Ah... I thought you'd come back!"

"Just shut up and open the door.", replies a familiar voice.

Collusion opens the door, letting Bella in.

"What the fuck?!", exclaims Xof. "What the happened to you?! You looked so innocent when we met you!"

"That's because of my leg bandana. It makes me look like my old self, while keeping my Corrupted self hidden.", replies Bella.

"So, your Corrupted form can be hidden by clothing? Yo, Collusion. What the fuck, man? Where's my Prohibitor Clothes?"

"What do you want the artical of clothing to be?", asks Collusion.

"What about my jacket? I would love to have a Prohibitor Jacket."

"No. It'll be your glasses. Using those will be more beneficial than your jacket."

Xof takes off his glasses, tossing them to Collusion. "Have him convert the energy to my actual jacket. Zohr and Katrina will know the difference between these and another."

"Good thinking." He walks off and flies away on his Houndzard.

Bella puts on her Prohibitor Bandana, bringing her back to her old form. "I've met Katrina and Zohr. They took the bait about me. What do you want me to do with them?"

"Leave the two to me.", replies Xof. "Katrina's my wife, so she'll be pretty helpful. Zohr will be curious to see how I escaped, but I'll be able to come up with something. Just head back to the Middle Kingdom and wait for me there. Oh, and make sure that the attack does start, tell FireStone to protect Katrina. I don't want anything bad happening to her."

"I'm on it, uncle Xof."

"Jesus, that is weird."


"To know that you're my hextuple great neice. Same thing with Collusion and FireStone, dear God."

Bella slyly chuckles, walking away. "Well, just so you know, thie plan is something I up with. So, make sure to thank me when the battle starts." She leaves and returns to the Middle Kingdom, sneaking her way back into her room. "*Now... I wait.*"