Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 8 - Frost and Crystal Talk About Life; Helenas True Self Emerges

Chapter 8 - Frost and Crystal Talk About Life; Helenas True Self Emerges

Crystal wakes up and yawns softly. She smacks her lips and barely opens her eyes, not seeing Frost in front of her. She groans as she sits up. "Fridge...?"

Crystal walks around the cave to find Frost. When she does find him, she sees him outside the cave, looking at the large estate of the Ice Kingdom. She barely smiles, walking up to him and sitting down. She playfully nudges Frost. "Been lookin' for you, Fridge. Whatchu been up to?"

Frost scoff-chuckles and continues looking on.

Crystal watches the snow, as well. She feels content, watching the snow flakes pass by them.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

He takes a long inhale, only to sharply exhale afterwards.

"What's up? You miss your family?"

He sighs and looks away. "Yeah..."

Crystal snugs herself onto Frosts shoulder. "Same here. When I was taken from the Middle Kingdom, from my parents, I felt scared."

He lightly groans.

"I know. When Collusion had abducted me, I had seen all the monsters that him and Fang were creating. Collusion decided to Corrupt me, but after that Corruption failed I was kicked out of the Terror Kingdom and sent here."

"That's when you met me."

"Exactly. Not a day goes by I don't think about that."

"Which part?"

"All of it. Now, we have a new friend in Helena, who just so happens to Ycan."

He scoffs.

"You don't believe her? Why not?"

Frost leans his head to the side and awkwardly stares at her.

"She is the Light Knight. Don't you see the resemblence?"

He heavily scoffs, looking back to the horizon.

"Remember what Vortex said about her? He obviously knows Helena. And if he knows her, that means he must know her friends."

Frost rolls his eyes.

"Think about it, Frost. Why else would Vortex say the things he said if they weren't true? Why lie to us?"

He heavily sighs.


He groans and looks away from Crystal.

"Oh my gosh... Fridge. Look, you may not like talking all that much, but at least open your mouth more so people know what you think. It's ridiculous."

Helena carefully watches from just inside the cave, listening to their conversation. "*Hm. This Frost seems to be uptight. Why won't he speak?*"

"Fridge, come on. Quit being distant."

"I'm not...", lowly replies Frost.


His voice barely changes. "I'm not..."

"Frost, you know I can't hear you when your voice is this low. Speak up."

Frost quickly turns and kisses Crystal.

Crystal is taken aback by this sudden action by Frost. She blushes wildly as she lets Frost continue the kiss.

Frost stops kissing Crystal, blushing just as wildly as her. He groans a bit afterward, running away from Crystal.

She gasps. "Fridge! Wait!" She runs after him.

Helena, still in the cave, scoffs. "I knew it." She walks back to Flake, who's reading an old scroll. "What are you reading?"

Flake startily jumps and closes the scroll. She looks back to see Helena behind her. "My God, Helena! Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, madame. But, what was it you were reading?"

"An old scroll on the properties of Corruption. I'm trying to figure out a way to stop Fang from destroying Lankurt."

"Can I read?"

"It is only meant for Legendary eyes. I can try to find a similar scroll so you can help."


"Is there something you need, Helena?"

"Who all has Fang Corrupted? Is anyone we know?"

"I'd... Rather not get into it."

"Flake. You are one of oldest friends. I won't be hurt if you tell me who is Corrupted."

Flake stays silent.

"Flake. Who is Corrupted?"

"I'm sorry, Helena. They all hit too close to home."


"Helena, please."

"Tell me or Charm comes off."

Flake gasps, knowing what Helena means by this. She begins to cry, thinking of the friends Fang has Corrupted. "Rift, Castro, Waterfall, Volcannon, and..."

"'And' who?"

"...And Sunshine."

Helena grunts as she walks back out of the cave.

Flake gasps as she tries to follow Helena out. "Wait, stop! She's too powerful!"

Helena takes off the Charm, dropping it just inside the cave.

Crystal continues to run after Frost, trying to catch up. "Frost! Wait! Where are you going?!"

Frost calls forth Hail, making him disappear into the heavy snow.

Crystal grunts as she gets blasted by the amount of snow. "Frost...! Please..."

Frost stops a bit afterward, leaving the heavy snow. He drops to his side, crying over what he had done. "*Why...? Why did I do that? Now, she's gonna hate me.*"

A loud roar consumes the Ice Kingdom, making Frost gasp as he sees a Corrupted being flying toward Flakes cave. "No..." He gets up and runs back to the cave.

Crystal finally exits the Hail, shaking off the snow and following Frost.

Helena waits at the edge of the mountain, looking to the horizon. "Where are you, Sunshine...?"

A dark being flies past Helena at blazing speeds, roaring loudly.

"There you are!"

The dark being turns around and goes to attack Helena.

Helena jumps up and goes head first at the being. "Dragon Rush!" She hits the being with all her might, sending the being away from her as she slides down the side of the mountain. "Come on, Sunshine! Let's see whatcha got!"

Sunshine roars loudly, flying at Helena.

"Counter!" Helena takes the damage from Extreme Speed, but counters with double the damage. "Shadow Claw!" She slaws Sunshine a few times on the back.

Sunshine twists in the air, making Helena fall.

Helena lands on the side of the mountain, jumping back up and using Dark Pulse.

Sunshine dodges and uses Iron Tail, sending Helena through the outer wall of Flakes cave. Her mouths begins to water as she sees the hurt Helena in the cave.

"Aurora Beam!", exclaims Crystal, sending a large white beam at Sunshine, freezing her lower body.

Frost races at Sunshine, creating a large hammer that's made of ice. The Ice Hammer hits Sunshine on the head.

Helena hops on Flakes back, telling her to help in the battle. "Use Blizzard!"

Flake flaps her wings hard, hurting Sunshine even further.

Helena flips herself onto Flakes belly and jumping off. "Dragon Rush!" She lands on Sunshines head, knocking her out. She pants as she stands atop Sunshine, seeing her Corrupted form disappear.

Flake gasps as she sees this spectacle. She flies down to where Helena is, landing near her. "Sunshine, she... She's okay. How is this possible?"

"What happened?", asks Crystal.

"Sunshine is out of her Corrupted state."


"I do not know. I was reading an ancient scroll that partained in bringing a Corrupted back to their normal selves. I never got to the part where it says how to bring one back. But, it appears defeating the Corrupted in battle can bring them back."

"At least she is back.", gruffly replies Helena, turning to Flake. "Call on Pyro Wing and Storm. We're gonna need their help to bring Sunshine into the cave."

Frost growls at Helena. "Not... Happening..."

"I agree with Fridge.", adds Crystal. "Bringing 'Sunshine' into Flakes cave is not a good idea. We have to find another way."

Helena uses Crunch, but stops herself just before the two. "We are bringing her inside... Whether you like it or not, Sunshine is one of my oldest friends. I am not leaving her in the cold."

Flake flies skyward, screeching loudly.

Helena looks up. "It's too late to debate about it, now." She looks back to Frost and Crystal. "Flake's already called Pyro Wing and Storm, whether you like it or not." She walks back up the mountain.

Frost groans, sitting down.

"Yeah. She can be a real bitch.", adds Crystal. "That, and her accent's gone. She sounds like us, now."

Frost scoffs.


Frost plaintiffly looks at Crystal.

"Oh, please. You know damn well that Helena losing her accent is a big deal. She is obviously hiding something. Come on. We'll find out what it is."

*10 minutes later*

Sunshine wakes up abruptly, seeing herself in a cage. "What in the...?" She tugs on the bars. "*They're made of ice.* Flamethrower!" She begins to melt the ice bars. "Yay." She begins to fly out the cage.

"Aurora Beam!", exclaims Crystal, firing it at Sunshines head.

Sunshine ducks the attempt. She looks back up to see the devastation on the wall. "Watch it! You almost took my head off!"

"That was the idea..." She walks away.

Helena roars at Crystal, making her run to Frost. "Knock it off!"

"Ah. I see your accent's back.", says Sunshine, crossing her arms.

"You knew?"

"Of course. I had beat my ma and pa when they were Corrupted. Soon after, I had become Corrupted. Ma and pa thanked me for rescuing them.

"While in a Corrupted state, you remember everything. Even if you're taken out of it."

"So... Being Corrupted can make one seem... Uncivil?", asks Helena.

"Of sorts."

"Why the hell is the accent back?", asks Frost.

"It's the Shiny Charm.", replies Helena. "It prohibits speak and power."

"All speech and power?", asks Crystal.

"Non. Just moi."

"Just yours?"


"Why only yours?"

"Her real voice is bit more aggresive than most womens.", replies Flake. "Her voice is one of the reasons why her Shiny Charm is built that way."

"That and her battle style.", adds Sunshine. "It's the only reason why she's never used in the tourneys on Mobius. Oh, and one other thing." She whips her tail at Flake, sending her into the wall. "Why the fuck won't you join FireStone in the war against Fang?!"

Storm flies in front of Flake to protect her. "She has her reasons, child."

Frost, Crystal, Helena, and Pyro Wing gasp.

"And what reason is that?!", asks Sunshine.

Storm continues to protect Flake.

"Storm...", says Flake. "Please."

"She could've killed you."

"I'm fine, my love."

Sunshine begins to gain the look of shock. "WHAT?!?!?!"

"When was this?!", asks Frost.

"When you and Crystal were trying to find herbs for my beak.", replies Flake. "Storm has heard about the attack and came in to see if I was okay. After a while, one thing lead to another and..."

"Jesus Christ.. ", says Helena, grabbing her forehead. "I understand Sunshine calling Volcannon and Waterfall 'Ma' and 'Pa', because of adopt. But, to actually hear about you having child...? That brings brand new look on Legendaries."

"It was never planned, I assume.", adds Pyro Wing.

Flake blushes.

"No.", replies Storm. "It wasn't. It was a spur of the moment."

Frost groans.

"No one could've seen this coming, Fridge.", replies Crystal. "Trust me. This works out for the better."

"And that also nudge for you.", adds Helena.


"I saw what happened in morning time. Very serious moment between you."

Crystal and Frost blush wildly.

"Aside from that.", says Sunshine, shaking her head. "Flake. You have to join sides with FireStone. If not, Lankurt could come to an end just as easily as Mobius did."

"These Corrupted are different from the humanoids.", replies Flake. "They are Pokémon, people who we once called family."

"I know. That's why you have to fight with FireStone. Do it for the Ice Kingdom. Do it for your unborn child."

Storm looks to Flake. "She's right, Flake. You have to join the fight."

Flake sighs. "What if Fang or Collusion captures me? What then?"

"Collusion is weaker than Fang. And Fang can't leave the Terror Kingdom for more than a day. He wouldn't be able to survive the extreme cold here."

Flake heavily groans.

Helena grabs Flakes leg. "Please, madame... You must choose side..."

Flake grabs at her beak, sighing again. "Fine. We'll go to the Middle Kingdom to tell FireStone about my decision."


"Now, we're talkin'!", adds Sunshine.

Crystal and Frost embrace.

Pyro Wing nods. "So. Shall get a move on to Middle Kingdom?"

"I call Sunshine!", exclaims Helena, hopping on Sunshines back.

"Of course, you would."

Helena pops her head over Sunshines. "Hey. Like the saying, 'Just like old times.'"

Crystal jumps on Pyro Wings back.

Frost jumps on Storms back. "Let's hurry. I fear the worst is yet to come."

Each of the friends fly out the cave, creating a heading for FireStone and the Middle Kingdom.