Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 4 - A Ninjas Path Through the Terror Kingdom; What Has Lord Fang Done to Xof?

Chapter 4 - A Ninjas Path Through the Terror Kingdom; What Has Lord Fang Done to Xof?

On the way through the Terror Kingdom, Helena hangs on to Zohr, seeing what is happening to the poor Pokémon being held captive here. "Sacré blúe! I have never seen such pain in Pokémon before."

"Let's hope and pray to God that it never comes to us.", replies Zohr.

Bella kneels, raising her fist. She lowers her tone. "Be quiet and mindful. There are patrols all over the place."

"Can do.", replies Xof.

The five continue pushing forward, being careful of the GuzzRocks and WereSerkers.

A giant roar echoes throughout the Terror Kingdom. "Collusion! Get over here, now!"

Katrina pokes her head just over the hill. "Who's that?"

"That is Lord Fang. He's the one that taught BiFrost all he knows on Corruption.", replies Bella. "He's a big meanie."

"Oúi. I can tell.", replies Helena.

Xof lowly growls. "His aura... It's bad news."

"How bad?", asks Katrina.

Xof begins to bring Power-Up Punch into fruition.

"That bad..."

Collusion walks up to Lord Fang, bowing to his master. "You called, m'lord?"

"Where... Are... The SACRED WEAPONS?!?!?!", exclaims Lord Fang, throwing a Mightyena skull across the Kingdom, landing in front of Xof and Bella.

"I was only able to get my hands on Roarks Shadow Scythe, m'lord. Two guards reared their ugly heads to confront me... So, I took their heads from them. And before I had the chance to reclaim the Bone Rush Swords and Pyro Wand... FireStone had claimed them for himself.

"But, because I had touched the Shadow Scythe, it had formed to my liking..."

"Bone Rush Swords?", quietly asks Xof. "The Bone Rushes on my back are swords? What the fuck?"

Lord Fang sticks his hand out to Collusion. "Show me..."

Collusion hands Lord Fang the Scythe.

The Scythe drops with tremendous weight, making Collusion step back in surprise. "What have you done, Collusion?!"

"Not a thing, m'lord. But, the Shadow Scythe seems to have a certain... 'Touch' to it." He grabs the Scythe again, allowing it for Lord Fang to have his hand back. "Hmmm..."

"*It appears your bloodline is more sought after than I originally thought... Being related to the Lankursian Warriors -- Zohr Zoroark and Helena Lycanroc. -- really has its benefits. No matter. He is still a useful pawn for my plans.* Collusion. I ask a favor of you."

He looks up to Lord Fang. "M'lord?"

"When your brother, FireStone, partook of Lucs Bone Rush Swords and Elphs Pyro Wand, what happened to those Sacred Weapons?"

"The Swords and Wand changed upon his touch as well. The Bone Rush Swords were now real Swords. And the Wand became a .44 Magnum with Pyro Ammunition."

"I see... Is there a way for you to procure these Sacred Weapons, my apprentice?"

"There may... As long as we have Bella in our possesion, we can bargain for anything, m'lord."

"Anything, you say?"

"Anything..." He evilly chuckles.

Xof lowly growls. "You four keep going. I'll take of Collusion and Fang."

Bella grabs Xofs arm. "No! Are you crazy?! They'll kill you!"

He points to the Mightyena skull. "That's Max' skull!"

Zohr, Katrina, and Helena gasp.

"Fang's been keeping it here for God knows how long! I'm not standin' idly by and watch these fuck-sticks Corrupt who used to my family!" He wrenches his arm from Bellas grip, grabbing the Mightyena skull.

Bella tries to chase after him.

Helena pulls her back. "No, frolién! We must continue! Xof can handle himself!"

"Not against both Fang and Collusion!"

"I will go with him."

"The hell you are!", replies Zohr, grabbing Helenas arm. "You're following us, Helena! I'm not having this coversation! You said it yourself, Xof can handle himself! He's faced worse than these asshats."

Bella looks on as Xof nears Fang and Collusion, whining. "Okay... Follow me."

The others follow Bella.

"HEY!!! FUCK-STICKS!!!", yells Xof, chucking the Mightyena skull at Fang, bashing it against his head. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT SKULL, EH?!?!?!"

Lord Fang roars at Xof. "You dare strike me, naive?! I will have your head, child!"

"Let me, Master!", replies Collusion. "I shall use this Scythe to destroy those who defy us."

Helena looks back, seeing the Scythe in Xofs face. She quickly races off to join him.

"Helena! Get back here!", quietly exclaims Zohr.

"Keep going, mi amore. I shall be back." She blows a kiss to Zohr.

Zohr catches the kiss, shedding a tear. "Be careful..."

"You be careful..." She runs off to join Xof. "Xof! I am here to help!"

"Ah, a two-on-one situation.", says Collusion. "How predictable. You two shall meet your end... By my hands!" He races toward Helena.

Xof catches up, shoving Helena out the way and dodging the strike, there after. He uses Power-Up Punch to blow Collusion back to Lord Fangs feet.

Collusion slowly gets up.

"What are you waiting for, child?!", exclaims Lord Fang. "Finish them!"

"With pleasure..." He races toward Xof, swinging the Scythe.

Xof takes out his Bone Rush Swords and parries each strike, countering after the 7th time. He replaces the Bone Rush Swords. "You're no match for me, Collusion. You might as well give up."

"A warrior never gives in!" He roars aloud, gaining the armor he gained eariler.

Lord Fang widens his eyes. "*Mega Evolution...?*"

"A Lycanroc that can Mega Evolve?", asks Xof. "Ha! Now, there's somethin' you don't see everyday."

Collusion disappears, only to reappear behind Xof. "Thunder Punch!"

Xof leans forward, landing on his hands and kicking Collusion into the air. He lands back on his feet, jumping up and cocking his fist back. "Power-Up Punch!"

Collusion gasps, ducking the attempt in mid-air.

"What the-?!"


A strike of lightning strikes Xof in the back, making him fall to the ground. He slowly gets to his feet, shaking the metaphorical cobwebs out his head.

Collusion lands on the ground, creating a small crator as he forcfully lands.

"Earthquake!", exclaims Helena, lifting her foot.

Xof gasps, jumping into the air just before Helena slams her foot into the ground, creating a massive earthquake that makes Collusion fall into. He lands behind Helena. "Ha-ha! Nice job, Helena! Nice move!"

Helena chuckles.

Collusion forces himself out the ground. "How are you not affected by my Thunderbolt, naive?!"

"The hell are you talking about, bitch?", asks Xof.

"My Thunderbolt drives all to fear! Same thing with my Poison Fang!" He rushes forward and bites down on Xofs arm.

Xof sniffs. "Is that supposed to do something? Bitch, I am immune to every Poison-type Move. Hell, I let you bite me, just to prove my point!"

Collusion lets go of Xofs arm. "Impossible... This is impossible! How are you-?! RRAGGHH!!! Thunderbolt!"

A strike of lightning hits Xofs head, making him hunch over. He lowly growls.

"Shadow Claw!" He rushes at Xof.

"Shadow Claw!", exclaims Helena, running between them and countering each of Collusions strikes. She catches both of Collusions hands with just one of hers, having a iron-like grip on them. "Shadow Ball!" She blasts Collusion back a few feet.

Collusion swings the Scythe, creating a gust of wind that sends Helena careening into the hill. He evilly chuckles, walking closer to her as she falls from the Lycanroc-shaped crator, grabbing her side. His middle claw darkens, having a strange energy surround it.

The ground slightly concaves below Collusions feet.

"Huh?" He falls though, landing on his back. "What the hell...?" He sits up. The hole is dark. He can't see a thing, except for the light above.

White eyes can be seen glaring through Collusion. They disappear within the second they're seen. The eyes reappear, but just slightly as Collusion is blasted into the air.

"*Xof, no doubt...*", thinks Helena, slowly limping back to her friends. "*Make sure to kill that bastard, Xof...*"

Xof jumps out the hole, meeting Collusion as he falls and using Power-Up Punch to send him into the hill. He lands on the ground, roaring loudly. He sprints forward, using Power-Up Punch again, only to be blocked by Collusions Scythe.

The two continue battling each other, going blow-for-blow. They speed up their strikes, and pretty soon themselves. They stop after countering what would've been deadly blows on both counts.

Eventually, Collusion starts to become exhausted, while Xof doesn't seem to be losing steam. "*How can this creature keep going...? What is his drive? There must be something that makes his clock work. I have to find it.*"

Xof roars, just missing Collusions head with Power-Up Punch.

"Shadow Claw!" He swipes at Xofs chest, hurting him badly. "*Ahh... So, when he misses, I must counter. That must be his weakness.*"

Xof falls to a knee. "*Let's see if this fucker takes the bait...*"

Collusion walks closer to Xof, darkening the same claw.

Xof disappears into the ground, only to come back up and kicking Collusion in the head.

But, Collusion was prepared for such an attack. He catches the leg, tossing Xof aside.

Xof uses one of his Bone Rush Swords to stop his momentum.

Collusion swings his Scythe at Xofs head, laughing at him.

Xof parries the Scythe with Psychic, holding it just above his head. He stands up, cocking back for a full-powered Power-Up Punch. He lets it loose, having Collusion slam into the hill, knocking him out and taking him out of his Mega form. Xof roars aloud, letting the aura flow ferociously around him.

Lord Fang sneaks up behind Xof, darkening his entire hand.

Xof senses Fang, swinging his Bone Rush Sword at Fangs head.

Fang catches the Sword with his other hand, grabbing Xofs chest with the darkened hand. "You are now my slave..."

Xof resists as best he can, but eventually screams in pain, having his body change into a different color scheme than his normal fur.

Helena contunues limping ahead. She now looks back as she hears Xof screaming. "*Xof...*" She sheds a tear, walking through the portal as it closes, fainting in the snow. Two Pokémon walk up to the faint Helena, sniffing her.

"Get the sled.", says the female. "We'll take her back to Flake."

He nods and grunts, grabbing the sled and carefully placing Helena on it. He follows behind the female, dragging the sled.

Bella, Zohr, and Katrina continue to a local village.

"Keep up! We're almost there.", says Bella.

"I hope Xof's okay.", says Katrina. "Because I've got a real bad feeling about him..."

"It's gonna be okay, Kat.", replies Zohr, wrapping his arm around her. "Xof is the toughest S.O.B. I know. Well, besides Mancer. But, I'm sure Xof's fine."

"But, what if he's not, you know...? I mean, yeah, he's able to take alot of pain, but can he actually take on those two?"

Zohr opens his mouth, but doesn't say anything. He closes his mouth, sighing and looking away. "Both? No. Collusion? Yeah. Lord Fang...? I don't know. Xof's tough, but... I don't think he'd truly survive against a Midnight Form Lycanroc who's that tall and powerful. Fang's a whole different level than us, as far as Xof is concerned."

"If that's the case, we have to go back and save him!"

"Not until we have back-up.", replies Bella. "We'll head to the Kingdom Village after here. That's where my other brother is."

"Jesus... How many brothers do you have?"

"Just the two. FireStone, who's in the Kingdom Village with mom and dad, and there's BiFrost... Who you saw talking to Lord Fang, earlier."


"Time out. You mean to tell us, that BiFrost is Collusion?", asks Zohr. "Why the hell didn't you tell us before-hand?"

"Because that bit of info wasn't important, then.", replies Bella.

The three finally arrive to the Priest Village.

"No... The Priest Village... It's in shambles..." She runs ahead, seeing the damage caused by a recent battle. She sees someone that's familiar to her. "Lieutenant Trask! What happened here?"

"There was a massive battle between King FireStone and Collusion, m'lady.", replies Trask.

"'King' FireStone? Wai-. Woah, woah. FireStone's not King. My papa, RanGuard, is."

Trask lowers his head.

"Lieutenant Trask...?" She begins to cry. "No... It... They can't be..."

"I'm sorry, m'lady. But, the sad truth is just that... Your parents, King RanGuard and Queen Amber, have been deceased for quite a while... By Collusions hands." He walks off.

Bella begins to cry more, visibly shaking.

Katrina walks up to her. "Hey, Bella..."

Bella turns into Katrina, hugging her tightly and openly crying. "Why would Collusion kill mama and papa?!"

"Evil people do stupid things.", replies Zohr. "That's always gonna happen between darkness and light."

Katrina lightly Flair Chops Zohrs arm. "She's already having a tough time about the news, as it is. You don't need to further her sadness about her parents."

He crosses his arms. "It's better for her to hear about it now, then later in the future if she's not prepared." He sees something that captures his eyes. "Woah... Who're they?"

Lieutenant Trask walks beside Zohr. "Those four are the Ancestrial Warriors of Lankurt: Roark, Luc, Ycan, and Elph."

"What? You're joking... Right?"

"'Fraid not, sir."

Zohr wheezes a bit, going into a full-boar laugh. "Do you not realize who those are?!"

"I'm afraid I don't understand..."

"Roark is me! Elph is Katrina!"

"You dare claim to be the Legendary Shadow Guardian?!"

"Legendary, eh? Man, if this my future... I can only imagine."

"Beseech yourself, naive!"

"Who're you calling 'naive', playboy? I'll have you know, that I am the only Mega Evolved Zoroark in existence. I'm not gonna have some two-bit hack of a Knight say I'm not who I say I am. Saying I'm not Roark, is like saying FireStone isn't King. And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like that, would he? *If I would've compared it to Jesus... I can only imagine.*"

"On your knees, naive."

Zohr creates the Shadow Scythe from nothing, swinging it and slamming the blade into the ground. "Say that again, punk... I only bow to God and Jesus..."

Trask gasps. "The Sacred Weapon of Roark... How did you reproclaim his Sacred Weapon?!"

"'Reproclaim?' Kid, I have no time for your games." He makes the Scythe disappear.

He gasps. "You are Roark..." He bows to Zohr. "Please, forgive me, Sir Roark! I am terribly sorry for claiming yourself otherwise!"

"Jesus Christ... Get up, you stupid Incenaroar! I'm not the one you should be bowing to! It's God and Jesus!"

Trask stays in position.

"I said get up... NOW!!!" The yell echoes for miles.

Trask hesitantly stands up.

"Continue your duties, 'Knight.'"

Trask bows his head, quickly and shakily walking off.

"God damn..." He turns to Katrina. "These Pokémon revere to us as gods. If that was the case, why are we dead in this timeline?"

"It's probably because of how strong we were while here on Lankurt.", replies Katrina.

"Did you say that you're Roark, Zohr?", asks Bella.

"Isn't the resemblance pretty obvious?", asks Zohr, pointing to his statue.

Bella widens her eyes as she sniffs hard. "You're my quadruple-great grandfather..." She looks to Katrina. "And you're my quadruple-great grandmother! I-! I can't believe it! The help I found on that planet happens to be my true family!"

"What's going on, here?", asks General Kilick.

"Kilick!" She runs to him.

"Ah. M'Lady Bella. King FireStone will be pleased to hear about your safe return. Who are your saviors?"

"The Legendary Heroes of Lankurt. And here's two of them!" She lets go of Kilick. "General Kilick. I'd like you to meet Roark and Elph."

"Our names are actually Zo-.", begins Katrina.

"Zohr and Katrina.", interupts Kilick. "Yes, yes. I've heard of you two. Zohr Zoroark: The Legendary Shadow Knight. Katrina Delphox: The Legendary Pyro Knight. Praytell, where are Xof Lucario, the Knight of Martial Arts, and Helena Lycanroc, the Knight of Light?"

"They stayed behind to fight Fang and Collusion.", replies Zohr. "So, where's this FireStone guy? Everyone keeps talking about him, so who is he and when can we meet him?"

"Follow me, Sir Zohr, Dutchess Katrina. I shall take you to the Kingdom Village." He walks back to his saddled Rapidash. "I know it seems rather silly, but I am old-fashioned."

"There are cars that we can take.", adds Bella.

"Good.", replies Zohr. "I'll drive. Now, where's the cars?"

Kilick points to the car lot.

The others look to it, seeing a Dodge Viper SRT 10.

"Oh, yeah...", says Katrina.

"That'll do.", adds Zohr.

Zohr, Katrina, and Bella get into the Viper and follow Kilick back to the Kingdom Village.

A yellow bird Pokémon watches closely as the four make their way to the Kingdom Village, flying its way to the Ice Kingdom.