Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 19 - Under The Sea...

Chapter 19 - Under The Sea...

Chapter 18 - Under The Sea...




The Jinchuriki snorted with his eyes closed as he's doing the second best thing he loves to do: sleep. "Mmm… Sleepy time." He muttered as his head rested on a soft pillow next to a puddle of drool. The first best thing is eating lots of food to keep up his reserves and strength.

Kurama and Ashura sighed at the boy but they understand that any warrior, no matter how powerful he or she is, needs to rest the body so they can be ready for the next fight or in this case; training.

"We should get started on his weapon training. He is the one who asked me for help." Ashura said a little ticked off for waking up early despite being deceased. "Want to keep bothering him until he wakes up?"

"What do you think?"

The Tailed Beast and the ethereal Shinobi kept trying to wake up the younger teenager with their mantra 'Wakeup! Wake up! Wake up!' After 30 minutes of nonstop of their chattering, Naruto finally woke up as he stirred in his futon under his sheets.

"Fine. Fine! I'm up now," the blonde ninja groaned as he forced his sleeping body to sit up, "Jerks."

"You're the one who asked for weapon training from Ashura."

"At your suggestion I might add. Plus those Shadow Clones of yours returned after quite a while; the first one dispersed after doing your duties as Poseidon and the one you created to carry that Quincy boy. Speaking of which, where did you send him?"

"That's what I'd like to know."

"Uh… I sent that specific clone to recon on a person who was watching our fight with those Arrancar guys." Naruto sniffed before he stood up from his comfortable bed and started putting on his clothes. "This person was tricky to recon but also has tremendous amount of power and I doubt he's an enemy." Then he realized something else, "It's Friday today, right?"

The week was almost over for the Shinobi and his friends, but they are now aware of what's coming. After Naruto returned from his meeting with Yamamoto in Soul Society, he had told Ichigo and the others about the new enemy called Arrancars: Hollows who have obtained Shinigami-like powers by removing her masks, which was said to be very painful for them. Unsurprisingly, Kisuke and Yoruichi already knew about the Arrancars so they weren't really ecstatic or shocked when they heard the new.


"Yep." After his clone dispersed, the Shinobi now knows that the person was a man. An old but muscular man in a green robe.

Naruto left behind his prized Nemean jacket since he wasn't going to need it, leaving him in his Shinobi pants and orange T-shirt with Tenkaichi on his back and his ninja pouch. He walked out of his room and closed the door before he made his way to the underground room for his weapons training. Fortunately he didn't wake anyone up from the peaceful slumber they're in, thanks to his silent footwork. He went down the stairs and arrived in the enormous underground room where the next phase of his training begins.

"Okay…" Naruto said as he unsealed the Trident from his wrist and shook it, transforming it to its original form. The blonde ninja couldn't help but stare at the powerful and ancient weapon he's holding his hand. It was six feet from the butt to the three tips, about four inches taller than him. Shaking his head from his stupor, Naruto let the Trident lean against him and created twenty clones from existence before holding the weapon again. "Ashura, we're ready to begin."

A moment later, Ashura emerged from his reincarnation's body with a smile. "All right then. Let's get started." The powerful ninja waved his hand, causing multiple shakujo appeared in each clone's hands before he drew his own shakujo from his back and held it in a proper way. "Follow the stance I'm in. Watch my hands to determine how loose or tight they have to be to hold your weapon and also watch my feet as I move with my shakujo."


From that moment on, the entire underground area was filled with the sound of a hard worker or workers who will stop at nothing to get stronger to protect the people he cares about.


"*sigh* Is there nothing else, Ashura?"


"… You're no fun sometimes," pouted Naruto as he stood up with the Trident in his right hand before twirling it beside him.

The entire morning training regime was focused on three basic but important facets of wielding either a spear or a staff; stances, footwork, and offensive/defensive abilities. For the latter, Ashura trained Naruto to utilize parry, thrusts, and slash attacks since a spear is very different than a sword while also using those movements for defensive capabilities as well.

Back with Naruto and Ashura, the ethereal being simply shrugged as he faded back inside the former while saying, "Don't forget that when you swing the Trident downward for a stronger slash or strike; use both hands to properly execute it."

"Got it." Naruto gave a left thumbs-up before he stopped twirling the Trident and held it firmly by the leather grip. He then took a breath while forming a series of hand-signs… with his left hand only. "Earth Style: Rampart of Flowing Soil." The golden three-pronged spear shined briefly under the blonde's hand that was holding it. Before Naruto knew it, the ground below him started shaking and rising up to be a tall and very wide cliff with a deep and wide end beneath it. "Sweet! I've always wanted to be able to form hand-signs with a single hand. But that's only when I'm wielding the Trident though…. Perh-"



Naruto looked down to find the origin of the two voices to be Jinta and Ururu accompanied by Tessai, Kisuke and Yoruichi. "So it was you who caused the earthquake just now." Yoruichi chuckled when the young ninja paled of causing an earthquake. "We just heard there are many casualties throughout the city. Good going."

"Nice going."


"Hey! You two are supposed to be my partners" A tick-marked Naruto remarked as his left hand shook in irritation, "And you guys know damn well I can keep control." Ashura and Kurama shrugged at the Jinchuriki before continuing whatever they were doing and ended the link. "Jerks." The blonde mumbled before speaking to the people below. "Sorry about that! I was just training to use the Trident while utilizing my Ninjutsu. Watch." He formed another series of hand-signs with his left hand again and the Trident shined briefly just like last time. "Water Style: Flowing Waterfall."

Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta were shocked when a massive and constant waterfall suddenly emerged from the Shinobi's feet and fell into the deep end at the bottom, forming a large pool. "Pool!" Jinta cried out joyfully as he ran towards the swimming quarters while taking off his clothes, leaving him only in his boxers. "Cannonball!"

The young boy rose to the surface and spat out a stream of water before relaxing in the water. He also gave a thumbs-up to Naruto, who gave a thumbs-up back. The said blonde Shinobi then shifted his gaze on the rest of the gang, "Well? Are you guys just going to stand there or enjoy this new pool I made for you all? 'Cause I'm a nice guy."

Without hesitation, the men of Urahara's Shop jumped into the water after stripping off their clothes, leaving them in their boxers while Ururu and Yoruichi changed into swimsuits out of common decency, especially for the latter. After getting into the relaxing fresh water, Yoruichi looked at everyone in the pool and said, "Everyone, what do we say to Naruto?"


"Not a problem. Now for me, I'm going to take a shower the-" A loud growl echoed from his stomach, causing Naruto be embarrassed which didn't ceased from everyone down below laughing at him, "Right after I put something in my stomach." He tried to save the little pieces of his crushed dignity as he jumped down from the cliff and over the pool. As Naruto was about to take a step, a loud scream pierced his eardrums, forcing him to turn around with the Trident at the ready. What he saw before him was a bit of a surprise. "Is that a fin?"

Indeed it was a fin. A slightly curved object swerving across the water itself and it belongs to several mammals of different species of sea life, two of which has very similar fins and they are often mistaken for each other. "W-what is it? A dolphin or a s-shark?" stuttered Ururu as Yoruichi carried her into her arms, trying to comfort her as best she can while Tessai prepared a Bakudo technique in case for an attack.

When Ururu screamed and spotted the fin the moment she saw it, everyone else freaked out and had gotten out of the pool before it ate one of them despite that three of them are spirits and can't be harmed by anything in the Living World.

Before anyone can answer her question, someone else did. "Young lady, I am a dolphin. Not a shark." Everyone's eyes bulged out when they found the fin belonging to a dolphin… a talking dolphin. Strangely it was wearing some kind of cloak over its body and on that cloak is the symbol of a trident. The sea creature moved its gaze on everyone until it saw the Trident-wielding Naruto who could've sworn that the dolphin's eyes widen. "My lord! I finally found you at last!"

Feeling everyone's eyes on him, Naruto looked side to side before pointing at him-self confusedly, "Me? And did you just call me lord?"

"Yes, my lord. Lord Poseidon has requested your presence at his palace." The dolphin replied before he remembered something important he forgot to do firsthand. "Pardon my manners. I am Delphin, God of Dolphins and Lord Poseidon's Lieutenant."


"Yes," Delphin said before swimming close to the edge as Naruto walked to the edge as well. "I have always wanted to meet the mortal who became my lord's successor. It is an honor."

"The honor is mine, Delphin." Naruto said with a smile as the immortal dolphin chirped happily, "So when do I have to go to Poseidon's palace? And can they come too?" The blonde teenager pointed at Urahara and the others with the Trident without looking side-ways. The answer, however, was a shake of the head. "Why not?"

"Only you have been permitted to set foot in Lord Poseidon's domain. Now we must get going, my lord. We can't keep everyone waiting and I can't stay in this pool for much longer given I'm a sea creature."

"Oh." Naruto looked at the others who gave him the 'we'll be fine' look before he shrugged and stepped into the water with a surprisingly and noticeable effect. "Hey, my clothes aren't getting wet. And neither am I." He looked at the weapon in his right hand, "Lord Poseidon was right about the Trident."

"Of course! Why would he lie about such a thing?" Delphin chirped as he moved his left flipper forward as if he was gesturing something. "Hold onto me, my lord. You may not be used to teleportation" He saw the boy was about to say something, but the latter decided to be quiet for now. Naruto then held the Trident tightly with his right hand before he grabbed the flipper with his open hand.

Urahara and the others watched as Naruto and Delphin disappeared in a mist of sea foam, leaving the room to smell like the sea for a moment until it was gone. "Mr. Urahara?" Ururu said as she caught Urahara's attention while poking her fingers together, "Where did Naruto and the dolphin?"

"Ah!" Kisuke mused while gently putting his hand on the timid girl's head, "They went to the underwater and forbidden domain of Poseidon. A magnificent place that houses the gems of the seas themselves." Kisuke commented with tears streaming down from his eyes along with Tessai.

"Huh?" asked Ururu and Jinta with a tilt of their confused heads before Yoruichi ushered them back into the pool while rolling her eyes and whispering to her-self 'Men.'

-Unknown Location-

Under the deep blue sea, there are mysteries that are still unknown to mankind residing on the drylands of continents. One of them is one that originates from ancient Greek tales. A tale about a powerful civilization that was once a dryland country until it unknowingly disappeared and sank into the sea. Lost forever. Until now…

"I must be dreaming," Naruto said stunned as he looked around the new room he's currently in.

It was a large room with walls painted like the grey ocean floors and the floors ocean blue. Pictures of Sui's species, the Hippocampi, were etched all over the walls along with other mythological creatures like the Pegasi. In the middle of the room was a king-sized bed with five pillows and The boy was amazed at the architecture before realizing something else. He was breathing in water.

"I'm… actually underwater? And I'm not choking or drowning?! WAHOO!"

Delphin nodded as he swam around the room until he reached the two doors that had an emblazoned symbol of a trident. Poseidon's symbol. "This is the guest room that you'll be staying for the night." Ignoring the 'Huh?" remark from the boy, the dolphin swam away. "Lord Naruto, follow me please."

The Shinobi complied as he swam next to the immortal dolphin through the hallway while gazing at the several unique paintings that hung the walls. One of them featured Poseidon battling the Titan of the Sea, Oceanus, and another featured him creating the Hippocampi. When they reached the end of the hall where there was another set of doors, one particular picture caught Naruto's attention so much, that he stopped to give it more attention.

The painting was that of a beautiful woman standing on the edge of a cliff with two abnormally large lions standing next to her. The woman has long midnight black hair, fair-skinned, and brilliant green eyes that match the seas like a certain Sea God. She was wearing a white sleeveless Greek dress adorned with white and blue flowers with a blue amulet around her neck and a small crown on her head.

"Beautiful…" Naruto whispered to him-self as he lost him-self staring at the painting.

"Ah…" Delphin swam next to the boy and looked at the painting before saying, "That woman is Lord Poseidon's mother. Lady Rhea; Titaness of Fertility, Motherhood and Comfort. She is also known as 'The Mother of the Gods'."

Naruto shook his head to snap him-self of his stupor and asked the obvious question. "Where is Rhea? The books never mentioned what happened to her after the war." His gaze never left the image of the Titaness.

"I do not know, Lord Naruto. Only Lord Poseidon knows where she is or how she is doing. But…" Delphin swam to Naruto's right side and started pushing the latter with his head, "We. Cannot. Keep. Everyone. Waiting. Any. Longer." The dolphin grunted with each push, panting slightly and wondering why the boy is so heavy.

"Okay. Okay. I'm going," Naruto groaned as he ceased resisting against Delphin before the latter pushed open the doors and swam in. The Shinobi entered the room too, but not before getting one last look of the painting. When Naruto turned his head forward to see the new room, he was even more surprised as the room was bigger than the one he appeared in with the same designs and species, only bigger and better. "This must be the throne room."

"Yes, Lord Naruto. I'll let them know you're here."

"'Them'?" Naruto watched the direction where Delphin was swimming towards and that's when he saw Poseidon standing in front of three thrones with two people besides him as if they were talking to him about something. The Olympian was wearing a magnificent flowing green robes and a crown of shining seashells on his head.

To the Sea God's right side stood an incredibly beautiful fair-skinned woman with long and wavy midnight black hair that reached her mid-back, light shade of green eyes and fair skin. She was wearing a simple sea-blue dress that seems to be made from the sea as it waved with the currents and her hair was held back by a thin net of bright pearls and silk.

On the opposite side from the woman is a man with a tan, sea blue eyes, and a neatly black trim beard and hair. He was wearing a Greek toga that showed two noticeable and interest characteristics about him. His legs were actually one tail fin and his teeth resemble shark teeth.

As Delphin approached the trio of immortals, all Naruto could do was to stand there in the middle of the throne room with the Trident in his hand. Soon his mind wondered about the Titaness, Rhea. When he was staring at the painting, he felt a sort of calmness that comes from someone of great love like a mother would for her child or someone who has feelings for another. "Hold on a minute…"

"I think a certain Shinobi has a crush on someone and his name is Naruto." Kurama teased as Ashura chuckled at the now-embarrassed Naruto who was blushing a little.

"You got it all wrong there." The boy said with a small blush, trying to defend him-self.

Before either Kurama or Ashura could make another taunt, the Jinchuriki was gratefully saved by the timely arrival of the Olympian and his family of immortals.

"Naruto! It's great to see you again," Poseidon greeted happily as he extended his left hand, which Naruto happily shook with his open hand. The duo then separated their hands just before the Sea God noticed something different about his successor; namely his right arm. "Where is the Golden Fleece?"

"Oh yeah. I gave it to one of my friends, Orihime. She's not much of a fighter, so I gave it to her. I hope that's all right," Naruto replied before quickly saying, "And thank you for the gifts. My friends appreciate it very much."

"I'm glad to hear that." Poseidon gestured to the woman on his right. "This is my wife, Amphitrite, the Queen of the Seas." He said before gesturing to the man on his left, "And this is my son, Triton, the God of Messengers and Fish." He looked over his shoulder to look at his lieutenant, "Thank you Delphin. That will be all for now."

The dolphin god bowed before the royal family before swimming through the doors, probably to explore the rest of the palace or rest from his duties for now.

After Delphin left them, Naruto cleared his throat and tried to be polite as possibly as he introduced him-self. "I am Naruto Uzumaki." The young mortal gave a small bow to the two gods, who both nodded, before he stood up. "It is an honor to meet you two and I thank you for inviting me to… Where am I actually?"

"He must be joking," Triton retorted with a scowl before being shushed by his mother.

Poseidon chuckled heartily before saying, "Naruto, my boy, you are in Atlantis."


"You're surprised?" Poseidon asked with a smile, his sense of humor never getting old, "You know of the Gods' existence and Mount Olympus. Ho-"

"My lord," Amphitrite placed her hand on her husband's shoulder, drawing his attention. "Perhaps it is best we should start the tour for our young guest here."

The husband and son agreed before the trio of immortals swam towards another set of doors with a stunned Naruto slowly following them.

-Karakura High School-Karakura Town-

"What am I going to do?" That was the mantra of Ichigo Kurosaki since he woke up this morning. He was sitting against the fence wall where he usually goes during lunch with his friends. "This thing is starting to get out of control since Soul Society. First time was against Byakuya, then those Arrancar guys and this morning." Another thing that happened was that his inner Hollow talked to him and declared that he will break free from Ichigo's control and take over his body since he considered the latter to be 'weak'.


The Substitute Shinigami was brought out of his thoughts and turned to see Orihime and Chad walking towards him. For some reason, Ichigo always felt calm like all of his troubles, even recent ones, are gone whenever his friends are around, especially his fellow orange-haired friend. "Hey Orihime! Chad!" He looked at the door and expected Uryuu to appear, but he didn't. "Have either of you seen Uryuu like at all?"

The one to respond was Chad who shook his head. "No. Not since those Arrancars came to town."

"Maybe he's on a super secret mission to exterminate Hollows and vampires!" Orihime said while imagining Uryuu battling Hollows and vampires in a dark coat and a hat.

Sweat-drops slid on Ichigo's and Chad's heads as the girl sat down and started eating one of her 'unique' meals. "I hope everything's all right with the guy. Not that I care about him." Ichigo quickly said while trying to be the tough guy.



"What are you hiding from us, Ichigo?" Orihime stopped eating to listen and looked Ichigo and Chad who were having a stare-down. "I understand if you want it to your-self, but you don't have to handle it alone. You have friends to help you all the way."

Before Ichigo can answer, a voice breached their listening ears. "Hello there." The trio looked to the door to find the transfer student, Rias and the rest of transfers. "Do you mind if we hang out with you three?"

"Actually yes, we do mind."

"Great!" Rias ignored Ichigo's answer as she and her Peerage walked towards them and sat down with their lunches. However when they did, Ichigo, Orihime and Chad were leaving for the door. "Hey!"

"What?" Ichigo asked with a bored look as he glanced at the red-haired girl, "We were already done. You guys enjoy your meals."

Rias had a cute pout as she and her Peerage watched Ichigo and his friends leave the roof. "Well I never-"

"They suspect us." Rias looked at Koneko who was sitting between Yuto and Issei.

Yuto nodded with Koneko who was eating a candy bar. "I agree with Koneko. That Ichigo guy is wary of us. I saw the way he looked at us and something tells me he or the other two are not going to tell us about Uzumaki."

"What do you suggest we do, Yuto?" Issei asked with a hint of anger. "I, for one, want to beat up that guy for disrespecting Rias like that."

Akeno giggled at her younger classmate's desire while Rias sighed and shook her head. "We want them on our side, Issei and that includes Uzumaki." She started to eat her lunch like everyone else while thinking of something. "There must be a way to gain their trust. But how?"

"Maybe an event?" Asia asked nervously. Everyone looked at the healer to elaborate her idea, "We could invite them over for a party, so that way they can feel relaxed around us."

"That's a great idea," Issei agreed, making Asia blush and look away from the boy. This confused the boy.

"Agreed." Koenko agreed before finishing her candy bar and pulling out another candy bar with Yuto, Akeno and Rias nodded their heads, showing they're in agreement about the idea.

With that, the Gremory Peerage settled their discussion and entered a comfortable period of silence as they enjoy their meals and the vast blue sky above them.

-Poseidon's Palace-Atlantis-

"That was amazing."

Poseidon and Amphitrite smiled as the duo looked back to see the mortal in a stupor. "I'm glad to hear that. I hope you're ready for supper." A loud growl came from the boy's stomach, "I guess that's my answer." Poseidon said as his wife giggled at the boy's misfortune.

"Yeah, I am." Naruto muttered dejectedly, feeling embarrassed while cursing his body for the unwanted noise.

For the entire evening, Naruto was given the grand tour of a lifetime: a tour of the ancient and hidden city of Atlantis or Poseidia, which was the size of Los Angeles if not bigger as Poseidon and his family acted as the Shinobi's personal guide when they explored the underwater city. During the tour, Naruto had noticed a few unique aspects of Atlantis. One of them was a 200-foot wall surrounded the city with four gates for entrance and exit out of the city; each gate pointing North, South, East and West and all of them was patrolled by members of the Atlantean Army. Also the city's network of streets and layers of houses and buildings are made of marble and pearls. The last aspect was that Poseidon's Palace is in the center or heart of the city, which is strategically invaluable in case for battle.

When the Shinobi and the royal family reached the dining hall, there was a big square table that was made from pearls, diamonds and coral. It was big enough to sit 40 people with room to spare. Above the table were a set of three chandeliers with small figurines of a Hippocampus, a Pegasus, and a Hydra attached to the ceiling, holding them in place.

The four of them soon took their seats with Naruto sitting opposite from Poseidon and between his wife and son. Amphitrite gently snapped her fingers and out came the doors was an assembly of dolphins and merman, each holding trays of food concealed by a cover.

Before Naruto knew it, the merman and dolphins were gone as quick as they came in, prompting him to lift the cover that hid the food and his eyes widen in surprise and awe as his whole world was blown all over.

Apparently his partner didn't like it at all.

"No! Naruto, don't do it!" Kurama screamed as his claws dug deep into the grass in the mindscape, "If the Old Man Six Paths finds out about this, you won't be able to sit for a year! And he always finds out!"

"That he does. Don't do it, Naruto! Listen to us!"

"I'm sorry! I can't resist! I've been separated from my love for too long." Naruto replied through the link as he grabbed a fork with his open hand from the table before digging in the food that was placed in front of him: a bowl of misu ramen with extra pork and chicken. His face lit up in delight as he savored the long forgotten yet exquisite taste. "This is delicious!" He continued

Triton scoffed, but he was kicked in the leg by Amphitrite before she spoke, "I'm glad you're satisfied, my lord."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Lady Amphitrite." Naruto noticed a glare from Triton who showed a little bit of teeth before concealing them, "but I don't really feel comfortable of people calling me 'lord'. I'm just a young man and please just call me Naruto."

The Queen of the Seas was surprised by the mortal's refusal to be treated like royalty. As far as her experience goes, mortal women and men will grab the chance of being treated like royalty and they will often treat others like they're better than them. "This mortal is sincere and pure of heart unlike most mortal men. Husband, you chose a very worthy successor." She thought to her-self before smiling at Naruto, "Very well… Naruto."

The blonde ninja blushed a little at the smile from the woman before speaking. "Lord Poseidon," The man looked at the boy curiously as the latter looked at him with a serious. "I have a question for you: Are you an idiot?" Shocked expressions were his answers. "Why on Earth did you cheat on a such beautiful and faithful woman like your wife here? I mean she's a keeper." Amphitrite blushed a little from the compliment. "Don't forget that she married you after she refused to do so in first place."

"Why you ungrateful…" Triton scowled as he stood up from his seat with the intent to teach this mortal a thing or two about respect. "You will regret speaking that way to my father, mortal."

"You are right."

"Huh?" was all what Triton could say as he and Naruto looked to see a sulking Sea God.

"You are right, Naruto and Triton sit down. I will not tolerate your rudeness." A reluctant Triton sat back down on his seat while glaring at the ninja. "I will never understand why I cheated on my wife multiple times, but I love her." Poseidon said, intertwining his hand with his wife's hand. "Thankfully we went for help."

Naruto tilted his head in confusion, "Help? Like couples therapy?"

"Yes." Amphitrite cut in while gazing in her husband's eyes, "It was a troublesome two years, but it was worth it. He hasn't had an affair for the past 100 years." She giggled before looking at Naruto, "And I appreciate you chewing out my husband for his infidelities and protecting my honor, but that's my job. And thank you for calling me beautiful."

"No problem."


"So what?"

"Is there a girl in your life right now?" Amphitrite said with interest. "A young, handsome man like yourself can't be… how you say… on the market."

Images of a certain purple-haired woman flashed before Naruto's eyes: her long legs, her womanly figure, her purple eyes and smooth skin. "Well, there is one girl I have a relationship with. Her name is Saeko and she's from Japan."

"Is she pretty?"


"Well, that's good for you Naruto." Amphitrite smiled before she stifled a yawn with her hand. "Well, I must turn in for the night."

"It's night?"

Ignoring the mortal, Triton gave a small bow. "Good night, mother."

"Have a good sleep, Lady Amphitrite," Naruto said after getting over the fact it's night already. He watched the Queen walked to her King and whispered something to his ear before leaving the room with a show of her swaying hips. Before he knew it, Naruto watched Poseidon running out of the hall and he soon heard a symphony of laughter and giggles. "Apparently, the couples therapy is paying off."

"Listen here, mortal." Naruto looked to his left to see a glaring Triton, "Let's get a few things straight: I do not like you. I don't believe you're worthy to be my father's successor, and I especially despise the fact you're wielding my father's weapon in front of me." He stood up with a smirk, "However that won't be for long." Triton said before swimming away and leaving the room.

"What do you mean by that, Triton?" Naruto asked with narrowed eyes, only to receive no answer. "Great, now I have an immortal hating me now. And I haven't done anything… yet." He sighed before leaving the hall for his temporary room. When he made it to his room and entered inside, Naruto laid down on his new bed, still holding the Trident in his right hand. "Something else is going on and I don't know what it is. Oh well, I'll just sleep on it."

The last two things he remembered before going to sleep were the images of his lover, Saeko, and the Titaness, Rhea.

-(Later That Night)-South Gate-Walls of Atlantis-

"Hey! Have you seen him?"

"Seen who, Kable?"

"Lord's Poseidon's successor. Civilians throughout the city saw him walking with the royal family and he was holding our king's personal weapon." Kable replied with a hop of his feet.

The man was at average height with a lean but muscular build and a brown beard. He sported the Atlantean Army armor, which consisted of a black breastplate with matching arm-guards, shin-guards and a helmet. Lastly his sword hangs at the right side of his waist as he carries a black spherical shield with his right arm.

The other man scoffed at that statement. "No I haven't… This drylander will not get any respect from me. I bet he demanded our people to bow before him as he walked through our city." Like his fellow Atlantean, he too has a lean and muscular build but bigger and a tattoo of a blue Pegasus on his left arm. He too dons the black Atlantean armor except with his sword hanging on the left side of his waist and carries his shield with his left arm.

"Actually, no he didn't."

"Say what?" The man didn't expect this.

"No, he didn't. And when he and the royal family walked through the city, the people started to call him lord, only for the drylander to tell everyone to not call him that. He even publicly admitted that he's uncomfortable with people addressing him as such and asked us to address him by his name."

"Which is?"

"Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki."

The man snorted a bit before laughing his boots off while Kable didn't looked happy at his friend. Eventually the man stopped with a wipe of his eyes. "What a stupid name, huh?" He noticed the disapproving glare from Kable, "Come on, man. This guy's a drylander and you're okay with him setting in our city?"

"This one is different from the rest of his kind, Doctore." Kable retorted with a venomous tone. Doctore scoffed at this before turning around and prepared to leave his friend behind to patrol the rest of their sector of the wall.

Kable sighed since he knew his friend, Doctore, and many of his fellow Atlanteans have a strong hatred for the surface dwellers for many reasons with the main reason being the oceans are getting tarnished and polluted from the dwellers' costly industrial life.

When the young Atlantean was about to continue his patrol, something in the distance caught his attention, forcing him to call out to his friend. "Doctore!" The man came albeit reluctantly and grumbling the whole way. "Look through your spyglass."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!"

Doctore quickly pulled out a spyglass, a miniature telescope, and looked through to find whatever that has his friend tied in knots. When he turned the scope to further its range, his entire body shuddered with fear and anxiety, which didn't go unnoticed by Kable. "What is it?"

"Sound the alarm," Doctore whispered to him-self before shouting at his friend, "SOUND THE ALARM!"

-Poseidon's Palace-

"Delpin, talk to me."

Poseidon, Amphitrite, and Delphin had gathered in the throne room as soon they heard the alarm. Delphin was already in battle gear that was suited for his species. The mammal god bowed to the king and queen before reporting, "My lord, two men spotted an anomaly at the South Gate and it's approaching fast," Delphin reported with a hint of fear in his tone.

And both Poseidon and Amphitrite noticed it.

"Delphin, is there something else?" asked Amphitrite with concern. She saw her lifetime friend shake his tail sideways, a habit that shows the dolphin is scared of something. And there aren't a lot of creatures or immortal beings that can bring fear to her mammal friend. "Please, you must tell us." She insisted with urgency.

"… It is the creature I'm worried abut. It's the-"

"What's going on here?" The three immortals turned around to one of the doors and saw Naruto standing there with a look of a warrior, not a teenager. "What's happening, Lord Poseidon? What's the alarm for?" Naruto asked as he looked around, trying to sense the danger that is a threat to the city.

"We do not know, but Delphin was about to tell us something important until you interrupted him."

Naruto blinked with his mouth slightly agape like a owl before sheepishly chuckling to him-self, "My bad."

"Come here. You'll need to hear this as well." Poseidon gestured his successor to come closer, which Naruto did with urgency. The god then looked at his fidgeting Lieutenant, "Delphin, tell us."

The dolphin looked at his lord, then Amphitrite and lastly Naruto before reluctantly saying, "The creature is the…"

"What? What is it, Delphin? Don't keep us in the suspense."

Heeding the blonde mortal's insistence, Delphin said, "The creature is the Hydra."

When that name came out of the dolphin's mouth, Naruto's eyes widen in shock before the latter noticed the color of Poseidon's and Amphitrite's faces turned pale. The silence, accompanied by the momentary thumps in the ground, stayed a moment before the two royalties regained their composure, much to the ninja's relief.

"Someone must be behind this. No sea creature, no matter how powerful or dangerous it is, can't dare to attack Atlantis," Poseidon declared before he commanded one of his guards to retrieve his armor.

Naruto then put in his two cents, "Can it be a Titan or a God?"

"Yes, young one, but the only who can challenge Poseidon is…" Amphitrite trailed off before a look of shock took over. She then looked at her husband who already figured it out. "You don't think he survived? After the war?"

"Who? Who are you talking, Lady Amphitrite?"

"The one who was the previous Ruler of the Seas and Lord of the Waters. He was often called the 'Father of the Waters'."

"Previous ruler?" The ninja assumed a thinking pose and mentally tackled his Greek Mythology knowledge. Eventually he remembered about the eldest son of Gaea and Ouranos. "Oceanus? The Titan of the Ocean? Didn't you tell me that he died in the war along with a few other Titans?" Naruto said, shifting his eyes to the direction where the South Gate is located.

Before Poseidon could answer, he heard a familiar voice behind him. "FATHER!"

Everyone turned their heads to Triton, in a green battle armor, swimming towards straight to his parents. "Father, I just returned from the South Gate. It is sealed shut along with the other gates and all the men in that area are ready for combat." He then pulled something out of his right arm-guard and gave it to his father/king. A note. "This note was found outside of the wall near the gate."

Poseidon opened the green note and his eyes scrolled down as he read the written contents. After reading it, he crumbled it before burning the note with a glow in his hands, turning it into ashes. He felt everyone's eyes on him and spoke, "Oceanus is indeed alive… and he has challenged me to a fight for the control of the seas and Atlantis."

"You can beat him, Lord Poseidon. You did it before; you can do it again," Naruto said so casually, only to hear a chuckle from the Olympian. "What's so funny?"

"As I recall there is another Poseidon and he can fight in my place instead."

"Say what now?" asked a confused and nervous Naruto.

-Outside of Atlantis' Walls-

"This bites!" Naruto grumbled as he sat atop of Sui's head while the Hippocampus, in her titanic form, swam towards where a huge dust cloud is, probably where the Hydra is located. Fortunately for Naruto, Sui didn't stay inside the Nemean Lion jacket, but instead she stayed inside of his pouch the whole time. "I was expecting to see a battle between immortals."

"You must relax your-self, Naruto. Anxiety is a poison for all warriors including Shinobi."

Kurama agreed with the ethereal Shinobi. "Besides haven't you always wanted to fight an immortal? This is your chance."

"Not against a Titan!" The boy screamed inside his head as he told Sui to stop. The Hippocampus complied while being cautious of the dust cloud in front of her and her friend. "And you said the same thing about Poseidon." Naruto retorted before looking back to Atlantis and estimated the distance from the city to his location. "So we're about 900 yards from Atlantis." He then looked forward where he saw the cloud starting to clear up and stood up from his sitting position and readied him-self and the Trident in his hand for anything.

When the cloud cleared from his vision, the young Jinchuriki certainly was not expecting the unexpected.

Standing before him and Sui was a massive and scaly lizard-like sea serpent with multiple heads, each one diamond-shaped with a mouth lined with rows and rows of green-reddish razor teeth although one of them was bigger than the rest. This is the legendary and fierce Hydra.

"Who is this?" asked an old yet powerful voice.

Naruto looked for the person who spoke and soon found that person standing on the larger head of the Hydra. "Oceanus…"

Oceanus was a larger and tall man with a very muscular build with a long white beard and the horns of a bull. He adorns a predominantly silver armor with matching arm-guards and shin-guards with a dark navy blue loincloth covering his waist. The breastplate has an extravagant picture of a sea serpent carved into it and a wide helmet topped with a navy blue plume covers his head. Lastly a blue electric current constantly surrounds the man's body.

"You are not the Sea God," Oceanus said with a hint of disappointment and anger. He then grabbed a weapon from his back and shook it, extending a red double-bladed sword with a bronze handle. The Titan then pointed one of the blades at Naruto. "Who are you? And no lies!"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am Poseidon… the title anyway," The Jinchuriki responded truthfully, pointing the Trident at the immortal. He could feel the tension between Sui and Hydra since the two creatures had been snarling and growling at each other the whole time.

Oceanus listened carefully and looked into the blue eyes of the boy, so he did what any immortal would do. He laughed. "BWAAHAHAHAHA!" The man laughed like a hyena while Naruto watched the man fall on his butt as the Titan struggled to control him-self. Finally he did after wiping a lone tear from his left eye. "That's a really good one, kid. A mortal being the successor of a god."

"I'm not joking and I'll say this once…" Naruto paused to make sure he has Oceanus' attention before continuing, "You can turn around now and leave Atlantis alone or you and I can hash it out. I'm fine with either of them."

"Hm… Hard to choose," Oceanus replied, feigning difficulty of the choices as he assumed a thinking pose, "I think I'll choose the second choice."

Hearing the Titan as the latter readied his weapon, a smile appeared on Naruto's face, "I was thinking the same thing." He said as he held the Trident with both hands, not noticing it glowing blue. "Your challenge is a one-on-one match, so I take it that the Hydra will not interfere in our battle."

"… Yes… The same goes for the Hippocampus as well." Oceanus remarked as his weapon started to glow green.

Naruto nodded before he and Oceanus suddenly dashed towards each other, rapidly closing the 300 yards of space between them with their glowing weapons ready. When the two combatants got into striking range, both Naruto and Oceanus swung their respective weapons at each other, resulting in a clash.

A loud clap echoed across the sea floor as a bright light emerged from the weapons and engulfed both the Titan and Olympian.

-(Meanwhile)-With Orihime-Karakura Town-

"Today was such a wonderful day."


Orihime sighed as she and Ichigo walked through the crowd-less streets. Usually she walked home alone from school when she doesn't have anything to do after, but this time Ichigo was walking her to her home. In fact he offered to do so.


The boy gazed at her, "Yeah, what is it?" He didn't see it when she looked away, but he could've sworn Orihime was blushing.

"I was wondering if…" She pushed aside her shyness and looked at the boy walking next to her, "W-W-Would you like to go out with me?"

"Wha?" Ichigo stuttered before he almost lost his footing, stumbling a few steps until he stopped his pace. He looked at Orihime who too stopped her pace with a small blush adorning cheeks. "Gee, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say yes. Forget it. It was silly of me to-"

"No! It's not silly at all!" Ichigo cut in before toning down his voice and to avoid the shower-works from the girl. "To be honest…" He nervously rubbed the back of his head while coming up with the words. Why is this so hard? "I've been meaning to ask you out for a while."

"Really?" asked a surprised Orihime with a tinge of relief and happiness.

Ichigo smiled at the girl. A genuine smile that brought butterflies in Orihime's stomach. "Yeah. Since we returned from Soul Society and from encouragement from a certain blonde ninja." The boy said as he thought back to the times Naruto kept pestering him to ask the girl for a while and the comments like 'She likes you', 'Orihime got a figure that most girls her age would kill for and she's your friend and likes you' and so on.

"So that's a yes?" Orihime asked to confirm it and she got a nod from the boy. "Yay!"

Ichigo chuckled at his friend before offering his arm to Orihime who quickly accepted it and interlocked her arm with his before the duo continue their pace to the girl's house. After a few minutes, they made it to the house only to find something interesting before them. "What is that?"

"Mail?" Orihime pulled her arm out and reached for an envelope that was stapled to the door. She opened the envelope and pulled out of what it appears to be an invite. "It's an invite to a pool party!" She cried happily with a bounce on her feet.

Ichigo raised a brow before asking, "Whose it from?"

"I don't know, but can we go please? It can count as our date." Orihime remarked with the cutest puppy-dog pout and even Ichigo couldn't resist it, so he nodded. "Yay!"

The Substitute Shinigami smiled at Orihime before thinking about who was up to this and why. Oh well, he could worry about it after the date.

-Naruto vs Oceanus-Deep Sea Floor-

Both Sui and the Hydra whinnied and snarled respectively as the battle of their masters continues with streaks of blue and green light clashed several times until the streaks landed on the sea floor, revealing Naruto and Oceanus clashing their weapons against each other before the latter kicked the far younger mortal, sending him skidding backwards uncontrollably towards an underwater mountain.

However Naruto stomped the butt of the Trident and managed to stop him-self from skidding any further before falling to one knee with his head down. Oceanus chuckled at this after hearing heavy breathing. "What's wrong, mortal? Don't tell me you're tired already. You're going to need to step up your prowess if you want to beat a Titan like my-self."

"Don't tell me…" The ninja said as he lifted his head to reveal yellow toad eyes with orange pigmentation around them, "That's why I entered this form since the beginning of this fight."

Oceanus chuckled heartily "Odd form… but it does explain how you were able to withstand my attacks. However if this is all what you got…" He remarked before he swung his sword horizontally, sending a streak of large ice spikes.

Naruto quickly jumped over the spikes as he channeled wind chakra into the three tips of the Trident and slashed at his opponent. Three streaks of blue crescent energy emerged from the tips and shot towards Oceanus while tearing up the sea floor, leaving behind slash marks. The Titan effortlessly dodged the simultaneous attacks while staring at Naruto, not bothering to see a boulder that had been cut into three pieces.

"Darn it!" Naruto cursed to him-self as he landed before calming him-self from his anger although he has good reason to be frustrated. "Even Sage Mode isn't enough and I entered into it since we started."

Indeed he has. Since the beginning of the battle, the young Shinobi entered Sage Mode moments before their weapons clashed with the hope of a good start against an immortal, least of all, a Titan. However that's been crushed since Oceanus was able to block all of his slashes and thrust attacks of the Trident as well as dispelling his Water Style techniques, which wasn't a bright idea. The only reason he's made it this far was because of his increased durability and strength to hold back the Titan.

"Well this has been fun and all, but you're really boring me now," Oceanus said with a bored look before he waved his left hand around to solidify the water in front of him, forming multiple giant hands out of water. "These should end you. Bye-bye."

As soon he said that, the hands stretched out for the blonde Shinobi with them opening and closing like they want to squeeze him. Naruto managed to escape all of the hands and appeared in front of Oceanus after a series of Sage-Mode enhanced Shunshins. He was about to attack again when he felt pain in his stomach, forcing him to look down to see Oceanus's left arm digging into it.

"You left your-self open when you were going to make your attack given you don't have a lot of experience with a weapon like that Trident of yours." The Titan said before pulling his arm out of the Shinobi who quickly doubled over from the immense pain. "Now let me show you what happens to one who comes across a Titan."

Oceanus planted his sword into the ground next to him before attacking Naruto with a flurry of punches and kicks. After several minutes of toying with the joke of a warrior, the Titan lifted the barely conscious Olympian and threw him javelin-style with impossible strength, causing a shockwave as the boy rocketed towards the mountain before crashing into it. The impact caused a huge rockslide that covered the unmoving Shinobi.

"I'm very disappointed, nephew," Oceanus shook his head in disappointment before he looked at the distance where Atlantis is. "Now I shall-" His eyes widen in surprise as the rocks in front of him exploded, causing the Titan to look at it only to be punched in the face and sent flying away until he regained his composure. "What the heck…" He said when he looked back to see the one who punched him.

The boy called Naruto Uzumaki was covered in a shroud of yellow flickering flames with six magatama markings around his neck, several patterns extending partway down his arms and legs, and a swirl design in his stomach. He has orange eyes instead of the yellow toad eyes and pigmentation, and two distinctive hair-like horns. Still in his right hand is the Trident, only that it's covered in the shroud as well.

"Nine-Tails Chakra Mode." Naruto whispered as he looked at the Titan, who was smiling like he finally found something exciting, "I was a fool to think I can fight head on with a Titan while in Sage Mode. After all, your kind is the predecessor of the Olympian Gods."

"Thanks for the compliment," Oceanus replied with a bow as he grabbed his sword once more before his body started glowing green. He wasn't surprised when his helmet cracked, but he ignored it. "Now this is more like it."

"I'm ready for Round 2," Naruto remarked before he dashed towards Oceanus, who did the same. As both of them got into close range again, Naruto was about to strike with the Trident when Oceanus suddenly said…


"Huh?" was all Naruto said before Oceanus and everything including him-self turned darkness.

-Guest Chamber-Poseidon's Palace-

"*gasp*" His eyes blinked open several times to adjust the light of the guest room he's in, Naruto felt a nudge poking his left arm, causing him to see a concerned and apparently freaking out dolphin god. "Delphin?"

The god stopped nudging and his eyes lit up when he saw the young mortal awake and alive. "Lord Naruto! I was so worried about you."

"Why?" Naruto asked before silently thinking to him-self as he sat up, "Was that whole thing with Oceanus and the Hydra a dream? I gotta admit; it was a hell of a dream."

"When I came to awake you; you didn't wake up. At first I thought you were kidding around, but after trying to wake you up for ten minutes, I feared you were dead. I was about to call Lord Poseidon when you woke up."

Naruto had no choice but to chuckle a little with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry about that, Delphin. I was experiencing a really crazy dream. Again sorry for scaring you." He said with sincere as the ninja got off the bed and popped his tense joints, "And you don't have to call me 'Lord Naruto'."

"And that is why I address you as such, Lord Naruto," Delphin said with a relieved sigh, "So you'll be heading back to surface world today, correct?" A nod from the blonde was his answer, "Before you return to your home, Lord Poseidon and Lady Amphitrite has something for you. They're waiting for you in the Rotunda."

"Really? Then what are we doing here." Naruto happily exclaimed as he dashed through the open doors with Delphin catching up. He swam up a spiral flight of stairs until he made to the Rotunda where Poseidon and his wife were patiently waiting for their guest with a large coffin laying in front of them.

The Rotunda of Atlantis was a small coliseum with marble stone bleachers on the second level and two red thrones in the middle, most likely for Poseidon and Amphitrite. It was the place in the palace and Atlantis that no one but the royal family can access it. Usually Poseidon and his wife and son use the Rotunda for sparring and training with their powers.

Naruto cleared his voice like he's trying to get their attention. "Good morning, Lord Poseidon and Lady Amphitrite. I apologize for keeping you waiting. I overslept." He reluctantly said the last part.

Poseidon shook off his apology as he smiled at the boy, "It is no problem, Naruto. It happens to all of us, even us gods. Before you leave Atlantis, my wife and I thought to give you gifts to remind you of our city." Seeing the excited expression on his successor's face, Poseidon reached inside the right sleeve of his robe and pulled out his gift, a dark blue conch shell, and gave it to the curious Shinobi. "This is one of my most prized possessions. My mother gave it to me after our victory against the Titans and now it's yours. Treasure it."

"I will, Lord Poseidon." Naruto said with such passion as he placed the conch shell inside his pouch, although it barely fits. "So what's in the box or coffin?"

Amphitrite giggled in her hand before speaking, "It is something that may help you in the future."

"Can I take a peek?" Naruto asked with a smile, only to be rejected by the goddess. "Man!" He complained before he walked to the large coffin and placed his left hand on it. "Well, when can I open it?"

"When the time is right or when a situation calls for it."

Naruto pouted with a grumble. "I knew you would say something like that." He then looked up at the two gods. "Thank you both for having me. I really enjoyed my time here in Atlantis." With that, the blonde Jinchuriki left in a bright yellow flash.

After several moments of silence, it was broken. "You didn't tell him yesterday." Amphitrite suddenly said before a sigh came from her husband, "What was the point of inviting him yesterday if you didn't tell him?"

Poseidon sighed again before replying, "He is not ready. Not yet anyway."

"Then why bother about ma-" Amphitrite said before being cut off by her husband.

"-Darling…" Poseidon cut in before looking at his wife's green eyes, "He is merely a boy, but I will tell him when he becomes a man. From that moment, Naruto will be the greatest being and a force to be reckoned with. For now he shall enjoy all the time he has right now and so should we in our city." He said, getting a sigh from his beautiful wife.

Poseidon and Amphitrite stared at the spot where Naruto was standing moments ago before they turned around and walked towards the edge of the Rotunda. The Olympian then wrapped his arms around his Queen who too wrapped her arms around him as well and the duo looked at the panoramic view of their beloved underwater city and enjoyed the comfortable presence of each other with the thought of Naruto Uzumaki in their minds and hearts.