Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 18 - The Souls in White...

Chapter 18 - The Souls in White...

Chapter 17 - The Souls In White...

"Hmm? I feel several incredibly KI in this town," said a man with piqued interest.

He was a very tall, fair-skinned man with blue eyes and blond hair that reaches his mid-back and strands forming a thick antenna-like shape hanging in front of his face with matching chest-length beard and mancho mustache. His body is largely muscular and well-defined that clearly shows despite of the green long robe with a black belt he wears. "But the ones that appeared out of nowhere are… stained and evil."

"Ah hello mister!" the man looked down to see a young girl with a smile, "It's good to see you again. How was your trip?"

The man smiled and chuckled as he patted the young girl's head, "It was fine little one. Helping people in need always satisfied this old man." The man always stopped by this town whenever he's returning from a trip to help those in need, specifically the restaurant where he can find the little girl helping her parents run the place.

"You're old?" asked the girl with a cute tilt of her head, "how old are you mister?"

"That's a secret."

"Aw! No fair!"

"Kayuki." The man and the girl turned to see the girl's father walking up to them with a bag in his hand. "It's rude to ask someone of their age. Here is your order, Mr. Furinji." He handed out the bag that held his customer's food. "I hope you still find our food satisfying since the last time you arrived in our town. Especially for a legend like you."

"I always find your food satisfying, Mr. Takehito." The man said as he grabbed the bag from Takehito, bringing it by his side, "And please call me Hayato since 'Mr. Furinji' makes me feel like an old man."

Takehito nodded with a smile as he watched Hayato take his leave… by jumping rooftops. He turned around to return inside the restaurant with his daughter. He paused just outside the door with Kayuki staring at him confused. "He's heading east instead of south from here."

"Maybe something caught his interest, papa?"

Takehito only nodded as he scooted his daughter inside the restaurant, entering it behind her. "I wouldn't be surprised if this town didn't catch the attention of someone like Hayato. I just hope he'd be all rig-. Nah, he'd be fine."

-Karakura High School-

"Woah! Did you guys feel that?" asked Yuuto, refusing the urge to use his Sacred Gear as everyone nodded. "What incredible power!"

Rias was looking at the direction where she senses the origin of the powerful energy that suddenly appeared out of nowhere while remembering what she and her Peerage was doing moments before. The group had gathered out in the P.E. field during their lunchtime for privacy and the mission that her brother, Sirzechs, gave her a few days ago.

Her mission was to find the Human named Naruto Uzumaki. That was it.

"Whoever this Naruto person is, he must be either somebody important or dangerous to catch my brother's attention." Rias thought with her arms crossed her bosom, pronouncing them even more. Something bothered her about the unusual potential that Uzumaki possesses regarding Humans. "While it's true that Humans have potential to do anything, whether they possess a Sacred Gear or not, there's something about this Human that bothers me."

Out of all her Peerage, only she, Koneko and Akeno does not possess a Sacred Gear. But that does not mean either of them are weak and they can hold their own due to their own experiences and powers.

"Rias…" The crimson-haired girl was brought out of her thoughts and looked at a serious Issei, which surprised her a bit. "What should we do: continue the mission or investigate the strange powers over there?"


"Rias," Issei called her name again. "What should we do?"

The Gremory beauty sighed as she pondered about her next move, but something else bothered her. "That boy with the orange hair and his friends; they're not normal. They have incredible amount of power. I must report to Grayfia as soon as possible."

Issei and the others waited for their master's orders when they saw four shadows flew over them, causing them to look up to see nothing but the ocean blue sky.

-With Naruto and the Others-

"Man Yoruichi packs a punch just like Sakura did." Naruto complained inwardly as he utilizes a series of Shunshine on multiple buildings facing north and he was not alone. He didn't have to look behind to see Ichigo in his Shinigami form carrying Chad and Yoruichi who was carrying Orihime on her back. Which reminds him… "Man! Why do I have to carry your lazy ass?" He said to Uryuu whom are being carried by a clone.

That sentence brought angry tick marks on the clone's head. "Hey! You're not the one carrying them boss! I am!"

"You're technically me!"

Yoruichi sighed as she shook her head before speaking. "We don't know who we're facing or what they're capable of. Be on your guard and be ready for anything. Don't be reckless," She said while staring between Naruto and Ichigo who were whistling nonchalantly, "That means you two."

"Why I'm hurt by your allegation, Yoruichi!" Naruto looked over his shoulder with a feigned hurt expression, ignoring the woman's cry of "It's not an allegation." He then faced forward with a serious expression replacing the previous one when the park was within eye-sight distance. "Let's introduce our guests." The Shinobi said with the others nodding.

The super-powered warriors then blurred into the vast sky as if they were one with it-self.

-Yammy and Ulquiorra-Karakura Park-

Yammy yawned as he wiped his mouth as if he just finished a buffet. Except that buffet consisted of Human souls. Various clothes of men, women and children lay scattered across the grass field of the clearing. His head perked up when he felt strong signatures, "Ulquiorra…"

Ulquiorra didn't say a word or blink or flinch when five strangers appeared in a burst of speed on the opposite side of them with two of them looking familiar. "So those two must whom Lord Aizen described to us. The orange hair, the Shinigami robe and a large Zanpakuto on his back… he is one of our targets." He looked at Ichigo before shifting his gaze at Naruto, "Blonde hair, whisker-like markings on his cheeks and an abnormally strong Spiritual Pressure. It is confirmed that these two are indeed the ones we're looking for, Yammy."

"Apparently we're wanted targets, Ichigo." Naruto said calmly while observing the number of clothes laying around on the ground. That explains the sudden disappearances of the people in the park. He glanced at Ichigo who looked to be holding his anger in. "So how do you guys want to do it?" Everyone looked at the Shinobi who crossed his arms with his gaze upon their new enemies, "Obviously these guys are very strong and due to the conventional wisdom imparted to me from my training says we all should work together and overwhelm them…"

Uryuu chimed in, "But…"

Naruto looked at Ichigo's direction, specifically the person behind him. "Big guy." Chad looked at him when he heard the name Naruto usually refers him to, "I think Sumo here should be your opponent." Naruto said before drawing Tenkaichi from its scabbard and pointed the blade at Ulquiorra, "While Ichigo, Yoruichi and I deal with the other one."

"Uryuu! Stay with Orihime and guard her." Ichigo said after stretching his arms, drawing Zangetsu from his back and kept it in overhead motion. He looked at Naruto and Yoruichi with the latter preparing one of his ninjutsu. "Getsuga Ten-"


"Eh?" said a confused Naruto and Ichigo who tilted their heads. Surprisingly they actually listened. "Why?"

Yoruichi sighed as she walked behind the duo before hitting them in the heads, sending them to the ground. "Can't you figure it out? They're here not only for you two, but to also know your capabilities."

"What do you mean?" asked an irritated Ichigo, rubbing the bump on his head while voicing Naruto's reply as well. "We can take them on since Naruto and I are powerhouses."

"Don't forget that we're both power and offensive types of fighters." Naruto chimed in with a grin before processing what Yoruichi said. Then it dawned on him. "They're basically scouts."

Yoruichi nodded as Ichigo, Chad, Uryuu and Orihime looked at Naruto. "Scouts?" asked Orihime, standing behind Uryuu.

"Yeah," Naruto pouted, puffing his cheeks while sheathing Tenkaichi as he explained, "Most likely that dick Aizen wants to know how strong we really are. Not to mention what kind of powers and techniques we have."

"He's smart." Ulquiorra thought with his gaze never leaving the blonde. "Lord Aizen was correct in his statement about the Human's Spiritual Pressure." He nudged Yammy in the leg with his elbow, catching the latter's attention. "Attack them."

The larger man grinned smugly as he jumped from where he was standing and landed in front of Chad with a cocked arm ready for a punch while Naruto and the others jumped back to dodge the incoming attack. "Good bye, twerp!" The ground shook and debris shot up to the air from the force behind the attack. "Tch… that guy was weak." Yammy grumbled under breath.

"Is that so?"

Yammy's eyes widen when he heard that voice and he was even surprised when the dust cleared to show the one called Chad still standing… blocking his punch with his own. They were standing in a newly-created crater from the force of the attacks. But that's not the only thing that surprised him.

"What are those things?" He pulled back his arm as Chad did the same while the former observed the glowing strange lion head gauntlets covering his hands.

"It doesn't matter since I will use my powers and these gauntlets to protect my friends," Chad said as if it was obvious. He cocked his right fist as Yammy did the same. "Adios."

He sent a fast punch despite his size as Yammy released another attack, resulting in a shockwave and another tremor in the ground.

In the distance, everyone else was watching the battle between their friend and new enemy. However, the two powerhouses in the group are peeved at losing the chance to fight a strong opponent. Specifically Naruto. "Man! I wanted to fight that other guy, but Yoruichi had to be the party pooper here." He complained while ignoring the glare from the female Shinigami, "But this will benefit us in a number of ways."

"How?" asked Orihime who used her arms to protect her face from the accumulative dust kicked up by the repeated shockwaves and tremors of the battle.

Ichigo explained this time while his gaze never left the battle. "They are here to find out about our abilities, right?" A nod came from the orange-hair female, "Well that strategy is a two-way street. That means we can also learn about them and their abilities."

"Oh. Then what about the-"


Everyone stood in surprise and shock as Chad was sent flying towards them by a fierce punch from Yammy into the chest.

As the tall Human got closer, Naruto stepped into the trajectory of his 'supposed flight' and caught Chad with no effort, his body sliding back one feet on the ground. "Hey big guy! You good?" asked the Shinobi as he looked at his friend's face while placing him on the ground, only to see his eyes closed. "Damn, he lost consciousness." He placed his left hand on the spot where Yammy's fist made contact to his chest. "No broken ribs or bones. Just bruised organs."

"Let me heal him!" Orihime sat next to the kneeling Naruto, obviously concerned for her friend.

The blonde Jinchuriki nodded at the girl. "But not here, Orihime." Ignoring the confused look received from the beautiful healer, he looked at the passive Yoruichi, "Take them away from here. We can't have those guys witnessing Orihime's powers." Naruto said seriously with no room to argue.

The female Shinigami didn't like the idea but she understood the advantages they have over Aizen. Orihime's powers are unique since they can heal any wound as if it didn't exist at all. Also both Ichigo and Naruto haven't seen the man's Shikai so that gives them immunity of sorts and the only ones who can combat him without distractions.

Yoruichi reluctantly nodded before she walked over and hoisted Chad over her shoulder with no effort despite the man's size. She did the same with Orihime except the latter is under her left arm before using Flash Step to vanish.

"… Ichigo…" Naruto said as he took a deep breath before standing up and faced the smug grinning Yammy with Ichigo and Uryuu, "You better started kicking this guy's ass before I do."

With no hesitation and a grunt as his response, Ichigo pointed Zangetsu forward and shouted "BANKAI!"

-With the Elder-

"What an amazing power for a boy his age," mused the Elder before he took a bite of his food as he watched the interesting battle.

The wise elderly man sat on the roof of a building that was adjacent to the park and tall enough for a bird's eye view. After finding the source or sources of the massive Ki, he was surprised when he discovered the sources to be children who are as old as his granddaughter except for the dark-skinned woman who just left moments ago.

"The young man with the orange hair has promise and his eyes contain the desire to protect those close to him." Despite being far away, the man can see the battle like he was actually standing there due to his years of battle and experience as a martial artist. Hayato shifted his eagle eyes from the cloud surrounding the orange hair boy to the blonde boy, "The same goes for him except his eyes show something more than a teenager… more like a warrior who has fought countless battles and hardships." His gaze shifted to the last one wearing glasses and when they did, he knew something was wrong with him, "His Ki… it's unstable."

What kind of power did the young man use?

He took out a toast bread from the bag as the cloud dispersed and showed the boy still dressed in the black robe but with noticeable changes. "That was a transformation of some sort? I wonder how good his swordsmanship is." He gave a stoic expression when the boy cut off the larger man's right arm, causing the latter to cry out in surprise. "How disappointing." Hayato said as he finished the bread with one last bite before reaching in the bag, pulling out a lollipop. "He attacks his opponent with the intent to injure them for retaliation for hurting his friend."

The battle continued with the orange-haired boy dominating his opponent while the other two teenagers stood away as did the larger man's colleague.

As he was about finished his lollipop, Hayato's eyes widen when he felt a small tinge of a dark and twisted power emitting from one particular person in the park.

-Karakura Park-

Naruto couldn't understand of what just happened right now as he watched a trembling Ichigo on his knees. A few minutes ago, he was completely dominating Yammy with his Bankai. Then his attacks were getting sluggish and his defenses had openings unlike before. Now he looks like he was struggling with something as if something was trying to get out.

"Ichigo what's going on with you?" shouted Uryuu in concern and confusion.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as Kurama spoke telepathically, "Kid. That dark power is trying to break free like last time."

"I know. And it looks like that he's going for it."

And he was right.

Yammy smirked at the lack of defense of his Shinigami opponent displayed and proceeded to walked towards Ichigo for payback from the latter's previous attacks. When he got close to Ichigo who barely lifted his head while clutching the left side of his face, a smug- bearing Yammy lifted his left leg with the intent to break the boy's back. "Good luck fighting anyone being a vegetable. Hope you don't mind."

"But I do." Yammy's eyes widen in shock when Naruto appeared in front of him before the latter slammed a blue energy sphere that was in his right hand to his face. "Rasengan!" The larger man's head violently snapped backwards from the raw power of the attack as he skidded across the ground away from Naruto and the down Shinigami.

However Yammy didn't get too far when Ulquiorra stopped him with his foot. "Don't tell me you're finished Yammy." When he didn't get a response, the slim man looked down before he sighed, "Unbelievable."

His colleague lost consciousness… from one attack.

"Looks like your friend is out cold, bud." Naruto cracked his knuckles before forming another Rasengan, "Your turn." He didn't get a response but a snap of fingers and a black hole appearing behind Ulquiorra who was now dragging the unconscious Yammy behind him, "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" No response again. "Fine! We'll settle this for another time! And tell that douche Aizen this…"

Imagine his surprise when Ulquiorra paused just before the portal and looked over his shoulder to hear what he has to say.

"Tell him that we'll be ready for whatever he throws at us and that Ichigo and I will defeat him," Naruto declared with utmost seriousness as he released a small bit of his Chakra, cracking the ground near his feet.

The abnormally pale-skinned man stared into the blue eyes of the blonde Human and realizes that he has the power and strength to back it up. After a few moments, Ulquiorra turned around and entered into the black hole while dragging a drooling and slightly burned Yammy.

-With the Elder-

"I see… there is a great battle coming." Hayato said with his hands clapped together as he processed everything that just happened. "He's strong-willed and has the confidence to back up his resolve. Also that attack he displayed, was that a Ki attack?" He stood up to his full height, which made him as tall as the fence surrounding the rooftop. "Perhaps that boy wouldn't mind for some-. Huh? Where did they go?"

While he was musing to him-self, the three teenagers had already left the park to avoid any witnesses. Their Ki can't be sensed in any direction, meaning they have experience and experience means a challenge. A challenge means a worthy opponent and that got the blood boiling in the wise man.

"Hoho! They managed to give me the slip and suppressed their Ki without me noticing." Hayato commented with a grin as his eyes started to shine brightly. "Perhaps I should stay for a while."

With that, the elderly man jumped off the roof to the ground below amid a symphony of car horns, screeching tires and swearing.

-(Later-Evening)-With Rias' Peerage-

"Wow! This is your family's house, Rias?"

"One of them, Issei. Remember her family owns a lot of houses throughout Japan, so you shouldn't be too surprised."

Issei nodded at Kiba who was on his right side before looking at the house that would be their temporary home. It was a wide mansion with crimson-red color on the walls with two rows of windows, showing that it's a two-story building. Surrounding the house's front yard are layers of perfectly trimmed grass with flowers beds circling a fountain positioned in front of the house and in the middle of the driveway.

"I call the first room upstairs," said Koneko carrying a huge amount of luggage on back with no difficulty. She and everyone else walked forward and got inside of their new home.

After everyone chose their bedrooms and settled in, Rias had called a group meeting in the living room to discuss today's events. Mainly the two different power sources that appeared in the town's park. "Have you found anything, Kiba and Issei?" She sent the two males to scout the park for the two powers and she emphasized caution due to the tremendous strength of it.

Kiba and Issei was sitting next to each other in a couch along with the timid Asia. Koneko sat alone in chair, eating a chocolate-chip cookie while Rias also sat alone in a couch with her legs crossed like an elegant woman. Soon Akeno joined her by standing behind her after making and serving her signature tea to everyone.

The blonde young man was the one who spoke. "While we were on our way to the park, Issei and I sensed several power signatures. Then they suddenly disappeared. When we arrived, there wasn't anyone there including the strong power signatures."

"But the remaining traces left behind were strong. Faint but strong." Issei said as he subtly snaked his hand to Asia's back, only to be hit in the head by a cookie crumb. "Ow." Everyone looked from the unconscious Issei and tracked the trajectory back to a disgusted Koneko, causing them all to laugh and giggle.

"Rias…" Everyone stopped laughing and gave the little girl their attention sans Issei. "Earlier today at the school, when we arrived at our classroom, you mentioned our target's name." Rias nodded as did everyone else, "Four students reacted when they heard that name."

"Who were they?" asked Rias with a tinge of hope. If these students know Uzumaki, that will make things go smoother for her and her Peerage. "Do they have any unique physical characteristics?"

"Both of them have orange hair."


-Urahara's Shop-

Alone. That's all Ichigo wants right now after waking up from a apparently faint spell earlier. Instead the minute he woke up, everyone was already there, waiting for him to wake up and explain something.

"Spill it, Ichigo."

"What are you talking about?" replied Ichigo, feigning clueless.

Naruto scoffed, catching everyone's attention especially Ichigo's. "Don't play man." He spoke again when Ichigo opened his mouth, "I'm talking about the power that manifested back in Soul Society."

"What is he talking about, Ichigo?" asked a concerned and confused Orihime, healing a bandaged Chad who was sitting next to her and against the wall.

Ichigo sighed as he lowered his head for a few moments, pondering on what to do. He could say it's nothing and that he'll handle it or he could trust them with whatever's going on with him and work together to overcome it. "It's nothing." Ichigo lifted his head before standing up and left the room.

When they heard the door closed, they all turn attention to an annoyed Naruto leaning against the wall. "Okay, Naruto. No games and tell us what's going on with Ichigo? What is this power you spoke about?" Uryuu asked, demanding answers. Instead he got a retreating form of the blonde teenager heading to his room. "Hold on a minute!"

"Let him go, Uryuu." The glasses-wearing Quincy looked at the female Shinigami as Naruto left the room, obviously pissed if the crushed door is an indicator. "Why won't Naruto tell us? Or better yet, Ichigo?" Yoruichi was about to answer, but Orihime beat her to the punch.

"Doesn't he trust us?" Orihime commented, feeling a little hurt.

Yoruichi sighed as Chad placed his right hand on the girl's shoulders to comfort her, which it did, even for a moment. "Ichigo… has a power he doesn't understand him-self. He just needs time."

"As for Naruto…" Urahara cut in with his mouth behind his fan and a cheery tone, "He understands what Ichigo is going through, but he also knows it's not his place to tell his secret." He remembered when Naruto first arrived at his shop and received the key, the boy had told him about his status as a Jinchuriki and having a dark power inside of him.

A loud yawn soon drew his and everyone's attention to Orihime who sheepishly waved at them after yawning. After that everyone started yawning like it was a disease and spreading to everyone present. "Why don't you all sleep here for tonight? Considering after today's events, I'm pretty sure you'd feel better with us around," said Yoruichi as the teens agreed with nods of their heads. After the teens were escorted to the guest room by Tessai and the kids, she sat next to a sitting yet Urahara, meaning it's business now. "They've arrived sooner than you expected, Kisuke."

"*sigh* I knew that Aizen needed the Hogyoku for his plans to succeed. When Naruto instead retrieved the Hogyoku and brought it back, I knew that his plans would be delayed albeit slightly." He looked at his female childhood friend, "Are they strong?"

"Very." Yoruichi said grimly before a smirk appeared on his lips, "Nothing we can handle."

-Hueco Mundo-

In the land and home of the Hollows stood the tall tower that serves as the home base for Aizen, his Shinigami colleagues and his colleagues from the other faction. The Fallen Angel faction of the Bible. The unknown defected members are led by Kokabiel who believes that his overall leader, Azazel, was a fool to end the war against the Angels and the Devils.

Inside the tall tower is a large room that has a tall white throne and sitting on it was no other than Aizen him-self with the smug grin still plastered on his face.

"Kokabiel. What news do you bring for me?" Aizen said with such confidence as the black-winged man flew in the throne room before stopping in front of the Shinigami. "I trust that your soldiers found her?" He stated as more of a sentence than a question.

Kokabiel nodded with a sickening grin as he brought up his right palm and channeled his energy into it. As soon as he did it, a black circle with a raven symbol in the middle appeared and revealed a graphic map with a yellow beeping dot and a series of coordinates beside it. "She's somewhere near this area between the ocean and land." Near Karakura Town of all places. "But tell me: Why do you need this woman?"

"*sigh* Unfortunately I do not possess Kisuke Urahara's Hogyoku and that delays my plans to become the new ruler of the World of the Living and Soul Society. And her powers are key to restore my Hogyoku to its full strength." Kokabiel chuckled vehemently. "Something amuses you?"

"You heard the rumors about her, so you know that she won't come with us willingly. And her children…"

"Regardless." Aizen interjected before a thought came to mind, "I also heard a rumor of her beauty being unparalleled and attractive to capture one of her brother's attention." He chuckled evilly as the thought of the woman being only his is captivating, "I wouldn't mind a woman like her to be my bride. Even if she's under my control."

Suddenly a small Garganta opened in the middle of the throne room and out came Ulquiorra dragging an unconscious Yammy. "Lord Aizen. I bear a report regarding the two Humans including a message from one of them." Aizen gestured him to say the message.

What came next was a bellowing laugh… two laughs that echoed across the land of Hueco Mundo.

-(Three Days Later)-Soul Society-

At the Senkon Gate that connects between Soul Society and the World of the Living stood Ukitake and Hitsugaya as they wait for their guest to arrive. "Is he always late or is he an idiot?" asked the young captain obviously annoyed. He hates it when people who have the tendency to be late, especially his own Lieutenant.

"He's… unique in a way."

As he recalled the several days that passed, Ukitake couldn't help but wonder what scared the Shinigami members of Division 12. Later when he and the other Captains, including the recovered Hitsugaya, they were given very troubling reports by Kurotsuchi who was either too excited or maniacal to properly explain who their enemy is.

When Hitsugaya was about to ask another question, the light of gateway shined briefly before dimming down, revealing the blonde Shinobi in his dark blue pants with a orange T-shirt under a black leather jacket. "Hey! Captain Ukitake, how you've been?" He asked ecstatically with a stretched out hand after he walked up to the Shinigami who gladly shook it. After ending the hand-shake, that's when Naruto noticed the other Shinigami… shorter Shinigami. "Who's the shrimp?"

"'Shrimp'?" Histugaya repeated with a tick mark as Ukitake chuckled behind his hand. "I am not a shrimp! I'm Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya of the Gotei 13 and you will treat me as such."

"No I won't." Naruto chuckled upon seeing the shorter boy grumbling to him-self. "So I see you recovered well from your injuries." Hitsugaya stopped his grumbling enough to answer him 'yes'. "I heard the injured Lieutenant was your child-hood friend. How is she?"

Histugaya was surprised at the Human's question before his face expressed sorrow. "Lieutenant Hinamori was transferred from the ICU just yesterday, but she still needs to recover. Thank you for asking, Uzumaki."

"Not a problem. So what's up? You guys weren't clear when you sent your message yesterday." That's when Ukitake got serious with none of his usual calm demeanor, meaning this is big. "This is about those two guys who appeared in Karakura Town a few days."

"No doubt about it."

"How observant of you Kurama." Ashura said after managing to connect to the link, which surprised Naruto and Kurama.

"Ashura! How did you connect with the link?"

"You're my reincarnation, Naruto." Ashura deadpanned as if it was obvious, causing the Jinchuriki to sheepishly smile.

"Are you all right, Uzumaki?"

While Naruto was conversing with the two voices in his head, Ukitake and Hitsugaya watched the boy during those moments and they were curious of the boy's past expressions. After realizing they were watching him the whole time, Naruto cleared his throat and tried to divert attention away by pointing at the First Division Barracks.

"Shall we?" The two Shinigami looked at each other before nodding and the three males started walking towards the barracks, specifically Yamamoto's office. As they continue walking, Naruto asked the one question that bugged him since the two strange men in white arrived. "Do the two of you know who those two guys in white are?"

"We don't know who they are. But we know what they are," Ukitake commented with his bearing intact. When Naruto gestured his arm as if to indicate to keep going. "By your vague description of them and their Spiritual Pressures at the time, the men you and your friends encountered are Arrancars."

Raising an eyebrow, a confused yet piqued Naruto asked, "Arrancars? What do you know about them?"

"We know quite a bit about them, but the Head Captain said he wanted to personally tell you about them." Hitsugaya cut in, receiving a nod from the Human before the three of them slip into a comfortable silence until they reached the Head Captain's office. "It was good to meet you Uzumaki. We are fortunate to have you as an ally."

"It was good to meet you too, shrimp." Chuckling at the shorter Shinigami's brief outburst for being called shrimp, Naruto suddenly said, "Let's spar sometime. I hear you possess the most powerful ice-type Zanpakuto in Soul Society."

The young Shinigami was surprised by the Human's request for a spar. He'd be lying if he didn't say that he wanted to face against the person who fought the Head Captain. After a moment, Hitsugaya chuckled with a grin before saying, "Perhaps after we deal with Aizen, I will take you up on that. Until then, Naruto."

"Bye!" Naruto waved bye at the two retreating Shinigami Captains before facing the doors of Yamamoto's office. "Ohhh… What did I get my-self?"

"A war/A war."Both Kurama and Ashura commented at the same time.

The Jinchuriki whimpered softly to him-self before regaining his composure and opened the doors before he looked to his right and saw the elderly Yamamoto sitting at his desk. When the Shinigami saw Naruto, the latter took that as a sign and closed the doors.