Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 10 - Katrina and Zohr Chat with FireStone; The Plan Takes True Effect

Chapter 10 - Katrina and Zohr Chat with FireStone; The Plan Takes True Effect

FireStone sits alone at the table, thinking back to the times when he played with Collusion. Even though it's more painful to think about for him, he still reminisces about what he could've done differently to help Collusion. But, he knows he can't change the past. He slams his fist on the table. "*The time machine was destroyed 150 years ago. There's no way to do this...*"He takes a deep sigh.

Zohr leans against the wall, while Katrina watches FireStone. "I feel bad for FireStone, Zohr."

"What for...?", asks Zohr, putting a toothpick in his mouth.

"He thinks his brother turning into Collusion is his fault. He keeps blaming himself for what happened."

"Tch! Sounds alot like Mancer... I guess we know where he gets it from..."


"It's the truth. I've seen his bloodline. Lankurt was terraformed 400 years, just from looking at his bloodline. His parents are related, not just through the bonds of marriage, but through blood. Queen Amber is the triple great-granddaughter of myself and Helena, while King RanGuard is the triple great-grandson of you and Xof. So, no matter what, FireStone will worry about what could have been. That comes from you."

"No, it doesn't."

He forces himself at Katrina. "It 100% does! Almost everyday that goes by, you're always thinking about would could be! Quit playing God with the past, because what's done is done! We cannot change it, nor will we, because of the 'Butterfly Effect!' 'Change one thing from the past, something else happens in the future.' So, do not think like he is. It is not healthy." He power walks over to FireStone, after pointing at Katrina.

Katrina heavily sighs, following Zohr afterwards.

The two sit across from FireStone, just staring at him.

FireStone sighs. "I'm guessing you two are pondering my ideals?"

"Your what?", asks Zohr.

"He means his way of thinking, his way of life.", replies Katrina.

"Why should we? We already know your intentions, bub. There's no reason for either of us to doubt you. *Except for that stupid 'test' you tried putting me through.*"

"Even so, my ideals are those of my fathers.", replies FireStone.

Zohr slams his hand on the table. "God is our Father. RanGuard is your dad."

"In a more technical stand-point, Arceus is our father.", replies Katrina. "Castro was the one who created us Pokémon."

"Yeah, and who created Castro?"

"... God..."

"Exactly. And don't say 'God' in a nonchalant way, got it?"

Katrina sighs, looking to FireStone. "Please, forgive my brother-in-law. He's very protective over the Christain faith, so if someone says 'father' in place of 'dad', he gets bent out of shape."

"And for good reason." He turns to FireStone. "You better start reading the Bible, kid."

"I am 17.", replies FireStone. "I am not a child."

"In this timeline, I am older than you. Much older than you. If you think I'm a 'religious dick' now -- Or just a dick in general. -- wait 'til you really piss me." He sits back in his chair, crossing his arms and looking away.

Bella watches from the shadows, seeing how Zohr is acting toward FireStone. "*Roark is very strong... FireStone isn't scared of him, but he should learn to. The stories that've been told... To only see what he has done to benefit Lankurt.*" She walks off, steering clear of the Knights to make her way to the roof of the castle. She takes a small piece of glass and starts to shine it toward the desert.

Xof sees the shining of the glass, sending a small gust of aura at her. He climbs down the dead tree, landing next to his Collagen. "Time to to go, Collusion. You ready to win, this time?"

"I always win.", replies Collusion.

"Not the last few times, pal." He whistles to the Banechomps and Mega Krookadiles. "Time to Dig."

The Banechomps and Krookadiles nod, starting to dig to the Middle Kingdom.

Xof, Collusion, the Houndzards, and the rest of the army follow suit.

Xof joins the Banechomps and Krookadiles.

"Are you dence?", asks Zohr. "Showing that kind of mercy to your foe is weak. If that same person keeps coming around and causing trouble,-."

"He's my brother.", interupts FireStone.

Zohr continues over FireStone. "than you need to kill them! If Xof were to do the same thing that 'BiFrost' is doing, I could care less if I had to off him, myself."

"He is your brother, if I recall."

"He is no less my brother as BiFrost is to you."

"That's exactly my point. The powers I have gained recently allow me to heal those who have been injured or Corrupted. BiFrost, for example. I can use my powers to bring him back to his old self."

"And what if it doesn't work?"

"It has to."

"What if it doesn't?"

"I don't know! Okay?! I don't know! If need be, yes, I will kill BiFrost! But only if! Do you understand?! Bella and BiFrost are the only family I have left...! I can't afford to lose anyone I care about."

"If you won't do it, I will." He stands up. "Because, you're too soft to understand the difference between life and death."

FireStone forces himself up. "You think I don't?! My entire philosophy is based upon life or death! Life or death also includes my family, damn it! And I can't kill BiFrost! I already promised myself to bring him back! I am not ready to break my promise! Not now, not ever!"

Katrinas ears twitch. "Do either of you hear that?"

"Hear what?", asks the two.

The ground begins to shake.

"That...", says Katrina.

Everyone in the Village starts to scream in terror, seeing many Zuters Dark Hounds fly out of the hole that was dug in the middle of the Middle Kingdom. The entire Corrupted army climbs out, along with Xof, Collusion and the Houndzards.

Xof and Collusion roar loudly. "COME OUT AND PLAY!!!"

Zohr and FireStone growl, rushing outside.

Katrina runs outside, trying to find Xof in the midst of the ensuing chaos.

The rest of the army terrorizes the Middle Kingdom, running after the civilians.

Xof and Collusion jump up high, bringing out their weapons and swinging them at their brothers.

Zohr and FireStone stop for a moment, watching the two. Just before their brothers fall back down, they dodge the attempt, bringing out their weapons.

"Your brother has been Corrupted!", exclaims FireStone.

"You don't say!", replies Zohr, advancing at Xof.

Xof sees Zohr out the corner of his eye, parrying Zohrs swing. "Nice to see you, bro. Been a while."

"Shut up!" He swings again.

Xof parries. "Where were you when I was captured?" Parry. "Where were you when I needed your help?" Parry. "Where were you when I needed you most?!" Parry, headbutt.

Zohr grunts as he grabs at his face, growling at Xof.

Collusion and FireStone meet each other with a parry of their own.

"Hello, big brother.", starts Collusion. "It's been quite some time since our last fight."

Xof gets blasted back by the two, dragging his Bone Rush into the ground to slow himself. "Chronolgically, it's been 4 days, homie." He jumps backwards, having Zohr miss with his Shadow Scythe, jumping after Xof.

Collusion uses Crunch on FireStones neck, forcing himself back to slam FireStone on his head. Collusion kips up, swinging his Scythe at FireStone.

FireStone rolls out the way, grabbing his gun and firing it 5 times at Collusion. The last shot brushed Collusions arm, making FireStone have an opportunity to use Earrhquake.

Xof jumps high, sensing the move. He falls at FireStone, slamming his Bone Rush onto FireStones head.

Collusion rushes forward, tackling FireStone. He swings fist after fist into FireStone, but each of the fists are met with FireStones arms. "You've beaten me at every turn, brother! Now, it is my turn to win!" He forces his fist between FireStones arms, getting in a good shot to his face. "This is for mother and father!" He raises his hands above himself, swinging them down at FireStone.

A giant flame, in the shape of a star, hurtles its way at Collusions back, making him fall off of FireStone.

Xof gasps to see Katrina with her wand in hand. "Katrina! Get out of here!" He grunts as he gets hit in the back with a Shadow Ball.

Collusion growls at Katrina, seeing everything in red. He rushes at her, dragging the Scythe behind him.


Collusion swings the Scythe at Katrina, only to meet Zohrs Shadow Scythe. But, because the two the Scythes are identical in aura, the colliding parry creates a cascading effect, sending the two combatants in either direction.

But, because Katrina was so close to the blast, it hurt her worse than Zohr and Collusion.

"NOOOOOOO!!!", screams Xof, running to his wife and sliding to her side.

Katrina lies on the ground, bloodied and bruised from the massive parry. Her limp body produces a faint heart beat.

Xof picks up Katrina, holding her in his arms. "Don't die on me, babe... Please..." He begins to cry. "Katrina... KATRINAAAAAAA...!!!" His aura grows more fierce, soaring above the clouds. But, he knows he cannot blame Zohr nor Collusion for what happened. The cascading effect was not foreseen in the attack. But, he can attack Collusion for trying to strike Katrina.

"COLLAGEN!!!" Xof jumps up high while still holding Katrina, having his Houndzard catch him in the air. "BURN THIS VILLAGE ASUNDER!!! Z-MOVE ACTIVATE: INFERNO OVERDRIVE!!!"

Collagen produces a mighty flame from his mouth, firing a large ball of fire at the Middle Kingdom.

Collusion sees this and grabs Bella, getting in his Houndzard and flying upwards, having the Z-Move just miss the tail them.

FireStone stands directly under the fireball, producing a mighty flame of his own. "Inferno Overdrive!" He fires the flame at the other Inferno Overdrive, cancelling them out while creating a large explosion that spreads for miles over the hoirzon.

"Are you fucking serious?! You could've killed me!"

"I COULD CARE LESS, BITCH!!!", screams Xof. He roars loudly at the two, making the alpha Houndzard back up. "YOU WENT AFTER MY WIFE AFTER I TOLD YOU NOT TO!!!"

"She hit me from behind! Do you expect me to take that lying down?!"


"Well, if she doesn't get medical help soon, she could die!", replies Bella. "BiFrost, can't you heal her with your Collusive Touch?"

"I can try.", replies Collusion. "Xof, follow us! I wanna try something!" He flies toward the mountains near the Kingdom.

Xof sniffs as he wipes the tears from his eyes, following Collusion and Bella.

FireStone rushes to Zohr, helping him up. "Are you okay?!"

Zohr groans as he grabs his head. "Yeah... I think so..." He groans more. "Did you get the number off the tank that hit me?"

"How did that happen?"

"The energy from Collusions Scythe matches mine to a 'T.'" He stands up. "How did he manage to change the look of my Shadow Scythe?"

"The same thing happened when I touched Lucs Bone Rush Swords and Elphs Wand. The weapons turned into real Swords and a Gun with Pyro ammo."

Zohr produces his Scythe. "Lemme see the Gun."

FireStone hands the Gun to Zohr.

Zohr uses the jewel at the end of the Scythe to sense the energy from the Gun. "Yeah, it's Katrinas Wand, alright." He does the thing with the Swords. "Damn. Even with the Swords, it shows the same energy reading as Xofs Bone Rush. How did this happen?"

"I understand the Scythe changing upon BiFrosts touch, but the Swords and Gun are the things that still escape me."

Zohr sighs, making the Scythe disappear. "It's because RanGuard and Amber are related through blood. Not just marriage."


"I haven't lied to you then. Why would I start?"

"Why be related through blood and be married?"

"The other bloodlines the two had with them end back to myself and Helena for Amber, and Xof and Katrina for RanGuard. They're 5th generation on Lankurt. Meaning the amount of blood from our collective vains have all but vanished. Meaning that you, Collusion, and Bella would have nothing physically wrong with you."

Xof jumps off Collagen and brings Katrina to Collusion. "Whatever you're thinking about, hurry up. Katrina's fading."

Collusion opens a portal near Lord Fang. "M'lord. We need your assistance."

"What is it?", asks Fang.

"My Collusive Touch is not yet perfected. Can you Corrupt this person like you did with Xof?"

Fang looks behind Collusion. "Bring her here, Xof."

Xof hurridly and carefully brings Katrina into the Terror Kingdom, having Collusion, Bella, and the Houndzards follow them. The portal closes.

Fang kneels down to Katrina. "Are you sure you want this, Xof? Corrupting your wife will-."

"Just do it!", screams Xof. "Just... Do it... Please. She's my everything."

Fang heavily sighs, making his entire hand turn black. He touches Katrinas chest, making the wounds heal while at the same time Corrupting her.

Katrina gasps heavily, bringing the air back to her lungs. She quickly sits up, grabbing her chest.

Xof hugs Katrina, crying openly. "Thank God, you're okay... I almost lost you..."

Katrina wraps her arms around Xof. "Thanks, hon... I appreciate it..."

Xof and Katrina look lovingly at each other, kissing each other for quite some time.